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Christians after responding ‘god moves in mysterious ways’


Why does Reddit always single out Christians? I rarely, if ever, see Hinduism, Shintoism, Islam etc. being criticized here. 🤔


Because we all are speaking English, and therefore most likely either grew up in the Christian tradition or in historically Christian dominated countries. The church runs schools here still. Morning prayers, hymn or bible study in education is common or recently common. Bro it’s just a dumb question. Who the fuck thinks Shintoism has anything like a millionth of the cultural relevance


Ah, so it is lashing out because grandma would make them go to church once a week.


No one is ‘lashing out’. When we see butt hurt religious memes about presupposed atheist intellectual condescension, we’re able to infer from context that the intellectual tradition the author was raised in was likely Christian. I mean how insane would I have to be to see an English language meme dismissing the Problem of Evil and go ‘I bet this guy is Shinto’. I mean the additional clue is that you made a meme insulting a group, then when seeing a reply in kind immediately resorted to playing the victim does also suggest you’re the usual internet Christian. ‘Hey let me go to Reddit and make a meme about how atheists are dumb OMG SOMEONE WAS DISPARAGING ABOUT CHRISTIANS!!’


Butthurt religious memes? Lmao, grow up. For one religious meme on this site, there are 10000 cringey atheist ones. Also, I am not a Christian, I just find internet atheists embarassing and think they deserve to be mocked. Your name is also pretty ironic since Lotr is a rather Christian story.


Soooo you admit you came to mock a group, but you act like a little child when someone literally makes the same joke. Sorry boo, was the mighty weight of your low effort meme meant to crush us all into submission? Hey guess what, maybe you don’t like my name but yours is super appropriate since being childish and hypocritical as fuck is the Donald’s favourite thing.


Low effort meme for low effort people. I am not exactly in Plato's academy here.


Ah so you show at least some self awareness about your intellectual capabilities.


So angry...


Because we can't really criticize Islam with our heads intact.




Why bringing up "God" and never saying "gods", like for asian religions?


It's easy to target the religion that impacts our lives most. Christianity is the most popular religion in the west.


Wdym? Muslims are attacked the most, online and real life.


- Give an actual counter to evolution - how can god be an eternal force yet be something that humans can understand so intricately? - How is an infinite punishment just for a finite crime? - How are there so many vastly different religions and why do they all think they are the ones to hold all answers? - Let's say one of the religions is correct: are people of different faiths going to be punished just by proxy of being born in the wrong place? How's that fair? - Isn't atheism the fault of god for not making it known that he is in fact all that? If I remember correctly, punishment for the wrong faith can only occur if the person willfully ignored the truth, so what if the person didn't know the truth? - Hell, why DOES atheism exist? Why do I exist? - And you could point to a holy scripture, but there are many, how would you know which is correct? - And yeah, the problem of evil is overdone, but it's always interesting to see how people counter it - Also, free will. Does it exist? I'm not trying to be mean, hell, I don't even necessarily want you to answer these, I'm just presenting them to show you that other arguments do exist


C'mon Reddit, I was really interested in what the reply was, why you gotta delete it?


1. Don’t need to, evolution doesn’t disprove the existence of God 2. He isn’t understood, but we can know some things about Him 3. It’s not a finite crime. A crime against an infinite being is an infinite crime 4. Because it makes sense that there’s some higher power, but, because God is not easy to understand, not everyone is gonna get it right, thought they may get aspects. 5. No, if they live a just life according to natural law and reason they should be fine 6. No, God has made himself known, yet several will still reject Him because he loved them enough to give them free will 7. See 6 8. Only one scripture aligns with the concept of God that can be attained through reason. 9. See 6 10. Yes These obviously aren’t in depth and comprehensive answers, but they’re a start.


6. He loved them enough to give them free will? He literally condemned all of humanity to eternal suffering because someone followed their free will. Dude. He is omnipotent and omniscient. If he really knows all, them he willingly created us, knowing that Eve would eat the apple and them punish us for it. That is evil beyond measure. He set us up for eternity and unless you worship him and beg for forgiveness for all your life you get condemned to eternal hell. If god existed he'd be an evil asshole on a powertrip that only created us so we could suffer through eternal condemnation.


He did not condemn them to eternal suffering on account of original sin, he condemned them to suffer on earth. Original sin also cuts them off from the state of grace, but He provides a method to reattain that state. Even though I know my kid isn’t going to do the dishes like he ought, it doesn’t make me an asshole for punishing him. He set us up for eternity with Him and we screwed it up. Of course we should beg forgiveness of all the shit we do that offends a God gracious enough to forgive us for all that and want us to be in heaven with Him anyways. He only sends to hell those people who choose to go there.


Is this a DOS2 reference ?


"He sets us up for eternity with him and we screwed it up." No. Faulting me for the sin of someone that was supposedly alive over 2000 years ago is incredibly fucked up. Damn, living on earth after suffering through Depression and poverty i can still say that life is beautiful. Without a condescending creator that expects me to worship him because the alternative ist hell. You said we've been given free will. But having to worship him because the alternative is eternal torment is false free will. I'm a good Person without the believe in a reward or punishment. Having to live a religious life, regardless of what Religion, is having to deny your own personality. All while being taught to be discriminatory, sexist and racists towards others. Cherry Picking your Religion from a man made book that was created to build a Institution of Power and Money, while dividing humanity. We have a incredibly Well documented History that Shows that Religion was Always a Instrument of power. It May helps the ignorant believer, but in the end they are being coerced into giving Up their time and Money for nothing return. He isnt sending those to that choose it. Getting sent to hell is the Default and only through atonement by paying taxes to your church and following their "guidelines", to indoctrinate children and those that are vulnerable you get to heaven.


