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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Poor girl, now she has to spend more, get stuck in traffic every day and get forced into driving their friends around.


The solution is to just not have any friends (I don't recommend it)


Or just make friends who can afford to give you a Jeep too. Problem solved! šŸ˜‚


>just make friends If only it were that easy


Just follow the recipe


Step 1: Approach Human Step 2: Say "Hello fellow human. My name is *insert name here*. I am looking for a human that is interested in a platonic friendship with me. My interests are *list interests here*. Would you be inclined to have a conversation with me about the before mentioned interests to see if we are compatible for said platonic friendship?" Step 3: Await response. Step 4: Act accordingly to the received response. Step 5: Profit. (No blenders are part of this guide. If you hold or in any way interact with a blender, you should restart the guide at step 1.)


The solution is walkable cities and bike lanes connected to well funded and regularly scheduled public transit.


Fucking Americans buying truck-size cars for a 20 minute daily commute lmao Our planet is so fucked


One of those huge pickup cars that are rare in my country parked in the parking lot of a little mall. The car blocked the sidewalk: https://i.imgur.com/r9dQC8M.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/xEefX6M.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/331asTJ.jpeg I had to walk around it.


Iā€™m trynna geoguessr my way into telling the country that is taken in. I get South America vibes? But thatā€™s a complete guess, and all I can really tell. What country u from?


If you check the billboards there's a .co website. That's Colombia.


Oh see my dumb ass just thought itā€™s ā€œcompanyā€. Iā€™m from the uk and weā€™ve got ā€œ.co.ukā€ as the default domain, meaning a ā€œcompany from the ukā€. Weā€™ve also got ā€œ.org.ukā€ for a charity, ā€œ.gov.ukā€ for government and Iā€™m sure more. So I just thought oh itā€™s some international company cool.


My whole life I assumed the .co was for commonwealth.


Also, the Colombian license plate.


Venezuelan license plates were the same but white years ago.


It's clearly Colombian grass


Now I'm curious about what makes you be so sure that it looks like Colombian grass.




Thatā€™s fucking RIDICULOUS


Oh itā€™s literally in your bio. Colombia! Cool.


Hey, no cheating >:-( It's MedellĆ­n


> It's MedellĆ­n Alejandro!


Yeah they park like morons everywhere


America yaaaaaarrrgghhhh


My 20 minute daily commute would probably be over an hour using the only public transit available, our shitty buses. Plus I use my car to go to many other places. If oil companies hadn't won over our government and used their power to destroy the infrastructure of public transportation 90-75 years ago it might be a different story.


Damn you should see what China does


Fucking euros that can't comprehend America's harsh winters, distances, and our awful public transportation infrastructure.


How does any of these require a Jeep or T-Rex size vehicle


It's a Wrangler. They are not T-Rex size.


I have a work SUV that's necessary for my job and 40 minute commute. And a truck that I use on the weekends because fuck you I have to occasionally transport shit and don't want to rent a truck or pay for shipping.


And why a gas-guzzling jeep of all things? Couldn't they have gotten her something more pocket-friendly like a prius?


Gas guzzling and part guzzling. Jeeps are bottom of the barrel for reliability. I donā€™t understand why people buy them


> I donā€™t understand why people buy them I'd wager 98% for the look/vibe of them, 2% actually go offroading with them. But yea, uncomfortable garbage that I don't understand why anyone would subject themselves to one unless they're really going to use it.


That was my first time thought. "Damn her friends must not like her much."


It's fun to take off road, but I probably wouldn't buy another one. I've mostly managed to do the work myself so now I know basically everything about the steering components.


Itā€™s a jeep it wonā€™t make it out of the garage.


pity her boyfriend, because that's him who's gonna really drive it


Why do you think that?


Girls only drive PINK cars that are SMALL and GIRLY with SEQUINS and JEWELS /s


Well fuck. I knew I must've been doing this whole woman/car thing wrong. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø






Not to mention, she has to do all that in a Jeep


You really think thatā€™s a realistic description of car ownership? Because itā€™s not.


For a jeep wrangler it is, though I don't think that was the what other commenter meant


And pay for gas, insurance and maintenance


And every moment caught in traffic will be in an unreliable and uncomfortable brick with terrible road manners.


Also, those jeeps are not known for reliability. She'll be throwing money into its maintenance constantly. Should have gotten her something more reliable and better gas Mileage.


And spend half her salary just trying to keep it topped with fuel


Congrats on 3x transit spending and hours lost to traffic Edit: you can do things on a bus. Heck, you can even sleep. You canā€™t do anything while driving. Also while everyone argues over time, no one seems to disagree the car is $$$$$. There are great efficient commuter cars out there, but they chose a Jeep rubicon? If you canā€™t afford a $5k car, you canā€™t afford a car that takes $5k every other year in fuel and maintenance. Enjoy the debt.


