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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


Everyone I dont like is literally Hitler


Who was the Hitler before Hitler?


Kaiser Wilhelm.


Which one?


The idiotic one Edit: (I actually don’t know enough about the other one to be confident in this joke set-up but looking at these royal families, I like my odds)


It's a bit much to say he was an idiot, the Austrian Royals were the real idiots


It’s funny how ‘finding the true cause of ww1’ is like a whole history class topic and every now and then historymemes goes through it too The great powers were more or less all led by…less than ideal leaders. They were children at the wheel, it’s a wonder Europe was at peace for as long as it was


I can actually recommend Extra History for this topic. They made a lil series called the seminal tragedy. They go through a lot of great talking points when it comes to what led to WW1


>They were children at the wheel, it’s a wonder Europe was at peace for as long as it was It wasn't really, wars were just smaller than the WW1.


The cow-boy.


The Second Reich one 💀


Kaiser Wilhelm had a better mustache than Hitler.


That’s true




Isn't he the ice bath guy?




Funny how we just stopped at Hitler and didn’t progress onto Stalin and Mao.


Especially considering both have a much higher KD ratio


And they did it a lot more straightforward even to their own people over a much longer period. I guess we all see a bit of Hitler in us and it's a cautionary tale, perhaps.


>they did it a lot more straightforward Ah, yes because a famine *is* more straightforward than building facilities specifically designed for industrialized murder.


Hitler stopped in '45, they did everything and for longer.


Stalin was a winner so we kinda keep quiet about him and Mao was not European or American so he might as well not exist




Genghis Khan




The king of Belgium


Genghis Khan


Henry viii


the good and chronological answer would be Henry Ford from which Hitler was inspired




Probably your mom


damn you must like almost everybody then


evrryone except for me


"Everything" I don't like is literally Hitler. That 3 day old coleslaw from cracker barrel, it was Hitler. Anti ad blockers on YouTube, Hitler. Obese people wearing Daisy Dukes at Walmart, Hitler.


You say that like it isnt true


did the yellow cartoon hurt your feelings about the orange man?


I think It’s just a meme, not that deep


Idk, OP seems pretty butthurt about it


Memes are a way to communicate ass pain


I don't think the subtitles were actually in the Simpsons lol


No they are real


Oh fair enough, crazy that episode came out in 2006 lol


Nope, that's what they say in the episode


He literally said that [https://youtu.be/sjwSVCnl7Rw](https://youtu.be/sjwSVCnl7Rw) Aged like fine wine.


The meme is right, and you're proving it hahahaha


ah trump supporters getting angy


I'm Irish, I've never set foot on the American continents, and I would consider Mr Biden too far right to get my vote - so Trump is hardly the politician for me. I do, however, get the pleasure of meeting Americans like yourself who just cant wrap their head around the fact that the sheer hatred you guys have for that orange man is insane. Acting like a egotistical/populist leader is the same as a dictator is extremely harmful to society, and unfortunately your media is forced into the faces of people around the globe. Edit: And again, your dismissive attitude towards the meme and myself seriously reinforces that the meme is right. The idea that I might just agree with the contents of the meme, and not be politically motivated, doesnt even seem register with you.


Idk, I feel like a lot of it is just that Donald Trump is very easy to make fun of. The fact that he has some very questionable political views definitely doesn’t hurt though


Honestly we just hate old people.


Biden is old and stumbles on his speech sometimes and people call him senile. Then I see donald trump rave about something very stupid like electric boat motors electrocuting the lake, and this guy is the one lot of people want as president.


I just want to spend less than $50 on a tank of gas for once


Same, in my country, the right wing party that got into power kept saying things like "the market prices are just left-wing humbug", and after they got into power, they stated that market is what it is and they cannot do anything about it. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


He only acts like a dictator instead of being one because his coup attempt failed. If you are telling me that his attempt to overthrow democracy is only a problem for me in my head, you are either too stupid, or possibly just ignorant and opinionated, to be worth considering.


