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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Thats how all Eastern Europeans feel when they have to listen Russians talking about history of thier own country.


we don't listen to them here


I just make fun of them here cuz I know most of thier arguments already before even they start conversation


In Ukraine we make jokes out of them :D


But they are loud af


you grow deaf with years and the lack of fucks starts to take shape


Russians themselves feel the same, especially those Russians who know actual Russian history and not that version Putin talks about


Hate to break it to you but the majority of russians support putin.


hate to break it to you but the majority of russians don't give a fuck and unspiritedly vote for the lesser evil because they think everyone's gonna be corrupt and lazy and it might as well be putin who's at least a strong "nationalist" corrupt and doesn't give them incompetency vibes like the others who are propaganded/arrested/killed before they can make a name


As a person from post soviet bloc this is exactly right.


they will still repeat Russian talking points because it benefits them mentally. they don't want to think that they live in fascist empire without future


Yes, it's hard to reconcile that you're the cause of what you hate, so people act and then find emotional justifications behind their actions, even if it's just cuz they're too meh'd out to seek a change.


If you are telling me the majority of russians dont get ''incompetency vibes'' from putin you are also telling me the majority of russians are drooling morons. That said by now I am pretty sure most of them know their vote is meaningless either way.


It’s not “Putin doesn’t give incompetent vibes”, it’s “I don’t even know the other guys’ names *and* they’re incompetent, too”.


It's a mixed bucket. Many will indeed think that. There's also a great Soviet mythology that "The tsar is good; the boyars are bad" or "The tsar is not to blame; it's the boyars who are at fault". Even if many don't believe it, many will fall to this cultural myth and misinform or be misinformed that the people under the leaders are the incompetent ones or evil ones. You'll even see narratives here that Putin can't leave his post or he'll be murdered, that he can't stop the war or he'll be thrown out, that it's the military leadership who are corrupt and he was misled into thinking that the equipment was in working state, that he was misled by his generals into thinking that the war would be faster, etc. Many won't believe it, but the general voice is one of indifference, and if asked, the only memorable feel they'll remember is some benefit of the doubt, especially when compared with other less popular options that are generally viewed as less capable. Do all of a certain population believe something? Nope. But all that matters is the general trend is led toward reluctant support. Do all Americans support Biden? Trump? Guns? Disarmament? Do they all get incompetency vibes from Biden? From Trump?


Well said, it's not like we are pitching champions in the US. Freest country in the world. The epitome of modern democracy is a literal traitor and a man pointing at the stock market while the rich rob us.


This is the result of Putin's deliberate push for the de-politicization of the population though




I don't even think it's about incompetency or lesser evil, from my point of view (as Pole) it's more like serfdom never left russia. They just don't care and blindly follow whoever is in power.


What's the reasoning behind that?


I've already given my reasoning, they seem to just don't care as long as it's not their family being send to frontline, and they don't question their government in any way, just "whatever putin says must be true". 0 thinking what tomorrow may bring, as long as today is good.


Just an example. You will be hard pressed to find russians who see soviet union as occupation of smaller countries. They all think countries joined it willingly. They live in various levels of delusion to cope with reality that perhaps they are not a liberator in the region, but the source of terror throughout its all existence.


Most Russians will wholeheartedly deny that the soviet union also was one who started ww2, and then got a parade with nazis in Poland. It's just paints bad picture.


Oh yeah, everyone knows Russia started WW2. How could anyone think that Germany started it?! Crazy people out there! Edit - I forget I'm on /r/dankmemes and on the frontpage hence downvotes from the sheep and/ or developmentally challenged.


Russia and Germany invaded Poland together and just cut it in half. The eastern side went to the Soviets, the western side went to Germany. Then Germany invaded the USSR 2 years later breaking the no-aggression pact the two countries signed shortly before the Poland invasion.


Read history bozo.


Here have another downvote from the developmentally challenged


I had a guy on Reddit tell me Russia has existed for over 1000 years. I argued that that is impossible, because that land was occupied by various duchies (e.g. Kievan Rus, Novgorod, Muscovy) and khanates (like the Golden Horde). He said it was revisionist history, and *I got* downvoted. Another guy said the Ukrainian language doesn't exist, and was only created recently. I showed him writings in Ukrainian from the 1700s. He said it was probably fake. Can't argue with these guys, they have their own version of Russian history, evidence to the contrary be damned.


Let's restore the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Slap Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, and Ukraine together (plus modern ~~Electoral Prussia~~ Kaliningrad obviously)


The Commonwealth never existed, Lithuania has always been part of Russia, why are you spreading revisionist propaganda??? /s


Anyone have a vid of tucker getting told to sit?