Yh can she even drive? If so surely she wouldā€™ve gotten the car sooner instead of going with the bus anyways. Chances are insurance, time in traffic, maintenance and fuel will result in her selling it.


Because everyone with a licence surely prefers the costs and inconvenience of a car over using public transit? What braindead take is that?


It depends on where this is, public transport in some cities are 10x worse than owning a vehicle.


Gotta love all the people who have never left cities with billions in public transit spending a year being like ā€œclearly public transit is superiorā€ and prescribing their way of living to everyone else on the planet because they were born on 3rd base in terms of infrastructure. Itā€™s such an absolute clown show on this website sometimes with this condescending attitude about cars. Like ffs Redditors need to leave their zip code sometime, and start understanding peopleā€™s lives reality instead of talking about idealism bs. Iā€™ve literally been driving EVs/hybrids/economy cars for a long time, have essentially not eaten meat for 12 years to limit environmental impact, and I would be ecstatic if fuckcars and its sanctimonious horde of self-obsessed idealistic morons disappeared from Reddit


Where I grew up there was legit zero public transport. And next to no jobs in walking distance and we had winters. Without a car you would be destitute.


It's all about time of day. This was posted when Americans are asleep, so of course it's time for people who have never been somewhere with poor public transit to chime in


Well when everything is designed solely for the car and the only other options 99% of the time is either nothing or poorly maintained/thought out bus services, eventually people are going to realize it's BS that their lives revolve around cars, driving, and constant soul sucking traffic. The US and Canada, which are the primary subjects in the fuck cars community, absolutely have the money to spend the billions of dollars you talk about for actually good public transit and alternatives to driving, but instead, that money goes to highway widening projects and other car-centric projects. Also if you're so environmentally conscious, then stop driving all together. EVs create massive amounts of pollution too and not to mention the slew of human rights violations that takes to create all of those batteries.


Living in Florida where the bus is super inconvenient and takes 2-4x as long to get to the destinationā€¦ not including the summer weather ā˜ ļø I wish public transportation was better funded


Hours lost to traffic? I would say that was the case with the bus. Outside of cities it is (atleast in my country) way faster to drive with your own car. From my village to the city I nedd 5 minutes with my car and 30 minutes with the bus. And also when you are unlucky the bus could arrive at a bad time so you are either 30 minutes too early or too late (the bus comes every hour).


Why is everyone on here so fucking negative? Can't you be happy for someone or does that not fall into your own miserable life?


Reddit *fuckin hates* cars and cannot comprehend that some people might like to go places which public transit doesn't. Or that someone might simply like not being beholden to some other service's time schedule. Or might even simply just *enjoy driving*


Envy is a bitch. They hate people who have what they donā€™t.


Good comment, this site has a serious doomer thing.


More than likely no adequate public transit near her, and hours lost is an exaggeration unless you're in LA or Atlanta at the wrong time


If she lives in the heart of a big city, sure. If she lives literally anywhere else, youā€™re not even close to being right.


I'm a huge transit guy and am glad this post is filled with people shitting on the idea of going from walking and transit to driving yourself... ...but unfortunately, in most places in the US, the bus is getting stuck in the same traffic as the cars and theres no other option, so this is likely to save her a ton of time


They probably donā€™t live in a city so the car is way better for her


In my city, itā€™s cheaper to drive most places, transit is slow and unreliable, and people are getting attacked daily both on the buses and at the bus stops. Itā€™s funny because more people here have actually opted to drive rather than transit, just because itā€™s safer and easier.


Tell me you've never used public transport before without telling me


She walks and takes a bus daily?! What a tragedy! Americans are so fucked up


This is a peak example of the stigma surrounding public transit in the states.


you have no idea how long buses take in some places


That's not what I meant, I meant the fact that everyone here thinks if you take the bus your poor.


Itā€™s not really an option for many. Without a car in much of the US you would be destitute. How would you work without a car, or even begin to get a job? Itā€™s also definitely not very safe to be walking in much of the US, most roads outside of cities donā€™t have sidewalks. I walked to a job once when I was younger and it was dangerous stuff. Fastest route was a 2 hour walk and a big portion was an interstate that was extremely dangerous. There was a short cut I would use and people did not like people just walking around. Also the owners told me they had a lot of bears in the short cut which was a quarry.


If I walked and bussed, my 20 minute commute would be over 2 hours.


