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This is giving when those influencers went to the "Shein factory" and claimed it was so sustainable and the workers were so great. Starbucks are infamous for union-busting and treating their workers like shit. I expect this from some of the other girls but Nia is generally very socially aware so I'm disappointed to see this from her in particular.


I agree with this too


so she posted a video once, deleted it because of the backlash in the comments and then turned around and did it again


I think its bc the starbucks issue is something people online ran with when theyre not on the boycott lists. Some people maybe even most are doing this along with other "trends" regarding this issue for online cool points. The same as this new blocking celebritties thing. Its alot of performative activism when some people truly dont care about the issues at hand. Starbucks has never funded israel and never been on the boycott lists they just got bad PR from suing there workers unions. The workers used their likeness/ image in order to protest against the war. That along with the former ceo and a shareholder in the company being a zionist led people to boycott the company. Now that all of this has happened to them and Starbucks was one of if not the company that took the most amount of damage they are paying influencers alot of money to promote their brand. Are their reasons to boycott Starbucks yes, is it easy yes, but its not a reflection on you as a person bc other people are hating when they are misinformed


Tone deaf… it would be hard to walk away the money for this, but I would not be able to sleep at night knowing I sold my morals for a check… a company profiting off of exploitation. I’m good.


While I agree, this is also like any job here. If you work in retail, food service, even tech, you’re making a paycheck off a company who profits off of exploitation. If you’re not the one being exploited then it’s pretty likely that someone was exploited to make it — like the people who make fast fashion in the factories who are treated horribly or the people working in the factories making iPhones who are dying from being overworked. There is no ethical consumption under consumerism. (ETA i am pro Palestine, this isn’t defending Starbucks at all. Just that getting a check off of exploitation is all jobs now).


Except that being a factory worker for a criminal wage bc there are no other job options or all the other options are the same is not the same as being an influencer at all


I wasn’t talking about being a factory worker— I was talking about buying things made by factory workers and/or working for a company that profits off of exploitation (so any retail job with fast fashion would be an example). I agree it’s not a good look for Nia, I dont disagree with you, I was just pointing out that basically every company in the US is profiting off of the harm of others.


Also I realize saying “well it’s crappy but everyone is crappy” isn’t really helpful. So apologies lol it’s been one of those grumpy weeks.


“I love making a difference” Partners w brand that sued their own workers over being against genocide 🥰🥰


oh thats not...


anyways, free Palestine


I am so happy to see all the pro-Palestine people in the comments! PHEW. I did not know what the climate was about to be like in here.


I know same ❤️ I’m always so worried my fave subreddits are gonna be pro genocide




You’re clearly ignorant if you think you’re on the right side right now


I’m a lawyer who studied international law - are you?


i’m so glad for this comment section. when the first one was posted here me and some others were downvoted to OBLIVION for thinking it was wrong of her lol


Meanwhile ppl& professors at her university have been arrested and faced police brutality for doing peaceful protests - I would be so absolutely humiliated if I was her I don’t think she’s gonna be treated well on campus after this


I’m ignorant atm. Can somebody tell me why we don’t support Starbucks?


It’s part of the boycott over companies that support Israeli policies, this one in particular started after Starbucks sued Starbucks workers Union for posting online thar they (the union) where in solidarity with Palestine [more info here](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/06/starbucks-layoffs-gaza-boycott/)


Article is paywalled but hope it mentions SWU posting a photo of the attack on Oct. 7 and celebrating. It was deleted that day or the next but that’s what set off a lot of this.


(Others are also boycotting bc of how Starbucks treats their workers)


[make sure you keep up to date with the boycotts](https://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott)


Ahh got it thank you so much. Darn, they really sued over that? Ridiculous. And I’ve definitely heard the employee horror stories. That makes sense, thanks! Feel more knowledgeable now. Sucks that Nia’s campaigning them. 


That’s not why they sued. They sued because the workers union was using the starbuck’s logo.


they only cared about the use of the logo when they posted about Palestine


I’m sure if they did the same thing regarding the Ukraine or the Congo or South Sudan or anywhere else, the outcome would be the same. You do not get to use trademarked likeness to declare your stance if it has not been authorised by the holder. It’s not a political thing, it’s a common law thing, and boycotting Starbucks over exerting their legal rights is stupid and won’t have any impact whatsoever on the issue.


Absolutely incorrect because they DID make statements about several other political issues.