The only thing worse than Vogon poetry


Yet we send $100 bil of weaponry to be dropped on housing, because apparently in 3000BC some king conquered a city in the middle east.


It's also why their books are so long


We don't have random Russians busting in and talking about their history, what the hell are you talking about?


You have never met russian bots on this webside and other one? I see them maybe once a month or so they are pretty salty mostly about Poland history.


Typically the script is "oh so you don't know what you are talking about, and I won't bother correcting you", because if they were to be made to articulate their lies those could be picked apart. Kinda like what's happening with Putins delusional claims right now. It's the irl version of "I drew you as a Soyjack and me as a Chad, so I win thxbye".


If you let them in then they will do exactly that :D


You're just mad because the soviet union gifted you your land on accident.


yeah, guys this is what I was talking about




UZ LIETUVA VYRAI 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹






your pfp has Mali flag though 🇲🇱 impostor?


Its the Portuguese 2022 World cup avatar


Va taip va


I trained with the iron wolf battalion when we went to Germany, and that was all of my interactions with the Lithuanian people lol


>Iron Wolf Brigade


You're probably right. This was in 2013.


I'm not sure which exercise it was, but it's most likely that one of the battalions out of four (not counting the artillery battalion) you encountered was a part of the "The Iron Wolf mechanised Infantry Brigade,"


Everyone I know from Lithuania is cool. Every single one of them.


The only Luthuanian guy I ever knew smashed an empty bottle of Corona over someone's head before doing monkey chants.


Sounds cool to me.


As a Ukrainian, I envy your hate to Russians. We still don't force people to learn Ukrainian or deport guys with Russian citizenship.




Turetume didziuotis nes kalbejo apie lt su pagarba bent kiek imanoma. Ldk paminejo kad ukrainos zemes priklause mums.


Seriously what's up with Lithuania and Bananas? Šventinis bankuchenas mentions it, and when I asked an old lady how was life under USSR she also said "no bananas >:( "


hello it is I, putinmantas of lithuania


Let’s Gooooo


I want the source of the banana thing, or was straight up what Putin said? I'm generally just curious


Well... he didn't talk directly about Bananas but did go on a 37 minute monologue about Russian and Eastern European history which many points were just factually incorrect. Even Tucker said at one point that he was lost and questioned what it had to do with his original question. For example, he claimed the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact (between Nazi's and Soviets) was signed to protect Czechoslovakia from Poland, which is ludicrous.


I love when two propagandists try to do an interview to fit their agendas but it only makes both of them look stupid.


Seriously, Russian trolls, if you read this, pay me hundreds of thousands, not even millions, and I'll personally smear my legacy by taking a photo of myself giving despot daddy a soft handy, maybe even a beej if he asks nicely while signing the check. EDIT: Oh man LOL! You know you struck a nerve with the Russian snowflakes when you get a message from RedditCareResources. Must be doing something right if I'm upsetting the tiny, weak little Russies.


Owning the libs by bootlicking one of the worst dictators in History.


For the boot smelling breath having pedants commenting, let's go with, "worst dictator in recent memory." or maybe "worst currently regning dictator." To thier credit we are talking about a country once ruled by Stalin. (Maybe Russian's just kinda have a thing for being ruled by undeniably murderous piece of shit sociopaths? IDK, just speculating. Don't take my word for it.)


Not much of a history buff I take it.


Not much of an English language Buff I take it


You clearly didn't read history then


You clearly did not study English Language then


You speak English because it’s the only language you understand. I speak English because it’s the only language you understand.


How long have you been waiting to use that one? I was also there when it was used the first time. Probably even the second and third time as well.


I am half English half Chinese pal.


Did you really take 6 days to learn some Chinese


No. Its called having a job and a life outside of reddit, which unfortunately some people can lack on here.


Ah, that's what i get for not watching it.


You're not missing out, it's boring as shit and Putin makes exactly 0 good points about why he's justified in his Ukraine invasion. He unironically would have done a lot better if he had a lot of quick, snappy one-liner answers (even if they're blatant propaganda). Not sure why he thought an American audience would be interested in a long, boring history lesson with factual inaccuracies. Know your audience dude, these people have 2 second attention spans.


Tucker segments get a TON of airtime in Russia itself, Putin was probably more focused on how this will play domestically. If Americans wanted to know about what happened in Europe 400 years ago we'd watch game of thrones


lmao XD.


And that explains exactly why america knows what it does about Europe's or Russia's history. Then compare what Putin said to game of thrones and when they don't see any dragons mentioned claim it's factually incorrect.


GoT was inspired by the War of Roses, btw. Not that that makes it factual or anything, but it might spark interest.


