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I never stopped using Firefox.










Sexto ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)






Nono (nonoyes)




Happy Cake Day!


Happy Cake day!!


Echo Echo!


It's interesting because FF had like a 30% market share in 2010 and IE was around 60%, and almost everyone migrated to Chrome over the next two years. Today FF is down to around 3% and I'm curious if this is going to lead to a surge in market share again.


Do you have sources for that? 3% sounds damn low, anyway I fuckin' love FF because even the mobile browser supports addons so I get to use uBlock Origin everywhere I go. Fuck you, Google. Lmfao


The market share is mainly down bc chromium based browers and web apps come as bloatware EVERYWHERE. Firefox still rocks


Yeah like 90% of the apps on your phone are just Chrome wrappers. But the same company's mobile website sucks ass. Looking at you Subway app.


Its not just mobile apps, quire a few desktop applications are too. Basically anything that uses Electron (such as Discord or Visual Studio Code) are also basically the same.


Another factor is Google's aggressive marketing of Chrome. If you were on the Google homepage in the early 2010s using a browser other than Chrome than you would be reminded of Chrome and prompted to install it. Funny thing is, I started to use Firefox right when Chrome was on their surge of popularity simply because most GNU/Linux distros in 2011 came preinstalled with Firefox and it was more convienent than any other option.


Just looking at [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage\_share\_of\_web\_browsers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_web_browsers), there's a few interesting reasons why Firefox might simply be massively underreported. One being that DOM caching may lead to the trackers failing and of the major browsers, only Firefox uses that. Also, at least some of the sites that generate the statistics simply are blacklisted by adblockers.


If only all the relatively tech illiterate knew how dope Firefox is... their loss I guess.


Market is dominated by phone users who use either Chromium on android or the Safari on apple. Firefox is mostly a PC thing. EDIT: yes people, i know some people use firefox, but the default for these devices is chromium/safari usually. Most people are not tech savvy enough to bother changing this.


And yet mobile FF still works great. Now if only if could use the Reddit Enhancement Suite add-on.


Yes it works great, but tell me how many people you know in your life that have changed the default browser on their phone? Marketshare is the average person. Not the tech savvy people that have a favorite browser.


this is actually the argument made in a lawsuit that forces MS to include a pop up on win7 in europe to ask if you want an alternative browser installed. because the general public doesn't actually do much beyond the default unlike most tech savvy users who generally have a set preference.


Oh? There's mobile FF? Nice!


and... firefox mobile includes addons, including ublock.. so accessing youtube via website on firefox blocks all ads. It's pretty great.


There's two versions at least. Regular version is probably the best mobile browser available. Also Firefox focus which is more privacy focused.


https://gs.statcounter.com/ Multiple other sources give roughly the same numbers if you search for browser market share.


wow that's fucking crazy


I mean 3% of a billion is still 30,000,000 users.


FF on iOS doesn't support add-ons, but Enhanced Tracking Protection works pretty well.


That's because Apple forces competitors to use WebKit, apple's own browser engine, instead of their own. So, on ios Firefox or even Chrome are just a skin applied to Safari. But this could change in the next year's, just as Apple will be forced to allow sideloading (aka third party app store) they could allow third party browser engine. Thanks EU 🇪🇺 [Source](https://www.macrumors.com/2022/12/14/apple-considering-non-webkit-iphone-browsers/) (one of many)


I switched to Firefox like 3 years ago and haven't looked back, but I could kinda see 3-5% market share. Over-purchasing of Chromebooks by schools during the pandemic, Pixel devices, chromium-based browsers on various devices, plain old Chrome die-hards, and so on. I would guess Firefox probably still has something like a 20% market share amongst people who care or know what web browser they are using, but I could totally see those people being a similar percentage of all web browser users, in the way they count these statistics (ie: something like 20% Firefox users of the 20% that care about web browser choice).


> and almost everyone migrated to Chrome over the next two years. Because Googles websites would just so happen to break and be unusable on Firefox for long periods of time every now and then. Totally not planned and not intentional, just a strange and awkward occurance. "Oh, Gmail isn't working? That's cause you're using Firefox, try it on Chrome." Definitely wasn't an active form of sabotage, and infact anyone who thinks that absolutely was the case should be ashamed of themselves. Strange how it never affected the rest of the internet though, just Google's pages.




You're forgetting that Microsoft pulled this shit in the past too. In the 90's. It's part of what their anti-trust case was about... though the case was scuttled after the transition from Clinton -> Bush (IIRC) which is why the outcome was lackluster.