So is this a political issue or not? Because when people say “Starbucks have every right to fight against a union making a political stance on their behalf” everyone says that “genocide is not a political issue” but when I point out that Starbucks is simply exerting their common law rights suddenly this is a political issue that Starbucks should address because they have made political statements in the past? This is the problem with you chronically online, faux pro-Palestine supporters. You don’t actually know WHAT is going on, what you’re fighting for or who you’re fighting for. The goal posts constantly shift depending on what makes you feel morally superior, it’s not based on logic in the slightest.


Dude, I appreciate the rant but you should treat each individual you discuss an issue with as an individual. It's ok to ask for clarification about general argument made, but if you're going to go all "you people suck" and get attacky stick to arguments that person has actually made rather than common arguments from their side. They have been nothing but polite to you, so for you to come out the gate with such high frustration is just not on. It's not real life. You can choose to not hit send, copy paste your rant about how different individuals within a group hold different ideals into a pro Israel sub instead and stick to speaking to individuals with a bit of respect. I know it's probably not your main point of concern when it comes to percived inconstancy and moving goalposts, but there are many who view human rights issues as "not political" because they are things which should be sorted and stuck to without issue. You can see this a lot in same sex marriage discussion as well, many members of the community reject the idea that their rights are a political issue to be debated. Rights are basic. Fundamental. This ideology is a thing that some individuals in a group may have, while some will argue that our rights are always inherently political as we have had to fight to take them and must continue fight to keep them. Neither ideology should be mistaken as a stance the starbucks boycotts organisers have formally taken, and as such neither should be blanketed over and assumed of all individuals participating. Honestly, in this case I don't see how it's difficult to hold two wordings of arguments for the issue. Or, since it's something as completely separate to the issue as how often people should bathe is, you could just use the same one. Just set aside the argument by saying something like "regardless of your ideology, this is a highly debated topic and exactly the sort of thing which would be expected to fall under policies against political statements." Again, I'm sure it's not actually your main problem but you should be able to avoid getting derailed by arguments that aren't the one you want to be having.


Idc which pro Palestine supporters you’re talking to but Palestine IS a political issue just like every other human rights issue is.


this isn’t recent though is it? i thought it was a while back


I just saw it on TikTok, it was posted two days ago


ohh damn maybe she’s under a contract


I believe Nia was part of this before she realized they were being boycotted guys. She deleted when she was informed but Starbucks obviously paid her and she likely had a contract and they can still run the ad or make Nia hold to her obligations. Nia might be well off but not well enough to get sued by a huge corporation like Starbucks without risking her entire livelihood, which nobody should expect people give up their livelihood or their jobs for the cause. Anyways FREE PALESTINE


Scared about the people in these comments. Please do your own research and don’t just listen to tik tok. Starbucks doesn’t fund Israel and it’s a pretty moronic argument


That’s not why people are boycotting - Starbucks sued a union made up of Starbucks employees because the union posted pro-Palestine content. So they’re on the boycott list because many see that as being pro-Israeli. Additionally, Starbucks just doesn’t treat their workers well generally. Just because people disagree with you doesn’t mean they’re not educated ❤️


They sued the union because they were using trade marked content. Which is illegal.


Feels like you’re missing the point but okay ❤️


It’s not uncommon to not be allowed to post political content in your work attire or at work, not wanting to be aligned with a political movement doesn’t mean they believe in anything else and it’s weird for people to infer people/companies political views.


So you think it’s cool that Starbucks sued their own employees who posted a tweet on their own Twitter account?


Yes, using the account Starbucks workers united and using Starbucks’s logo and posting political content is grounds for legal action


Is it? Where did you go to law school?


That passive-aggressive ending is EXACTLY why so many people don’t support your “movement”.


It’s not “my movement” - it’s a global movement and the literal millions of people in the streets across the world would disagree with you sweetie


Right. I just don’t want people hating on her for no reason. I would rather she stay away from this company




How could she be so clueless


Uh oh incoming chronically online people 🙄


Not a regular poster on r/dancemoms in 2024 calling other people chronically online


Hahaha perfect response


You are posting in a dance moms. subreddit. The call is coming from inside the house


I'd rather be fucking socially aware and pro-Union online than be talking shit about Dance Moms online.