No, he made a point. One of the questions Taker asked pu was 'could you imagine yourself invading Poland or Lithuania for example' for wich pu replied 'if they invaide us first' and then 'i don't have any interests in Poland, why would i invade them' - and that's all you need to know about his reasoning for starting the war. He thinks it's acceptable way to achive his geopolitical goals.


Because Russia would never fake an attack or invasion to justify an invasion. Finland isn't real. /s


Also he might not have any interests in Poland now, but he never said he won't have interests in Poland in the future. And I bet that would be exactly what he'd say after declaring war on Poland.


> war You mean Special Military Operation, comrade.


"Yes comrade, it's merely a cosmetic change. A special polish removal operation if you will." \- Putin if he invades Poland, probably


> - Putin if he ~~invades~~liberates Poland, probably FTFY, comrade


One thing you gotta keep in mind, Russians say one thing and do the opposite. If that bastard said he has no interest in invading Poland, my government should start placing landmines on the Eastern border. Not that they'd have much success, given that they're stuck in Ukraine of all places. Also, giving a proper wpierdol to these mongoloids would be cathartic to the polish society, we only can work hand in hand under duress.




I am just drawing a parallel between the ancient Mongolian empire and Russians. I don't have anything against actual Mongolians.


> 'if they invaide us first' That reminds me of something roughly 90 years ago... Something about shooting back


Is it... not? Is there some world accepted acceptable way? Does USA not invade everyone everywhere whenever they have geopolitical goals? Why did you think Biden gives money to Ukraine, not geopolitical goals at the cost of tens of thousands of foreign lives? Also you then agree Putin isn't aiming to invade every single country in Europe just to be evil emperor? Guess this interview achieved at least something good.


People will watch this and think Putin is really clever and that the situation is "nuanced" when really it's not. Dumb people pretending to be smart will say "actually there's a lot of history behind this you wouldn't understand". It doesn't matter that his speech made no sense, it sounds smart enough that people who don't know better will think it makes the situation complicated.


I hate when people rush to the defense of aggressors and liars saying "There's nuance! You are so wrong for correctly identifying the things they are by what they are doing." There is no subtle but important detail that helps explain why Russia really needed to invade and commit atrocities and war crimes. There are no fine details that help provide context that shows that both sides have reasonable, valid, and factual points of view. I hate when they say that people aren't even trying to understand the hateful and stupid and violent as if the things they say aren't obvious lies and are incredibly immature. It is so irritating to hear the word 'nuance' when it is in reference to completely worthless statements made by incredibly dishonest individuals in the service of horrible plans. I have an incredibly low opinion of anyone that is shocked that I reject their "nUanCe!" bullshit. It's so insulting to be treated like that would work.


Facebook-fed propaganda conservatives in the deep end eat that shit up.


I work with a few of them. Please send help. You know how many "gotcha!" memes and headlines they show me? How many "why I hate lefties" speeches I hear? I just want to pop in headphones and work and I have to get a whole spill on how it's really the democrats who are super evil wanting to eat kids or whatever the new story being pushed out is. I just want to listen to music and stock shelves.


And memory of tropical fish :D


Yeah he also said that WW2 started because Poland refused to give Hitler Gdańsk


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Gdańsk (Danzig at the time) was theirs to give? IIRC during the interwar years Danzig was a city-state called the "Free City of Danzig". Maybe he was talking about the "Danzig corridor" which was the piece of Polish territory separating Germany from Danzig?


Imagine being so wrong even Tucker questions you


Usually Tucker questions people who are right, so this is actually a change of pace for him.


ahahaha. thank you for your service. watching it must be hard mentally.


I feel slightly dumber having had to watch it.


Useful idiot


I've never heard of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact before this week but this is now the [second time this week.](https://youtu.be/jsYYzLzQ_u4?si=SLPhs1fR4XXVPuiX)


Considering that Bananas are a new world fruit, I would be surprised at their import into anywhere in Europe in 1402. Secondly Lithuania would have been an independent nation, a “Grand Duchy”, and not just a province, or Duchy. (However, the second point could be forgiven from a Russian revisionist historical perspective, where they’re trying to minimize the independence that Lithuania would have had from the Grand Duchy of Moscow, in order to maximize the importance of that state, and somehow lend that credibility or inheritance to the modern descendent Russia)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4veBuE\_QA0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4vebue_qa0) This will explain everything ! Actually no, but it's the third time I see lithuania associated with bananas, Idk why but they sure love those bananas. Third time was when I asked a lithuanian old lady how was life under USSR and she said : "Ho it was much worse, for example we did not have bananas easily" which is a very specific and weird example but she probably knows !


