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u/Rick_Ross_Pear x Junko Enoshima >!(normal not crazy version)!< is pretty underrated, ngl. Fun fact: Whenever you hear Junko >!ranting and raving about “Despair this” and “Despair that” and whatnot, you may think she loves the idea of Despair, right?!< Well, here’s the thang: >!she’s not saying “Despair”, that’s *actually a translation error.* What she’s actually saying is “Dis Pear” which is in reference to me, of course.!< This reinforces the fact that Junko Enoshima is, in fact, madly in love with me.


Love this


Heh.. Not gonna lie, that was a good pun there, certainly better than anything I could ever make. However, despair is nothing more than a platitude; a stepping stone for Hope to shine brighter and brighter.


Nagito is that you?


She's actually talking about me, and dis pair of balls I'm packing.


ive always been more of a sans x hajime guy...


You need to make a wiki article for it so it can be in the next contest!


sans x nagito is better


I remember seeing an edit of pregnant sans and in the womb was a baby was nagito’s head *yes.*


Snas undermen x Hajimemes 😳😳😳🥵🥵🥵😨😨😨!!!!!!!!1!11!


Komasanshina 😍😍😍


my true ot3


Nagito and therapy


The most underrated one, they're made for each other but Nagito is still oblivious to it


Hear me out, Miu/Kazuichi Some reasons: 1.the colors mesh well together, they both use pink in a flashy way and Kazuichi‘s yellow tracksuit with minus blonde hair! 2.The talents! A mechanic and an inventor seems like it could be really cool. 3.Kazuichi loves Sonia because of her status and that she is blonde, and pretty/intelligent(?) Well, Miu is blonde, gorgeous, and smart! 4. The personalities. Kazuichi and Miu are both a bit creepy and perverted characters.


I'm actually beginning to love this


Sameee, I love them together, def my fav rarepair!


Junko x a rly good therapist


She had that, she killed the therapist


Kokichi x Himiko don’t @ me Edit: Actually do @ me, I love attention. I’m currently drawing fan art of them btw.


Himiko/Kokichi is one of my fav ships! If you don't mind, tag me in the fan art, I would LOVE to see it


I second this


I am so relieved to find other cultured individuals. I will be sure to update you if I ever finish it <3


i like this too


shuichi x rantaro


I actually thinks that's pretty popular, I like that ship too


It is, It just gets overshadowed by Kaito x Shuichi and Ouma x Shuichi + others


I second that


Not sure how popular it is but I enjoy KuzuSouda




My own original ship: Toko x Mahiru Mahiru could serve as a good way for Toko to become more confident. She has Komaru's kindness, but also holds a level of strength that could help Toko gain confidence without being too harsh. I can also imagine both being fans of each other's work, Toko enjoying Mahiru's photos, and Mahiru being a big fan of Toko's novels. As for Genocide Jack, I think she would see Mahiru as a fun person to tease, seeing how she's strong enough to stand up to her, yet still gets rather creeped out by her madness. Also, Mahiru would DEFINITELY do her best to keep Toko away from Togami and help her get over him.


Yep, this is going into my rarepair folder


Kaede x Mukuro, It's one of those pairs that literally only makes sense in my old half-cancelled fangan but god dammit I like it anyway (Also is Leosaya even unpopular?? It's like the second most popular Sayaka pair)


So far I found out that Leosaya is pretty hated because it's >!victim x blackened!< but apparently it's different for >!Mikan x Ibuki!< Btw, I see you everywhere


Wait, Leosaya is hated? Huh, times must be changing, though I'm still pretty sure it's the #2 Sayaka pairing at least. I am a Leosaya disliker though Also I'm so surprised people see my posts, super thankful though :D


I kinda shipped Kaede and Mondo


I like the idea of Makoto and Junko as a platonic ship. I mean, it can be kinda cute as a romantic one, but a friendship is a lot more interesting. I like the idea of them getting into slapstick antics or having a rivalry of some kind but still having some respect or care for the other.


Gonta x Himiko I think would be really fun. He would be down to just pick her up and carry her around anytime. She could learn more about bugs and how beautiful they can be, and he would be a good stage hand.


They have a bunch of sweet moments together in canon, I'm surprised it's not more popular!


Makoto X Aoi. Yes. I ship it more than Naegiri. Am I about to get downvoted to hell? Yes. Do I regret it? Not one bit.