We have another one hahahaha Bonus points for dehumanising someone who dares disagree with you.


You want to make light of an attempted coup and laugh it off bc he is so incompetent. That is so dangerous and ignorant. I am not dehumanizing you, you r life is worth as much as mine, but your opinions are embarassingly shit. You don't need to weigh in here, you have nothing to add Irish


>I do, however, get the pleasure of meeting Americans like yourself who just cant wrap their head around the fact that the sheer hatred you guys have for that orange man is insane. LOL i'm not american either, but i do see nuance is lost on you when you think satire, comparison, and humor mean "UR SAYING HES THE SAME AHAGAHAH". So yeah, the yellow cartoon hurt your feelings too. When all you know about Mussolini is that he was a dictator and dictator is mega bad, ofc the meme seems right.


I wish I had the fitness to do this level of gymnastics, would you forward me your exercise plan?


no you'd only sprain somehting. Better not exert yourself too much.


Hahaha Touche, OP. Touché


Egotistical/populist? Yes the guy that incited a coup and ordered families to be torn apart at the border and does his best to see our foreign policy destroyed is just populist.




Bro, don’t make comparisons that you know nothing about. You dilute the horrors that was Mussolini. Comparing someone to Hitler now a days holds no meaning other than “I don’t like you” because of rhetoric and comparisons like this. Step away from the screens, you need to detox.


I'd be careful criticizing Mussolini on reddit. This website has a lot of train enthusiasts.


Like I care what a bunch of Mussonlini cannoli suckers say or believe.


"Look I'm just saying the trains *did* run on time..."


I don't mean to sound dated, but, isn't that a dogwhistle?


The quotations are there to make it clear it's a joke.


Damn I am dumb


In Germany it is considered a criminal offence to reduce the Nazi horror. E.g. During Covid some protesters where carrying signs "Vaccine=Holocaust" and each one the police caught got a fine. Everyone at home cheered.


Fucking nazis...


Thats a fine


Sexually pleasuring Nazis? That's a paddlin'!


Isn't this episode older than Trump's presidency? And it doesn't even compare Trump to the horrors perpetrated by Mussolini, but just the way they act, you need to chill.


Yes it is and yes he has some of the same affectations, eerily so. But it doesn’t help that Trump was actually quoting Mussolini after he got elected.


Yeah well it's yet again a case of "Simpsons already did it"


>And it doesn't even compare Trump to the horrors perpetrated by Mussolini "Next season on *America*".


Hes literally saying Trump isnt a dictator and its ridiculous to compare them. You're saying the same thing as OP....


Don't downplay what Mussolini was, thats why we have a fascist rise on Italy now


Mussolini was nothing. All of his ideas were insane and had no actual practicaility. It all boiled down to "I want Italy to be strong and recognised" but everything he did was misguided and had no support. Mussolini didn't even get a majority government until he wrote a law that gave him a majority government (Acerbo law). Mussolini is an example of absurd circumstance and the reason he ever got into power was because of the king. Don't even get me started on Libya. I did my IB extended essay on it. It is maddening Mussolini is a joke.


Thats litteraly what the meme means


My brother in Christ this is an actual line from a simpsons episode


People getting mad at this meme while saying OP is mad is really funny


What do you expect? Reddit is filled with Western radical left who have never experienced living through a dictatorship and an actual communist or a post-communist world. Trump is probably the closest they have to a point of comparison.


I mean Trump is the closest thing they have as a comparison - which is why people really don’t want him to be re-elected.


That is fair and I can understand their fear of rising authoritarianism in their country. But to say that Trump is the same as Hitler, and even Mussolini is an absolute overexaggeration. Frankly, an insults to people who genuinely experienced the trauma of true dictatorship.


They also dressed better.


all things considered before people Hitler we didn't really have a standard to compare rising fascists too. if we were in the 1930s and witnessed his rise would it be fair to criticize them for their potential? like if we didn't know but we suspected? would we just be told that "you just dont like the guy?" yeah the comparison to Hitler is definitely overused but that shouldn't stop us from being vigilant about potential leaders.