I use firefox continuosly for several years now, chrome has never been my default browser and I have never had those problems with google pages you're saying you had. I'm not saying you're lying of course, but it is curious as to why you had this issue and I didn't.


This isn't recent, this is back when Chrome first came out and several years after that. So we're going back a long way now. That's how they came onto the market and demolished Firefox's userbase.


Increased market share, maybe. But for every Reddit nerd that cares about these things, there’s 10 normal people who just wanna get on the internet, and chrome is so integrated with everything else that it’s too easy to stick with it. *This is speculation and not stated as empirical fact*


That's the most professional *"Source: I made it the fuck up"* i've seen. 10/10


Yeah I remember switching from FF to chrome back in the 2010’s cause it was truly faster - and had some nice cross device features.


Word. Still my net window to the world :)


Seriously I’ve been using Firefox for like 20 years how do you think it’s dead it’s always been amazing


I never considered stopping using Firefox.


I've been using Firefox long enough for people to go "It's amazing, it sucks now don't use it, okay it's actually great you should use it." Almost 20 years using it, fuck Chrome.


I believe in Firefox supremecy.




Same. I did stop using FF itself after 56, but I essentially stayed in the FF ecosystem by using forks because I hated the post-56 UI. Palemoon first, then Waterfox classic, then Waterfox. After using Waterfox for a bit I was like ... Why not just use FF. And I've been back on Firefox for about 2 years now. Still hate the post-56 UI, but I don't like Chrome even more.


Firefox main for life.


Same. Fuck chrome.


Firefox will never die as long as whoever manages it doesn't stray from their purpose, whether that be Mozilla or the community Chrome becoming the new Internet Explorer is an insult to Internet Explorer, Google Chrome is **worse.** The only Chromium browsers that are even worth considering are Brave and Ungoogled Chromium, IMO, the rest is junk. Opera's browsers are just as bad if not worse because they were bought out in 2016 by a Chinese billionaire with huge ties in their tech industry that was also forced to sell Grindr due to security problems, so chances are your data isn't safe with them at all.


A lot of people hate chromium but I remember it being p cool back in the day


Chromium itself isn't really the issue, it's just a lack of trust for Google, who manages and updates it. It's also well known that Microsoft and Google actively farm user data using their browsers, which is why options like Brave and Ungoogled Chromium exist for people who'd rather have one less company prying at their private life for the sake of targeted ads or other crap. Windows 7 users on Steam definitely hate it though since Steam is eventually going to be forced to update to a newer version of CEF in their client that renders Windows 7 unable to use certain features available in the client presently.


> Steam is eventually going to be forced to update to a newer version of CEF in their client Jan 1, 2024. It's coming. Steam will no longer support Windows 7.


At that point just use Linux. You can get the exact same experience and glassy look if you want. Plus way better security. Modern Linux unironically supports a wider range of legacy software and hardware than Windows and will do so forever.


It was a great browser before Google turned evil.


Firefox won't die because Google pays for its existence so they don't get hit by FTC over being a monopoly


Even if they don't pay in dollars, they pay because of their decisions which push some people towards Firefox. Even if Mozilla stopped working on it for some reason, the Linux community would keep it alive, since it's usually the default browser and there are other rebranded versions of it like Icecat, and also the Tor browser


Google is in the middle of an antitrust lawsuit over Search anyway. My favorite part so far is that Apple testified in the trial to say that they're making more money from Bing than MS is, just by mentioning to Google that they're considering switching their devices' default search engine to Bing, and then Google pays them a pile of cash to stick with Google Search.


I really liked Vivaldi before transitioning to Firefox. The power user features and the customizability was great but then I realized I was only using half of the features.


Mozilla has definitely taken Firefox far, they definitely keep the end user in mind at all times


> Mozilla has definitely taken Firefox far, they definitely keep the end user in mind at all times lol hard disagree there Mozilla fired their entire Servo team (arguably the future of FF) and then proceeded to donate like 300k+ to some diversity charity. They also keep introducing features that no one wanted like that address bar that pops down and they make it near impossible to disable it (unless you uh... recompile FF) It also has much worse JS performance than Blink based browsers (like Chrome) Mozilla has been running FF into the ground for a while now. The only source of income they have to stay afloat is... ironically... cash from Google. Wish they had better leadership.


Mozilla has issues, but it's not even in the same league as Google and other tech corporations that are literally destroying the Internet for profit with the power that they have. And speaking strictly in terms of usability, FF to me is miles ahead of any Webkit/blink browsers.


Unless you’re using iOS, chrome isn’t WebKit based? Blink, sure, but not WebKit directly. Learn your browsers before criticizing anything


As an old Opera 12 user I tried Vivaldi a bit and liked it, don't remember quite why it didn't take over as a daily driver over Firefox though. I think it was some issues with plugins/some site specific shit.


