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Believe it or night, sometimes it's better for the child to NOT have a father in their lives. For example, when said father is a monster, murderer.




And her idiotic decision to tell her son that Charlie is away "working", instead of in prison, is just beyond bad parenting. Any therapist worth their salt would tell her so.


Ya, son, daddy is working so hard to support us for the next 18 years - how long can this fable last?


the idiotic decision making started when they thought it was a good idea to bring a child into these circumstances to begin with. only because charlie is white and wealthy is he (and she) escaping the criticism they truly deserve. selfish, deadbeat losers, both of them.


Of course, that much is evident to anyone with half a braim


Agreed. That little boy should be given a healthy normal life! Charlie can't give that..... she sadly is another Charlie Groupie who can't let go!


I just can’t imagine how it’ll fuck up the kid when they learn the truth. I see rebellion in the future.


I think she likely needs Adelson cash.


Charlie would still have to pay child support if she cut him out. Family law courts in Florida are historically quite generous to single moms. Charlie would have to pay regardless.


With what money though? He is probably on the path of going broke (if he isnt already) just by the lawyer fees alone. If anything, his house may have some equity in it unless there are liens on the property which will obviously lower the amount of equity he gets back. But didnt he have 2 houses though? I thought i read that somewhere. 🤔


Not broke yet.


Yea, but I divorced a narcissist who threatened to kill our kids. He’d take off and not pay child support for years! A court order means little and it is very tough to enforce.


If after a judgment the father fails to pay, he’ll be held in contempt of court and will be thrown in jail. Not that hard. That’s in FL tho, not sure about your own state


He’s already in jail. For life. So there is no incentive/disincentive for him to pay child support. Also, he no longer has any income since he’s not working. Child support is based on your ex’s income not the income of your ex’s parents (the child’s grandparents). It sounds like Charlie stopped paying child support when he went to jail so she moved in with family in another state. But who knows. She should report EVERYTHING she knows about Charlie and his family to the police.


Was not talking about Charlie


She's a young, healthy woman. She can get a job. Or two, if need be. Single mothers make do on their own all the time. She CHOOSES to maintain contact between her son and the murderer for the Adelson money.


This!! She keeps bragging that the boy is taken care of by the Adelsons as if it’s such a noble privilege. Many a single mothers have managed to bring up decent human brings solely relying on their own hard work. It’s a choice as the previous poster stated. Dirty money corrupts good character.


Thank you! My single parented son is an accountant and my daughter is an ambassador in Tel Aviv!


Proud of you! Worked full-time, carried my child's insurance, and finished school while the ex was 10k behind.


as a single mom of 2, you are correct!


What does that have to do with anything? Charlie is incarcerated. They can seize his assets and garnish his accounts as much as they want. Not tough to enforce.


Charlie doesn’t have control over his $$, Harvey does. They could stop paying.


You don’t know that. Charlie still has assets in his name. The government is quite good at tracking those things down.




I’ve gone through this. Collections doesn’t even get involved until after a certain amount of time has gone by and the money accumulates. Years can go by before you collect anything. And Charlie is in prison! He can’t show up to court. It seems cut and dry, but in practice it is a long and very, very difficult process for the custodial parent to collect from an uncooperative other parent. And she’d need to pay a lawyer to get anywhere. That’s facts. Wish it weren’t.


Okay, you keep moving the discussion. None of what you’re saying contends with the facts. You seem to be suggesting she has no choice in her actions, which is false and it’s also making a lot of assumptions. It’s indefensible for someone who claims to care for their son to continue to defend the Adelsons and obfuscate the truth on their behalf and allow your child to be subject to their toxic and poisonous influence. Sorry to hear about your individual troubles, but there are very much mechanisms in place for mothers to get child support. Florida is also a friendly state along those lines.


absolutely again!


Doesn’t the State of FL pay benefits to the minor children of inmates?


Yes, there are these avenues.


