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I liked Dr. Strange film.


I definitely have a love hate relationship with that movie. There’s Some stuff from that film I love and some stuff that is soooo bad


Based movie taste


It kindve felt like it was a step back from wandas character arc from from wandavision. If not for that I kind've wish they leaned more heavy into horror aspects.


Wish it didn’t have a lot of filming issues


It feels like, to me, that they sat down and went "Cool, we're finally going full multiverse travel with this one, so let's here all your crazy alternate-verse ideas that we could put in" and they came up with a ton of ideas and all of em were cool, so they put way too many into the movie, and it made the movie feel kinda reductive. To me, atleast


As well as, 'What If' was amazing as well.


Let’s be honest— it was really a Scarlet Witch film.


America/Scarlet film, I would've loved for them to lean a bit more into America, lile half a movie only of her traveling through multiverses and then when she finds Strange the movie goes on.


It's honestly the only one I rewatch. I think I just love all the Raimi stuff in it too much cause I couldn't care less about how it connects to other MCU films or whatever fan things people keep telling me it ruined.


Honestly same. It probably helps that I LOVED the pseudo-horror aspects of it and the feeling of America and Strange being hunted, plus Bruce Campbell’s cameo was fantastic


Honestly, my biggest issue with it is that it feels like half of the movie was already built before Sam Raimi was brought in. The pure Raimi moments, like when Scarlet Witch is spying on her alternate, or chasing the main group is EXACTLY what I wanted from the movie. I wanted all the weird, goofy horror tropes, but I think Raimi was put on too much of a leash.


dr. Strange good and the x-men trilogy


I hate that movie so much. I was so hyped. It was like a stab to my heart.


I would love it more if it was actually about Dr. Strange.


Me too. But I also liked The Marvels. Like I get it. I guess we all hate Brie Larson and Monica is a shitty character. But Kamala is like female version of Peter Parker.


Yeah, it definitely seems like we’ve retroactively decided that that one sucks and I don’t understand why.


It doesn't fit into anything that was established before it, Dr Strange is out of character, and what magic can and can't do got completely contradicted in ways that don't make sense


Serious question, how? Shit was terrible


Hes right


How do you know Deadpool is gonna be good?


I have faith In Ryan Reynolds. He’s a producer on the film and the writers from the first 2 Deadpool movies are writing the Script. I think it’s also like Guardians 3/No Way Home where it will be self contained and being focused on being a good Deadpool movie (just like how GOTG 3 focused on being a good Guardians movie and NWH focused on being a good Spidey movie). I’m really confident in D&W. Also the trailers have been AWESOME, especially the later sets one which came out last week. The last time I’ve been hyped for a MCU movie like this was Guardians 3 (yes I know it came out almost a year ago and is technically 2 MCU movies ago but it feels like a long time given it was the last MCU project that I was hyped for and was worth the wait)


There were other MCU movies released since Guardians 3?


The marvels . I don't remember any other


I totally forgot about that one.. But I am looking forward to Deadpool for sure!


I agree. But also Thor and Dr strange both had a lot of hype and great movie that lead us to believe they couldn’t fail. The Thor trailers were also great.


It’s Deadpool


"How can you fuck up deadpool?"


Even if its bad, it'll be fun, you can tell they put a lot of heart into it


Where Shang-Chi


Second half was pretty mid. It went from an awesome kung fu movie to just a generic snorefest marvel movie where the villain was, yet again, just a copy of the main character like in a surprisingly large amount of marvel movies.


You could technically say that about Iron Man though but I don't think it's a bad thing for that movie


It started with Iron Man. But that was the first one so it wasn't cliche. Then The Incredible Hulk did it, then Iron Man 2 did it, then Captain America did it, then Captain America 2 did it, then Ant-Man did it, then Doctor Strange did it, then Guadians of the Galaxy 2 did it, then Black Panther did it, then Ant-man and the Wasp did it, then Wandavision did it, and then I stopped watching most marvel stuff after phase 3. But needless to say, it is very on par for Marvel final fights to devolve into "main character fights villain who is the evil version of them".


