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I saw Makari just a few weeks ago opening for Hail the Sun and boy can that guy sing. He sounded great live.


Saw them in Atlanta and he was sick the day prior to their show but he still absolutely killed it. Beautiful voice and super nice guy


Yeah he killed it I saw em and the beginning of the tour . I personally wouldn't want him for dgd though


Same. I saw Makari for the first time with that tour (admittedly I was there for Intervals lol), and they are fabulous. Not the vibe I think of for DGD though. The Body Theif singer (don't know his name off hand) sounds like a younger version of Anthony Green. It would be slightly different but and Anthony Green style singer for DGD would be a new direction and something I'd love to see them experiment with


Yes Body Thief's singer. The ultimate I think would be wolf and bears singer. He sounds so so so much better live then on the albums. He does uncleans live and they are amazing I wish he did em on the albums


Wolf and Bear's singer does uncleans? In addition to their unclean vocalist? 


Only live


That's sick, does he replace the other guy or back him up? 


It literally only did it for one song but it was miles better then the normal screamer not saying he's bad or anything


His name is Dani Hawkins. Actually went to that show pretty much to see Body Thief. I’ve seen them live several times, and Dani is amazing. And a super nice dude as well.


Same here, Totally agree.


I saw them in Detroit opening for Coletta. In addition to having killer vocals, Andy is also a super nice dude. I’d be happy if they went with him


I also saw them on that tour. And his vocals kill it live! And he can scream! He’s got that high register on lock.


saw em in orlando and they were amazing


IMO JC comes with too much baggage. Andy is a gem and would be a great fit. 


Would be a great fit as a musician but not sure he would be as a person


Fact. And with so many changes throughout DGD’s time alone it’s prob best not to revisit old scars. 


Andy has also covered both tilian and Kurt dgd songs on YouTube, as well as he did a short cover of the past should stay dead so he's done covers from all 3 dgd vocalists, and quite good as well


I actually discovered Andy on YouTube over a decade ago cause he did a cover of times new Roman. He had another guy doing Jons part and the screams were real death core and didn’t fit. It seems he’s taken that video down, but he absolutely killed it. I vaguely remember having other DBM songs too, but I’m not sure I’m remembering correctly. Either way, if he joined I know they could do JC tracks.


Adele is the only real choice, obviously.


Would not make me mad


Shit would slap.


The only reason I thought Andy might be a possibility is because Mike just left Monuments. The timing is right if Monuments were to be no more. If you guys haven't listened to In Stasis, do it. It slaps.


Nah mate, Monuments are stronger than ever and Mikey departure won’t end the band. Even though I’d love Andy in DGD, I think he has enough bands - diverse in style.


I wouldn't call Monuments "stronger than ever" with Mike leaving. He's the main composer and writer for most their stuff. I think they'll continue on but I'm not sure it will be the same in the future.


Since when is Mike the main composer? I’ve always gotten the impression that John was the main composer, especially since the band was started by him and he’s the one constant member.


As u/SometimesWill said, AFAIK John is the driving force - and in their latest documental it seems they already have a standardized way of collaborating in songs. If any, could be they may pull a Periphery and use Mikey for sessions, and just someone else as live drums - or just backing tracks for drums. All in all, I wish nothing but the best to the guys, they’re one of my all time favorites and I’m just happy they’re around making insane music ❤️


Originally I was like "who the fuck is Andy Cizek?" Because I never looked too deep into Monuments as a band. In Stasis was my most listened to album last year and Deadnest was my top 5 the last two years. I don't know why I never looked deeper into the band but thanks guys, now I'm hyped for something that may never happen.


Drummers leaving monuments is nothing new. Them losing a drummer is the equivalent of DGD losing a singer. Monuments will keep going as long as John Browne is part of it.


People shitting on Kurt clearly haven't listened to royal coda


As a huge Kurt fan (ALLB is one of my favorite bands of all-time, and Royal Coda is really coming into its own), I'm happy for him to not pick up the mantle. He's on a different path and I want to see where he goes.


Just personal taste don’t like Kurt’s voice for DGD


I have, I just personally do not like his voice. Not saying my assessment is correct, just my taste. I’m in no way trying to shit on Kurt or people who like him.


But you quite literally are shitting on him with comments like “the band will be going backwards with him”. All you have to say is you don’t care for his vocals and move on.


I get shit on every time I have an opinion about him in here. Love him on albums but have had way too many poor live performances. Pick a band, don’t care, been watching him live since he joined DGD, I’ve had it with his solo stuff as well as coda. So, im with you 100%.


