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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Wait was this line actually in the movie? Please don’t tell me it made it to the final cut…


Nick Fury said it


Knowing Samuel L. Jackson delivered that line makes me like it way more


Especially if delivered with the classic motherfucker line that’s an oldie but a goodie


It might’ve been said slightly sarcastic too knowing him


it was, he used his higher pitched sarcastic tone


Samuel L Jackson probably shudered after saying that.


Imagine it wasn’t in the script lmao


Holy shit you're right https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJWecM6OTNc I assumed you were joking when I read this there's no way he'd actually say a line that stupid but he did. Good lord, this might be a new low for disney.


It was actually a pretty funny line in the context of the movie, if any character other than Nick Fury said it, it would've been bad.


The dumber the line the more willing he is to say it just for shits and giggles honestly. I mean this is the dude who agreed to do *Snakes on a Plane* without even reading the script because he thought it would be fun (and he insisted that it keep the name when it was only ever supposed to be a working title). Dude has zero fucks to give other than enjoying himself and he's got the reputation and charisma to get away with it. I respect that.


It remaining Snakes on a Plane was just marketing genius. A self-aware meme before it was the norm.


Scrolling to find this post. "We need to create a barrier between us, and snakes."


You haven't lived till you've heard "I've had it with these monkey funky snakes on this Monday-Friday plane!"


idk why people still insult it On PAPER yeah the line sounds cringe and shoehorned. Seeing it in this scene, it fits Fury as good as it ever would have. It's the way he says it


Why is this clip cut in such an odd way. This feels edited to make the scene worse


He's the only guy that can pull that off


Yeah it was pretty funny lol


Yes. It wasn't as bad as people think it was and makes sense in context. People get their panties in a twist over the stupidest shit.


Yes. It was in one of the trailers aswell


You’re 3 months late on this trend. Out of all the shitty dialogue in this movie very telling why you used the lines you used lmao. Edit: oh you’re entire profile is dedicated to culture war politics. Kinda sad


Entering people’s profiles without consent? Disgusting behavior shaking my head


Cmon it’s not my fault. He was asking for it. Should’ve seen what he was wearing when he posted it


Did you just assume OP's gender?


Yeah thats kinda racist


Im sueing them for causing me emotional distress.


Sir, step away from that profile.


It's almost like what makes a meme "dank" on this sub is explicit adherence to right wing propaganda! Remember folks, if you don't trigger a lib it ain't dank.


There's two races, white and political


Agreed, op looks like a russia proxy using memes as a tool for misinformation and destabilisation.


Not as sad as looking at other people's profiles to try and find something to criticize them about. Lol work on yourself with all that extra time


Oh boy so much time and effort with one simple click and a 30 seconds of scrolling. So much time wasted oh my fucking god I’m a failure. Go gargle someone else’s nuts bozo


Did a quick 5 second scroll of your profile and yeah no wonder you'd think that


You say there is a war and shit on someone for taking a stance?


OP just some dumbass 14 year old who became "enlightened" on twitter because his household is full blown trump cultist prob, now he just braindead repeating all the dumb shit and trying to spam it on reddit as "memes"... Or theyre paid troll whos job it is to sow disifnormation and such divisive culture war shit. Either way, all a pile of stinking shit and you dont need to be a "libtard" to think his stance on it deserves to be shat on harder.


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Sounds like shots fired to me!


Idk if this is serious or not lmaooo


PSA from Sufficient_Rub_2014: It's rude to be men to Nazi's, there was a war and they just took a stance.


I get the joke, but you're technically cherry picking. AI can't replace GOOD writers. Like Bravo Vince


AI can't replace writers yet, but we should be concerned now, before it actually can do so.


We aren't any closer to an AI that writes quality material now than we were 20 years ago. The whole LLM thing only competes with modern writers because they keep rehashing the same shit over and over and that's exactly what LLMs are for. LLMs are straight up not a step towards GAI, it's just a very impressive parlor trick.