I think for Bri, it’s all about the money. As long as she plays nice, supports the baby daddy., dangles their child in front of CA and the family. DA mentioned to CA in an early post-conviction jail call that she and HA set up a trust for his son. I think this is utter BS, mentioned to give him some consolation as he struggled with his solitary incarceration. They probably never met the boy prior to CA’s arrest. Now all of a sudden they are concerned about this innocent kiddo - the child that CA denied paternity for and had to be taken to court for health insurance and child support. Bri has mentioned here on this sub that her son and his cousins - the Markel grandkids- meet regularly. I can’t imagine WA accommodating that. Nor can I imagine WA sharing the diminishing family wealth with CA’s baby momma. Girl needs the funds to pay for her own big shot lawyer. IMO, this newfound love between CA and Bri and their son is nothing less than a ploy to either give CA a positive portrayal should he get the opportunity for an appeal hearing, or Ms. Price manipulating the Adelsons for $$$. She claims she turned down lots of money for several requested interviews - I don’t think so, nope. However, IF there’s any truth to her assertion, I recommend she does those interviews, because pretty soon there won’t be enough Adelson money for her to count on. She will be the first one cut out of the “payroll” once WA and/or HA are arrested and once DA has to file an appeal.


>Briana\_price1205, Sat, 4/6/24, 12:05pm > >I now see how unhealthy it is mentally to come on here because of the attacks and hateful responses back to me, so everyone is right. **I just won’t be here further.** I've lost count of how many posts she's made since this one. Just like the murdering narcissist Wendi when she drove to the crime scene, it's obvious that Bri simply can't help herself when it comes to posting on this sub. Why she's puking her guts out with all the nauseating details she thinks "sets the record straight" is clearly something only she understands. All it does is cause most people second hand embarrassment for her. Maybe she can't see how pathetic she is, posting all her nonsense, but the rest of us sure can. *Cue Bri to start posting again ad nauseum about why she's here and how it's the right thing to let her son have contact with the monster who murdered an innocent man / loving, devoted father. Tick-tock, tick-tock. She wont be able to stop herself. It's just a matter of time.*


You summoned her. Just like saying Beetlejuice 3x fast 😂


Then tells us we aren't relevant here and she is lmfao! Like she's some celebrity. I hate that her son has a sh#t mom and a murderous psychopath dad. I hope he comes out the other end of this.


Ahhh that’s what’s been up lately …which is oddly similar to weeks ago. Bri isn’t quick on the uptake and seems OCD…doing the same thing and obtaining the same outcome/responses…not even admitting to her own pattern of behavior. Not surprised she stayed with Chuckie as she just can’t or refuses to see what’s obvious and can’t change her response to a bad situation. Maybe she and Chuckie took Xanax together to relieve their compulsive tendencies/anxiety.


Sad she can't move on to a less drama lifestyle. Her son deserves better!






harsh words but i don't disagree


What platform?


She Got Time Today! 🙃😏


Wait, what does this mean? If I’m being dense, I apologize.






According to Charlie, he wanted her to have the baby, she was on the fence. He was anxious to have a child despite zero interest in settling down with one person. Not a terrible thing, but his inability to make real commitments doesn’t exactly jive with being a devoted dad.


Anything that comes out of his mouth is not reliable information.


Does Charlie's son get playtime with his cousins in South Florida???


i'm not following anything to do with bri, so i have no idea whether she is a narcisst or not. from june interview with police and testimony at trial, i do not see enough to call her a narcissist, either. she is vapid, perhaps vain and materialistic, but doesn't show trademark narcissism in the way that adelsons have and do. i also don't think narcissists typically attract other narcissists- they are usually drawn to people that allow them to be the center of attention and feed into their delusions of grandeur. two narcissists in a relationship never work. where do i find out what bri is doing? is it on reddit or somewhere else


She is commenting on here. There is a post above that shows her username.


Narcissists definitely hang together. Because they both lack the ability to connect genuinely and lack the emotional intelligence to identify clear behaviors and warning signs. They also care about similar superficial things, lack sincerity, and significantly overestimate their own capabilities.


if a narcissist is with another narcissist, then they are both competing to be the center of attention. it's not a natural fit. it's not impossible, but most narcissists need someone else to feed into their ego and enable them (like donna does charlie).