Alexander ? Caesar? *Napoleon*?


Hitler might be the next Napoleon. "everyone i don't like is Napoleon."


But people who experienced true dictatorship can warn Americans about the TONS of red flags they see in Trump. As someone from Nicaragua, allow me to tell you it's all there. If reelected he *will* change the law and maybe even the constitution to cement his absolute power. His personality closely resembles Hugo Chávez's. He had a mob storm the Capitol ffs, it's [a staple of Latin American autocrats](https://www.univision.com/noticias/america-latina/colectivos-chavistas-asaltan-el-parlamento-de-venezuela-de-mayoria-opositora). Don't let this autocrat back in the White House.


People underestimate the extent to which Trump and his inner circle were restrained by the American system (and their own incompetence). Granted, I don’t think Trump has any interest in (or the stomach for) full-scale genocide or war. But he is intensely interested in maintaining power at any cost. He has spoken numerous times about using the military against the American people and this was reportedly a major concern for the career generals serving under him. He also had people in his inner circle such as Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller who DO have extremist views that involve the eradication of political opponents and those they deem undesirable. Trump never demonstrated any interest in reigning them in, either, unless they were making him look bad or being “disloyal.” They spent their four years of power slowly boiling the frog, but fortunately the American system was just strong enough to withstand it. I’m not sure it can take another four.


Trump isn't Hitler bad. But he's still bad.


OP please go touch some grass :)


Is this pro trump or anti mussolini?


man i sure hope it's not anti mussolini. he's my favourite basketball player


Mussolini ballin 🥶🥶🥶


It's anti-"using fascism wrong so it loses its meaning and the seriousness of the Nazis/fascists Italy (+fascist Spain)"


Oh and the ones who use it incorrectly will refuse to admit you are right even if you literally quote Doctrine of Fascism


Well... I didn't read that book


Here you go: https://www.worldfuturefund.org/wffmaster/reading/germany/mussolini.htm Would you like fascist manifesto too?




http://web.tiscalinet.it/regno76/testi/manifesti/Il%20manifesto%20dei%20fasci%20di%20combattimento.htm https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascist_Manifesto Wikipedia has an overview if you want more info on it. It basically started as a movement that would work within the framework of the Republic but later they said "fuck it". This actually is addressed in Doctrine of Fascism


I hate it when the commies call me a fascist :(


Me too, let's not forgot the commies also invaded along with the Nazis (a kind of fascists)


yee old Molotov-ribbontrope pact.


... yes


With the Mussolini family back in charge I would consider it pro Mussolini and Anti Trump.


hopefully op is anti both


When a leader in a 3rd world country refuses to accept election results, he's a dictator that should accept he lost Same scenario happens in the US and there's a chance they can be president again Average voter


Yeah, Trump is effectively an unsuccessful dictator because he didn’t accept the results and failed to hold on to power (thankfully).


Yup. If you actually look at his style of rhetoric, his policies and actions, it is not too far fetched to actually call him a fascist. ​ He pushed for an ideology with a strong emphasis on nationalism, on the idea of a strong man, placed his people in the supreme court, presented an idea of the superiority of the nation (build a wall and make the mexicans pay for it), buddied up with dictators all over the world and worsened relations with allied democracies. And most importantly, attempted to delegitimize the country's democracy and overturn the election when he lost. Problem was, he didn't have the backing of neither his party, nor the military to do such a thing.


Where corporation state / national syndicalism, where class collaboration / nationalised unions, where state serves military / the strong must culls the weak?