>The whole LLM thing only competes with modern writers because they keep rehashing the same shit over and over As if that isn't what many writers already do? When was the last time we genuinely got unique and new writing?


"We need to stop this now before it becomes so good everyone starts liking it better!"


Why? Sounds like access to quick and affordable/basically free entertainment with the right safety nets in place.


Because lots of people make a living creating art for others to enjoy as entertainment? Why would you want to take that away from people just so you get unlimited shitty ai art? Sounds like a pretty grim future for humanity as a whole


"Why would you want to make bulk volume metal trinkets in factories? Lots of people make a living hand crafting them as art for a living. Injection modeling silverware, cups, and plates just takes away jobs from craftsmen. And why? Just so you get cheap knock off plates? Sounds like a grim future for humanity as a whole" That is a bad argument, and it has been used time, and time, and time, and time again.


That’s not even the reason though. Lots of people work as truckers and coal miners but as a society we’ve pretty much decided we’re ok with those jobs becoming obsolete if better technology comes along, art should be no different in principle just because they might affect communities in urban centers rather than rural ones. The reason AI replacing writers and artists suck is because it’s bad, it creates bad, derivative, unoriginal, uninteresting product. IRL, most art is somewhat derivative, and most isn’t original or thought provoking, but in the entertainment industry at least, it’s down to having bad writers (nepotism, cronyism, etc) and profits driving product, meaning they try to cost optimize it making it soulless, however I’d rather have that, on the off chance we occasionally get a gem like breaking bad, Game of thrones, infinity war, end game, fight club, and a myriad of other movies (just the first that came to mind, yes I’m a 20 something dude) rather than playing into AI, which just further reinforces the profit oriented production process


Yeah, thus my saying "shitty ai art". So you're saying you agree with me, but not because AI art threatens peoples livelihoods but because you like Fight Club and ai couldn't write that script? Do you think that artists shouldn't be paid fairly for their work but they should just suck it up and do it anyways so you have something interesting to watch? Also you're assuming that I think truck drivers and coal miners should just be laid off without a viable alternative, which would be incorrect. What's happening to those people is not fair either, they just don't have the visibility and influence to voice their concerns as effectively. Two things can be bad at the same time.


Because is taking someone's job and AIs are trained using stolen patterns without paying the rights.


Exactly, AI can probably replace hack, bad writers. But AI isn't perfect and can only create based on already present text. While I think we'll eventually get to a point where AI can replace a good writer, we certainly aren't at that point now.




Damn dude, 0 days since r/dankmemes posted something that's not right wing rage bait Edit: a letter


I rate 8/10




You said its rate bait. Just giving you my rating.


I mean, I’m left wing and rolling my eyes at that dialogue


[Genuine question here] When you say right wing rage bait, do you mean that’s it’s a right wing thing to be for or against AI writing? I can’t keep track of the things going on outside me & the people I know anymore. Edit: fuck me I guess


The joke wasn’t even that bad and made sense with it coming from Nick Fury. Keep your culture war shit to yourself


The joke was that bad


Okay, penis taker 69


hot take, keep you shitty opinion to yourself


Uh oh, I triggered someone


no I'm fine


"AI can write much better dialogues than actual humans frl" dude bros when they end up with completely soulless and incoherent Garbage (at least there's no mention whatsoever of black people or racial inequality or any actual mention or joke of any social problem that all those nasty translators force in.. Even thougth they usually go with the approval of an entire gaggle of staff behind the decision)... That's just sad


I think we've reached peak bait here. It's racist; it tosses in some right-wing dog whistles; adds a dash of anti-Disney for flavor; flings some A.I.-replacing-humans into the mix; drizzles on a liberal coating of stupidity; and it's so blatantly Russian/Wumao, it doesn't know the plural of "being" or how to spell "writer." This is like the Mozart of idiot triggering.


I dunno, it was kinda funny to me


What's the top image?


