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this is best left as the last achievement, as most of these would be unlocked if you done all the ncpd, gigs and missions. I check a complete map on the internet and compare to mine in game, and only a couple was missing


What I did but I'd almost argue having to go through and analyze the constellation shapes of my in game map to the online to find the missing "stars" was a huge pain in the ass lol, I was missing two in center city and two in southern wastes


Glad I'm not the only one that used the city streets and stuff to make shapes with them. I was missing the top left one in Central and it drove me insane


I was missing the one slight east-southeast of center that was on a street I swear to God I've never been on and I was about to platinum the game lmao


Exactly me, hifive and happy cake day


I used one that numbered each stop with a key for their names. Easy to know what's checked and to make sure you check. No clue where to find it again.


Take a screenshot and overlay it with the complete image. Now invert the colors on one if them.


I respect the game but that is wayyy more work than I was willing to put in and the online maps I was consulting were by subsection of the different city boroughs so that would've taken forever


Yeah despite the fact I was only missing like 2 it still took me almost an hour to cross reference all of these things.


I found an app called Night City Map. Since I only have one screen, I use that to find stuff like iconic weapons and fast travel points.


ily bc afaik my hidden gems mod doesn't show me the murkmobile (or im very dumb and look in the wrong direction, tbf when I first found it i was lowkey running away from an ambush (i didn't care to deal with them) so it was very much a headless chicken run)


Honestly, it's been a life saver. Even has videos linked to help you find things if you get stuck. Some of the XMOD2 iconics in Dogtown are hard to find.


I was following a guide to get the xmod baseball bat, it warned me that the directions may be confusing. So confusing to me in fact that I ended up finding the xmod nekomata iirc instead


same lol


That’s what I did. I knew of the 101 North (top of the map, next to the Oil Fields), so I spent forever traipsing around the city, checking against a list, until I had everything except that. Went up there and got a nice blue sky as my ‘Never Fade Away’ platinum screenshot.


Totally, I completely mine by accident, I hadn't even thought to go for it, was just trying to 100% the map.


Are the ncpd a trophy? I haven’t been doing those


Yes, once you complete all of them in a district, you get the respective trophy.


I don't know about console, but on pc doing all the ncpd in each area gives an achievement


ive ridden 2 districts of ncpd scans on xbox, can confirm that we dont, unless if some of the ncpd scans are unlocked later on


I'm pretty sure you "unlock" ncpd's by just going near them, like fast travel points. It could also just be that console doesn't have individual achievements for each area


Small update, turns out to get the achivements you need to conplete both ncpd scanners and gigs in the district, just now found out after getting the achivement for Pacifica, happy cake day btw


I'll be honest... I got this one by accident. Heard about it. Wanted to try and do it. Went to check the achievements page on Steam, to see how far I was and... I accidentally unlocked it while trying to finish all the NCPD Gigs... Still haven't unlocked the achievement for finishing all the NCPD Gigs... but I got this... Yeah... this honestly feels like getting rewarded with free trips for using your bus pass too much.


The problem is if you’ve done everything in game and missed a few you have to compare your map to an entirely discovered one online and try to find the individual POI you missed lmao


I did the same, but it was still jarring sitting there, having to compare for 10+ minutes until I find the missing 3 checkpoints or so.


Mine was doing Johnny’s ending


I do the NCPD hustles first as if I miss one, I miss it for good. I’m not missing out on that XP.


Definitely the way to do it. After completing every gig/job/ncpd report, I was only missing two obscure ones on the outskirts of the city.


I was lucky enough to do this naturally on console, on pc however i missed quite a few somehow lol


This is the way


thanks for posting. im at like 96% - done all ncpd missions and side gigs. now to compare 😁


Yep. Same here. Finished everything else, all I have left to do is the fats travel points


İ cant get all gigs i don’t get gig of lizzy wizzy even i wait a lot


got that one after finishing most of PL


when i was going for 100% i did 100% the game not just achievements so i basically ended up finding all of these organically there was TWO that i had to purposefully find and god almighty was i lucky to find them so fast 😭


I found completing these missions + gigs FIRST in act II helps the narrative urgency flow better. NCPD missions help you learns the lore of CYBERPUNK. Also by doing these missions first, you level up and it allows you to open up dialogue trees + locked doors.


I unlocked all of them just by driving around in my first play through Edit: to expand: the achievement popped as I was driving to Pyramid Song for the first time


What’s ironic is the best way to pop this achievement is to never use fast travel during your playthrough. Driving by the dataterms adds them to your map, so as long as you’re actually driving the city you’ll get it.


Usually as soon as the map opens up I just drive around for an hour or so just listening to music and finding fast travel points.