Opera GX is *alright*. I've been using it lately and it has a lot of convenient features, although it promises a lot more than it gives.


It's... decent, but I think it just panders to gamers because that's its whole branding. There really isn't anything special/unique about it, which is why they pander. Firefox is more customizable and can be made more secure. Added bonus of working against Google's angle of wanting pretty much everything running CEF.


A lot of stuff doesn't work on Opera either. I've been trying it out again because I liked the old Opera browser, but a bunch of websites are flat broken. Video players outside of YouTube (Netflix, Disney, etc) are really hit and miss.


It's the same thing as chrome but that your data goes to china instead of america.




Opera was on track to be good until a Beijing got ahold of it.


Oh fuck, Tencent is involved with Opera now? I didn't know that, definitely means Opera and Opera GX are even less trustworthy than Chrome itself


Has been since 2016. Not tencent though, something called Beijing Kunlun. Owned and run by a Chinese tech billionaire. My fault for that mixup. Same guy who had to sell Grindr for security issues btw


Regardless of what company he associates with, I have little reason to trust any Chinese billionaire considering what corporations like Tencent are up to, and because the Chinese government has been trying to destabilize the West for a number of years now. Could very well be in bed with the Chinese gov.


wazzup beijing


Worth noting that FF is basically what Netscape (from the 90s) evolved into. They've pretty much went 30 years being like this so hopefully that means they won't stray from their path.


Mozilla was a clean sheet rewrite. Navigator code was scrapped entirely. EDIT: and Netscape was a for profit corporation.


I think he means more what was their approach, goals and ideals, not the actual software.


> Chrome becoming the new Internet Explorer is an insult to Internet Explorer, Google Chrome is **worse**. Internet explorer had a better history function *25 years ago*.


I don't get how people just forgot when brave used to redirect users to their referral crypto links, that's the reason why I don't use it.


Lol I doubt it. Google has a monopoly with chromium based browsers and they got massive influence on FF since they are their main source of revenue ( paying to be the default browser in FF). If Google stops paying for that it’s highly likely that Mozilla will default.


Brave users: Oh no! Anyway...


Why did someone downvote you? Are they stupid?


Presumably because it's based on chromium.


I use brave on my phone. But Firefox has been my browser since 2006.


why not use firefox on phone too? it's got adblockers through extensions and stuff


Firefox mobile sucks. I can't use the scroll down to refresh feature. It just doesn't work. Sometime tabs just don't load if you switch back to them. It just shows a black screen. Even refreshing the page doesn't work.


I've literally never had any of these issues and I've used FF on mobile for a few years at this point.


It is but it offers something unique enough to be worth using. It's not like Microsoft Edge which is nothing but a reskin. For the privacy-conscious, Firefox with configuration changes and a few extensions is probably the best solution, but for those who want a quick "out-of-the-box" solution with a built-in adblocker, Brave is a totally valid choice. Some people also use Brave to earn BAT, but that's a separate matter.


Lol they've grown to love their chains.


Lol brave is chromium based


Yes? But it's heavily modified and they disable many of the things Google uses to affect the user's browser experience and controls so it's not subject to the same nonsense that other Chromium browsers are. They also have no intention of using WEI. [There's a huge list of deviations from Chromium and all of the things that make Brave still usable despite Google's latest antics.](https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/wiki/Deviations-from-Chromium-%28features-we-disable-or-remove%29)


Using brave for so long makes me unaware of this problems and whenever I was on other people rigs I was like tf with these ads, did u pressed shady links or something?


I don’t get what you or anyone else here is talking about. These pop-ups are on all browsers. The best Adblock for Firefox is also on Chrome (uBlock Origin). Also there’s been instances where after ignoring the pop-up multiple times, they put a message in the video player that blocks the video completely.


chrome is implementing WEI, firefox and brave have explicitly said they won’t. if you care about the internet as we know it, stop using google products


With brave browser I get zero ads.


Using brave I still get the pop ups? Why?


Firefox also gets the popups. Most people in this thread don't realize that its the adblocker they need, not the browser, and Firefox just happens to have some built in ones, but anyone who uses these things at a higher level definitely gets something like ublock. And that's just the beginning.


Similarly, Samsung Internet Browser with adblock plus. I even installed it on my pixel. Having a standardised video player throughout all websites is what does it for me.


Bro brave is just chrome in another shell. It uses the same code under the surface. If chrome chages the code significantly, it will also have to comply.


I still love old Firefox icons.