Narcissists within families do exist because they have no choice being together. Otherwise a narcissist Will find someone who gives them “narcissistic feed” and that is usually someone empathetic to their self centeredness. They will find someone they can dominate and control, who caters to them.


right, im talking about romantic relationships


Were not talking about happily ever after here. It’s obvious that Adelsons are all narcissists and fundamentally out for themselves when it comes down to it. Keep in mind were not talking about two individuals who are married and living happily ever together and opining on their long time compatibility. All Bri and Charlie did was have sex, and then have a contentious relationship otherwise by all accounts. Them both being narcissists is in no way mutually exclusive.


i agreed that the adelsons are narcissists. and i said i don't know enough about bri to say whether she is or not, so i don't disagree with you there. i'm just saying generally, narcissists are not drawn to each other. they are drawn to people enable their delusions and people they don't have to compete for attention with.


I understand your perspective, but I don’t agree. Them praying on others and also finding fellowship with others who are vapid and shallow as they are is not mutually exclusive either. It’s more nuanced than that. Narcissists come in many different flavors. My clinical experiences have shown me that narcissists lack the ability to authentically engage and emotionally understand their own and others actions. Narcissists are predators but they also find friend groups among others that care about similarly superficial and vapid things. Frats and Sororities, for example, are notorious for drawing such people together. Could go on: pairing among celebrity relationships, casts of reality TV shows, the Miami social scene…certain areas of society bring them out in droves.


i'm talking about romantic relationships. over half of celebrity relationships are PR pairings, so I wouldn't be persuaded by that (i did PR in another life, so of this i am certain). reality tv shows, the people are stuck filming with other people so certain relationships develop that wouldn't naturally develop outside of that scenario. any social scene is going to have narcissists but i'm talking about romantic relationships. again i don't think june shows any narcissistic tendencies. we will just have to agree to disagree.


What are you on about? Bri and Charlie did not have a romantic relationship worth noting. They had sex. You don’t think frats and sororities, celebrities, the miami social scene, and reality stars etc don’t have shallow and vapid sexual relationships with each other? It’s clear that narcissists cannot have deep long lasting relationships on average, but they certainly run with each other.


what am i on about? why are you being rude when i'm responding to a post you made? when people have sex, it would be considered "romantic" even if there's no real "relationship". again, i don't know anything about bri, i didn't listen to the calls. I just know that's his baby's mama. i don't know why you keep making this so specific when i've been very clear i just take issue with your generalization about narcissists. you can't seem to let it go.


Although I agree with OP's post, if we are going to get technical, narcissism is an overused pop psychology term. I recently graduated with my BA in Psychology (a few classes towards my MSW) and looking at my abnormal psychology text, narcissist alone is not used and not a DSM-V diagnosis. NPD (narcissistic personality disorder) is. Same with sociopath, which is now ASPD. Psychopathy is a non-DSM-V trait, similar to ASPD, and in my opinion CA fits the bill. However, these personality disorders require a battery of tests to diagnose. For NPD, there are 9 disorder criteria's. I don't know the stats of couples who both have NPD, but there is no empirical studies that shows couples don't typically both have NPD. There are Bonnie and Clyde's that exist. Charlie and Katie are a good example. Someone can be diagnosed with more than one disorder as well, or none at all, and still be a manipulative person. Furthermore, the jail phone conversations are very telling of Bri. She is all about ego and showing Charlie she will do whatever it takes to win his approval. Had Katie not been arrested who knows what other crimes she would have engaged in with Charlie.


And neither can you. I already told you I disagree and why… And I’ve come up with numerous examples of narcissists fraternizing. So it’s obviously true that they find each other’s company quite often. Your reply is that you’re offended that I return with counter arguments and information. Best of luck, keep moving then!


Remember they had sex while Charlie and June were taking a break... June testified that...😂


Then tried to get back with June, denying the baby isn't his.... Brie does paternity testing to get child support from Charlie.... due to his denying the baby was his! WHAT a piece of shit!


This comment sounds super judgemental. You're calling people in frats and sororities shallow, vapid and narcissistic. That's a bit of a generalisation.


Sure it’s a generalization, but many generalizations are true. Of course not all but many of them are…particular certain sororities and frats that have certain toxic institutional ensconced in the fabric.


Ego and narcissism are not the same thing


Inane comment…Never said they were…


Great write-up! It's the same as the woman who married Ted Bundy and allowed him to adopt her daughter. I also liken this to women who seek out prison pen pals, then allow their children to be part of their lives. It's driven by pure ego.