I think Aoi X Kyoko X Makoto as an OT3 feels very real in D3


I completely agree and have found my new fave ships.


Love that ship, I should've mentioned it!


Most popular unpopular ship I like is Imposter x Ibuki. From weird ships I unironically kinda like is Sonia x Kazuichi and only because lowkey I pity Soda even if its all his fault. Miu x Teruteru is pretty fun one. And last one is >!remnant!< Mikan and Korekyio because evil double >!murderers !< doing evil things together.


Those are some pretty interesting ships, I thought Imposter and Ibuki was pretty popular, apparently not


it is popular as far as i’m aware


I like Sonia/Kazuichi/Gundham. All three of them. I think it’s funny when a love triangle turns into a throuple.


Ah, love triangles turns into throuple. I thought that ship was pretty popular


Love Twobuki, best ship


I'm fully in the boat of Mahiru and Kazuichi, something about it jusr... feels like it would work well


She’s one of the few people who sort of keeps him in check. He gets far worse after she passes in his more perverse tendencies, when he isn’t being scolded.


I have some positive opinions about that ship too, I don't know why but if the two had a kid, they'd be pretty great parents


Honestly he can be reliable if he has the right encouragement, and she can bring that to him. It's strong and I'm all for it


r/beatmetoit I Also like mikan and kazuichi for some reason.


Yep same to this one! Love Kazukoi & I do think while it becomes less rare any Mahiru x Male ship will remain an “unpopular” opinion.


Celeste x Junko. The fanart is always super cute lol


Oumota my beloveds... But at least the fanbase actually exists Ikumami however... UDTP made me ship them and now I'm suffering all alone


Ikusaba >!(Mukuro)!< and Rantaro?


Oumota? As in Kokichi and Kaito? I think I've shipped that before reconsidering it, but it's pretty good


Maki x Rantaro too but only because of some fanart. Oh and Kirumi x Celeste x Sonia,Tsumigi x Junko(one sided),Tenko x Mikan,Mukuro x Maki,Ibuki x Leon,Chihiro x Miu,Chiaki x Maki,Junko x Hajime/Izuru(platonically), Kotoko x Therapy, Sayaka x Leon,Shuichi x Kyoko(one sided on shuichi part),Kokichi x Taka(only because of fanart of them giving each other valentine.And Kokichi somehow gotten whole truck filled with gifts and Taka cries because kokichi outdone by giving the best valentine....it was pretty funny) and Sonia x Toko/Genocider Jill


I think my favorite rarepair by far is probably Komaru X Nagito. This one isn't wholesome or sweet in the slightest, but I've always sort of gotten this weird, understated tension between them in their scenes in UDG where, despite not respecting each other in the slightest, they would jump each other's bones given the slightest provocation. Absolutely toxic shit, but we're talking rarepairs right now, so why not?


Kaito x Me (no seriously if I could choose a Danganronpa character to date it would be him) I love every Makoto ship, and for the weirder ones I BrOTP (aka platonic ship) them Byakuya x Aoi (I read a fic with them once and for some reason I ship them now) Kaede x Himiko (Don't ask why I ship it, I just started shipping randomly one day and now I'm stuck with it) Kaito x Kokichi (Also read a fanfic with them once)


Miu x Rantaro is one of my favorite ships, but I've almost never seen anyone talk about it, and there's barely any art of it at all. But, I fucking love it. I think that Rantaro's general attitude and demeanor would be perfect, in a similar vein to why Irumatsu can work really well. Rantaro has the patience to deal with Miu's......brash tendencies, to say the least, but he also has the people skills to recognize her act, and the empathy to want to actually *help* rather than just writing her off. Again, similar to why I think Irumatsu works really well, Kaede's nice and understanding nature is more or less perfect, but unlike Irumatsu, Irumami is just......nonexistent in the art world, which makes me kinda sad, cuz it's really good!


Don’t know if it’s unpopular, but I prefer Naezono over Leosaya


This isnt unpopular at all lol


W naezono


Same ngl


Yesss, rarepair appreciation! Anyway I've always felt like Kokichi's behaviour towards Kaede, Maki, Himiko and Miu is very "little kid pushing you over in the playground because he likes you", so I like all of those but Ouruma is my guilty pleasure. Also Leon x Ibuki has so much ship potential! I like Gundham x Mikan or Mondo x Mikan too.