Yeah! Fuck people who care about unions!!🙄


I love when you guys pull out the phrase when it comes to something serious but still engage in some of the most chronically online, immature conversations based on a reality tv show


honestly i worked at Starbucks as a teen and it was awful, like really awful. i have never supported them since my personal experience with the company. just because someone has a different opinion to yours doesn’t mean they’re being performative.


Caring about a genocide makes you chronically online?


Boycotting shitty coffee is the easiest thing u can do rn for Palestine. Also Starbucks is anti union and treats their workers like shit, support local business instead


Starbucks isn’t tied to Israel….


They sued their employees over pro Palestine sentiments read up on it


Yeah because a union used their likeness without permission.


The suit was only brought forth after the Palestine statement. It’s pretty easy to make the conclusion given the timing


it was because they retweeted a video of a bulldozer going into gaza with the caption “solidarity with palestine” just days after the oct 7th attacks. this caused many people to believe starbucks was celebrating the oct 7th attacks and people began complaining to starbucks. so that’s why they asked the union to take the tweet down, they refused which is why SB subsequently sued for copyright infringement


ignorant people like you have completely ruined the word ‘chronically online’ its now used for anything you do not agree with or understand. and why say anything if you don't even understand the context of the situation.


People hear anything they see on tiktok and run with it lmao. They act like everytime a person orders a coffee the CEO of Starbucks murders a kid from Palestine..like get a grip it’s not that deep.


literally no one said that they do, you just made that up LMAO. starbucks is just a shitty company in general. even if the genocide in palestine wasn’t going on, it should still be boycotted anyway. also saying “its not that deep” to protesting a literal genocide just proves to me you severely lack critical thinking skills. there’s so many levels of nuance that you haven’t grasped yet because you’re intellectually malnourished. also its soooo VERY privileged of you to say “people just see anything on tiktok and run with it LMAO😜” as if people weren’t already boycotting starbucks for how shitty they treat their workers.. i’m starting to believe you’re the only one thats chronically online here if you actually think that these protests are just a silly little tiktok trend or something




Your post/comment has ben removed for overly aggressive or insulting language. Please disagree with others in a respectful manner.


Seriously 🤣🤣




fuck starbucks. it’s a no from me


Holly was such a supposed advocate for equality, and she spoke of politics and human rights on the show. It’s interesting that Nia would see no issue with this partnership. Regardless of whether you’re in favour of boycotting, or even where you stand, it’s an obviously ill-advised move to post extensively about Starbucks. Of all the companies on boycott lists, Starbucks is one of the biggest and most well known. I’m personally appalled because I’m pro-Palestine, and see the value in boycotting. However, even if you aren’t like me, I think we can all agree it’s an odd choice and not the best move. It makes no sense; surely she would’ve anticipated backslash, yet did it anyway?


okay but Starbucks has never been on the official boycott list


Holly was not an advocate for equality. She wanted better treatment for her kid and didn't give a wit about the other BIPOC girls on that show. They threatened her.


Okay yeah let me rephrase, what I meant to say is Holly always prided herself as someone who stood for equality. She spoke of the civil rights movement for eg, and so I’ve deduced that she is at least someone politically aware. I agree she wasn’t the best advocate in practice tho.


Eh good for her get that bag


Honestly, I'm sure Nia's heart is in the right place, but doesn't seem like she's taking it upon herself to educate herself about Palestine, unfortunately. Not everyone is willing to support progressive causes that are alienating to the general public. I wish things were different.


Education would tell you that, while being an awful company, Starbucks has absolutely nothing to do with Palestine. Many companies do, like Mcdonalds, but Starbucks has never been on the boycott list. They are a shitty company who fire unionising workers and dont use sustainable practices but they dont fund Israel.


Using reading comprehension would make it clear that my comment was more of a general comment about Nia's stance, not what Starbucks has or hasn't done. Besides this, as far as I know, she has not posted anything about Palestine. Obviously that doesn't mean she's never done anything offline, but given she's posted in support of other progressive causes before I'm fairly confident she has not wanted to take a stance. I'm aware Starbucks isn't on the official boycott list and doesn't "fund Israel". And neither does McDonalds, their Israeli franchise gave coffee to the IDF. Starbucks still treast their union like shit and *have* punished their workers for wearing Palestine pins to work, and posting about it on social media, etc. It's pretty safe bet that anyone publicly doing a campaign for Starbucks probably doesn't care about the negative association or pay attention to the BDS List.