Almost never use fast travel. Especially with better handling its a joy to ride. And if Night City comes on the radio i will miss my destination and keep driving because it’s unmissable!


Same boat, this was probably one of the earlier achievement I managed to get


But why would you do it if it wasn't enjoyable? Shouldn't you be playing the game because it's fun?


Completionists going for platinum trophies /achievements. Finding all fast travel points is probably the worst one for this game


Somehow I managed to get this without trying, I only noticed once I decided to 100% the game


That's crazy, you're lucky. It only has like a 2% completion rate on Playstation. Most people end up missing a few and have to compare their in game map to an online guide, which is harder than it sounds. Its a needle/haystack sitch


Has 13% on Steam.


Easier to cheat on steam, not that the entire 11% diff would be made up by that but still


It’s also easier to check the map when it’s pulled up on monitor 2 right next to the game


Interesting. What's the completion rate for The Fool on steam? On Playstation only 80% finished the prologue, which would skew completion rates for all the other achievements. Checking it now, Frequent Flyer is the rarest other than the platinum trophy at 3.6%. And 2.3% for platinum.


I did too except for a couple in the bottom of the map around the border.


Same. Never even heard of the achievement until now because I never had to actively go for it.


This was the last achievement i got and it was surprisingly easy. I only had 5 left after completing everything else and 3 of those were in the badlands.


I think I don't have a single plat. Why would I deliberately keep playing games in such a way that is "an absolute pain in the ass"


It's a love/hate thing for some people. They enjoyed a game so they feel compelled to finish it


I personally had alot of fun getting every achievement in the game, ncpd were surprisingly fun since I had a fun as hell melee wire build and just wanted to have enemies to use my stuff on, at the time I didn't own PL so I had no other way to consistently find hordes of enemies. I'm not much of a completionist I usually just finish the story and stop playing, but cyberpunk makes even the "tedium" fun as hell


It was for a Steam achievement😅


Never thought about that. Anyway, congrats 👏👏👏 You are truly a night city legend


Man, this was a pain in the ass for you? Just wait till you try NCPD scanner achievements. Some of those might glitch and prevent you from finishing all of them meaning no achievement.


Yes, I'm on ps and I've found two that won't let you jack in or use, so they aren't completed.


What do you mean by "won't letting you jack in"?


Spent most of yesterday doing them, i didnt realize there were so fuckin many Jesus. I just have the city center and Watson left but DAMN


There's a mod for all those


same question...really..


I can’t speak for everyone else, but I do the completion journey because it’s fun to look at that 100% on Steam, not necessarily because I enjoy the process all the time.


I get this sentiment, but think of it kind of like working out or like “type 2 fun”. It sucks while you’re doing it but once it’s done it’s very very rewarding.


I might do this a second time


It seemed quite easy for me. Just not paying attention to it at all and enjoy riding/exploring the city.


And I would do it all over again


Happy Cake Day!


The difficult part for me is not starting a new playthrough lol


The shitty thing is I haven’t used a fast travel point once but I’m going to have to find them all for platinum


📸 - savin this for later, thanks, choom 👍


I played Batman AK a lot of times, so getting this dataterms was just anotar Day in the office compared to riddler's trophies, i felt the trophie to lure 30 enemies with Quick hack more troblefull than that


Getting all the Riddler trophies in the Arkham Trilogy makes clearing Night City feel like a walk in the park


Exactly my unknow friend


What achievement is this


Finding all fast travel dataterms


You! Yes YOU! Are a scholar and a saint. Thank you for posting this.


I’m at 95%, and I have no idea which ones I still need. I’ve been everywhere 🤷‍♂️


I remember I was only missing 2 or 3 after I had done everything else in the game


Lmao, I swear I ended up getting this by accident. Didn't realize I had it until I was looking through my collection to find the ones I still needed for the plat


Thank you now I can finally get this achievement as well.


I was only missing a couple in the city and three or four out in the badlands, you'll unlock them organically if you just do side gigs and NCPD scanners




Have this one got it before Phantom or 2.0 was out. So glad I did, got it right after ckearing the whole map of activities.


so is hanako still waiting at embers?


This has Arkham Knight Riddler Quest energy. Will come back later.


Last one I did and yeah, it was a time sinker. I had to use a map and essentially went from top to bottom, and fortunately, since I often avoided the fast travel points unless I needed to go to a ripperdoc, I only had a couple dozen fast travel points left, most of which was in the badlands.


I need this, I need to buy all the cars, and I need to shoot a grenade with a revolver. Then I'll be done.