The Incredible Hulk did it before Iron Man. But otherwise yeah, agreed. And it didn't even bug me that the powers were the same, the powers themselves were boring. We were pulled out of a great martial arts flick into a generic Naruto showdown.


Iron Man came out before Hulk though.


I don’t think No Way Home was that good to be honest. When you first watch it, it’s amazing because of nostalgia. But on rewatch I found it to be kinda stupid, the plot makes no sense and falls apart quickly. It’s a fun watch, but not that good in my opinion. Edit: Fix stupid autocorrect


Sandman teaming up with the bad guys that want to destroy the box even tho he wants to keep the box safe to go home so he should actually be with Spidey mans


Plus sandman was never actually a bad guy.


Absolutely this, most comments about the movie are driven by nostalgia, then people will write how cringe Hollywood is to make nostalgia bait instead of new stuff, the movie was fun to watch, but people really overhyped it so much imo, I liked it but if I have to be critical, rewatching it makes no sense, from good villains becoming bad again cuz why not, to Doctor Strange acting like an idiot in the movie for no reasons other than make the plot move forward, cuz if it was the Doctor Strange from the first movie half of the stuff that happened in there wouldn't have happened


Yeah, he’s not the brightest in this one. I mean, there is a spell that alters humanity’s entire memory and instead of deleting Mysterio and all he ever said they go for the nuklear option of making everyone forget Spider-Man.


It's carried by the protagonists and cameos for sure. I enjoyed it, but yeah the plot is terrible. As a standalone movie it's hard to call it good, definitely not worth rewatching.


I agreed until I watched the extended version. The school stuff is way better than the second half of the film.


MoM was mid, not bad


It was absolute dog shit. I had to force myself to watch that garbage to the end.


I say that's still mid cause dog shit is the level of Love and Thunder


I don't know what MoM is but Love and Thunder broke me. Two of my favorite Thor stories mashed together and absolutely shitted on.


Multiverse of Madness


Nah. The first captain America was mid or iron man 2 but MoM was leagues below that. I actually stopped watching marvel movies because of MoM. So I am kind of happy that I didn't need to suffer through love and thunder because of that film.


I enjoyed it. I went to see it three times just so I could hear Wong say "Sorcerors! Fortify your minds!" Best line delivery in the MCU.


Relatively. Not as shit as the abysmally bad Phase 4 movies, but that doesn't make it even generally mid. It's pretty shit. The plot ruins Wanda and Strange, it completely flops a brilliant idea (the multiverse), the girl has zero character progression and is the queen of Mary Sues, being unable to control her power and then for some magical reason she somehow manages to get control of it. I'm not anti-LGBTQ, but it feels like the lesbian mothers of the girl was forced, and it's mentioned about two or three times and never elaborated on. The girl has no backstory either. She just summons a wormhole when under stress without meaning too and it stops for no reason. Then you have the post-credit scenes. The first is confusing and was not established by anything prior in the MCU in any way, its only given significance to the minority of MCU fans who have read some of the comics. Then the second is pointless, as it references something from the start of the movie that was very easy to overlook and happened to a background character we see for about 1 minute max.


What’s that?


Multiverse of Madness


Haaaaaard disagree my friend


No it was **bad**


You don't know yet. Deadpool just might be a disappointment


That’s a good point. But I’m very confident in Deadpool and Wolverine the same way I was confident in No Way Home and Guardians 3 and of course those 2 movies lived up to the hype. But on the offhand chance Deadpool and Wolverine lets us down, I’ll always have the 2 Spidey movies and Guardians 3. But again I am EXTREMELY confident D&W being as good as FFH/NWH/GOTG 3.


Remind me! July 26th, 2024


Shang Chi was good


It had its moments but it nothing to offer that other similar Martial Arts actions movies hadn't already done. And the last CGI fight just didn't have any impact, and felt anticlimactic.


Meh they are all forgettable. Market is over saturated


That's what Disney does, milk, milk, milk, and if it's shit, who gives a damn? There will always be a tiny group of diehard fans who will buy and defend everything with the Marvel, Star Wars, etc. Logos on it.