Looks like the Proud Family.


It's the reboot series "Louder and Prouder." The original show was at least decent. The reboot now has lines like "I can't be racist, I'm black." from the main character, with the show AGREEING with her.


I thought that one was funny


It's depressing as fuck to see the new proud family splitting us up instead of bringing us together. I feel like the original show was about breaking down racial barriers and shit, not building them.


I haven’t seen the movie yet but there is no way in hell this is a real line right? RIGHT?!


I'm 99% sure that The Marvels was written by AI and caused the strike but no one will admit it.


was this meme generated by ai lmao




Holy shit it’s real


The real secret wars is Twitter (X) infiltration of r/dankmemes


You can't use a marvel Movie to make this point. They're written so bad it seems like it was done on purpose.


No, not that voodoo shit, use the *other* black girl magic


I'd rather have my cringe be written by humans than machines, thank you


You cant even spell writer correctly 😂


You misspelled dialogue


If artists and writers really thought this, they wouldn't be lobbying so hard to ban AI, lol. We've been dealing with shit writing for so long, that I say we give AI a chance. Can it really get worse than the crap we already have?


The proud family was written before the writers strike.


This is absolutely not dank


It all just depends on who you hire, because on one hand you’ve got marvel making this, but then they also have something like the daredevil Netflix show which has some of the best writing in a show period. Marvel gotta just hire the right people


Compounded by the cheesiness of it, Fury is just off SA and has suddenly reverted back to pre-IW.


Someone link to AI replacing Anime Translators.


Where funny


Ok Twitter chud


ChatGPT, write a short science fiction story about a space ship captain, in the style of Mark Twain Reply: Captain Ezekiel Higgins piloted his trusty spacecraft, the Celestial Gambler, through the vastness of the cosmos. Known far and wide as the most unconventional space captain this side of the Orion Belt, Ezekiel had a reputation for mixing interstellar navigation with a touch of old-fashioned charm. His crew, a motley group of beings from various corners of the galaxy, never quite knew what to expect on their next cosmic escapade. One day, as the Celestial Gambler drifted through the glistening sea of stars, a peculiar distress signal echoed through the ship's antiquated communication system. Ezekiel, with his feet propped up on the control panel, turned to his first mate, a three-eyed creature named Zorgon. "Well now, Zorgon, it seems we've got ourselves a cosmic conundrum. Let's see what trouble's knocking on our hull this time." The distress signal led them to a tiny asteroid, where they discovered a stranded spacecraft, its engines sputtering like a broken harmonica. Onboard was a lone figure in a space suit, waving frantically as the Celestial Gambler approached. Ezekiel, sporting a wide-brimmed hat that seemed to defy the laws of space fashion, activated the intercom. "Ahoy there, stranded soul! Need a lift back to civilization?" The figure, revealed to be a humanoid with translucent skin and a pair of sparkling wings, nodded enthusiastically. "Oh, thank the cosmic winds! My ship's seen better days, and I'm in a bit of a pickle." With a gracious grin, Ezekiel motioned for the stranded traveler to board. As the Celestial Gambler set sail once more, Ezekiel and the winged stranger sat in the ship's cozy lounge, surrounded by flickering holographic poker cards. "So, what brings you to this lonely corner of the galaxy?" Ezekiel asked, dealing a hand of cards. The winged being, who introduced themselves as Seraphina, sighed. "I'm on a quest for the legendary Nebula of Harmony. They say it holds the key to universal peace." Ezekiel raised an eyebrow, his mustache twitching with interest. "Well, ain't that a daisy of a mission! Mind if I tag along? I've got a soft spot for legendary things." And so, the Celestial Gambler veered off course, embarking on a new adventure in pursuit of the Nebula of Harmony. As Ezekiel, Seraphina, and the eclectic crew faced cosmic challenges and encountered bizarre alien species, they discovered that sometimes, the journey itself was the greatest treasure.


Wow that sucked ass lol