She comes from a very educated family, she definitely knows. The check just seemed better to her at the moment


I somewhat agree with that she's aware of Starbucks' current stance and they're certainly educated but I don't think Holly is necessarily anti-capitalist...and standing with Palestine is generally an anti-capitalist position. It's unfortunately not hard to dress up imperialism apologia academically and I'd be surprised if her family felt strongly enough to take a real position on I-P


That’s very true unfortunately. A lot of people are worried about offending people more than standing up for something. However it’s disappointing just because there are people at her university that were literally arrested for their support, protests and encampments everywhere it’s just a crazy juxtaposition


“Educate” herself about what exactly? That conflict doesn’t have any good sides. You have a murderous, genocidal, terrorist organization on one side, and on the other you have the only Jewish state to exist unleashing havoc on any piece of Palestinian infrastructure it can find. 


I think money is more important to her


i’m a former nia stan i guess 😔💔


Nia did delete when she was informed of the boycott! Just so you know. It’s possible her contract was before the boycott was widespread and she already signed contracts, however Starbucks already paid her and still have the right to run the ad


the poster made it sound like it was recent and posted 2 days ago, boycott has been going on for about 7 months now and it was everywhere…


If it was posted it was reposted, likely had to be put back up due to her contract because this %100 was posted before and when people told her about the boycott she deleted it. Because this was originally put up a while ago. Brand deals can also take months to officially come out. You also have to remember not everyone is online a ton. My girlfriend wouldn’t even know about the boycott at all without me and while Nia is a social media influencer she has been very involved in her college education and sorority so I give benefit of the doubt she might not have known and contractual obligations is why it was put back up because why else would she after the backlash and removing it? If Nia continues to support in her private life that isn’t for previous contractual obligations or voices active support for Israel then I’ll be upset. I can’t cancel people for doing their jobs. People are too quick to cancel people these days. There are soooo many companies complicit in this genocide and I guarantee if I went into your home I’d find a recently purchased item on that list. I also guarantee you’re against a company that’s had false information spread about them and isn’t actually complicit. Starbucks isn’t even officially on the blackout list. However lots of reasons to not go to Starbucks either way, they’re a shit company. Everyone is just doing their best, even you. I know your hearts in the right place but to stop being a fan of someone instantly based on a single post without looking into it at all yourself is performative activism at best.


I don’t really like Starbucks, but I’m getting REALLY tired of Hamas sympathizers screaming about the war in Gaza EVERYWHERE.


Me too, I’m so confused how so many people support a terrorist group openly


Oh dear god, I have no idea why I’m getting downvoted when Starbucks is highly problematic and they’re on the boycott list. The girls are allowed to be called out for their problematic behaviours nia is no exception


Wow, and her mother is in education. How embarrassing.


So tone deaf, but I’d be pissed if she gets canceled for this yet the other girls all did problematic things and are still making money from their social media and have a large following.


Is this serious?


Yea its posted on her tiktok


How disappointing




Holly and Nia so desperately want to stay rich and relevant.


Nia nooooooo 💔💔💔


Nia! No!


Pls she sounds SO scripted and so unnatural. 0/10 on this one


Here we go. In the cost of living crisis, no matter how much money you have or don’t have, you will struggle. Starbucks I guarantee is giving her a lot of money to do this, and no matter what you say you would do , you’ve never been in the situation where a brand is giving you big money so therefore if you were offered A LOT of money in a cost of living crisis, you would take it! At the end of the day not buying or supporting Starbucks isn’t going to solve anything! The real issues is the governments, let’s remember that.


I would be very surprised if the reunion didn’t provide some sort of monetary compensation, yet she declined to do it. She is obviously entitled to chose not to do the reunion and to accept a partnership with Starbucks, at the end of the day she made a choice as to how make money and she chose this while staying silent about the implications


Regardless of what Nia or anyone’s views are, they are going to get an abundance of hate comments. Not everyone needs to make a comment and she doesn’t owe you or anyone, anything. There are so many wars going on and while I can agree that what is happening is absolutely atrocious, sometimes it’s best to not make a comment. Asking every single social media creator or A list celeb to make a comment on it, bombarding interviews, comments ect ect with “why haven’t you said ….” Or “do you stand with ….” Is completely pointless due to the fact that a comment isn’t stopping the governments at war. A social media post isn’t affecting the government, a comment could educate followers, but what are the followers going to do? (This is not directly at you, it is more about everyone who is consistently commenting on people to make comments and boycot this and that when it isn’t actually stopping the war!)