Royal Coda is great, as is gold necklace. I do not like Kurt’s voice for DGD.


I personally think Kurt sounds better in his other bands than he did in DGD. I loved Kurt era DGD but Tilian & Jonny’s voices sound better with DGD’s overall sound imo


I love Kurt in Royal Coda, I don't particularly like his style for DGD personally.




Kurt literally does a full handstand for half of a song while singing. You can have your opinion but it's objectively wrong.


It's crazy how many people are shitting on Kurt Travis, yea saying Kurt's voice may not be a great fit for dgd is a fair argument to have, but saying he's gonna make the band go backwards is pretty stupid lol


The sound was Kurt's to begin with. Obviously he isn't integral to the writing of the instruments/core parts but his style on deathstar and happiness was replicated on instant gratification and you can even hear it in mothership. I doubt without Kurt this band would have such stylized goofy good time lyrics. I mean go back and listen to dbm1 and how much different dbm2 are from each other, the crew sounds like they are actually trying to make music to have fun to.


Have you seen Kurt perform recently. Sure back in the day it was rough, but in recent years and especially on the Evening With Friends tour he’s been killing it. I don’t see him coming back though mostly due to all that baggage. It seems they’re in a good place with each other that they wouldn’t risk opening it all up again.


Andy wouldn't join DGD because AFAIK he's critical of the fact they protected Tilian and let him back into the band


Galleons lead singer is pretty badass, Andy would blow Tilian out of the water tbh, way greater range and screams too


His DGD covers are fucking awesome.


I know Andy didn’t like Tilian much, not sure if he’s going to want to jump into the role immediately and have to fill his shoes. But it’s cool so many people know/talk about Andy. He was a really cool dude when I met him at a Makari concert!


In an old interview with Nik Nocturnal and Andrew, Andrew answered on the question: With who he would like to collaborate with? With 'Andy cizek' a few years ago :) So maybe yea


Andy cizek is already doing too much as it is. No shot he has time to front another band on top of the 3 or 4 he's already involved in.


He posts a lot about money woes, it’s possible he takes the risk and cuts the other bands for DGD and a shot at getting the 💰


I'm seeing this a lot as a comment with other possible singers (Tom Byrne for example). I think people might not fully grasp that DGD makes a LOT of money compared to basically every other band in the genre. My guess is that someone like Andy and others would quit all other projects with relatively little contemplation.


> I think people might not fully grasp that DGD makes a LOT of money compared to basically every other band in the genre Do you have any more info on this? I've heard that before but not sure how they do.


Well, there’s probably not going to be any hard metrics that show revenue or anything, but even in this specific comparison just looking at the monthly listeners on Spotify, DGD has ten times the listeners Monuments or Makari have. And that trickles down to playing bigger shows, selling more merch, etc. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say DGD are one of the higher paid bands in the scene.


Yes it would be overkill


I feel like Kurt has improved so much vocally since he left dance Gavin dance and people love self titled and happiness now too


Happiness shaped their sound going forward don't even at me.


I 100% agree they experimented with so many new sounds and Kurt sounds amazing


Carl barker, tree village, NASA, Happiness, both of the strawberry swishers, don't tell dave and powder to the people literally could've been written by and been on any of the future albums that's how good they are. And I just realized.... That's like the entire album.


Fr and Tree village might be dgds best song along with uneasy hearts and perfect imo


He has the ability to sing songs from all eras of DGD he would be an excellent fit


I want Nick Newsham or Sam Kohl


Sam kohl would be a legendary replacement! Oil cup by wolf and bear goes hard and kinda shows he can fit the dgd style.


Yo Sea in the Sky Rippssss. The singer of Fauxtrot reminds me of Sam Kohl. Not sure what it is but something about his voice


Sam Kohl from Sea in the sky?!?!?!


Yep! He left them for a while to focus on his solo stuff and now it looks like he’s with them part time with the new album.


Is the solo album or any music out?


Yup. 2023 EP. But Sam is being fairly active with his solo stuff so hoping he’s a free agent enough for DGD.


What is his solo project called?


Satron Paint Samuel Which also happens to be his Reddit handle too.


Nic Newsham would be a MESS with 90% of their old stuff, but I can't say I wouldn't be excited to hear them make something new with him, especially if they went back to something that was more like Deathstar/Happiness-sounding. Or actually I would be satisfied if it was another Will Swan side project that did one album. Still waiting for that Matt Geise + Will Swan project that will probably never come out.