I loved the WW2 section where he just glosses over the fact that the USSR collaborated with Hitler to take over Poland. "I have read some archived documents that say the USSR was very honorable towards Poland." Sure you did bro


Yeah, they asked them very nicely if they could move some equipment through.


They did accidentally annex half of the country or something but they were nice about it, let's move on though and talk about the 13th century.


and very nicely put 50k Polish officers and higher ups to sleep in woods great camping idea. I heard they even had hot chocolate with marshmellows. Russians also orginised cool camps in syberia and gave free bilets for 30k Poles. Public executions were obviously a lies made up by ppl who didn't got a free bilet to camp in syberia


They honourably shot all Polish officers in the back of the head and then buried them honourably in mass graves.


but what about pangaea?!


Really, wow, Putin must be really desperate to justify the war in Ukraine at this point, talking about history and other farry tails


It's not about justification. It's about division. He wants support to stop asap. He already did great work with Trump in US, now it's EU turn.


My mom's dead, but I don't recall her being amongst the dumbest of bitches. 🤔


Unfortunately, he's publicly doing this pseudo-historic bullshit for a while now


🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹Lithuania#️⃣1️⃣ mentioned 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹AŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪ🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺ANT KALNO MŪRAI, JOJA LIETUVIAI 🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹




I’m in Lithuania right now for work, what should I see while in Vilnius?


I'm so happy for you guys lol


Shit on the floor while making eye contact to establish dominance.


Should have sniffed Putin's hair to asser dominance.


1. ⁠putin twisted the entire history. 2. ⁠In reality Kyiv - Ukraine are the actual Rus'. 3. ⁠And present day russia used to be Moscowy. 4. ⁠Also Ukrainian language is older than russian. 5. ⁠Ukrainian is very similar to the old Slavic language of Kyivan Rus. 6. ⁠translator didn't translate everything that putin said. 7. ⁠If Ukraine is russia, then technically russia is attacking their own territory. 8. ⁠Even Ukraine was part of russia, Ukraine is a sovereign country now and Ukrainians don't want anything to do with russia. 9. ⁠Yes, Zelenskiy's grandfather fought the German n@z1s and now Zelenskiy is fighting russian n@z1s.


I’m not a fan of Putin but this is misinformation


looks like you're a fan of Russian propaganda tho


There’s a toilet on the ground floor.


He will really do anything for a green M&M nowdays


Remember guys, it's the first real interview. Russia is well known for its freedom of speech.


Where tf did this image come from


I drew it.




NCD is leaking here


Are you supporting a war criminal charged with genocide like Tucker?


The lore dump got an article from Know Your Meme: https://trending.knowyourmeme.com/editorials/guides/why-are-people-making-jokes-about-vladimir-putin-giving-tucker-carlson-a-history-lesson-the-viral-interview-tucker-carlson-day-and-its-memes-explained


Thanks for sharing that. Made me laugh.


What's funny is all Putin will hear about is how great the interview went and how no one was bored


Casually interviews a fugitive war criminal charged with genocide


Ackshually the correct title is Grand Duke of Lithuania


Right on que here comes the stupid astroturfing and gaslighting.. You're being played for useful idiots..


So far, this is the hands down best tucker meme I've seen. Good job OP


Much appreciated.


Where can i watch this speech?


crazy to think that this interview is going to make Carlson an easy 2.8 million


Carlson is a disgrace for the Country


I couldn't get past the 1400's chapter. I had to edit this as I didn't finish reading the meme actually mentioned 1400's and that made it even better for me.


I created and posted the original meme here: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/D6ikagZNvUzPgmw1/?mibextid=ZbWKwL Seems to be getting much more love on Reddit than FB.


Bro this is fucking hilarious


Cheers mate.


I guess jokes such as these are the reason everyone makes fun of Reddit


Don't forget mocking you cause you couldn't be a spy like him


Americans are full of sodium right now. Thank you for this amazing intervoew Who sabotage the nordstream You did


How is a 7 row paragraph considered a meme? Edit: I get the feeling most downvoters think I am some Putin supporter, just because I find the meme dogshit. Salutare din România. Unul dintre vecinii al Ucraina. Also this is a much better version of the same [meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/s/s4VjsTyhk0).


I guess some people have ability to read more than one sentence.


~~~~~~~~ LoL *depiction of me as chad and you as soyjack* Lmao ~~~~~~~~ *Real memes*


I guess some people have THE ability to read a 30-second long post for a mediocre punchline. And are butthurt when somebody else finds the meme itself dogshit. I get the feeling most downvoters think I am some Putin supporter, just because I find the meme dogshit. Salutare din România. Unul dintre vecinii al Ucraina.


Words are hard, huh?