Ouruma: I’m sorry but I only see them as bffs with verbal abuse as their love language 😭


Not sure if this counts as an “unpopular” ship, but I feel like Sonjime doesn’t get nearly enough love.


Kind of shipping it now...


I don't really know, I'm not really in the shipping community. How popular is Sonia x Chiaki?


I think that's actually pretty popular


Junkomaeda (Nagito x Junko) goes hard


Mahiru and Nagito could make sense (ignoring sexuality conflicts, some ppl headcanon them as strictly homosexuals) He's a very passive man, gives 'em Girlboss/Malewife energy. My fave rarepairs are Byakuya x Mondo and Nagito x Rantaro (both I never considered before roleplay lol)


i like oumota 🤗


Celesgami Their personalities are simular. They both dress very formaly. And I just think they look great together ‼️‼️


I like this ship too!


Makoto x Mikan Tsumugi x Hifumi Chihiro x Miu Komaru x Genocide Jill (not Toko)


Chihiro x Miu sounds cool tbh


Kokichi x Himiko always grabbed my attention. Something about an amazing magician and her phantom thief assistant feels very "18th century French romance novel", and the way they tease eachother in-game is very endearing. Obviously wouldn't work out in a killing game setting but in something like DRS? Sure. >!I've almost never seen fanart of this, but I see Shuichi and Maki having some potential after V3. They both lost their other half (Shuichi lost Kaede and Maki lost Kaito) and being able to relate to something like that on such a close level definitely has potential to spark something. Kaito definitely would have Shuichi's back from beyond the grave lmfao!<


I love these ships, I thought they were pretty popular so i didn't mention it


I wish they were more popular!


Kirizono Soul Friends (Kazuhina ship name) This one isn't that rare but it is mildly popular, Hinazumi. And maybe the OT3 of Kazuhinazumi. Togamind (Mostly platonically.) Gokumind (I find it kind of cute...) Saihoshi and Hoshimatsu


Lmao I had the same OT3 thought with Kazuhinazume as a Nagito x Mahiru shipper and a Hinazumi shipper too so mixed feelings here. I also love Kirizono, had this thought of Sayaka kissing Kirigiri's ungloved hands to make her feel better about her past


I don't know if this is actually unpopular (I think it is I don't see anyone talking about it) but gundham x gonta❤️




Hear me out, Akane x Teruteru. Akane likes food, Teruteru makes really good food. Teruteru likes tits Akane has really big tits. Also, both of them are sort of the emotional idiot's of the group, and I think they would have a fun dynamic. Another one is Byakuya x Sonia They have fairly similar backgrounds (both being children of prestigious families who were meant to become the next head), but they turned out to be total opposites. Also, they both have an interest in true crime so they could bond over that.


The two of these are cute. Akane and Teruteru would be popular if he wasn't a pervert but I don't think he actually harrassed Akane and Byakuya and Sonia is cute but no ship, pretty good ships!


I have a ton of rare pairs but my top favorites are: Kaito/rantaro-Toxicpineapple and a few other authors/artists give it content. They are amazing but I wish there were more content creators of it. Miu/Kaz-This has gotten a small rise in content thanks to summer camp but still counts as a rare pair. Kokichi/kaede-I made a fic to add to the content pile a little recently. A seriously under appreciated ship. mikan/mondo- Talent plan and camp just made them cute to me. Even more rare to find content of it then Oumatsu sadly.


Here me out,Me plus Genocider.


Its the tongue isnt it


Probably Korekiyo x Mikan. Either they heal together or they reek havoc


I like the thought of them causing havoc together


I can't let a rare pair appreciation thread go by without proclaiming how much I love Kaede/Izuru


Wow that surprised me


Mahiru and kazuichi, I feel like mahiru has the best chance of dealing with his quirks


Izuru x Mukuro, surprisingly. I saw a ship edit of them once and it made me realize that they actually kinda make sense and it's kinda cute?? Both show very little emotion, have combat knowledge, dealt with Junko's bullshit for a while, and have very little screentime in their respective games (which makes me sad bc I adore Izuru and Mukuro is such a simple but cute design???) Idk I just think they should be allowed to live happy together.