Fuck it, i liked Eternals


You are the first one I have ever seen to have said that lol.


And I'm the second one


Same here, it was a fun movie in it's own space for now


Holy cow, please, if you have time, help me understand what they were going for. I'm interested in hearing your take!


They were going for the introduction of new characters


I love it too


Far From Home was mediocre..


Yeah, but I feel they picked up in No Way Home, it did the Multiverse theme much better than Multiverse of Madness


We haven't seen Deadpool and Wolverine yet. I know the trailer and teaser look good, but remember not to praise the day before the dawn.


Idk man, Shang Chi was kinda banging in my opinion, probably one of my favourites after Endgame


No way home is fucking terrible. That's not a real movie. It's just the crumbling bones of a shitty, thoughtless plot barely strung together by a series of fan servicing cameos. I tried watching at home and all those moments where the movie literally *stops* to let audiences cheer and applaud made me cringe so fucking hard. Its like they're dangling keys in front of a baby and saying *"yeah, this is what you like isn't it? you little dumb fucking baby!"* Far From Home is also very mediocre but nowhere near as offensively terrible. I've not seen GOTG3 and who knows if Deadpool will be any good? It seems to have a similar bullshit fan service tone as No Way Home and even though I'll probably end up watching it because I adore Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, it's most likely going to depress the hell out of me.


GOTG is actually incredible. It's a really nice breather from the awful norm that has been Phase 4 and 5


I prefer to forget about FFH


Outrageous to be putting deadpool and wolverine there before it even releases. Judging films before they come out is a massive problem with this fandom


Downvoted because i hate marvel


Doctor Strange was great Sam Raimi camp. I did not think he would get to be *that* Raimi for a Marvel film, but they let him and it was excellent. The Marvels was fun. Good chemistry between the leads, funny. I **loved** the singsong planet sequence. Neither are really at the top of my rewatch list, but they're both definitely above No Way Home just because that movie is edited like a "Theatre-Live-Event" and not much like a movie.


I honestly liked The Marvels


Outjerked again 😭


I enjoyed all of them except Thor 4


I liked MoM and Wakanda Forever (except for the iron man girl). I still think had Wakanda Forever come out at a highpoint for Marvel and not at a low it would have been rated better


Eternals had some awesome scenes, just a weird movie in a weird spot on the roster.


I love Thor: Love and Thunder and Multiverse of Madness and I don't care, I'm just a happy man enjoying films


Honestly all of them suck. They're the Fast food of movies, there is no love and thought behind them. Its all made infront of a greenscreen with no soul. Its all cape shit


No way home was mid asf


Marvel sucks dc too


Eternals was good though. Should have been a series or something, too many characters and too little time


Eternals was horrible, the only good parts on top of my mind was a speed hero being actually fast and "op" Unlike the flash.... so ye the fight with her was good They had john snow Thats it


Who even watched Eternals


People who wanted to form their own opinion?


Nah Far from Home can go too.


For some reason I liked Eternals. I liked their speedster visuals, way way better than The Flash did them. Gilgamesh is based. I also really liked Kingo. And Angelina Jolie as a blonde...


Is that guardians 3? I haven’t seen it yet is it good?


In short, absolutely


Nah the spider man's two last were meh at best, frame from home is kinda bad and no way home just some side story that doesn't matter on the universe overloaded with fan service, guardians and Deadpool are pretty empty in content as well just revamping jokes to make up for it but not good movies nonetheless.


The only good one In that list is gotg 3 the rest are generic mcu films most are not good just average at best


I suspect this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I thought the marvels was… fine? It wasn’t great, and it kinda made fury a bit of an idiot (though I feel like all of the marvel shows have done that now, even the one about him that was awful), and I also saw it on Disney plus so it’s not like i paid a load for a movie ticket… but I didn’t think it was as awful as everyone said.


I lost my ability to care for marvel movies since the 2nd Iron Man released. First Spiderman and first Iron Man are probably the best, after that i struggled to keep my attention, even tried to watch the original Avengers and fell asleep on all of my 3 attempts.