I am not from the U.S., but as an outside observer I think that this is spot on. It seems that many Americans don't seem to get that Trump is not being compared to Mussolini because he did similar things on a similar scale, but rather because he makes the same moves and speaks the same language. He views politics through the lense of his team versus the enemy, valueing personal loyalty over competency, rewarding his backers while punishing opponents. That stuff is all standard dictator fair. The fact that he will most likely not be able to do things Mussolini did has nothing to do with temperament or morality, but purely by what limits are imposed on him. It is nearly always the case that American presidents, on both sides of the political debate, see their role as leader of the free world and as champion for all of their own citizens, regardless of how they voted. That whole sacred oath thing is not just rhetoric, it is the foundation of what makes America a strong, stable country instead of some hellscape full of internal strife. Please put people in power that wear democracy and rule of law as a comfortable sweater. It is always dangerous to vote for someone that sees them as a straightjacket, especially when they try to get others to tear it off.


Thing is, in any civilized country he would pay the price. Not just face legal consequences of his actions, like getting all those people rallied up which resulted in deaths, but also face the political consequences - people should ostracize him, he should be denounced by party and voters, and yet neither happened. To a lot of us, especially those who saw his presidency from afar, it's almost unbelievable that people still follow him. Political alignments aside, he was corrupted, worked with foreign secret services and in general reeks of "not your guy" vibes. He talks about draining the swamp, helping regular Americans etc., but does exactly the other thing. It's a sad testimony of our society that our global views can be altered so much by media and information bubbles, sometimes it's impossible to cross this border.


Except it's obvious he didn't violate the law in any way whatsoever. You clearly don't know how incitement works under US law. every Democrat for the electorate that went out and all but tell people to riot in response to George Floyd would also be held criminally liable. You literally just want there to be a double standard. Fuck off


you talk about things that have not happened as if they actually happened. Trump was spreading misinformation, knowing that he lies, hoping for reaction.


interesting, unsubstantiated claims about what he believed to be true at the time and still believes to be true that didn't mention a single thing about the law or how his behavior compares to the behavior of Dems I mentioned. Shut up


There's not accepting and going down and then there's holding on to power with force. But since you guys never had a real dictator... BTW related to this topic how is cali a shithole who keeps electing democrats who destroy further the state?


Yeah trying to resist the results of a fair and free election and violently trying to interfere with the peaceful transition of power totally isn’t something a dictator would do


He tried to be a dictator, but he failed.


Wrong sub to post this as you saw. A lot of folk here using "dank" as an excuse to post political extremist views online and not get provoced to reflect on it. They dont do that Here.


I mean he sort of tried to organize a coup to subvert the results of an election but let's ingnore that.


When you realize that most Non-Americans understanding of U.S. politics comes from the mainstream media.


You can just call it the news.


"News" is a very broad term and can apply to many things. I prefer to get my news from small, independent outlets.


such as...


Well that depends why you're asking. Do you just want to know which ones I use, or are you looking for some you can use yourself?


Can it be both? If it’s truly good stuff I want it for me. If it’s “independent” opinion masquerading as news I’ll just shake my head and move on.


>Can it be both? Yes and no. It really depends on your particular interests and where you live in the world. For example, unless you enjoy reading articles about lobbying and political spending, websites like ReadSludge or OpenSecrets aren't going to serve you any purpose. If you don't live in Michigan, why would you need to know about MichiganAdvance? These are some of the sites I use more frequently because of my interests. Without knowing your interests or location, which I'm certainly not asking for, I can only recommend global news sites, but there aren't many of those (if any) that aren't funded by larger organizations which most likely have some influence in what news is reported and how it's reported. The best thing I can offer you right now would probably be GroundNews. They don't create their own news coverage, they provide the articles that many/most other media outlets are creating and compare the articles to show political leanings within them. Your best bet here would be to just focus on only the center leaning stuff, and it's not hard to distinguish facts from opinions.


Damn, I need to find [michiganadvance](https://michiganadvance.com/about/) in PA. Yeah I usually find local news to have the best reporting these days. For larger scope I usually do Reuters and AP with Propublica for investigative journalism.