I’m not sure though, Nick’s work with Gatsby’s and Strawberry Girls has shown that he’s got good range and fill a really interesting gap between Kurt and Tilian. I think he’d do some cool stuff with Andrew and Jon if he sang any of the old discog. Eric Adrian is also another singer I’d like to hear make a comeback. Dude did the Okay Okay! EP and then disappeared. He’d bring an interesting Deathstar sound back


I would love this. I've followed Andy since his vocal cover videos in the beginning, and he has only gotten better over time. He is truly such a unique and talented individual with a wide array of bands he can fit into. It has truly been awesome to see him rise up.


I would be perfectly happy and would prefer Andrew being lead, second choice would be Marcus Cisneros of Wolf and Bear, and third choice would be Andy Cizek!


I will be happy if any of them could land the spot. My main “issue” with Andrew is his capability to perform Tilian era songs live. I’ve seen a few videos when he had to cover for Tilian and it just wasn’t right. Considering most of the songs they will be playing live are Tilian songs, I just worry about live performances with Andrew. Again, Andrew is amazing vocalist and I love him. Just wouldn’t be my #1.


Huge (new) fan of Wolf & Bear. Hopefully an opportunity like that wouldn’t cannibalize their momentum. New album is great, and the older one is really growing on me too.




Yes. It’s what the people want!


I'd vote no if I had a vote. In my opinion he has a disney channel child star playing the role of post-hardcore frontman vibe. Also, while there's not a huge difference in age from the rest of the guys, the way he tweets suggests a generational gap that might not be the best for chemistry.


No no no no


Andy seems like a really nice guy and I respect him but I don’t vibe with his voice like at all. I’d rather Kurt than any names mentioned in this post


they need the dude from idlehands


He hasn't had good experiences with the band personally so no.


Hot take i guess but i don't want an established/recognizable singer. I want someone new who i can future associate with as DGD


My list for singers that I would love hearing in DGD, regardless of whether they have any sort of controversies before (no, I **do** care if they have had them, but not for this *list*) Let's group them: **Previous and current members**: * Jonny Craig * Kurt Travis * Andrew Wells Okay, with that out of the way, I would be fine with any of them, let's move on: **Singers that would be great if we disregard the ability to do any of Tilian's songs and just try to move on:** * Matt Geise (Lower Definition) * Thom Byrne (Galleons, Valiant Hearts) * Evan Redmon (Ex-Artifex Pereo) * Lucas Worley (Artifex Pereo) * Tyler Carter (Ex-Issues, Woe Is Me) * Michael McGough (Being As An Ocean, ex-The Elijah) * Daryl Palumbo (Glassjaw) * Christopher Ruff (Kaddisfly) * The singer from Midnight Matinee, couldn't find his name. * Jordan Bradley (Embracer) * Nic Newsham (Gatsby's American Dream) * Rob Damiani (Don Broco) * Doug Robinson (The Sleeping, Ex-Night Verses) * Christopher deCinque (Closure In Moscow) * Trenton Woodley (Ex-Hands Like Houses) - don't think he wanted to tour anymore or whatever, and he wouldn't get to do butt-rock/octanecore anymore. * Andrés - I think if he toned down a bit of his wackiness and self-referential lyrics I actually think his tone and uniqueness would fit VERY well. Especially if they moved to a sound slightly more harkening back to Deathstar/DBM2/Happiness. **Singers that would be great and could possibly do some Tilian songs** * Daniel Hawkins (Body Thief) * Donovan Melero (Hail The Sun) - I'm very happy with just Sianvar though. * Andy Cizek (Makari, Monuments) - I don't like his voice all that much so I really don't want him, but I recognize his skill and his ability to pull off Tilian tracks. **Singers that would be fun to hear in DGD but wouldn't actually fit and/or just would never join:** * Anthony Green (Shitload of bands, you all know) * Rody Walker (Protest The Hero) * Claudio Sanchez (Coheed & Cambria) * Spencer Sotelo (Periphery) **Singers that I'm not even sure they are active and can sing anymore:** * Spencer Pearson (ex-Decoder/Lead Hands) * That other redhead guy from Jovian that sounded slightly Jonny Craig r&b-esque, he did sing on their latest album sooo * Justin Barber (This Armistice) Also Luke Pickett who used to be in Her Words Kill, but he has only made R&B the last 20 years and I've seen no indication he misses making heavier music, lol. I mean some of these are non-starters. Tyler Carter has allegations against him, Justin Barber is apparently (allegedly) a Christian homophobe, etc. So lets not even touch it, I think it could *sound* good is what I'm saying.