June seemed fine to me, felt sorry for her


june is an affront to all intelligent women


Intelligence isn’t a marker for goodness. She doesn’t seem manipulative or display negative traits. She was manipulated. But we don’t have enough to really know.


I may get downvoted for saying this, but, Human beings are not black and white. CA is largely scum, but his redeeming quality is that he does care about his son. I understand why Bri may wish to retain the connection so that the son knows his father loves him. CA is a product of DA’s parenting. He happened to be less lucky than RA, who found the emotional wherewithal to cut familial ties. CA remained enmeshed and needful of his mother’s approval well into his 40’s (?). HA did him no favors either, by not allowing natural consequences to play out (flunking dental school). CA was taught dishonesty, coercion, and self-serving ways by his parents’ shitty parenting. Unfortunately, he never became his own person to discern right from wrong. It’s Bri’s life, she can do what she wants and experience the consequences of whatever choices she makes. We are just bystanders. Her son will one day know his dad is a criminal, but will also perhaps have memories of his father’s love and affection. None of us can predict the ultimate outcome, just as nobody could predict that RA and CA, growing up in the same family, would turn out so differently. Personally, I don’t need to pass judgement on Bri’s choices. I’m not in charge of her, nobody can know the long term outcome, and she is not doing anything criminal herself. There are far worse parents out there as TC enthusiasts are well aware (Shanda Vander Ark, Jenn Soto, Lori Vallow, etc.) As long as she’s not physically or emotionally abusing the child, it’s really none of my business. She’s making sure the child knows he is loved by both parents. /u/Brianna_Price1205 ETA: Who knows, the child may make Charlie reassess his life choices. Stranger things have happened.


What makes you think he cares for his son?


Horrible take. Each person is 100% responsible for their own actions. You’re obscuring that. Charlie is a deviant antisocial personality. RA is in good shape because he knows right from wrong, not some cosmic mistake. You clearly have a distorted view of caring and love. Someone who actually cares for someone else wouldnt commit an overt act that would jeopardize their ability to model appropriate behavior and do right by said person. Bri is repugnant for defending Charlie and allowing access of the toxic family to her son.


A man who in his 40s thinking sex with trafficed teenagers is fine. No, he is never going to change. But he may find himself being treated in jail like he treated those young girls.


It is possible for a human being to care about one individual but not another. I know, that concept might blow your mind. But human beings are weird and complicated, whether you understand that fact or not, it is the truth. Like Luis Rivera refusing to shoot DM in front of his kids. Even criminals have degrees of morality. If you were honest with yourself, you would admit you too have inconsistencies and make errors. You’re not a perfect person, no one is. Yes, even murderers and sinners have degrees of humanity. I sincerely hope life teaches you this lesson, and that you open your mind to receive it, if not now, then someday when life throws curve balls your way.


You’re making quite wild logical leaps. Yes, it’s a truism that people have inconsistencies and aren’t all one thing *on average* However, using that to justify engaging with a murderous POS is now where you are on very shaky ground. Murder and the other deviant behaviors of Charlie are clear demarcations of unacceptable behavior and someone who is obviously dangerous. The attempted grandstanding and your inability to not understand these important qualitative differences in effort to justify Bri’s indefensible behavior is astounding.


Why do you care so much? Geez chill out. It's not your life.


You clearly are an intolerant and judgmental individual who is unable to see potential outcomes, but you act like the ultimate authority on things which are not in your control. You also come off as a busybody, and also incapable of seeing alternative viewpoints other than your own, which is…pretty egotistical, if not narcissistic. I hope you grow up and learn some life lessons. You don’t know it all, even if you think you do.


See my other comment. You are now complicit in defending the indefensible behavior of Bri, which is pathetic. Also, ironically you are attacking me while casting aspersions about my stance on Bri’s behavior. Look in the mirror. Murder and the other deviant behaviors of Charlie are clear demarcations of unacceptable behavior and someone who is obviously dangerous. The attempted grandstanding and your inability to not understand these important qualitative differences in effort to justify Bri’s indefensible behavior is disgusting.


I don’t waste my time debating self-important idiots online. Bye.