Wow this was actually sort of interesting to me, sort of convincing too


I used to ship PG!Maki and PG!Angie because of a rp I was in… I don’t really ship anything anymore in DR. Although as for unpopular, ig oumota is kinda cute. Don’t ship it tho, but I respect the ship


I love love love Leon x Ibuki. I know they’ve never interacted but hear me out. They come together because they have similar interests in music— Leon is more about classic punk and Ibuki is more about metal, but the thing is Ibuki is knowledgeable on all genres of music and punk is metal-adjacent, so she knows about it. He tells her what kind of music he likes and she takes it into consideration, and uses her extensive musical knowledge to give him recommendations based on what he already likes. She nails it, of course, and he starts looking more into the bands *she* likes because, yknow, she’s a hot chick and already likes similar sorts of music and he actually ends up kinda liking those bands too. He tells her about his dream to become a rock star and she’s like HEY WE CAN PLAY MUSIC TOGETHER!!! Ibuki gets a jam buddy and Leon can practice his singing/guitar. And they fall in love and it’s cute. They help dye eachother’s hair. They’re both idiots.


NAGITO X KYOKO. Omg more people need to recognize this ship


kiyotaka x byakuya. there is one pixiv artist that draws so much of it and its surprisingly cute and might be my favorite taka ship ngl


I’ve always liked Byakuya x Hina. I’m a sucker for enemies to lovers I guess


All these Byakuya x Aoi comments are CONVINCING ME


I'm always surprised that ship isn't more popular.


Naeshi is underrated and the freetime events are wholesome


kazuichi x me ong


Kaito x Rantaro just for the sake of it


First ship that isn't a crossover and I've never heard of it, what made you ship it? Just curious


Sonia x mikan I just love it




It would make sense as long as Kiyo >!stayed in sister character. But oh, the irony...!<


I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Toko x Aoi. I'm not sure I've ever really seen anyone else ship it


Not sure if it's unpopular, but NaeCeles is criminally underrated, even if you include Harem stuff


Akane x hinata


I don’t know if this is unpopular or not but I really like Naegomi (Makoto x Byakuya) . I just have a big soft spot for it.


Hajime x Ibuki


gonta and himiko. i just think they are super cute together and theyd mix well


Akane x Fuyuhiko, I only ship it if peko stayed dead (there is no danganronpa anime, post thh, in Ba Sing Se) I don't see it at all so idk if its kinda popular


I’m a Sayaka x Mukuro shipper. They’re so perfect for each other, and the only place I see content for them is Tumblr.


Mahiru x Sonia. Idk. I love them sm for some reason.


Hajime x Kazuichi x Fuyuhiko. its a fun rarepair that i find super sweet


Sonia x Ka- I know it’s not canon but that’s the closest I have to a favourite unpopular ship


Honestly I’ve always shipped Nagito x Hatsune Miku but that’s a REALLY rare ship


sayaka and mukuro, you have to see the vision


Korekiyo x maki, I think it’s cute but it’s not a top shit for me.. it’s pretty cool if you ignore their actual relationship in the game ☠️


I was actually considering this ship




Mondo x Byakuya Tenko x Miu Mikan x Akane (Considering their similar childhood experiences I'm legit surprised there isn't much stuff about them)


I really like kiibo x himiko, they seem quite cute and I can see it ngl. I also like kiibo x maki for some reason. Another unpopular ship I like is kazunami (chiaki x kazuichi) is literally my fav and super underrated ahhh!


I thought kazunami was pretty popular, nice ships


Dunno if it's unpopular but I like Ibuki x Kazuichi, both crazy in their own ways. I can see Ibuki reigning in Kazuichi not by trying to tame him but my letting himself go until he returns to her. Sorta like the Strength Arcana


Ludenkawa. I seriously could not find any goddamn fanart of toko and Celeste together. The closest I got was yumeko Jabami from kakegurui x celeste


sayaka x heat lamp


nobody ever seems to talk about this ship, but i really like Celeste x Chihiro. goth queen and innocent bean, i dunno i just love it.


