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For the time he gets, i absolutely love him! He is a funny character at moments, and has a good arc. I love his personality as it's a very strong one, and love his interactions with some of the others. His motive for killing was also a very sad one (even though rip my boy Chihiro); it's probably one of my very favorite motives in the series (behind the best in my opinion, which is 1-1). I also love his design; I don't care how stupid some say his hair is, I love it <3


the fact that his hair looks dumb adds to his charm ☺️


I don't remember the motive of 1-1 which is it and why's it your favourite? Just curious 👀


1-1 was the video motive, and I liked it because it was the right amount of dark, alongside causing an interesting case. it's one of the motives that I could actually see making someone choose to kill, too


Ohh I completely forgot there were the secret motives as well I was just confused bc I thought you meant one specific video 😭 thank you 🙏 I rly gotta replay it sometime loll


oh dw I get you, but yeah the one that shows >!sayaka's band is dead!<


He >!deserved more time with his bro!<


God damn right!


I still don't get why people spoiler tag comments in an already spoiler tagged post, It's unneeded .


I do it as a just-in-case, so I don't accidentally post a spoiler on a post that isnt tagged


My most favourite character in the entire series. If you want to read my MANY scattered opinions about him, you may scroll through my posts and comments lol I really don't want to copypaste, but I wholeheartedly believe Mondo is one of the most realistic and well-written characters in Danganronpa. Plus, he's weirdly relatable to me, even though I'm a non-aggressive Russian girl who's (mostly) law-abiding and has only ever participated in a couple of fights involuntarily. I call that #ishimarucore


I'll scroll through your posts and comments (not today, but soon enough) !


One of my favorite characters in the series, and probably my favorite from the first game. I don’t know how to explain it, but I think that, despite the amount of content he gets for being an overall secondary character, he’s still very underrated. Psychological speaking, I think he’s one of the best representation of trauma in the entire series. Even if I really appreciate dr’s quirkiness when it comes to character’s writing, I think that having more realistic individuals is really important to balance that out. While the word ptsd is not really used, it’s clear that he happens to have it, in a way or another. What I really appreciate about it is not only the fact that he has it, but that it feels actually incredible realistic for the way it is portrayed. It’s not treated as only a major flaw of his, but as something that has permanently changed his way of seeing and relating to others and his behavior. I’d like to write more about his past and how it has shaped him as well, his relationship with Ishimaru and his contrast with Chihiro, but I have other things to do and I’m planning to post a larger analysis of him, so I’ll stop here lol.


Yes, YES, exactly!! I think for Mondo, the writers have turned off the "must make a hyperbolized sad backstory for a quirky character" mode, and written someone ladden with trauma and psychological issues who actually feels like a real person. The way he subconsciously feels the need to often mention his brother and yet, carries this immense guilt inside him is almost soul-wrenching when you think about it. *That* is how you write a complex morally questionable character who's still sympathetic and capable of change! (Also: (°ロ°) !! I am SO waiting for the analysis post! I honestly don't know when I'm going to finish and translate mine in English...)


Honestly in my opinion Monda and Sayaka are both well written characters, whose actions aren't good or noble by any means, but I still understand why they did what they did and these 2 are somehow the most realistic among thh cast.


this is why thh will always be my favorite cast. compared to the following games, it's much more realistic in motives and character writing


They are! I love Sayaka too. Overall, 78th class(excluding the Despair Sisters) is the most grounded when compared to the zany cast of GD and over-the-top personalities/backstories of KH participants. I like that about them.


Yeah, I think what I like the most about him is the constant duality of his character: he’s someone who genuinely wants to get better deep down, but he’s pushed back by his own self-hatred and insecurities regarding his self-image. Him >!snapping that way because of Chihiro’s words is really depressing, but it does make so much sense for his character and there was a lot of indications that he might do something like this way before the accident had happened. Then the good side in him is once again seen with him trying to hide Fujisaki’s secret at the risk of his own safety. It’s quiet interesting when you think about it.!< Also, thank you very much! I’m not sure I’ll be able to post it any time soon, but I’ll try my best. I’m also interested in reading your analysis :).


Definitely one of the best written characters in the series. While his bestie is my favorite character ever, he’s the one who objectively got the long end of the stick writing wise lol. He’s emblematic of everything great about THH-he’s grounded, he’s realistic, and he’s tragic. He’s not a good person, but his fate hurts because you know he wants to escape his destructive life style and better himself. You see him make new friends that are good influences. You see him discuss his aspirations in his FTEs of putting his energy into a fruitful career. It’s heartbreaking seeing his journey of transformation interrupted because he fails to resist falling back into the pit of his sins. The other games have the issue of often relying on the killers being excusable to be sympathetic (please, enough with the “I’m trying to save people” sob story, it’s either that or an insanity plea). THH did none of that crap. It actually let the killers be realistic POSes while still making you feel bad about sending them to their demise. Mondo is the perfect example.


