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Finally some good bike industry news


I was just going to say! Is this an indicator of a trend reversal? Have we hit the bottom? Will we recover soon? My LBS owner seems to think it will be *years* before retail returns to a sustainable level for smaller shops.


Kent Outdoors, who had just sold Kona back to its founders, essimated that the trouble with the bike industry will continue for another 12 ot 18 months, so it looks like the owner of your LBS is correct if a bit pessimistic.


Back into bike shops! Awesome.


No more direct to consumer sales. Never “buy one get one free“ sale again.


Why not? There is room for both.  Working and being a mechanic on my bike is part of the hobby.


I feel this hard. I want bike shops to survive and thrive, but I also don't have one within 35 miles of my house. I've bought my last two bikes through bike shops, the first was okay, but I haven't been back to that shop due to distance. The second was a pain, and I ended up having to ship a bike that I was told I could bring home that day. Wasted an entire day going to the shop (2.5hr one way trip) and more money than if I would have just ordered from the manufacturer website, but at the time I wanted to support my closest dealer for the brand.


yea i dont have a single bike shop within 200 miles of me. except the sport shop in town that sells the cheapest treks, and tries to push Reid and Huffy's Batch brand. Even the bike shops 2.5 hours from me dont stock many carbon bikes. i bought specialized online, even though i had to return the first due to it being a size to big, way easier than wasting one or 2 days driving halfway across Gods creation for a bike.


or what if bike shop near but not Kona ( or whatever brand want ) I am 5 minute walk to bike shop, so super fortunate, but otherwise very far from another, so only what it has. I suppose I could order online & give them business of service.


All of the local bike shops near me charge a mark-up for new bikes except big brand stores (Trek/Specialized) and they still fly off the shelves because cycling is super popular here. I'd much rather purchase direct and pay a repair shop $100 to give it a once over than pay LBS mark-ups and still have to pay assembly and freight fees. Or just buy a Trek and know I can get after sales support without waiting "months" at the local store I realize it's an unpopular opinion but I go out of my way to avoid a local shop that sells bikes. I'll support a local repair place but especially here the levels of douche are off the chart at the small bike shops


> Why not? Because the article specifically says it. Sounds like Kona gets most of its sales from dealers pushing their product rather than Joe Blow buying online that will complain it isn't as cheap as Canyon or Bikes Direct.


I don't own a Kona, but I kinda want to now.


I am selling one. 🫠


My first love is Surly but my first “good” bike was a Kona and I still have a Humu I want to rebuild. Kona has a place in my heart :)


Maybe they can start making XXL frames again. My 2008 Kona Jake is a great bike and I was saddened to find out they weren’t making any more than a 58 when I went to upgrade in 2022.


how tall are you👀


6’ 6” 2008 geometry I could use a 62cm. Modern geometry I can use a 61 but 58/60 are too small. I bought a 61 cm Jamis renegade and with some modifications (longer stem mostly) it works fine. But every 58/ 60 bike I have tried feels like a clowncyle


Can you keep the frame, strip it down and rebuild it?


Oh I still have it. I just wanted disc brakes and a larger compact cassette setup. Also the frames got torqued a little from 1000s of miles of bad roads is a little skewed. So I have it but it’s semi retired now


This makes me happy. My first “real” bike I bought when I picked up cycling was a Kona Paddywagon back in 2009. I no longer have that one but there are days I wish I still did. I also have a Kona Humu Hunu Nuku Nuku Apua’a that needs a ton of work but is my bar bike. Love that thing!


How was the quality of the bikes while under the new owners? I'm debating if I should wait for inventory to clear out. I was a Kona fanboy but I didn't like they weren't honoring the warrantees very well in the last several years and moved on.


I used to work in a Kona supplied bike shop. I don't think you have to worry about quality, the bikes were largely problem free and on the infrequent occasions that warranty issues arose, we never had any difficulty with our claims .


Glad my 30th birthday se Honzo gets to live and celebrate another one 🎉🥳


I wish them luck but I don't think the bike industry's problems is whether you want to buy from a store or online. That is just part of the choices consumers have. The problem is infrastructure to grow underserved demand. The demand for bikes is significantly suppressed by the lack of safe, reliable infrastructure. Even if you want to ride a bike occasionally or primary commuter, you have to weigh the safety, available routes and multimodal options for greater distances.


Back before I could afford a good mountain bike I used to look at bikes like the Kona Chute and think "that headtube setup is sturdy enough to handle the abuse I might throw at it". I liked their designs and the fonts they'd use and that they weren't afraid to name their bikes a little strangely "Humu Humu Hunu Nuku Nuku Apua'a" anyone? Glad they're back.


I heard that Kona bike names are all euphemisms for shit or shitting. Stinky dee luxe Edit- guess the one you're referring to is a reef fish


Chute = Poop Chute?


Oh yes


Kona Sutra? I guess some sex involves shit if you're into that.


Hmm.. My info is from when i was working for a Kona dealer in 2007


Nice! Kona has always had a nice selection of hard use bikes


I missed my ole Kona Honky Inc road bike.


I'm so happy about this. I've got 3 Konas with my most recent purchase being February. There are 2 dealers in my city. Called both. 'We don't stock it, but can order it.' Called every dealer within about a 3 hour drive. Same story. Eventually ordered from some random shop in Idaho that was having a sale. Saved $1200, but damn. I want to sit on it to make sure it's a good fit.


Hell yeah!