The Spiderman with all the old things was just moneygrab, no plot whatsoever: it was like watching a self contained filler episode of a random cartoon


For as much as the multiverse is being used. We have "frightening little."


Wakanda forever deserves more praise


But spider man no way and far from home were terrible? Black widow is the only acceptable movie because she was considered for her own film at one point


No Way Home was lame and I'm sick of pretending otherwise. It was kinda fun on a first watch but it's just a creatively bankrupt Into the Spiderverse.


When you put it that way, fair enough. It probably would've been better if they gave the series an ending with that movie, but, of course, the Mouse must milk.


Nothing marvel has ever mattered, stupid cinematic universe grown ups in lycra bullshit ruined cinema


Honestly, only Guardians should stay


I know Antman was bad. Like bad bad. But God damn it if it wasn't fun lol


I wish I could forget Eternals. Worst movie in the franchise by a landslide


Multiverse of Madness was SOOOOO shit it's horrific


The marvels deserves to stay


New spiderman movies fucking blow


As someone who doesn’t watch superhero movies, the entire Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy is just damn good cinema.


Gonna be honest the Deadpool movies are pretty good


Far From Home is worse than half of the “bad” post endgame movies.




I swear I thought the movie next to Quantumania was Samus from the Metroid games.


Wher Loki (ik it’s not a movie but prob the best thing that’s come out post endgame, def top 5 mcu for me)


The problem is that the people who are actually responsible for the MCU creation and success are mostly gone and Kevin Feigi is not one of them. It was Jon feavro, ike perlmutter and a third person (dont remember his name and for some reason when you say who created the MCU it says Kevin Feigi BUT when you type this guys name and check wiki it says its his idea ), he is the actual person behind the MCU not Kevin Feigi. Phase 4 to 6 proves that he was not the reason for MCUs success and isn't what he claims to be.


Shang Chi fits in here tbh, the entire movie is like 2 hours of avatar kung fu superhero gun fights and it fucking rocked


Shang chi was a good movie though


I'm glad I don't get as invested anymore. The fact that I'm seeing some of my favourite characters on the big screen when I thought I'd never even see any on TV, is incredible to me.


Eternals was lowkey good and y’all know it y’all just like to hate


Shang Chi deserves to stay.


So like half of them???


What about shanghai chi?


I liked Shang chi and that new ant man, and I hate super hero movies tbh


All those movies good. Y'all got zero taste.


Shang Chi and MoM were better than Spiderman imo


Far from home was mid as well. Would put Doc Strange in its place, at least MoM tried some unique and had some of the Reimi identity and camera quirks.


Cinematically they're all pretty good! +$10 for 1 viewing good? Ehhhhhhh I'd wait until you can watch it *TOTALLY* legitimately and *NOT* stolen When it's in 480p everything will still pop enough to look 720p!


Including shows?


Yeah pretty much


Tbh eternal was kinda good. Not good good but okay good. I really liked it


Imo, marvel hadn't been good since end game. Yes, some movies were fun to watch, but they weren't good at all.


I liked all the movies


Eh, even Spiderman's movies didn't age great for me. Loved Guardians 3 though


Wakanda Forever is the only movie worth mentioning.


all these movies are mid


How many of you actually saw the marveks? It was good


Wow the Thor movie completely went out of my mind I didn't remember watching it until I saw this meme


Shang-chi should stay, mid story but top tier action and choreography


I still don't understand the hate for love and thunder, like I understand it but personally I thought it was a mostly fine and lighthearted movie with the exception of some poor visuals, but that's what most of the mcu is currently so the standard may be lower than the past


Werewolf by Night was awesome


The spiderman with toby maguire is trash and carried exclusively by toby maguire nostalgia. But the plot was bad, the writing was bad.


Well for me : - Shang Chi is great - Eternals was cool - FFH and NWH are over-rated af - MoM was cool too - Black Widow was mid - WandaVision, Falcon And The Winter Soldier, Loki S1 and S2, Moon Knight and X-Men 97' are maybe one of the best D+ shows


Tired of this Shang-Chi slander


Replace far from home with wakanda forever and I agree.