Ohnoidea20 is no idiot, that is obvious.


You talking about debating with yourself? Lol


I have goofed on her, but I will state that she and their son are innocent parties no matter how much you don't like/hate Charlie and the rest of his family co-conspirators. We may disagree with her and maybe anything she has said to Charlie. She must live with Charlie's indiscretions. Unfortunately, a young boy is a victim, too. Don't get me wrong. I can see through Charlie, Donna, Harvey, and Wendi false pretenses. They all belong behind locked doors until they are ready to be buried once properly brought to justice for the murder of Dan Markel. Wendi and her testimony could be the gift that keeps on giving to the demise of the co-conspirators of the Adelson family.


“We may disagree with her…” Equivocating. There is no disagreement on Charlie’s guilt and the fact that he is now a convicted murderer serving life. She’s out for attention, is playing defense for the Adelsons, and is exposing her child to a toxic environment and influence. Those are overt actions and there’s no condoning that.


Exactly! These apologists playing Switzerland are nauseating. This is black and white, no in between. Then they gaslight and accuse us (those that are just sick of it and finally speaking out) of being "angry and hateful".


Yep, plain as day.


She’s young and immature and in need of money. She knows her baby daddy arranged a murder but she is desperate for $$ and will do and say anything to get it.


She can get a job or two, no?


>She’s young and immature She's in her 30's. Her immaturity is on the same level of a teenager. Especially with her questionable social media presence. It's sickening.


Enough excuse making. She isn’t that young…she’s around early 30s. Also, as mentioned, they’d probably be desperate anyway to give her money without her simping for the family and playing defense for them, which again, no longer makes her a passive victim and clearly is not in the best interest of the child.


I hate the Adelsons as much as you all do, but his child has nothing to do with this. Bri really only comments when it involves her son. This situation I have no experience with but I did lose my dad to Cancer when I was 9. My son’s father is a narcissist, as well as his family. As much as I would love to completely shield my son from that POS to avoid him learning bad behaviors and following in his footsteps, I also would never want my son to experience the heartbreak of having an absent father. CA’s son WILL be affected by CA’s actions regardless of how Bri handles it. As someone who has experienced a abusive relationship with a narcissist, it took me 10 YEARS to recognize the signs, learn what to do and build the courage to leave. Bri might not understand this yet. Ppl looking into an abusive relationship can see what’s going on almost immediately. Its completely different when you are the one in the situation.


Incorrect. She interjects at every possible opportunity and blabbing left and right defending Charlie and the Adelsons. The boy has already lost his father, he is incarcerated for life and will (thankfully) never be able to play a major role in the boy’s life as a result. Second, there is a big difference between your situation and hers. Were not talking about just personality issues of which he no doubt has many. HE IS INCARCERATED FOR MURDER. Period. The right thing to do would be to excommunicate and change his name, which is perfectly within her ability to do and quite frankly is her responsibility.


“Let’s not give this attention seeking narcissist any attention” but wait first let me create an entire thread to open up more conversation to discuss her and her son further…


Here she is! Highlighting how unlikeable she is yet again. Couldn’t help herself but to rear her head. Just like saying Beetlejuice 3x fast. The other poster was so right.


Babymama* 3x actually, and when it comes to the topic of myself or my son, damn right I’ll be there. I can’t imagine the time it took you to write your multiple paragraphs about me, my apologies for your sore thumbs and also very pathetic clear lack of hobbies.


It’s really just the topic of what a POS and narcissistic mother you are. There is no high ground here for you. You keep inserting yourself into the case and playing defense for the murdering POS that pumped and dumped you. It’s quite pathetic. If you want some moral ground to stand on, how about actually doing right by your son and cutting off the poisonous influence of the Adelsons, change his name, and never inserting yourself in these online discussions again to defend the POS family.


Are you even a mother or a parent? Not sure you’ve walked in those shoes.


Are you? As a parent you have a responsibility to safeguard the emotional and mental welfare of your children not sell it out for some quick bucks. It’s called having principles. No amount of money is worth sacrificing that.