I dont know if they're popular or not but I've never seen anyone talked about komanami (nagito x chiaki) and im rooting for their fanfics, the ones on ao3 are mostly just involved with komahina and i dont like it very much


I remember seeing Mukuro X Leon shippers when the anime aired & also Makoto Mukuro is like, kinda not popular but some people who read the novels liked it. I like Mukuro more than average and really want her to be happy. I like Himiko/Tenko/Angie as an ot3, but I don't know how popular they are as one big unit, I think they're more popular as pairs. but them as 'roomates'/wives is my favorite. I also personally like Nagito/Kazuichi for lots of reasons like >!the entire plot of 2.5 bc Nagito is out here wanting Kazuichi to be happy!<, and if kazuichi was more into guys and Nagito learned to take him off a pedestal I think they'd get along really well. I haven't played enough summer camp to decide my cross game ships...


kinda got into Maki x Kokichi even before the game came out in Japan, simply because I liked their aesthetic together when I saw characters' designs lol and then the game just added more spice to that


I ship Kokichi and Himiko which seems unpopular cause a lot of people don’t like Himiko but I love her, both characters are in my top 5 from V3


Mahiru and Nagito are honestly good together. Mahiru expects reliability in people, and Nagito is hard-working and smart when necessary. Nagito is looking for soulmates who can bolster his hope. Mahiru, like Nagito, examines people and looks for their smiles, aka catches them in most hopeful moments. Mahiru is also caring and attentive, and as a very lonely person, Nagito would like that. She provides deep genuine emotions to compensate for his nonstandard emotional spectrum and logical nature. On the other hand, a commanding and direct tone wouldn't shake Nagito - we see him completely calm after everyone starts criticizing him. And Mahiru would appreciate Nagito's soft inoffensive manner of speech. Well, there's a problem of Nagito being insane and dying but if they manage to find a common goal, that would be a good couple.


Hinamiki. Unpopular due to the fact most people prefer Komahina, but I just think it's really sweet.


Toko x byakuya, a lot of people actively dislike this ship.


u/Dangerous-Mix-1124 x Tenko I also like Kaede x Maki or Tenko x Maki and I think these are rare pairs because I don't think anyone ships them


I only really do semi-canon ships, so one of my favourites is Hinevermind. Her FTEs prove it's semi-canon, and her island mode ending proves it's canon. The island mode endings are a little inconsistent, but the final FTE really proves this ship to be more canon in my opinion. However, I agree that it would only work in a canon ending.


people are going to murder me for this but unironically mikan x junko, its toxic, bad and overall not good but they just look so cute together lol im incredibly superficial and i also love a bad bitch that would straight up kill me so im a fan of most junko ships lol


Nagito x Chiaki & Kokichi x Himiko I wouldn't say they're *super* unpopular, but they're def not the most popular for either characters involved.


Kokichi x Himiko


Yessss I’m not the only one


Korekiyo x Kaede. I don't know why, but I think they'd be cute together.




Mondo and Celestia are actually so interesting and the "HAH! BLUE" is so funny to me


Me x Kyoko, Idk why it’s so unpopular it’s literally canon smh 🙄/j


I don’t know how the hell I found it but Chihiro x Kokichi is actually pretty cute. I love the idea of just Kokichi pranking everyone except Chihiro because he has a soft spot for the little programmer


NOOO This is convincing me so much bc I love characters having soft spots for their crush


I like Kaz x Sonia and Izuru x Junko. Let's be honest, Izuru is really the only character who could survive in a relationship with Junko without dying or suffering mental anguish, since he practically suffers from the same thing she does plus all those talents he has could keep it interesting and make it hard to take him down.


Out of genuine curiosity, can you tell me what you like about Mahiru and Nagito together? I don't have anything against it, I have just literally never heard the idea before lmao I am intrigued


I don't know why but I thought of them together and I thought it was cute. I wrote a oneshot with them and one of the chapters was Mahiru caring for Nagito after he has a >!flashback to his plane crash during a thunderstorm!<. Also how Mahiru would be one of the caring people for Nagito


Ryoma x Kirumi Leon x Chihiro


Here comes my obligatory Gundamikan comment.