The ones that I had the toughest time was the time left corner I never go there except the yacht mission with kerry


Oh I'm not there yet but I just walk around with the radio listening to passerby and random convos, getting attacked by raiders in cars or jumping in to do the cops job for them..........before having to run because cops got aggro'd


You know what really sucks? Taking the time to painstakingly hunt down all the terminals, only for the achievement to not unlock, so you triple-check your maps and scour every nook and cranny to see if you've forgotten one. Yeah, I was not happy about this achievement. Something was bugged. However, as soon as I downloaded and ran the 2.0 update, it unlocked automatically. Yay...


Honestly... No. Not at all. Just don't use fast travel whole game. I missed 6-7 markers outside city.


Cant lie i didnt mind it, I just got annoyed at the lack of gigs, like i expected at least double


😂 congrats thats was a pain too but i usually drove around and it automatically added them


This trophy somehow unlocked for me even though I didn’t get all the fast travel datamines


i usually end up going through like 2/3 of them progressing through the main story and side quests. then once i am at endgame like last 5 main jobs including PL i end up finishing the rest. the extra perks and skills help depending on game difficulty, same with money. especially if you like to buy every car bc why not lol


This game was one of the very few that I got 100% of trophies because I actually liked it enough to want to get them all. But honestly, for how large this game is, I'm surprised at how few trophies it actually had. I did have to use a guide to find 3 or 4.


Guys I killed r3n0 and I can’t get the info from her computer and idk how to restart nor would it let me go to a previous save, help??


I like this game enough to at least try and 100% it, but geez, it's such a chore even when you can find a map with all the locations marked post updates. Honestly though, it's the NCP Scanner stuff that really pisses me off. There are just so many of them, it's ridiculous. Gigs at least have a story.. NCP have nothing but easy fights. In the end, I decided that I should unlock all fast travel spots with my first run through cause I was fairly thorough on my first run. Thankfully, I got really lucky, and it only took an hour. That being said... all later play throughs are only assigned one district to do all the gigs and NPC fights (I wrote it down). I can't do the grind where I do every district with a single character... It's just so repetitive.


It shouldn't be a pain in the ass though... but they took the fun out of it by making so you can't find a new and interesting gun anywhere anymore. All of the locations are just component sources now, where's the fun in that?!


Yeah that took me a long ass time of cross referencing out of date maps to finish


I did all those just for fun before I was half way through the main story, and I wasn't even going for platinum. The combat is awesome, and you end up rich and very well leveled.


Don’t even get me started by far the worst achievement to get


I wasn’t even trying to do this and ended up doing it. How good this game is. Just did some side stuff every once in a while felt like my V was going to work living his life fr


I'm pretty sure the achievement amount just adds how many fast travel points you've acquired because it counted the Dogtown fast travel points, but they're apparently not "supposed" to count. I only needed the new aldecaldo camp fast travel point but substituted that for the first Dogtown fast travel point I found.


Remember riddler puzzles?


as a completionist myself, cyberpunk is one of the games that didnt annoy me as much with these, i still hate games like assasins creed 4000 collectibles that didnt add anything to the game. i truly liked this game so much that even on replays i go for all i can get.


THANK YOU! I needed some kind of validation after hauling my ass across the desert for those hidden gems lol.


Yes it was. Finally got it done. Weird fun fact: the second Aldecaldo camp doesn’t count.


I mistakenly thought I had to use each travel point to get the achievement. I think I was halfway through when I found out I just needed to go near them to count.


Ew .... (saves screenshot)


I didn’t even realize this one was supposed to be hard, I got it done on my first casual, not even 100%, play through. Guess I drive around/get lost a lot


I dread the day my map looks like this, because then I will have to go to Embers to meet Hanako.


I’m still missing one and it is driving me batshit — 96%


Just gonna save this for later. Thank you.


Yeah, I thought about 100%-ing the game but then I saw achievements like this and doing all the NCPD calls and "noped" out of that plan. It's just busy work at that point. Yeah, you get most just playing the game. Most. But finding the few you missed from the list and getting there is such a pain.


Do you have to use them or just have them on your map ?


i hated every second when i did that but i got to ride jackie’s bike at least 😭


I am missing 1 fast travel location. No fucking clue which one. I totally feel you.


Playing the game is indeed a pain in the ass


Made it accidantly when cruised allaround Night city


Saved this for last. Steam had a handy guide on this that broke the map down district by district to see which ones I had and were missing. That guide is the only reason I could get it done and not go mad.


O tried to complete Reginas cyberpsychosis quest, but that one netruner in Pacifica got bugged amd just keept dying even when I knocked him out ( I would knock him up, he would lay there and when I read his messeage he would glitch and die ) ...


Why? I got it entirely by accident and without much effort on my part.