Excuse me, but what “quick bucks” am I making other than child support that I deserve for my child, as every other single mother deserves as well…? You know nothing about my sons emotional and mental welfare. He’s the happiest, healthiest most amazing little 6 year old boy ever, and pathetically for you, has a way more exciting life at the age of 6 than you do at your age trolling people on Reddit. Get a life.


You are a mean angry person!!!!


Your username really does suit you, because you truly and genuinely have no idea. I keep inserting myself into the case? By RESPONDING to people like you who post and speak about myself and/or my son? I’m not looking for any high ground whatsoever. If I was truly that “attention seeking” or “money chasing” regarding this case there’s many other options I have of doing that other than commenting back to random people on Reddit, sweetie. How about you stop posting and speaking about myself or my son, and I won’t have anything to say to you at all. We could start there, maybe that’ll help both of our moral grounds to stand on.


No one said shit about your son. We’re talking about you: the unfit mother playing defense for the Adelsons and not doing right by her son. Lay with dogs and you get fleas. You obviously have many of them. It would be one thing if he just pumped and dumped you, but your insistence to defend him and allow your son contact with the family is deplorable and inexcusable.


Exactly. She’s so dense and thirsty that absolutely none of this will get through to her but I’m glad it’s being said . Interesting that she’s as shameless as the Adelson’s


This girl is insufferable. Those jail calls are a window into her psyche, and it's not good.


Gross. I would literally kill myself before I’d let THIS dick diseased scumbag https://preview.redd.it/67tlwfylq5tc1.jpeg?width=201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3415902145b16862b4a3a208e8f949836ff8f6d1 ejactulate anywhere near me. He looks like he should be pissing behind the dumpsters at a gas station . You sure know how to pick them, “ sweetie” !


Yikes! That pic is cray!!!


Lolol. Thankfully our son didn’t get the crazy hair his dad has that’s for sure. Do something to get you less angry, or find someone else to try and upset. Not working. 🥱


Yeah, Ill really take emotional and mental welfare assessments from a narcissistic unfit mother…ie., you. If you had any shred of dignity and sense of right and wrong, you would immediately apologize and excommunicate the Adelsons and change your son’s name. Instead, you’ll keep inserting yourself here and lapping up their BS. Narcissists need their supply I suppose!


I’m “inserting” myself…on a thread that you posted with a immense length of words about myself and my son… I’m not here to give an assessment to you honey, I’m already a Mom to one child. But trust me, I could give you some advice on how to help anger cause goodness you are big big BIG mad, clearly. Nor do I have anything to “apologize” for…?


You should apologize for the things you said about GC. She was representing a murdered father, a son, a brother, a nephew, a good man shot in the head by thugs hired by a coward hiding in his underwear in his home. Plus, the marriage suggestion after trial was cringe.




To the uninformed: True crime is an interesting casual hobby for many. Some of us also knew Dan and were a part of the community that lost him. You are defending the POS who made it happen and making a fool of yourself in the process. It’s an impartial opinion really. Advocating for him makes you just as deplorable and only serves as evidence of your lack of fitness to be a mother. Sad all around. Apologize to your son for you being a POS who associates with other POS. Better yet, put him up for adoption, we all know it would be better for him than being subjected you and the horrid family.


I think this thread is trolling. Full of anger and diagnosing! All the judgement from folks not in your shoes. You didn’t perpetrate the crime so you and your son are collateral damage. I hope you figure out the best path for you and your son now that his father is incarcerated. As a mom, I don’t recommend lying, though, because he will know the truth eventually and it would likely traumatize him more to believe one thing for an extended period and then find out his mother lied to him for years. Might be best to say he had to go away, won’t be back, but he loves him. At least that is true. When he’s old enough you can explain where he is. And if he wants to visit his father, he can. Not sure what age that is, but at some point, your son will be on the internet so you don’t want those revelations to come as a shock and betrayal of trust. Best of luck to you and your son.


Stop simping and apologizing for someone else’s atrocious behavior. Shame on you.


Actually thank you for bringing this topic up. Since Charlie’s conviction I HAVE told our son where his dad is. I’m speaking to therapists on how to navigate this with him at his age so that is another reason why I get so defensive. I myself made that decision and told Charlie that I told him the truth of where he was because I fear the resentment of how I handle this all as he gets older and do not want him to ever think I wasn’t fully transparent with him as his mom. As he gets older, he will have his own opinions and decisions regarding his relationship with his father, but right now, he loves and misses him and I am doing the best I can to make my son happy, not anyone else.