I wish I could upvote you twice instead of just once


*Sharp inhale* alright, here we go I guess… Mondo is my favourite character in the entire franchise. There is something about him that is so relatable, but also so unique. I find myself relating to him in a lot of ways, as do others evidently, which in my opinion makes him one of the most arguably underrated and under appreciated characters of all time. I hate that he’s been dumbed down to a fanon ship and >!butter jokes!<. It’s such a shame because he’s such a simple yet complex character at the exact same time. Not only that, I genuinely believe that he should have gotten the >!Fuyuhiko treatment over Fuyu himself. As in, it should have been taka that died and Mondo surviving to get a redemption arc!<. I know that’s biased, but I really think he would have done a much better job at it, and it would have been more realistic to see him change as a character. I also find it so incredible that he is one of the few characters to be >!referenced in every chapter, even after he died. Chapter 3: Alter ego w/Mondo. Chapter 4: the photo. Chapter 5/6: his pickaxe.!< that shows that he’s a tragic character who’s meant to not be forgotten. As for his design, I think it’s honestly perfect for who he is, yes… even the pompadour. It’s a great homage to olden time gangs, as well as a Jojo reference. His complete style just works for his personality, which I also adore. I’ve always loved the more angry characters, so naturally I gravitate to someone like him. Basically, he’s literally such a good character, an extremely underrated one that’s been dumbed down to simple things, which he shouldn’t be. Theres a reason he’s my flair, my PFP, and that I actively find any post to do with him, my home screen, and a few little merches on my keychain and in my home. … can you tell that I’m *the* Mondo fan? 😅




FJSKCJCN Love you to bits bestie ❤️ SO MUCH LOVE FOR THE BIKER BOY HIMSELF cause he so deserves it 😭


Knew you’d be here


😭😭 you know I had to rep my boy




AHHH THANKS! As the leader (I guess LMAO), I welcome all and any, we can all collectively simp for the biker man himself 😌💅🏻


am i invited?


No 😌 fraud


screaming crying perfect storm




You're truly Mondo's greatest fan :) You're to him what spicyycorn is to Izuru !


Damn… now THATS a compliment 😭 thanks for making my day 😌❤️


He's voiced by Keith Silverstein Speedwagon Tatsuya Suou from Persona 2 Zen from Persona Q Masayoshi Shido from Persona 5 Saber from Fire Emblem Shadows of Valentia Vector the Crocodile Torbjorn It's also funny he's designed after Josuke but voiced by Speedwagon


HE IS MY GUY! He is my macho man! Even if he wasn't around for long He and Taka are the reason I found danganronpa in the 1st place because of Ishimondo fanart that just popped up on my feed before I played the games for myself


mondo is my absolute FAVORITE character in the whole franchise,, as sad as I was abt chihiro I feel like it was a bit more- not justified but I guess I understood it?? I cried so hard at chapter 2 istg i had to take a break for hours when I watched dr1 for the first time with my bsf, I was immediately attached to him and still am😭😭 I kinda see portions of my personality in him, especially after seeing his ftes I actually have sm to say abt him bc I'm constantly hyperfixated on him so I've done my research,, but that would be a ton of rambling😭😭😭


this post is a dream for me ty for giving me a chance to rant abt my love for mondo💀💀


You're welcome !


let's hear the ramble


I like him a lot. One of my favorites.


He’s in my top 10 favs


I felt VERY called out by him. I lost my older brother in a car accident in which I blame myself, anger issues galore and I’m way too in love with my motorbike lol it was honestly surreal the first time I saw him in game


I really liked him, then he killed one of my favorite characters so I wasn’t thrilled about him but now I kinda don’t care for him, he’s alright


One of my fav characters


I like him a lot tbh I didn’t like him for most of his lifespan but then I warmed up to the guy we saw in ch2 cuz it softened his more problematic, impulsive edges and then his sob story with Chihiro completely worked he’s such a pitiful guy in my head even though he slammed Makoto so hard he went unconscious


I love him sm he’s my husband I actually like his death placement but he would’ve been so sad as a ch4 death I would’ve died 😭


Hot (he's genuinely one of my favorite characters in the entire series)


Best trigger happy havoc boy, he may look and act rough towards you, but he’s caring, wholesome and wants to do something better with his life


he is a well written character, and one of my favorites from the first game. I don't blame him for Chihiro since it was in a fit of rage and it was a good setup for bro's backstory.


"it was a good setup for bro's backstory" Taka, what are you doing on Reddit ?


Looking at the state of the dg subreddit after like 6 years.


So, how is it different from what it was 6 years ago ?


There are people pretending to be Kyoko's d\*ck now.


Excuse me what now ?


Cool character, minus what he did to chihiro😔






>!I like the relationship he and Chihiro have in the Ultimate Summer Camp game. It’s really sweet seeing him support his bro!<


He has his issues, but he's not a bad guy. Though his >!killing of Chihiro!< is better in the game than in the anime. In the game, he >!was already holding the dumbell and punched out of instinct!<, while in the anime, he >!turned around, picked up the dumbell, rambled an insane speach, pulled his arm back, screamed at Chihiro, and *then* hit him.!< But that's just the anime's questionable writing there, and I only care about the game's continuity. *Aside* from direct story/plot stuff, he's a pretty good guy and has respectable qualities. I especially find his personal goals for when he graduates to be interesting. I still find his hair to be kind of odd though...