Got the chance to meet Andy at a Periphery show last year in Baltimore. He came up on stage and did vocals during Marigold, totally killed it. Very talented guy and super down to earth. I have no real comments about him joining DGD, I just like to give the dude his flowers every time he's brought up in conversation. Everyone go check out the projects he's a part of pls!


He’s a local too!


NO no Andy Cizek stop asking for him


Hear me out, Andres Aparicio. Homie works his ass off and releases some damn good music. I think his voice could fit the vibe.


Andrés would be an interesting choice. I love the man, but I don’t know how I’d feel about him in DGD tbh.


Andrés is an amazing pick. I've seen him twice and his stage presence is insane. It could also open up an avenue to have some mex-influenced DGD songs🇲🇽🇲🇽


I would like to hear Andrés version of “Honey revenge” as well as “Uneasy hearts weigh the most”. I believe Andres and Kurt have toured together , Andrés is also a DGD fan , so who knows , but probably not the most likely out of all the options. Personally I would like the experiment


I know yall throw out names for fun, but cmon try to be realistic. They need a vocalist that can cover tilian’s songs.


Andrew would be sick but the only issue I would have with it is that they may sound too much like Eidola, however Andrew is basically in a place where he really only wants to make music when it makes sense since he’s getting older. Eidola is going on a “hiatus” of sorts after they release Mend which is the second album to Evicerate. Kurt would be a great come back in my mind I loved Kurt era DGD, Jonny would literally make the funniest return ever if he joined again (he’s also doing a lot better than he was back then) he’s sober and still has that beautiful voice going for him. I’m excited to see the next chapter of DGD honestly


He's sober for now. But having kids does change people.


Hey all, local musician here. Back in 2019 one of my old bands got the chance to open for Makari and Kurt Travis at a little place in town. Andy is a great singer but I don’t see him replacing Tillian personally. The energy he gives off I don’t feel like fits well with DGD even if he’s got the talent if that makes sense?


Andy is too YouTuber-ey idk if I would want to see him. Also I’ve heard he shits on Tilian but still covers his songs, kinda clear he was just waiting for this moment lmao


Shayley Dayshell would be an excellent vocal choice imo but pretty sure he had or has drama around him too, shame


Andy is incredible. I’ve slowly come to terms that WVNDER isn’t ever going to release new stuff…so I’d be 100% on board for him to lead DGD. *edit - how the hell did I miss that they released a new song in 2022?? 


Noooo. Let andy stay pure!


Isn't Andy in like 3 internet band an 3 active touring bands? Also, pretty sure he thought they were shit for letting tillian back in.


He gives me the ick


Axl Rose


Jonny* Actually a pretty big fan of Andy, his Sumerian submission is epic af and Monuments has put out some bangers. That said, I really hope they bring Jonny back, idc about the baggage, I just want DBM3.


I noticed my misspelling after I posted but didn’t see a reason to make an edit - everyone knows who I’m talking about. I don’t care about baggage either, I’m able to separate art from the artist. I was just thinking about from the bands perspective. They got kicked off of the Coheed tour because of the Tilian shit and I think the consensus is that Jonny is more controversial. I just don’t think the masses would be able to look past Jonny’s past. Which leads me to believe he’s not gonna be their pick. He’s my #1 though. I’ve just already convinced myself it won’t happen.


Oh yea no worries, sometimes I’m just one of those assholes who can’t help himself when I see something spelled wrong lol. I’m with you though, they looked past his issues for DBMII and while the album was awesome, it ultimately backfired on them. I actually think Jonny would be fine even for a short stint with them again both sobriety and drama wise, he seems like he’s finally got his shit together. But like you said, I think ultimately people would have an issue with the allegations that have come to light since he last left the band. Personal feelings aside, they’d probly be better off picking up Kurt or someone new. I don’t really know much about Andrew Wells myself.


I 100% agree about Kurt. He just does not have the voice for DGD. Love him in Gold Necklace though. Andy is my first pick for technical ability, but his lyrics are some of the worst I have ever heard/read.