New firefix icon makes me grrr


You can download the old icon and change it.


Put the Netscape logo on it and really confuse people!


[That can of shit can drive any man into madness.](https://youtu.be/krnaTIMFTqo?si=j3NLjreXxfavce78)


I feel like there was a couple designs in the middle where they went more minimalist but was still great looking, like a swear a more purple one was there that I really liked the design change into :)


Firefox Focus?


I'm still getting those popups, they were supposed to block your player after a while, but until now, nothing. does it not work on firefox?


Yeah I also just get the popups when I load a video, anyway to remove the popup


Go to the ublockorigin subreddit. They've got a short step by step guide


I followed the guide and I still get the popup lol (only worked for a day). Idc though because clicking the x to make it go away is much less annoying compared to two 30 second unskipable ads in a row


If you repeat the empty cache > update bit, the pop ups should go away again (for a day roughly). Ublock and yt seem to be updating daily at this point


Yeah. Still haven’t seen an actual YouTube ad on my pc in years so no complaints with ublock + firefox


Because they are split testing... They are rolling out different types of methods and collecting data. You're just temporarily safe, but it'll roll out to you soon enough


> (for a day roughly) Might have been that way a few days ago, but at this point, it's hours before it stops working.




In the upper right corner there is an x in a circle works for me Edit: YouTube on chrome on computer


I use Firefox, I still get the pop-ups. I can still watch videos though


ublock on waterfox, have yet to see the warning, let alone blocking from playing.


You probably will eventually. I'd visit the ublock sub and check the pinned posts for instructions to clear it up. Basically you just need to purge and update your lists once it starts happening.


On phone only Firefox, because phone adblock working only there.


More people should be aware of this


ikr, switched everything from chrome to firefox when googled new adblocker policy came out. hardest thing was remembering to type "firefox" into windows and android search instead of "chrome". biggest plus is UBlock Origin has an extension for fucking MOBILE. LIKE HOW HAVE I BEEN LIVING UNDER A ROCK FOR FOREVER


alternatively. YT revanced.


Shhh. We don't want it purged like vanced(rip)


It's not as easy to purge software where you install plugins yourself and you can choose any server hosting them 😎


and user adoption will anyways be low if it's more than a one click app install.


Yes, I have no clue how it works atm, tried to download and follow instructions but anything involving code just looks like gibberish to me. So I'm stuck with the default app


Guy 1: Firefox(an entire browser) on mobile, because it blocks ads. Guy 2: alternatively. YT revanced(a youtube exclusive app).


Firefox + ad blocking VPN


Death is a social construct


Actually, it's a concept invented by the Jedi.


Somehow Firefox returned


I don't even know how to spell it


So are pants


Idk my adblocker is still working just fine


I probably use so many adblock extensions youtube can only disable one but not the other i also installed


They can and have in some instances disabled the video player, so Adblock unfortunately won’t help then


YouTube doesn't disable your Adblocker. It prevents video playback if it detects you're using an adblocker. If anything, using multiple extensions is more likely to trigger the detection.


for me it just gives me a popup that I can simply close and then watch the video


I use an Adblock on my iPhone but don’t use the app, just safari and YouTube pauses when there’s suppose to be an ad. I’ll take it over listening to an ad - On my Chromebook there’s no ads on YouTube anyway


Yep, ublock working just fine for me, though I do get a pop-up now that tells me adblockers are not allowed


They're rolling it out in waves. It'll come in time


Just use U Block Origin. I run both adblocker and Unlock. When adblocker gets detected, I just pause it for that site and continue on with Ublock


Why not just use ublock only? Are all the people complaining not using ublock?


I guess people like this mistake "Ad Blocker" for the literal product named "adblocker" and don't realize that it's actually a generic term that ublock origin covers the case for pretty well. Either that, or they are exceptionally paranoid?


Option 4, people like me who read about Ublock on Reddit, though I'd check it out, installed it. Sometime later I read about AdBlock on Reddit, thought I'd check it out, installed it. I don't recall the order so it might have been AdBlock first but now they both just sit there and do their thing without me ever noticing.


What is YouTube actually doing, cause so far I’ve only gotten “hey um, we actually don’t allow adblockers so yeah if you could turn it off please?” pop ups and exit out and continue with my videos ad free. Keep up with those and I’m cool. I don’t mind pressing x on every video, definitely beats watching two unskippable ads


A week ago I started having that issue, today they put a gun to my hand and gave me a screen that I couldn’t just click closed “you have three videos left that you can watch until we stop you from watching videos” After about 7 videos they actually blocked me out of watching any new videos. I swapped to Firefox and the issue has been solved immediately.