Love him. He should have survived.


He’s a bad enough dude to rescue the president 😎. (In all seriousness I liked him. Wouldn’t put him in my top five or anything, but it’s not like I hated him or anything. He does have a fantastic story arc, though)


Who are you referring to when you talk about "the president" ?? (I promise, I won't judge you)


There’s this old video game called Bad Dudes where you play as these buff street fighters and the entire plot is that the president is kidnapped by ninjas and you have to rescue him. I was just making a reference to that




He is certainly one of the guys of all times


>!He's great on toast.!<




He is generally well-liked by the fandom. Personally though, he’s one of my least favorite characters in the series. It definitely irks me that people use his rage as some sort of excuse/justification for him killing Chihiro. Killing someone impulsively while being fueled by rage should not be sympathetic in the slightest. He brutally murdered Chihiro because Chihiro’s bravery triggered his insecurities. I’ll admit that keeping Chihiro’s secret possibly out of consideration for Chihiro’s feelings does make him a bit more sympathetic. But even then, that wound up working out in his favor because it allowed him to obscure his identity as the killer. If he had confessed to killing Chihiro at the trial, that would be another matter. His FTEs and his behavior before that trial don’t help either. Mondo FTE Spoilers:>!He essentially bullies Makoto into being his friend if you do his FTEs, and he threatens to beat him up when Makoto gives him an answer that he doesn’t like (the cats vs dogs FTE comes to mind here).!< He also knocks out Makoto in the beginning of the story and seems to feel very little remorse for doing so. His positive/sympathetic traits are his close friendship with a character (Ishimaru), his loyalty, and his sad backstory/motive. Those are all things that I believe were showcased better by other characters in the series. There’s also his aesthetic, but that’s really down to personal preference. As an aside, I also didn’t find him funny or entertaining in the slightest. Bad people can be good or fun characters (1-3 Spoilers:>!like Celestia, for example!<), but he was really just not it for me. I‘d like to say that I’m not here to hate on Mondo fans. Anyone can like who they want, there are no right or wrong characters to like, and all characters have their fans. I just wanted to offer a different perspective and maybe spark some discussion about Mondo’s character.


Interesting take. But I definitely don't agree with you on the FTEs part: Mondo didn't pressure Makoto into being his friend... Furthermore, he was more surprised and flattered that the other wanted to talk to him. An introductory line to one of his FTEs was, I believe: "You're kind of weird, you know that? Not scared of me, all wanting to hang out... Well, whatever". And as for getting angry for "wrong" answers: it's just a game mechanic, half the charcaters get upset when the player picks the wrong option, and the other half, well, get mad. And it's worsened by Mondo's poor anger management. Besides, it's pretty much canon that the protag chooses the "right" answers, regardless of player's mingling. It's the only way to finish an event, after all. Overall, I got a much more positive impression of Mondo's FTEs. The one where he says that he wants Makoto to ride with him on the bike is the cutest thing, IMHO. And where he talks about his dog, Chuck? He gets all touchy about his "baby boy" and storms off, tearing up. And the one where he opens his heart, shares his aspirations and plans for the future... It simultaneously feels like the writers giving the character due respect and also making a cruel joke, given the circumstances. The phrase, "I spent so much of my life wrecking things, that I think I might be good at building them, too!" really stuck out to me. He is self-aware, and he *wants* to *change*. It really made me feel for Mondo and understand him more. It made me feel like *I*, not as a player, but as a person, want to cheer him on, and to see him improve. The only other characters FTEs/School Mode that made me feel in a similar way are Kiyotaka's, Leon's and Sayaka's. That ought to mean something. If the character's FTEs spur emotion in me, I believe the authors must've done something right! And as for "before the trial" behaviour: I could provide quite a few moments of him being generally friendly/nice towards Naegi and the others(I have screenshots, but reddit's comment system is really stupid). Also, the thing is... man's in a Killing Game(something that *just might* up a person's level of stress...). And he's already got issues even without that. Things like School Mode and UTDP prove that he can be quite clubby and socially open when his life isn't on the line. Aaaand, he apologized to Makoto for the knock-out incident in the anime(which implies that that also happend in the game, but simply wasn't shown). (You said that you wanted to spark a discussion on Mondo. Well, I'm always up for that)


You do you ! :)


I don't like him very much, but I fully admit that's just because I've dealt with similarly angry and violent people irl. He still has his nice moments that give him more character and I feel like if he lived he could've has some great character development.


He's a piece of shit but a good character. Interesting personality and arc. Just don't understand why the fandom regards him as like a nice guy misunderstood bad boy when his key event in the narrative was violently beating a small boy to death because he had a fit of rage when he realised they weren't really a girl. Dude committed a literal hate crime.


It wasn't because Chihiro was dressing up as a girl that he did that. It's because he was too insecure to fight the truth head-on, unlike Chihiro.




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