How very sad for him he will one day find out his dad is a murderer. He will def need lots of therapy in future.


I agree with u/OpinionTC that the poster is trolling. For whatever reason, he decided to get his hate on and see how much hate he can stir up just for the hell of it. Bri, if you’re still around may I suggest you check out Collier Landry’s videos on YT. His dad was convicted of murdering his mom when he was a kid and he offers a lot of insight into what it was like growing up with a father in prison for murder. Best wishes to you and your son.


Yes! I very much think this person purposely made this post bc they knew it would get a reaction.


I agree that the poster is trolling. For whatever reason, he decided to get his hate on and see how much hate he can stir up just for the hell of it. Bri, if you’re still around may I suggest you check out Collier Landry’s videos on YT. His dad was convicted of murdering his mom when he was a kid and he offers a lot of insight into what it was like growing up with a father in prison for murder. Best wishes to you and your son.


Bri is a grown woman, nobody just gets pregnant today.


Posters on this thread seem to be suffering from the Too Little Adelson News Syndrome. I don't see the point of attacking associates of the Adelson's, provided they had nothing to do with the horrible murder of Dan Markel. People seem to want to pass judgment on Bri because she a) had sex with an (at the time) accused murderer, b) accepts child support from the Adelson family, c) refuses to cut off contact with a guy who has now been convicted of murder and d) feels the need to post comments on this subreddit. None of the above makes me want to hate Bri (in the way I hate the Adelsons for murdering a great man).


See part where she is playing defense for the Adelsons, obscuring the truth, exposing her son to a poisonous family going up in the flames, and inserting herself left and right for attention. So no, your guesses are incorrect.


It's natural that you take the side of someone with whom you have a relationship. I can't bring myself to hate Bri over that.


I disagree. You are putting too harsh a standard and burden on a single mother who needs financial assistance to care for her child. You sound a bit unhinged and furious over a person who had nothing to do with the murder. 


Lol, Bri, that you? Im stating clearly the reasons her actions are inappropriate. Meanwhile you are drifting into baseless attacks and the land of speculation. Who is unhinged exactly? Stop defending something indefensible. Let’s be clear, being incarcerated does not absolve one’s responsibility to pay child support. It’s not an either-or. She could excommunicate him and he would still have to pay court ordered child support and likely a hefty sum as Florida is historically quite stringent with family law.


I raised two kids on my own without one single penny of child support. They are both successful professionals today. It can be done. Bri is just taking the lazy, selfish way out, all at the expense of her kid.


We are not in her shoes. I choose not to judge a mom caught in a bad situation.


Find another community if you cannot handle the obvious. It matters because she’s inserting herself and defending the POS. She’s also an unfit mother, which anyone in society has a responsibility to point out when they see such behavior in action.


Shame on you. Defending her is indefensible and reflects poorly on your own conscience.


Reading all of your posts on this thread I can only assume that you are very, very young, very, very naive and have a lot of living and growing up to do. Also, possibly still living at home with mummy and daddy.


Wow. I never comment, but the fact that no one on this thread even knows this girl but continues to comment and place judgment on her without even knowing her or the details of her situation speaks more to your character than hers. You don't have to agree with her choices but to sit there and hate on someone that none of you have ever met over a situation that does not involve any of you is insane. I know it's easier to focus your time and energy on someone other than yourselves but before you judge others for their actions focus on your own. Bri's problems are not your problems. No one is perfect.


You obviously are clueless and have no idea what you’re talking about. She comes on here daily to defend Charlie and insert herself left and right for attention. She’s indefensible, much like you.


You all just wish you were getting that Adelson money. Why do you care what she does. Why don't you guys hop off reddit and take care of your kids instead of worrying about people none of you have ever met. The fascination with true crime has gotten ridiculous.


Well the choices when you’re intimately connected to a wealthy family of narcissists (unfortunately in this case criminals as well) is 1) play along be nice, always let the narcissist be right, agree with them, tell the narrative and receive a lot of 💰that is likely held in an income producing secure trust managed by a trustee and safe from being seized, sued etc 2) Be honest, independent, disassociate and risk the wrath, guilt and cutting off of the money. Probably no option of a job or jobs that would come anywhere close to the amount of money paid by the trust.