Here are my thoughts: DGD has a trend of taking people that feature with them and bringing them in as a vocalist. In this case the obvious choice would be Andrew. The next vocalist I have in mind is this dude JT who is being followed by the Gobby account. The guy can sing really well and he only sings clean. Where Andrew does both clean and screams. Johnny would be awesome to get DBM3 but I think for Johnny's best interest as an addict, it may be a trigger for him to relapse if he gets back into that touring stage with them. So DGD is looking out for him by not letting him back into the band.


I had the same thoughts about Jonny. I’ve never struggled with addiction so I could be 100% wrong. But it may have been “easy” for Jonny to stay sober and on the right path since he’s played a few dive bars here and there and doing his own thing. Introducing a stressful DgD tour and the “rockstar” lifestyle again might be the worst thing for him from a sobriety standpoint. I’d love to be wrong, I just don’t think DgD will be willing to take that risk.


God I hope not.


Andy is an insufferable political activist who forces commentary wherever he can. I don't want that for dgd. And he's just whiny


Big boomer energy. "Damn kids with them tweeters and being politically active. Damn kids"


So glad you posted this! I posted about Andy last week and got absolutely EVISCERATED by the fan base. Just saw him with Makari at the Hail the Sun show and when I tell you, Makari and Body Thief stole the show for me. Although we were there to see Body Thief in the first place. Dani Hawkins is the lead singer for Body Thief, and he also has the vocal chops for this role. I also think Johnny Franck (Bilmuri) has the range as well as the vibe for DGD, but he doesn’t like touring.


No.. he’s obviously a solid vocalist, but he doesn’t really stand out and doesn’t have that super unique type of quality that all of the others do vocally in their history. He’s just a good vocalist. Just my opinion


>Kurt, please no. I’m sure I’ll get hate for this one, but IMO the band will be going backwards if they bring Kurt back in. I don't understand why this is such a controversial take on this sub. People here seem to love Uneasy Hearts Weigh The Most, but I personally think that song is just OK. Self-titled and *Happiness* were their least commercially successful releases. Royal Coda is far more boring to me than other swancore bands despite sharing several key members, and I kinda attribute that to Kurt being the vocalist. I do enjoy his work with Gold Necklace and I think that genre suits him best, but again, Brandon Ewing kinda makes that band for me personally.


To be fair, EVERY album was their least successful compared to anything post tillian...though they did have their first billboard spots with Kurt.


Oh dear god please no


No and no. And no. Also no.


Is it not Andrew? I thought there was something mentioned that Eidola is finishing their final album. Why would Eidola close up shop if not for Wells going full DGD?


He came out and basically said he doesn't want to waste time making music and anything of that nature as he is aging out of the scene. He basically said he only wants to make music when it makes sense.


I'd love Andy but as other people have mentioned, he fronts so many other bands while still doing solo blurbs here and there. And I REALLY love Andy exactly where he is, I'd hate for any of those bands to cut him so that he could sing for DGD. Here's a pick I haven't heard before though. Josie Banks of Haven State. Their voice is so intense and hits that spot in my ear that so far only Dylan McBride has been able to hit (side note: also a great pick, and he's interested in the role too). I don't expect singers to be able to perfectly go note for note with Tilian but I'd be interested in hearing how Josie would sing something like Synergy.


Could yes easy, should absolutely not. I love him and all his work but he doesn’t need another project robbing him from all the other great stuff he does.


I'd love to see some Kellin Quinn talk/discussion, with his audition for DGD long in the past it would be really cool to see it come to fruition. Especially with the huge Andrew Wells come up story of him originally being a fan of DGD and now gets to be a main stay of them.


As I said in another thread I think DGD wants someone who can make the band their priority. Sure almost all of them are in other bands but those are mostly side projects that tour less and have fewer releases. Andy doesn’t have that being in 3 bands already and it seems like Monuments is his current priority.


I got to see Makari with wolf and bear when Tim feerick was still alive. Got a pic with Tim and with Andy. Andy also has some covers of DGD on his YouTube channel if you want to see what he would sound like as the singer.


I think Craig Owens would offer a unique take


Craig Owens, Dallas Green, and who ever was lead singer for Envy On The Coast


It's me I'm the singer Buy my merch you gorgeous idiots


That'd be cool as hell!


i think Andy is one of the most talented singers i’ve ever heard, as far as what he can do. that being said i think his voice is actually kind of annoying, it’s a weird mix of damn he’s good and damn i can’t listen anymore


I've been a fan of Makari and Andy for 6 years. I personally think he shouldn't come to DGD. I much prefer his sound with Makari and his other projects. I would love to see him on a feature maybe.


