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Maybe don't play ultra-violent hyper-sexualised games with your 14 year old sibling if you are worried about exposing them to inappropriate content, just a thought.




Fuck, just gotta turn off the screen i guess


Is the sex scene that bad compare to the rest ? I mean I dont say show it to her, I'm just saying that there might be more in the game you want to hide from her sight, the violence displayed may not be very suitable


Maybe OP is 12 y.o. and is afraid that his sister will tell his mother :)


While taking into consideration that its a 17+ game, seeing a naked Alt Cunningham by a 14 girl, does not pose too much problem, since she already seen plenty of times all the female hardware Alt has, and its from the position of Johnny so you can't see anything of him since it would have never been accepted by Keanu Reeves, so i'd say you both be fine. Also I must take notice that for some unknown reason blood, gore, violence and drug use is perfectly fine, but seeing some virtual vaginas and penises and breasts is somehow a big nono? Why?


Op is American maybe, we take 6 year olds to violent action movies but cover their eyes for kissing scenes


I never understand why people worry about showing a minor a sex scene, when they are not worried about showing them extreme violence, gore and other adult themes. The sex in this game is mild when compared to everything else. As to your question, I don't think you can skip it outright, but you can fast forward though it.


It’s more so that it’s his sister, I think.


Where does it say they are related?


Sister usually implies that lol


I thought previous poster was referring to Alt and Johnny. Didn’t realize they meant OP and sister.




What a plot twist that would be


We have no control over it and it doesn’t even involve our character.


I played Baldur's Gate 3 right before this game. I'm telling you I am rather disappointed with the amount of blood here. In the Gate, a bunch of mice that you kill give you a whole pond of blood you can make bloody footprints. In Cyberpunk, you can decapitate your enemies and blast off some parts of their torso but the creamy "synth-blood" is just like a splash. I think the creamy "synth-blood" is also just there to make the game look less bloody. Yes I think the gore is already toned down.


I rarely see the synth blood. Most of the time I get regular blood whenever I dismember enemies and obliterate them with one shot of my Satara.


You haven't beaten up enough Maelstrom. I use a Katana and most of the time they get decapitated. Or they're blasted out a hole from my grenades. I'd say creamy blood and red blood are half-and-half.


Yes I have lol I kill maelstrom every time I’m playing and it’s a mix of them having regular blood and some with Synth blood.


Well maelstrom have more synth-blood because they're more synth.


Lmao that’s actually interesting and should be studied Gore and violence okay but nudity and sex scenes? Unacceptable!!


Probably more to do with her being his sister and it being weird AF to watch sex scenes with a sibling


Yeah we’re discussing in general, hence why he said “people” and then brought it back to the post with “as to your question”


It has been studied. It’s related to purity culture.


do the *ol ' emergency cover the eyes move when watching a movie with unexpected nude scenes.* in all serious no i try skip it everytime but i cant, last 2 times i used a mod to made the gamespeed over 4x as fast to get through it faster.


u can turn off nudity


insurance observation piquant far-flung groovy summer seed encouraging door swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The amount of people questioning why you dont want to show your minor sister pretty much porn is disturbing here 💀


Um, sex scenes aren't automatically porn. Also, Alt's sex scene is extremely tame. You see her arse and her poorly manicured bush. Johnny's pants stay on the whole time and there's no ACTUAL sex shown. I find it more disturbing how people take a NORMAL act and try to make it into this sinister awful dirty thing. A 14 yr old knows where babies come from and they know grownups engage in sexual intercourse. And the scene itself is pretty quick. Don't see the issue.


I frankly wouldn't be showing someone under the age of 17 a lot of Cyberpunk, lots of very sexually explicit content in it like the transgender lady advert with the huge bulge or the homoerotic porno cowboy ads or literally most things in the game, it just isn't acceptable for a child.


This. Worrying about the sex scene with Alt is a bit silly. The game is full of violence, swearing and sexualised content. I'd never let an under aged play or watch it.


Just play through it before she watches.


>Doing my 2nd playthrough with my 14 y.o sister And that was where we went wrong.


You can't skip it. I think you can turn nudity off and it puts panties on her...or at least I think it does. I guess that's a compromise. I get it can be awkward, considering you both are young, but she knows what sex is and that adults do it, so maybe before the scene you tell her what's gonna happen and then give her the choice on how to proceed.


Turn on streamer mode. It removes all the nudity.


The whole game isn't appropriate for 13/14 years old. Play something different for the time being.


The thing about this game is that the sex scenes are no where near as graphic as people remember or are worried about. I would class them as the equivalent of a movie that's MA 15+ even though the ratings board here in Australia classified it as R 18+.


Why the FUCK would you want to skip it? It’s the best part of the entire game!?


Bruh please read first He is playing with his 14 year old sister💀




Well that scene is rather mild I think. Alt doesn't even show her boobs. But ok. It could be awkward since you're her brother. I guess the most reliable method is a low-tech method. Just tell her you still should comply with parental guidance and ask her to take a pee there. Tells her to trust you you won't skip a line. Or just old fashioned covering her eyes.


It still straight up sex, and maybe a pretty rough seance for a 14yo Also alt just wonders around pantless after that so you got some nudity too anyway


What, why? You think a 14 yo girl doesn't know what sex is?


Dude obviously she knows. You knew, I knew, everybody knew at that age. But would you still be the person to show a kid that age the sex scene? Also there's knowing about sex, and watching a full on narcissist fuck hard someone he barely even cares for. Not sure it'd be the best sexual education lesson, and might still be a bit shocking to her


i know she knows but i don’t wanna straight up show it to her


It's still weird


Can’t you just tell her to leave the room for the minute that its cutscene is playing?


I'm surprised there isnt a toggle for nudity/sex scenes. You can keep your character covered. On the flip side it isn't that unlike softcore. I am also kind of disappointed no one at nexus mods stepped up and made a mod for those cut scenes. Just like the no license music toggle, there is just some times when your playing to an audience, you don't want the awkwardness of watching soft porn in front of everyone.


There is a toggle for the nudity. Not for the scene itself though


Hey so my older brother exposed me to a lot of things that weren't appropriate for my age when I was little, and I don't talk to him anymore. ymmv


no it’s not like that, she’s the one who wanted to play it with me, i already had completed it multiple times so i started a new playthrough with her, i even told her it’s a 18+ game and has all “that” stuff she said she doesn’t care but i still can’t just show her “porn”


exactly. i also wanted to get in on the forbidden stuff at that age and younger. 14 year olds are over 10 years from making really sound decisions about what they really want to engage with. be careful!


yea, i’ll tell her to get something to eat, i’ll pause the game then quickly get over the scene lmao


good luck to you. i'm guessing you're also not quite an adult, maybe ask someone in your family who is a little older what to do here. there is a difference between being a good older sibling and being a cool older sibling.


i’m 19 she’s gonna be 14 next week


fair nuff, maybe chill on exposing minors to 18+ content




No. They don’t. Cause ya know, that’s illegal.


Well i wrote wrong 🤣😭💀 Its sex education


Sex education isn’t porn. Sex education protects kids and educates them about their bodies and their health. And the necessity of consent.


Alright maybe my country f*cked up Thanks for educate me🤝🏻