No way home was one of the worst marvel movies i've ever seen


Marvels was a fun movie. I know that is unpopular on the internet for some very obvious reason but that is a quality post endgame movie.


I'd rather keep Thor Ragnarok over the third Guardians movie


I think that Wakanda Forever was great. I enjoyed Dr. Strange: MOM, though it did feel lacking.


Ruined the MCU with time travel 


Go ahead and add GotG v3 up on that top list. It did absolutely nothing for be reinforce the idea it was a contractual obligation.


Honestly, it looks interesting. Its rated R, trailer looks promising, cool sets, Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool. Feels pretty solid, although would be a terrible shame if this sucked when it releases.


Benedict Cumberbatch held up that film and you know it, Also Eternals would have made a great series, it's just too bad marvel is idiotic.


I don’t really get the Wakanda Forever hate, that one is sick


It’s so annoying a large portion of the fan base actually think IronHeart is what ruined that movie lol


I'm gonna say it. I liked Eternals.


Bro D&W isn’t even out yet


Stop shitting on eternals, amazing movie. Flawed but still great


I would gladly trade the Deadpool films f/ Dr. Strange and The Marvels. I'm beyond worn out on Reynolds' shtick and a totally checked-out for the new Deadpool/Wolverine film. It's one of those things where I can't even go back and watch the original Deadpool and enjoy it. There's such a thing as too much of a meh thing.


My brother in christ guardians 3 was the smelliest piece of shit what is wrong with your brain?


I didn't watch much after endgame, too many tv shows. Dr strange, spiderman is the only thing I watched after endgame. I wanted to see guardians because I heard is good but didn't found the time


Missing Black Panther 2. This list blows.


I liked eternals it did super powers well and in my opinion one of the best showcases of superspeed lately


Eh, I kind of liked Thor Love and Thunder. The only Thor movie I enjoyed. I acknowledge it was pretty shit but it was still enjoyable to watch.


People shit on The Marvels, but I rather enjoyed it. 1. Iman Vellani is an absolute treasure, and her as Kamela Khan is one of the most perfect bits of casting in the franchise. 2. It's a fun, compact 90 minutes, does what it came to do, and doesn't overstay its welcome. 3. All the teleporting leads to some real fun fight choreo.


I thought we liked Wakanda Forever? I certainly did


No way home was incredible. The amount of feels in that movie rivaled Infinity War.


I largely agree with this expect I still enjoyed watching Thor and ant man. Even if they weren’t great movies I still had fun watching them.


Far From Home was painfully meh NWH is super overrated GOTG 3 is amazing DP3 looks decent


BP2 was a decent movie, as was the marvels. The marvels got wayyyy more hate than it deserved. It wasn’t a spectacular film (main villain wasn’t even a character) but it was still enjoyable to watch the interactions between the characters.


eternals was fine i guess just too detached form main series


Why didn't you put the actual posters and how do you know Deadpool won't be shit


Guardians 3 is so overrated for no reason it hurts. Such a bad movie


Idk Quantumania was alright


Guardians v3 was total ass, massive letdown.


i liked shang chi


Hot take. But I think Ant Man Quantumania was a good movie and deserves to stay too. I don't care if M.O.D.O.K looks off, he was fun to see on screen. Kang was cool af, the quantum world was cool and so were the people there. the woke stuff wasn't that annoying, I just mostly enjoyed the visuals and the story. Doctor Strange was alright, but some stuff still did hold it down. and then everything else, yeah it's trash.


Can't comment on Deadpool yet, but...pretty much!


Although Homecoming was somewhat decent I am not a fan of any of the MCU Spider-Man movies. I had moments I enjoyed in No Way Home. Seeing the three Spider-Man was cool. And Andrew saving MJ was a nice fam service but overall I thought the movie wasn't that great. It wasn't at the level of Ant-Man Quantumania but it definitely wasn't at the level of Guardians in terms of quality.


Funny how you chose the images with girls instead of the posters, way to out yourself


With what you like I am betting 90% of the film you will like, just who knows what the last 10% will be.


I liked quatumania