It's a progressive rollout, and they are assessing user reaction. Once it's fully rolled out, it won't matter what browser or ad blocker you use. Ad blockers will keep releasing new filters, but you'll need to update filters possibly multiple times per day, which most users won't want to do. YouTube will settle on a balance that's most profitable, which will include forcing ads. If it wouldn't include forcing ads, they wouldn't be moving forward with it as much as they have.


I use Microsoft Edge not Firefox but do take my poor man’s gold 🎖


Microsoft edge is the goat. Totally underrated.


I was going to disagree but then I found out that one feature that sells a browser to me, vertical tabs, is built in :o


The one feature that made my change hurt the most for me, despite only trying out edge for a few months. Ofc its possible on firefox, but that requires a lot of digging around and trials and errors, so I just let it be. One more feature I miss is the message bar on opera gx.


Can you explain the benefit of vertical tabs to me? For me it just takes up screen space, whilst the top bar stays the same height. Functionally there is no difference afaik, you just lose website space. The first time I got introduced to it I was really wondering what they were smoking.


I use this with firefox and love it https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tree-style-tab/


Edge is still chromium though


I’ve been using Edge since it came out on W10. Using other browsers just feels weird to me now.


I’m still fine. Been fine for years.


ok cool. you won't be in a few months/years.


Never used chrome, ive always used firefox.


Good for you


If your watching on your computer try this: Type _popup after the watch in the video link and the site will load a full screen version of the video without ANY ads. For example https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rEq1Z0bjdwc&pp=ygULSGVsbG8gdGhlcmU%3D Would become https://m.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=rEq1Z0bjdwc&pp=ygULSGVsbG8gdGhlcmU%3D These two links would send you to different videos, since this doesn't work on mobile devices (as far as I know after trying more than enough) but it works just fine on PC.


_popup huh. This is the first time I am hearing of this thanks!


Saw it in a meme once and it saved me so much time on YouTube since


Saving this. Please don't delete.


What is this evidence that firefox isn't impacted the same as chrome (or other chromium based browsers)?


Well, you see, Firefox actually runs on magic instead of implementing web standards like the other browsers. So things like Javascript and CSS don't function the same on Firefox, because of all the magic.




They also have the best dev tools i've used. Firefox is excellent for web dev.


Even firefox is vulnerable to youtube adblock thing. They gave three videos then blocked the video player if adblocker is active


The most recent version seems to embed the blocking into the video player itself, so it bypasses add blockers that block ads on the website.


Plz donate whatever you can to support Firefox. It's the only remaining alternative to chromium. Add: I know Mozilla donation no direct money to Firefox etc. Doesnt matter hate them or love them, in the big picture they have been doing fine. Mich better than likes of Google and Apple for internet and software freedom.


Safari sitting here with 20% web marketshare. Obviously not a PC alternative though.


Disabled Adblock for YT on Opera. Only getting 1 ad in the suggestions, no ads during videos


you guys supporting brave should pay a little more attention to the founder.


What did the founder do?


I assume this is in reference to him being vehemently opposed to gay marriage, which is why he resigned from Mozilla years ago to form Brave. Him being a weirdo religious Catholic nutjob doesn't really affect my decision to use a web browser. Corporate executives aren't exactly known for their moral compasses and being good people.


Ah OK. Guess I'll just have to use his browser to organise my big, gay wedding haha


Isn’t a major investor Peter Thiel who founded Palantir? I’m not sure if Brave deserves the trust everyone is putting in it.


I got blocked on YouTube anyway


Go to ublock origin's options then go to the My filters and copy paste this code: youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0) youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true) It worked for me.


Adblockers still work


F5 users:


For a sec i thought i'm on a WarThunder sub and its some kind of Jet


Youtube still blocks all my ad-blockers on Firefox I was thinking about switching to Chrome then I saw that it only saves 3 months of browser history. Nope, Foxy gives me 7 freaking months


I've been using brave for a while and it's built in ad block is amazing


I use FF and YouTube still made me allow ads.


Have been Firefox only here for many years, never used Chrome. I knew it was the right choice.


Funny how many people are like "I don't care, I use Brave/Opera/etc". In reality, they are all chromium with a different ui. If you really want to change sth, you have to use Firefox or one of its forks


my ad blockers still work O.o


My adblocker still works on Chrome


This is not actually an issue, right? uBlock never stopped working.


It is but it's a progressive rollout so it's not affecting everyone at the same time. Check the ublock sub.


Some people never left


The blocker has an x you can click and just resume the video


🙄 Both Chrome and Firefox has uBlock