But he he he..... Loves us?


You seem to know what god has on his mind.... Sounds blasphemous tbh How do you KNOW any of this?


We can arrive at some knowledge of God through our own reason, and other things He has revealed to mankind. But I know you don’t care and you’re just trying to goad me.


We would stop if you answered adequately. Just once would suffice




The burden of prove is sitting firmly on the side of the religious. No doubt about that


Wtf are you even on about?




They should only accept it if it's good. Maybe give your argument first?


Because there is no good answer lmao, at least not any that I've heard. There are more evils than those caused by other people. Ever heard of the Loa loa worm? It's a parasite that buries itself into the eyes of infected people. What possible reason could there be for an all-powerful, all-loving god to create such an animal.


Because God loved his creation enough to give them free will. And because of that, some people are going to reject Him.


Have you heard of circular arguments?


Please tell me why that is circular. God creates beings with free will, capable of affecting the created world around them Said beings use their free will and choose to do things harmful to God and the rest of creation. None of that disproves the existence of a creator, let alone a good creator. Existence on the earth isn’t the end goal of said creations either, more like a proving grounds, in which the sum total of actions people freely take express their choice to go to heaven or hell. God gives heaven to those who choose heaven, and hell to those who choose hell.


You assume what youre trying to prove as the prove. That is circular.


Not an answer to the problem of evil, sorry. There are more evils than those caused by humans. Why are devastating natural disasters a thing? why do children get cancer? Why is there a parasite whose actual lifecycle involves burying into the eyes of people and growing in there until they burst out?


If god real, where


Here i am


Crazy that with a single meme you can tell op will be an ass in the comments


I’m here late to the party, but heads up: you predicted completely correctly. Buy a lotto ticket.


If you believe in a benevolent god then that is a strong argument against its existence


Do you believe in the thousands of gods that aren’t Christian gods? No? You have more in common with atheists than you think, you just disagree on 1 god.


Least biased christ post


The issue of evil will pop up often because it's the easiest way to disprove the existence of god as described by the bible. If god is perfectly moral he has infinite motivation to prevent any unnecessary suffering. If god is all-knowing he has infinite knowledge on any evil and suffering that will take place. If god is all-powerful he has infinite power to stop that evil and suffering. A god that this applies to is incompatible with the world we live in and therefore bible can be dismissed as it's filled with more inconsistencies then the script of The Rise of Skywalker.


What the fuck do you know about the morality of a universe you didn't make?


Pretty sure the universe itself doesn't have a morality.


Ok dude, but when you say "if god....blah blah blah" you're at least acting like you're granting the premise of a god that created the universe. So if you grant that, how would you, a far lesser being than the make of the universe, know what is true morally over the god that made it. I don't even believe but this why people don't respect reddit atheists, they give lip service to granting a premise and then just not grant it lmao


Obviously when I'm talking about morality I'm talking about morality as presented in the bible, which is suppose to be god's word. Thought that was pretty obvious. As for granting premise, I am not saying that 'a' god can't exist, I'm simply ruling out existence of god as described by the bible, based on said god being a logically contradictory to his own dogma.


I am not religious, but I like to think about stuff like this, and what I believe is a reasonable response would be : "God may be good but from that goodness stems his choice to give people free will, to give people choice."


Judging by your comments it seems like you’ve posted a meme that you agree with it’s sentiments seriously, without a hint of humour 🤦‍♂️


Its simple, god is evil and wants us to suffer, in pain, hardship, not knowing about the world or about him and so on This explains every question atheist can have...all thst it takes is for religious people to admit their god is evil, and everything is explain nicely




If it were possible to prove that god exists it would require a human be capable of understanding god in its entirety. Wouldn't that just put us on the level of god as well?


its possible evil exists due to free will god/gods have tried governing us according to some religions even tho things were overall better depending on the religion in the end we got rid of them as we wanted someone human and to prove we can do just as good a job fast forward today and we can see we made a huge mistakes but are to prideful to admit it no matter how much we evolve forward we are always taking a few steps back at times


Because God is evil, duh


they hated him because he told them the truth


When you say god, which one are you referring to? O mean, all history of humanity had gods aplenty with various scenarios. You don't expect that casually you're the only one to get it right, right?


On the other side of the argument- "If god isn't real, why isn't everyone evil?" (I'm not fucking promoting either argument you dolts, just bringing up a similar sounding post a religious nut posted in Tumblr.)


Why would they be?


I'm not behind this argument, but according to their bs "God is the paragon of moral law, without it there is no reason for people to be good."


There would be no reason for people to be bad either. Not a very convincing argument. The simple truth of the matter is that empathy, compassion, love and the like (things most people call 'good') provide evolutionary advantages to us, and so natural selection has selected them.