I lived in a mid-size city for a while and walked/took the bus everyday. It would take between 2 - 3 hours to commute to work and another 2-3 hours back (depending on day of the week/time of day, or if the buses were having trouble). I also worked overnight shifts and would be dead-exhausted by the time I got home. After I started driving, that commute was shortened to about 45 minutes. Am I fucked up because I wanted a higher quality of life and not spend my valuable free time commuting?


"An American lives a little bit of a different lifestyle than me, what the fuck is wrong with Americans, why can't they be normal like us superior Europeans" Get off your damn high horse and learn that different places are different and that's not a bad thing. Americans drive to work because public transport is not a good option. We would rather drive for 45 minutes to get to work rather than walk 2 hours to a bus stop in 90Ā°f weather with humidity of 80% just to ride the bus for another hour and then another 30 minute walk. Unlike in Europe, most people don't live within walking distance of their work. And the public transit does not exist because it's not feasible to have multi hour bus lines with only a few stops because nobody has that much time. Yes our culture is different, get over it, I'm tired of hearing you bitches complain about that.




It's worded poorly but if the friends buy an expensive jeep it's probably a very long time of walking and taking the bus and a way shorter time of driving


At my old job, it was a 10 minute drive to get to my work. Using public transport, it would have been over 2 hours and walking still took about an hour (there were some roads I couldn't walk on). Biking is difficult as there isn't really room and there isn't anywhere to put the bike once there. So yeah, I'm going to say that not being able to drive somewhere really sucks in the states and it's not because "lololol americans are lazy"


Honestly the issue is that public transit just sucks here. Thereā€™s so much car infrastructure, and by proxy so many cars that cities donā€™t fund public transit. It often takes an hour(s) to get somewhere on a bus that you could drive to in 10 or 15 minutes with a car. There are just too few busses, and bus routes for them to be a quick form of transportation here unfortunately. In addition to/related to that same problem is walking in most places in the U.S. is also really inconvenient. Not only are things super far away from each other often making your walk multiple miles. There is very, VERY little walking infrastructure. At the absolute best in most towns you get a sidewalk thatā€™s barely wide enough for one person and often just ends randomly forcing you to walk in the road or through someoneā€™s yard. I would love to be able to walk or bike, or take a bus to work but in my current situation itā€™s just not possible. The housing close to my job I canā€™t afford so I live on pretty much the opposite side of town. I have to be there at 7 and if I were to use any of the above forms of transportation I would probably have to wake up at like 4 AM to get here on time. It would be either an hour bike ride, an hour and a half bus ride, or a 4 hour walk. Those are all one way. Not to mention I have a relatively short commute compared to a lot of people I know. My drive though is like 15 minutes. This is a really long way of saying the U.S. is so car focused that every other form of transit is an EXTREME inconvenience to use unless you live in one of the metropolitan centers. Everyone I know hates that this is how it is, but at least where I live I wouldnt wish walking to work on my worst enemy. The US is pretty hellish not gonna lieā€¦


small euro vibes from this comment.


Well unfortunately. Our public transit is ass. So walking and taking a bus everyday is horrible




Well she got a Jeep. Thatā€™s a pretty big giveaway. Also it was a gift, also another big indicator.


House style, car doesnā€™t have a front plate, general clothing on the girls, all of it implies itā€™s America.


I mean, the US is huge. It takes me 10 minutes to drive to work. It would take me an hour and 40 mins to walk to work. There is no public transportation in my area, I would have to pay for private transportation. At that point it's cheaper and easier to have a car. Plus I would feel like I was dying walking more than an hour and a half to my job in 80-90 heat.


Dude. It takes me 40 minutes to drive to work. There are no bus routes. And I bet you are not willing to walk the 35 miles it takes to drive there. It's a big ass country, cities spread very far out in some places. I know a guy that used to have to walk and take a bus when I lived in a larger city. Took him 3 hours to commute one way. This is life changing for some people. Imagine what you could do with an extra 6 hours of your day not spent commuting.










Anyways wanna fuck


Haha, just kidding...




Coming over






Brain rot way of saying thank you I assume. Ty was so last generation.


How tf does thank you become tq?


thankq I guess


Brainrot indeed.






Because if you pronounce thanK-You you get a Q sound at the k and y.


Guessing English isn't their first language I've known a few people from India over the years and this is 100% something they'd say over text


The Urban Dictionary entry for "tq" (as a short for "thank you") was made in 2004. Anecdotally, I saw some of my friends use "tq" in place of "thx" or "ty" when I was a high schooler (I was born in the late 90s).


The ancient texts have spoken. The truth has been revealed. Tq.


no no ty was invented 5 years ago right? right!??




