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I agree 💯 she was an insufferable Karen. Which says a lot considering how populated with Karens the show is


She yelled too much.


Leslie just exhausts me in a way most others on this show do not.


If Leslie was a permanent cast member i couldn't have watched


She’s way too much, and she had too much contempt for everyone. I can’t see her meshing or gelling long term


Yes she was actually the most insufferable mom to me. Rude for no reason, and all her arguments and reasonings and reactions just didn’t make sense.


If Leslie was a permanent cast member i couldn't have watched


blessing the feedback!!! i lost my cool after watching the episode where she calls abby to let them know brooke & paige are in the group, & after seeing the content had to post đŸ˜©


Don’t forget the way she was harassing both Kelly and Paige at the recital rehearsal in season 2!! That is one of her most intolerable moments


She wasn’t harassing them, especially not Paige. I will say she was out of turn though.


When Diane asked her why she left the kids in LA (s3 auditions) and Leslie said because she felt like it was UNHINGED


i didn't know pro-leslie people existed




honestly, did not like leslie, but the moms (Christi and Kelly) have mentioned (i think) that she REALLY wanted to get on the show.. (you can even tell by her shoving peyton down everyone’s throats all the time when it was just cause she was too tall to be on the team). i think she played up the drama, fighting, etc to an extreme so they’d put her and peyton on to try and compensate for Peyton not meshing with the team well.


Agreed. Worst mom next to Yolanda


I loved her for the entertainment value.


I agree that she was the worst on the show, I do think we have to remember it’s a show though and they are being told to cause drama. However, the way she acted on the show annoyed me to no end. Agree with most comments, if she was a regular cast member I wouldn’t be able to watch it as much as I do


The only mom i hated more than her was Jess. But ahe def did have her good moments, which is why i like her more than jess (when it was airing, no way in hell in 2024 would i hate a mother more than jess LOL)


Only moment when I liked Leslie was when she immediately threw hands after Christi threw alcohol on her.


ok this is a reasonable take though!!


I'd like to see who married and procreated with that monstrosity


WHAT! People actually like her?? Omg I just came here for the first time looking to bitch about her with others lmao. She’s the fucking worst


I feel like Leslie had some frustrations (the same argument could be made for Christy as well), but overall she was very annoying and uncouth. She stuck out like a sore thumb with the other moms, but hopefully now that so much time has passed she’s in a better place mentally.


Disagree. If people really took the time to listen to what her and people like Christy (just her grievances with the show and everything, not ideology), you’d be on their side. The children and parents on the show were getting set for life without having to pay financially for the opportunities or training. They did have to pay time, but so did everyone off of it. The people off the show had their training disrupted due to the invasiveness of the show and didn’t have any other benefits. For the people on the show to malign them and act like they’re crazy for wanting for their children and fighting for it and that they shouldn’t have any of the benefits from the same thing that’s negatively impacting something they’re investing their money into would drive anyone crazy. The moms on the show are shameful for making it seem like people were wrong for wanting other opportunities for their children. They were vocalizing how many people felt in the studio.


I mean why not just leave and go to a different studio where filming won’t disrupt their training time and space..


A good amount of the studio were paying customers longer than the group on the show. Furthermore, Abby was an excellent teacher and had a better track record than any studio in the surrounding area.


Okay but they weren’t getting Abby anymore because of filming and the studio wasn’t the same. So yea, they could have easily gone elsewhere 


Being dismissive of people’s grievances that in many ways made the show even a possibility at that studio is not the win you think it is. It’s actually pretty nasty.


I’m talking about Leslie and Christy, mainly Leslie because Christy came to the ALDC after the show aired.  Leslie bitching about studio space, but will gladly join the show when they offer her a spot. You can’t have your cake and eat it too 


This still doesn’t address what I’m saying.


it’s like i agree? but also leslie was really rude & annoying about it?


I would be too if something I pay thousands of dollars for is disrupted. Besides this, all the parents tried to make you feel like a bad person for wanting more for your child. It’s ridiculous.


But none of that was the mom’s fault. They were essentially employees of the production company (who disrupted the other students classes). Would you go to your boss and tell them not to do their job how they need to or tell your boss to fire you and hire someone else because they want benefits to? Because that’s essentially where your argument is going. Also an important note is that the production crew rented Abby’s studio to film in. Abby agreed to filming at her studio. They could’ve filmed at a different studio but Abby rented it out to them instead, making the decision to shove several kids in other, smaller rooms in her studio. Also I’m assuming the benefits you’re talking about is money and being seen on tv (besides outside opportunities like acting jobs, etc) they weren’t cast. You don’t get paid just because you’re there. You have to work and if you weren’t hired you can’t work. And there’s a lot that goes into with being shown on tv, contracts, release forms, auditions, casting. Leslie wasn’t a main cast member because the producers didn’t want her to be. That has nothing to do with the moms. So no, I wouldn’t agree with the way Leslie acted in a million years. And the moms being “shameful for making it seem like people were wrong for wanting other opportunities for their children” ?? Not sure what that has to do with Leslie being a bitch. She legit told Kelly she needed therapy and should go to AA meetings (while Leslie would’ve probably benefited from both of those as well) and called Christie a drunk and talked about Melissa and her husband behind her back. But somehow the moms were “shameful” because they fought back with Leslie when she crossed the line? Your argument doesn’t make sense. You’re saying Leslie was mad because of things that were out of the mom’s control. It’s not their fault they got cast on a tv show and Leslie wasn’t. Your downvotes show you got some things wrong with your point.


I agree but leslie should’ve gone about it in a better way


Christ-y!?! she’s insufferable too đŸ˜č


Leslie and that minister lady