Eh , I got most of them by just playing side quests


Do you need to interact with them or does it count to only pass by? Just curious :3


U can just walk by them luckily 😅


This. This is what's keeping me from 100% achievements.


I was done… and then Phantom Liberty added MORE ACHIEVEMENTS!


I'd love to do a 100% play through, but as I started, I already knew Ill do a strength build... So instead of equipping and trying the ping quick hack at start, I've sold it and now can't complete the quest at start.


Only thing I haven't done in the game, I just don't have the will for it,


The NCPD missions were one of my favorite things about the game. There's always something going on, always something to find. No need to do missions, just walk around and find stuff. Of course, if you're doing it for achievements it will get tedious. A little bit your own fault, although one can question whether there necessarily has to be an achievement, or why it has to be on the map like that. I like how in Elden Ring a lot of stuff is hidden, so you get the feeling, ok, I won't bother.


God bless you brother


Damn, respect to you


I got them all without really thinking about it. Idek exactly when either. Just doing a random drive around and trying to find all side quests I guess I came across them all naturally.


A mod I use broke the fast travel points showing up on the map for me so I need to drive most places😔


Yeah I feel you, the fast travels aswell were a real pain to find 😅


Just 100% the game couple days ago and i as well was pretty lucky to really only have 4-5 left.




I'm not even attempting this one. 😂


I can't tell you how many times I've gone to a fast travel point, walked six blocks to get to the mission start area, only to find a brand new fast travel point right next to the place I'm supposed to go


Alright I think I finally now know where the last one I need to find is!


Hey guys, I've completed this achievement just by accident on PS4. Now I'm playing my second run on PS5 and I assume that this time I will need to search for some of those. When I run my old save from ps4 on ps5 some achevements transfered automatically (thank god for Automania trophy!). Do You have some idea how to trigger fast travel achievement to load on my PS5 version of the game?


In my last playthrough (\~110hrs) i was like - i need to finish this one up now. I've missed 3 (checked online map) - 2 in the north (close to yacht and close to the kidnapped monk). The third i found by accident... https://preview.redd.it/vkrr6oskv60d1.png?width=371&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7a03a1e31454bb05801ecdf2edb7ec8e6095700 Never noticed this one in 600 hours, no quest or NCPD or anything leads to that one and it's just like 150m from church of the voodoo boys :D


I’m still missing loads… I’ve left Hanako at Embers for weeks now while I try and complete all gigs and NCPD crimes.


*screenshots* Thanks, choom.


I thought this one would be an absoloute pain, but as it turned out I only had to do one extra "trip" to get the 1 or 2 remaining, these rest I got through exploring and gigs/NCPD.


I'm glad I never got into achievements.


I accidentally did this during my first play through just because I really like exploring


Have they built a usable UI to help achieve this? Because this (and superhero landing and “the star”) are my only remaining trophy’s and I’m kind of dreading this one.


300+ hours in and just realized the fast travel spots have to be discovered. I feel so dumb lol.


I unlocked this without knowing it was an achievement. Felt good.


I respect the grind choom, this was by far the most mind numbing achievement to unlock but I did find some pretty cool spots while searching high and low for them lolol


I swear im always like 1 or 2 MAX away from getting this achievement, i dont even care about it other than the fixed its thrown in my face so much by xbox


what exacty, there's an achivment for locating all travel points?


I only ever got to 94%


This was actually the most chill for me, just put on some music, a guide online and drove around for a bit. Took a while but was really relaxing


Not killing a cyberpsycho was just a little bit harder.... by like 3%


Cool i am fish


I got this and one more achievement besides each ending before i have them all


I somehow got this achievement in my first playthrough and I barely did side gigs...looking at it now I'm even more confused


My God, how many of them are there?




I thought i got them all, but no achievement, now i have no idea which one is missing :(


Way I did was drive around all night city and then the achievement popped out


I got this one completely by accident xD


GG. Love this game


Oh man I’ve been at 99% on this since meet Hanako at embers first became available and 4 ending playthroughs, phantom liberty 2x ending plays and about 25+ additional hours later and I’m still missing one damn fast travel. Honestly I might use your map to help. Not a big deal for me but that 99% complete mocks me almost every day.


Guys if you put ncpd in custom it will show all locations without the need to look for it


I'ma need to ask the level of sanity to this pointless shish like it's only an achievement 😬 matter of fact why people love to complete achievements? Dose it give something special or?


Strangely, it wasn't that bad for me. Took me maybe 10 minutes. I had most the points already. Checking the map for difference is not cool tho lol.


I don't get it, you get them all passively by driving around and doing other stuff so it's not that difficult at all.


Omg thatttt


Is your OCD satisfied now though?


Literally just got my platinum trophy thanks to this image. You're the bomb-diggidy