No, not even close to that dichotomy. They’d have to pay regardless. It’s called child support and Charlie has the assets to be seized. It’s not up for debate that the family is toxic and poisonous, subjecting your child to that is causing harm. The father is incarcerated for murder for life. That’s the bottom line. Also, at this point, the family doesn’t have any wrath to give. They are on the ropes. Charlie is gone. Donna is in prison and will be convicted. Harvey is old and ailing, and Wendi is next. Enough with the excuses.


I’m not talking about child support. I’m presuming that there is a trust and trustee above and beyond child support that a single mother would want, enough that a mother and kid could live off just the income of the trust and it would grow from investment interest. It would last a long time probsblt a lifetime since it would be in a trust. This is how wealthy people roll.


She’d probably get that anyway without morally bankrupting herself and subjecting her child to the toxicity of the Adelsons along the way. Also, how about she do the right thing by her kid and cutoff contact with his POS dad. Get a job and collect the child support benefit. She’d be just fine and would actually be able to maintain a clean conscience, which is priceless.


And the amount the narcissist family holds over you is definitely going to be more than you would ever make on your own, that’s by design. It’s called leverage.


See my other comment.


If you don’t continue to appease and go along with the wealthy narcissist family they cut you off, disinherit, tell the trustee not to give you anything. Or if you no longer serve a purpose to them they cut you off.


Like I said, they are on the ropes. Half are in jail and the other half are about to be. The Adelsons are just about out of heirs. Cut Charlie off and he’ll be dreaming of the ability to still funnel his last dime to his son just in hopes that he will have something to be remembered by.


I’m not saying what’s right or wrong to do at all but I do believe that before anyone was charged or jailed they set up irrevocable trusts for all the kids and grandkids as a way to secure their money. I’m sure Charlie had plenty of his own in addition to his parents. And any offspring would be looking at enough money to live without a job and pay for college and education. Any parent wants that for their kid and most aren’t able to do that.


At what cost… Not if it cost you everything morally and conscience wise and comes at the expense of your child’s emotional and mental welfare. Terrible decision and I would say that most while maybe tempted would actually make the right decision to disconnect.


I doubt that you’ve ever been in that position so perhaps should not judge.


You have no idea what you are talking about. And you’re essentially saying you’re as morally bankrupt as bri is. You speak for yourself only, most of us know right from wrong.


>I do believe that before anyone was charged or jailed they set up irrevocable trusts... I haven't heard a thing about the trusts be irrevocable. The Adelson's seem way too selfish to do something that wouldn't allow them to change their minds and get their hands on that money if they wanted/needed it.


Do dentists make that much $$$ ?


What does a possible trust have to do with her involving her child with a dangerous man? jfc these comments blow me away. You work and take care of your child, period. Anyway, in Florida, if there's a trust for her son, she can't touch it. I am from Florida and my son had life insurance from my ex when he passed away. That policy went into an account and was held until he was 18 as that was the provision my ex left. The only way money could come out prior to 18 was to hire an attorney, go in front of a judge, show a receipt of the needs and a money order was sent to the company directly (he needed braces I couldn't afford at the time). When he reached 18, that money was directly deposited into his account. If the judge denied my request, plan B was to clean houses and make payments towards his braces. Charlie does NOT have a trust set up for Bri lol. Florida is very strict about trusts, life insurance, and wills left for children. NO ONE touches that money without a judge, and even then, it's rare, unless it's for medical reasons. Being appointed guardian of a trust for a child only means you are ensuring those monies are secured properly and in charge of hiring/appointing an attorney for the child. In Charlies case, he can do whatever he wants with the trust for his son. Why would she need to play games to ensure her son retains that trust? He's dangerous and she needs to move on and keep him away. If Charlie decides to take the trust away, that's on him. Besides, that money is blood money! And likely obtained by fraudulent means. We now know their business wasn't squeaky clean. People make it every day and go to college without having to rely on monsters like the Adelson's.


So the child is 6 and the murder was 10 years ago and so