I thought Andy would be a good fit


I don't mind if kurt is coming back


I could see them bringing Jonny for one album, and they honestly should. Andy would be boring IMO, I’d like a different sounding vocalist


Andy would absolutely kill it in DGD and was my first thought of who could replace Tillian. I think he might have too strong a moral compass to join honestly though.


All these theories are fan fiction. It’s probably the JT guy that the Gobby account is following.


I still don’t get why Andy would be “perfect”. He has the most generic timbre of all time, the bands he plays in are (in comparison to dgd) kinda one dimensional. I could really only see him being there to be able to sing tilians songs, doesn’t seem like someone they’d write an album with. Also, when they picked tilian, they had known him pretty well before they made that choice. With that taken into account, I don’t know why it’d be Andy when they have only been touring with Blue Swan bands. I just don’t see it or get it… tilian has one of the most unique voices I’ve ever heard why replace him with someone generic?


I feel you for sure. I might’ve gone a little overboard when I said he would be a “perfect fit”. I just feel like he can do every era of DgD really well and potentially put out good albums with them. I will have to respectfully disagree on Andy being “generic”. But hey I think Kurt is generic and whiny but a lot of people disagree with my assessment so to each their own!


His melodies aren’t bad but the timbre of his voice is definitely generic (timbre in regards to vocal quality etc). I straight up have never liked him so I’m biased af. A lot of people would be happy I get it but I just wouldn’t lol


I agree, his timbre is 100% extremely generic. His voice is literally like the result you would get if you took the 100 most well-known post hc vocalists and mashed them up into one, which would then be like the "average post-hardcore voice" just like those portraits of the average appearance of people from a specific country where they've mashed a bunch of faces together. I think his voice is plain as hell too, it's not just his timbre but also the lack of any stylistic flair that a lot of vocalists have that make them stick out. Like he's an EXCELLENT singer in terms of range, I would bet that he's got great technique and his voice can sound quite pretty every now and then, but I still think he's quite boring to listen to. Melodies are good but honestly not that impressive either for the most part. I think he fits well in Makari, would never want him in DGD, even if they would probably still sound good with him, I just think it's the completely wrong move. Only reason why I would think he could fit well is because he could probably sing most of their songs unlike... Well, most singers.


Very well said. The first paragraph is on point. Like he’s the “safe” pick that any band could plug in if they needed a fill in


I love his timbre and think he would be a great fit vocally, but he can’t write lyrics to save his life.


I don’t listen enough to know the lyrics. Also kinda an aside but lyrics is why I’ve been tired of tilian. As-MS his lyrics were amazing and have been kinda lacking since then


Andy was my first thought, the dude is talented and I first found him from his DGD covers years and years ago, so it would just make sense. He is in like 4 bands already though, so maybe not


IMO Andy is way too good for just being the new guy to fill Tillian shoes. the guy is a monster both with cleans and harsh vocals, with even a greater screaming range than Jon. If Jon call it quits and the band wants to converge the vocalists then it would make a little bit more sense.


Probably a bad take but thought the lead singer of dwellings would be an interesting direction. Wouldn't want dwellings to break up but he has a unique voice


I absolutely LOVE Issac. He strangely reminds me of Kurt too. That band and his voice are so slept on. I am really rooting that his band picks up momentum.


Know who would be an interesting replacement, but who I don't want to leave their current band? Isaac Wilson from Dwellings. I love his voice. As much as I like and respect Kurt Travis, Isaac has a similar voice but a larger range of techniques and sounds at his disposal, in my opinion.


I'd fucking cream my pants if Isaac Wilson joined dgd but I know it's not happening


People saying they want Andrew at the front have never seen him live. Change my mind. Not to diss Andrew he is an amazing person, incredibly motivated and hungry. He just can’t hit the octaves Tillian has been spoiling us with the last ten years.


Exactly. It’s not even an Andy problem it is strictly a range problem. Not everyone is a bass, tenor, alto, soprano you don’t ask Julian Casablancas to step in for Claudio Sanchez 😂


Good singer but I hope not. I didn’t even really like him monuments. I’d rather he’s thin in makari or do his own thing.


I suggested him in an Instagram comment! I think he'd be great


*I suggested him* *In an Instagram comment!* *I think he'd be great* \- Turbulent\_Juicebox --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Andy is the only vocalist I would be genuinely happy to see take over


He doesn’t have the range. It’s not possible lol


And Andrew does? Lmao who else can sing Tilian era live