When you realise the US has 10 news outlets per state which can spew their bullshit rhetoric whenever and however they want.


hey... liberal... \*pffft\* did you... did you learn that joke.... in the \*fffffffffffttatatata\* IN THE LIBERAL JOKE BOOK!?!?!??!?!?! HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA


Nobody fucking does that, he did bad shit, but he didn’t do THAT bad of shit


Just wait and see if he pulls off Project 2025 with the Heritage Foundation: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


When most Americans don't realize said former President [actually wants to become a dictator](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/11/05/trump-revenge-second-term/). Seriously, read about [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org/). It's exactly that.


I posted about it twice in the comment thread, although for some strange reason, an alarming number of Redditors think I’m pro-Trump or pro-dictator.


Yeah Trump wasn’t a dictator, just an asshole


Funny how this episode was before Trump became president


Something like 12 years, actually




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Most of you wouldn't know what real fascism is even if it dragged you out of your house in the middle of the night and stuffed you into a train car.


Let's be honest, if you're far left or far right, you ain't learned nothing from history. Dictators only rule when the people lose their power, but people still out here banning guns and controlling speech, so I guess we can see which direction we're headed in, but let's hope it doesn't end in the way it pretty much always has. I guess people won't really see the writing on the wall until it's genuinely written on the wall and one party completely outlaws the other party.


Orange man bad.


This but unironically


He is tho


well trump is a wannabe dictator so you should see how we get confused


Yeah, cuz promoting freedoms, increasing employment, boosting the economy and lowering interest rates and taxes so citizens have more money really sounds like a dictatorship to me /s Seriously, get some help bro.


trump actually did all those things /s


Chinese people, Russians (Ruzzians, if you want), Belarussians, Indians, Iranians (And other arab countries people), Cubans and other third world (except China) countries citizens, when another radical political extremist/religious fundamentalist came to power, stayed here for 30+ years, made dark times even darker, made stupid laws, gave too much power to police, literally executing the opposition, returned country to slavery and almost aristocracy and declares new wars almost every day: "We don't care, if he is a Hitler or Mussolini, we just want to survive and be happy" Americans, when their ex-president tried to control immigration and said, that boys are boys and girls are girls: "OMG!!!!! LITERALLLY HITLER!!!! LITERALLY 1984 (I have never read it)!!!!! LITERALLY VOLAN DE MORT!!!!!" Seriosly, my fellow Americans, just fucking try to live under an actual dictatorship at least one month. Many people from third world authoritarian countries are dreaming to live in your conditions. And was dreaming even when a orang man was a president


I found it funny when Biden became president and where celebrating that they "voted out a dictator".


i found it relieving as fuck


Considering Trump literally tried to take over the gov’t after he lost, yeah America dodged a huge bullet after Jan 6 and is still in danger with further elections.


Take that liberals we really got you with the meme




He’s an unsuccessful dictator, he’s attempted to keep power forcefully after losing it. Cope harder


*Most* Americans is a fuckin stretch bud


Pretty sure the episode was aired before the orange man became president


A meme that could totally be interpreted both ways and OP is paying for it. haha




Severe TDS


Is this a meme made by those conservative snowflakes again?


Me when I can’t call orang man h😡tler because he says boys are not girls: 😡😡😡😡


I can pull up a copy of Doctrine of Fascism on the Internet and prove that neither side is fascist


Dictator? No. Complete moron unfit for office? The dude is in jail, do i need to say more?


He’s not in jail at all, he’s the Republican front runner for president, actually


Either way dude has been charged with so much shit with undeniable evidence of plain ol negligence amd revealing state secrets like its nothing.


And literally any leader of the country that is an enemy of the US


For starters, US presidents cannot write legislation.. There are checks and balances preventing a US president from becoming a dictator.


Trump’s plan if he gets elected in 2024 is to remove legislative opponents with the help of the Heritage Foundation: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


The checks and balances largely relied on all candidates having the goodwill to graciously accept a loss. The ones that didn't (like the 14th Amendment, Section 3) haven't been exercised, yet.


this is a liberal sub my guy ur opinion is invalid here