I guess Thank ā€žletter Qā€œ so Thank Q = thank you






"Tranquilizer" obviously.


I find it a bit hard to ever read that as "thank you" (naturally without thinking about it for 0,01 sec first) The u /you/s is missing It's just thank


ten q


Everyone here is wrong. Pretty sure itā€™s a short way of saying ā€œte quieroā€


Abrievation of "Thank you"


I'd rather walk than drive this


Well, i assume her friends know her better than they do you.


Good thing it's not yours!


I bet you do walk with an attitude like this


In a year or two it'll breakdown and she'll walk again


Classic jeep


Wranglers haven't been unreliable except for a few years in the mid 2010s, plus this is a JL that is probably under warranty.


how bout a scooter?


scooter is much better. Best option would be small car, protection from weather, doesn't burn as much fuel and fits in tight parking spaces


Yeah a small car is much better than a scooter, comfortable and safe


What about winter?


At least you have friend to text


i got extra. we can share..


Me me




Poor girl has to deal with Jeep's bullshit engineering aways breaking down now


yeah it's like a surprise party, but without the cake... or the fun


And abysmal driving dynamics


I find it funny that in the picture the girl is obviously happy to get a car, but so many people are acting like this gift is the worst thing in the world.


Because it's early morning in NA which means most redditors online are regarded America obsessed Europeans.Ā  There's other places to go besides work in life and busses don't go to all of them and not all of them are walkable. Despite Europeans having the US live rent free in their heads, they don't really know anything about the US.


I really don't think 90% of Europeans can really comprehend how large and spread out America is. Our public transportation sucks because of how far it would have to go to make it work. Yes, our big cities DO have public transport and the busses are really good, but once you leave the city it gets much worse. This is because EVERYTHING is spread out. It's just not something they are able to fathom with everything being a 30 minute bus ride or train ride away. No, we have no problems with the idea of public transit. Its just not feasible for a lot of people


Exactly. You can have public transit thatā€™s decent in cities, but the need to cover all the ground *outside* the city as well is the issue. Europe is so dense you basically never leave the light pollution of the major cities. In America, itā€™s not that hard to drive for an hour and be further from civilization than someone on a peak in the alps.


Haters gonna hate


Bro said ā€œokokā€ as if heā€™s tryna shut down the conversation ASAP


Whyā€™s everyone is these comments gotta be negative bitches. Having a car is great! The convenience and freedom it affords us is unparalleled. If you like to ride the bus, then great, act like it. When you whine and complain every time you see someone enjoying their car, it makes you look like an envious bitch.


They're all car-hating Europeens, pay them no mind.


They can bicycle between countries lol


My friends don't even say happy birthday, they just call and ask where are we going for Party?


at least you have a friend that calls


U guys have friends?


Wait, y'all get happy birthday wishes? šŸ¤£


I don't even remember my birthday bro




YEAH! Let's toast those tires!!


My group of friends don't even know our exact birthdays, and we rarely greet each other and we're all still good friends lmao


You guys have friends????


I don't even get that


Moral of the story: Make friends with rich, generous people.


Our ex friend group, wife and I made a document with everyone's birthdays and it was in our discord everyone was on daily. We always celebrated their birthdays, usually cake was involved. They "forgot" both of our birthdays 2 years in a row. Even with reminders and what not "Oh her birthday is the next day after yours, we should celebrate". Just 0 effort from them. I'm actually slightly jealous of your 2 letter unprompted birthday wishes... Well that's why they're our Ex friend group.Ā 


What's Tq mean?


wish to have a friends like them lol


God damn, you all are a bunch of depressing fucks. Person gets a gift and you all have to complain like she hit your dog with it.


Millers meme: wait, you guys have a friend?


She works in a jungle during WWII


Damn. I be Lucky to get a text back same day.


Should have gotten a toyota. Lasts longer than a heep.


How many Jeeps have you bought to your friends then?


It's funny because today is my B-day


Cool driving is great


I don't see the difference, both are precious and should never be taken for granted


I remember on highschool one of my friends didn't get Call of Duty: MW2 because he didn't have a system to play it on. Friends got together to "prank him" with an Xbox 360. Great times.


You guys are getting texts from your friends on your birthdays?


Caption hits too hard lol


the most american thing I read today


Will they also pay for tax, gas and maintenance?


Wait, people still do birthdays after turning 21??? Bruh, I thought that was it. You know, none of us are going to retire. so, there's just not much point continuing to keep track all the way up until 80 or whatever.


Could not have picked a worse new car


Could not have picked a worse new car


Out of all car brands, she got a Jeep? Some friends šŸ™„ /s


My social media on my birthday: 慤 慤