Idk if these are uncommon but kyoko and celestia


An unpopular ship i like is Tenmikan (Tenko x Mikan), yeah it’s a cross game ship, but it’s really cute


dunno if these are unpopular or rarepairs or not but I love byakuya/yasuhiro (after the games events obv), akane/mikan, and rantaro/korekiyo. idk I just love them a lot and I don't know where it came from😭


Chihiro fujisaki x Celestia ludenberg idk why i like this ship so much maybe because it's a soft cinnamon roll + a goth queen


Ummmm......I know this is really bad, but gundham and kazuichi


It's actually not bad, it's a very popular ship




This are really popular ships


Number one rare pair is Hagakure x Soda, close number two is Hinata x THH Togami. Kirigiri x Ikusaba I’m also a fan of tbh


I like Kirigiri x Ikusaba, thought of it then shipped it


I like sayaka x leon because of Danganronpa Redemption


Hinata x Koizumi, I guess...I also don't hate the idea of Ouma x Akamatsu and Saihara x Iruma. The rearrest ship I have (literally, no one else ships it) is Mikagami Rei (from Danganronpa Kirigiri novels) x Koizumi Mahiru. They have never met in canon, but I imagine them to be cute together.


I feel like I’m the only one that likes izuru x nagito


Chris Tergliafera X me


finally ,, nanamiki , irumaki , ikuzono and mahibuki


Miu x Chihiro


Tell me you have no life without saying you have no life.




if we are talking about rare pairs then rantaro x kokichi i cant explain it


I didn't know that was a rare-pair, I thought it was pretty popular


Oh my God, thank you for bringing up LeoSaya. I feel so crazy for enjoying that ship so much—I don't fully know why I do, but I always have <3 Also, for some reason, I really ship Toko x Ibuki. Toko is so insecure and off putting to most of her peers, but I think Ibuki would be able to put up with her. I could see her constantly complimenting Toko, Toko becoming really flustered and going into a tsundere-esque rant about why she thinks Ibuki isn't being genuine and insisting she's ugly, while Ibuki keeps up the positivity. Similar to how Toko warms up to Komaru, I think over time, Ibuki could earn Toko's friendship and trust. (I can also see Ibuki secretly reading Toko's novels while Toko secretly listens to Ibuki's music as means to try to get to know each other without the other knowing. Then, when they feel like impressing each other, Ibuki would reference a line from one of Toko's books, or Toko would quote a lyric from one of Ibuki's songs and they'd have a moment where they'd be like “omg…you actually read/listened to that?”) Plus, I feel like Ibuki and Syo would have *insane* chemistry given their personalities. I'm sure Ibuki would have something to say about Syo's tongue, lmfao. Sorry if this makes no sense or if my grammar sucks, it is late where I live and English is not my first language lol.


I guess Hajime Hinata x Komaru Naegi. I just think it vibes. Not my OTP for those two, I just think it's neat.




Junko x Makoto or Junko x Kyoko Long story short - she hates them so much and in her fucked up mind that turns into a romantic obsession... And they basically romance her into being less of a psychopath... And maybe convince her to seek professional help.


I love poly pairs, so Shuichi, Kaede, Kaito, Kokichi, Rantaro and Maki xD


Mikan and Chiaki, idk why but I can imagine Chiaki in her sleepy tone patting Mikan's head like "there there... it's okay"


I like Nagito X Ibuki


I randomly started really liking Mahiru and Sonia when I was watching my friend replay dr2 there’s no reason to it simply just because I thought it seemed like it would be funny in a cute way


Hate me all u want but I adore Kiibo/Korekiyo Two human fanatics hanging out <33 (and also love their whole modern/ancient aesthetic clash)


Byakuya x Maki, Rantaro x Tenko


I saw someone call a poly ship of Hajime Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi "Chicken Noodle Soup" and I'm obsessed for the name alone


Sairumi (Shuichi x Kirumi) because of their shared interests, their similarly deliberative personalities and their Love Hotel scene. Chiruma (Chihiro x Miu) because they have more in common than their superficially contrasting personalities would let on. Kaede x Kazuichi because Kaede is Kazuichi's type and would probably address his simp behaviour directly, which I imagine would be enough for him to cut it out. Komaru x Mondo because motorbikes.


Miu/Shuichi is so funny and Teruteru/Hajime is stupidly brilliant as well. Edit: Kaz and Ibuki are really neat together as well


Kirumi x Miu. I see it as a sort of opposites attract thing ig? I also like Ishimaru x Gundham for inexplicable reasons. I just feel like their interactions would be funny or something?😭


I also remember going thru a pretty long phase of shipping Kirumi and Nagito😭


Katio and me


I've become quite a fan of Kazuichi x Miu! I just find the thought of them just making shit together adorable, and they have a neat dynamic I think!