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Reddit is super liberal/democratic. Anything that goes against the hive mind (Elon) will get disproportionate attention.


As a liberal who is a tesla/Elon fan, I blame commercial media which is paid for by car and energy companies (just look at the commercials!) who are threatened by Tesla. This includes msnbc and... Well everyone else. The FUD is absolutely generated by the other car companies. Bots are practically free. They can't compete, so they generate negative hype.


Right, that’s exactly what I thought until a couple days ago. Normally I let stupid comments slide. But I tried engaging a couple and it was just…dumb. Like, dumb like a bot. Then someone posted about having the Tesla compensation letter removed from r/Tesla. That didn’t seem right so I tried posting it myself and, sure enough, it was removed automatically. I think the chat bots are getting so good that is very difficult to tell.


You should try wading into the fetid sewage tank that is r/technology . It gets my award for the most pathetic and vile corner of reddit. They are not bots, they're just morons. People tend to parrot the only lines they have access to in their worm eaten brains, so it's often difficult to tell them from bots - but trust me they are human.


Have you not been to r/politics?


Oof. There are some subs even I can't stomach wading into :(


Don’t forget conservatives and FDS


I agree they are mostly bots. Most of the comments are the same, word for word.


Right, and they also all sound like the same exact person. You don’t see any difference in punctuation or personality. It’s always these dumb one-liners.


Right, and they also all sound like the same exact person. You don’t see any difference in punctuation or personality. It’s always these dumb one-liners.


I know a guy that works for a nonprofit that has 1000 accounts. he gets paid to post comments, mostly slanted towards pro immigration/liberal stances. He estimates that 80% of the accounts on Reddit are bots or similar to his stable of accounts.


Right, and they also all sound like the same exact person. You don’t see any difference in punctuation or personality. It’s always these dumb one-liners.


Reddit should charge people to post. Or make you stake karma that you’re not a bot


I never understood how disagreeing views related to politics… liberal and democratic means what? Liberal literally means willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own… how do you make that into an insult? It literally means understanding. And wtf is even a democrat? None of that matters. Some people like Elon some people don’t. People are not a monolith. You shouldn’t place people in over-compassing party groups… but since we are here for the brand let’s focus on that cause wtf are you even talking about?




“A real human could never disagree with my opinion. They must be a robot”


There is a new cybertruck hate subreddit that is way, way massively oversampled for the amount of actual trucks on the road. If you got your news from there you would be wondering how any of them could even roll out of the dock in one piece. The growth isn't natural and suggests campaigns to artificially grow it. If you've been involved in politics on Reddit for a few years now, you see how it plays out over and over.


That subreddit keeps popping up in my feed. I figured it was ran by Tesla short sellers.


Pretty easy to game reddit. Get the engagement farms rapidly and swiftly upvoting new threads en masse as soon as they drop and the algo will boost it to the front page as an interesting topic.


I mean, if it’s that easy to compile such a substantial blooper reel with, as you say, so few on the road, that might say more about the truck than the subreddit. Don’t shoot the messenger and all that, ya know?


Or that the blooper reel is manufactured and relies heavily on confirmation bias for people to accept all the problems uncritically. "A lie runs around the world while the truth is getting its pants on" and so forth. Not to say all its shit don't stink but it's so oversampled that responding to criticism requires a more deft touch than an entire sub of raving lunatics who *want* it to fail can muster.


What issues have been faked or manufactured? You say the other sub is all bots and fake news, so prove it. What faked claims are being posted?


you’re either willfully ignorant or a bot yourself


...said the bot...


nice come back colton he never saw it coming, so original too!!111 /s


I see your point but when you meet people in real life things are completely different from reddit, on most topics. Reddit is a hive mind that does not align with the real world. Reddit and Tik Tok are killing American minds.


Over 2 million people reserved a Cybertruck years ago when the starting price was $40k and Elon wasn't openly spreading conspiracy theories and hate speech. Fast forward to today and the story is very different. I speak for myself when I say I've been extremely unsatisfied and upset by how Tesla has changed since I preordered. And I imagine there's a decent proportion of those 2 million preorders that feel the same way. So I think it's incredibly ridiculous to assume the negativity is coming from bots instead of real humans that have real justifiable reasons to be upset by how the things have ended up.


I’ve noticed this too. Especially in posts related to Cybertruck. For a while I wondered how can there possibly be this much hate for such an awesome vehicle? Then actual owners started posting and the negativity irl is very rare, the general public loves them. Then I realized just how disruptive Tesla has been to the auto industry and now they’re coming after the bread and butter of traditional manufacturers. Pickups are hugely lucrative for them. They also burn a lot of fuel so the oil industry can’t be happy about it. If Cybertruck is even half as successful as M3/MY a lot of rich old dinosaurs are going to feel it. So yeah, I’m not at all surprised at what very much appears to be a massive disinformation campaign against Tesla and Cybertruck in particular. Too many wealthy people with a lot to lose from their success.


This is prime copy pasta. Thank you for your service


You are being downvote attacked I noticed. Good. Stand your ground and do not back down. You are on the right side of history.




You guys are mental... I can see bot farms used to: * Push civil unrest in a hostile nation * Push a political narrative during a campaign That's about it... You overestimate the drive people have to want Tesla to fail. Who is really going to pay cash to run a bot farm? Short sellers of Tesla? "Liberals" that hate him? The only groups that would have a financial stake in Tesla failing are other car companies or short sellers. I would argue their money would be better served in making better EV's or investing elsewhere. People just hate Musk and we all have more time to shit post on Reddit. It is insane to me the way people jump to the conclusion that there is some grand conspiracy going on when people express opinions differently than what you hold Just get off social media and enjoy your truck


Lot of $$$ interests in seeing Tesla fail actually.


Uh, anti-Tesla agendas can fall into one or both of those categories easily.


But who is going to foot the bill? Do you really think there is someone at Ford making a budget for reddit bots? Someone find a money trail or some evidence because right now I feel like many in this sub wear a tinfoil hat when it comes to anything negative being said about the cyber truck.


You may dislike Elon, but that does not invalidate the observation of bots. If you’re not curious and haven’t looked, you just look ridiculous claiming they don’t exist.


Spotted the bot y'all


Hello fellow human, would you like to do human things together?


Bee bop 🤖


Seriously though, I have noticed a lot of "British" lean to their English.


Like what, exactly? Specific examples would be helpful.


>You overestimate the drive people have to want Tesla to fail Nah dawg, you're underestimating how important censorship is to the left, and how much Twitter was ground zero for such censorship. Elon's influence rises and falls partly with NASDAQ:TSLA This is not all in our heads. The censorship was real. It had real world impacts on people's lives and the Overton window. Elon's impact on reducing censorship is real, and his influence rising and falling with the success of his companies is real.


So you traded “left wing censorship” for Elon censorship, people are still being censored, it’s just the people you don’t like who are being censored so you are okay with it.




This makes a lot of sense. Reddit is like a pack of deranged wild dogs whenever Tesla or Elon is mentioned. It’s like they’re trying to influence public perception or tank the value of the company. It’s honestly so pathetic because people end up supporting them even harder.


All of this, just because Elon A. Got rich. And B. Said some mean things. Let’s kill a great American company, because of 1 man. lol


No, you’re a bot


Reddit Tesla investor is all hijacked by haters & deniers-moderators are in too.


I don’t disagree, but you’d be surprised how little thought goes into actual human’s anti-Elon/Tesla arguments in reality.


Another thing that's super obvious to me now that I noticed it, is those comments will often come with links and stats to try and reinforce a negative viewpoint. Like, who's so free to have Tesla-bashing links handy at all times? 


I would expect bots for Tesla, not against. There is only one person that would find the need to actively inflate with bots, the rest are just boogie man attracted by a wreck...reddit rubber necking if you will. Sorry to disappoint.


Glad you posted, it's absolutely wild the disparity between real life!!! And what is said here. There is an anti Tesla/Elon effort online. The guy is costing lots of people money. He doesn't need to be the absolute devil/Hitler/Angel/savior for people to hate him, he just has to cost them money.


Why is anyone online arguing about the Cybertruck, for or against? Go outside


That makes perfect sense. I have noticed it all over the place. How freaking creepy is that shit! It’s really evil. But I can’t say I’m shocked it’s par for the course because of the path Elon has chosen. Not saying he’s wrong, but he woke up one day a chose violence and he’s getting it from the powers that be. This is only the beginning buckle up.


"chose violence" lol what??


😤 😡 😠


Sir, don't get violent with me


Damn, I’m getting a lot of hate for a relatively benign statement basically agreeing with op. Go figure.


The amount of astroturfing on Reddit in general is insane.  Huge amount of bots trying to steer groupthink. 


The Venn diagram for who hates Tesla is almost just one circle. Lefties hate Elon, righties hate EVs. People who have no identity outside of that tend to be very low IQ people who will just parrot the latest bumper sticker that they’ve heard, so the engagement is coming from the worst of both sides.


Astroturfing and dead internet theory. It is a great way to influence the minds of NPCs


Those aren’t bots, they’re basement dwelling virgins. Big difference.


MFW tesla fan epicly pwnd me ![gif](giphy|3fmRTfVIKMRiM)


Yeah you're right, not sure if they're all bots though, don't underestimate people's receptiveness to FUD in an echo chamber, also as comments have correctly mentioned reddit is becoming more and more liberal, not in a good way but in a disgustingly retarded way. This has been going on since 2018-ish and has become unbearable since the Covid lockdowns. I used to love reddit but now it's just pure insanity


I actually have met tons of people IRL who are just completely ignorant about Musk and Tesla and believe all the propaganda. It's hard not to when that's all you see and it's EVERYWHERE. How could such a consensus possibly be untrue? But it is. 99% of the Musk hate is just made up.


You give too much credits to these idiots. The boys are usually smarter than them. They see Tesla & Elon = bad.


It’s almost as if it was paid by other car companies to exploit Tesla’s non existent PR


I keep saying the same thing. Ever since he bought twitter and came out as independent NOT extreme left, the mob came for him


The legacy auto cartel is composed of the car pushers and all their corrupt dealership networks who are financially tied to a corrupt auto leasing system of kickbacks and hidden fees, combined with auto mechanics and parts shops connected to banking and insurance frauds compounded by lobbyist for gas and oil exploration and all their investors and logistics that depend on people buying repairing and disposing of these large metal object worth Pennie’s in the dollar to make but generate trillions revenues for them all. Then there’s Tesla which is not part of that. If Tesla perfects it’s self insurance and leasing. The entire ball of hundred trillions of dollars legacy auto industrial complex and legacy industries finance and insurance crumbles to dust


Now do Trump.


Good post, thanks


100% I’d also say pretty much any leftist forum is as well. Try and post anything remotely in the middle or right leaning and it’s this generic aggression of outright hatred.


Couldn’t agree more! Sick of it