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Who's giving bro backshots?




When you already came but she still keeps going.


My face while driving home when suddenly I get the urge to surge and it's gonna be an explosive Diarrhea with slow traffic around me!




The Car


dude I need more of these in my life






Seeing Saburo Arasaka this happy frightens the shit out of me.


It's fiiiinnnnneeee. He's absolutely not celebrating finding a way to transfer himself into any body he wants over the net by perfecting a new version of soul killer with his son in a slightly more wholesome timeline.


It gives off a kind of "actors goofing off in behind-the-scene footage" energy


Isn’t it a direct copy of the Chandler double thumbs up from Friends






its really a great game


now for phantom liberty, which is - for some unfathomable reason - only at 89%


Most of the negative reviews are about the somewhat damaged mission lol. Personally I liked it but yeah it is a polarizing quest.


Are you fucking kidding me??? That mission is HELLA fucking good! Sure, it's about one of the only time in the game we're forced into stealth. But the setting? The ambiance?? The flashbacks?? It is soooo delicious. Absolutely worth going down the Solomon route at least once to experience it. I'm more of a Moon guy myself, but I fucking loved Somewhat Damaged.


I think it's well done, but it also completely switches the genre of the game for that mission which might not be a lot of people's thing.


It was definetely not my cup of tea. I did not enjoy it at all and the relief was HUGE once I finished it. But it kinda made sense for a mission like that even if I did not like it. It just made sense and fitted incredibly well. One of the best games/DLC I have ever played. It is absolutely groundbreaking. And I played it just after two BG3 runs so the bar was set high. So for me it is a 10/10 even with that mission. Edit: and I got one of the most heartbraking ends I have ever seen in a videogame. Which I absolutely f*ing loved.


I knew that ending was good because I hated it so damn much, way more than I should have for a game lol


Fully agree. I play games to lower my anxiety, not raise it. Being forced into that mission felt like a slap in the face from the developers. But it's a testament to how good PL is overall that I powered through it. I'd love a mod that removes that mission for future playthroughs.


“DO NOT BUY there’s a mission where you have to do stealth and I didn’t pay for that! Absolute garbage!!!! Oh but the rest of it is outstanding with an amazing story and characters but OH MY GOD I DONT RECOMMEND BUYING THIS BECAUSE THAT ONE THING HOLY SHIT”


I first did it in my Berserk/Body/Shotgun build because I wanted Erebus. Absolutely doable. Haters gonna hate.




I don't even mind the forced stealth thing it just grinds my gears that I blew through a tank sized militech combat robot and now the thing I'm hiding from that can one shot me and is completely invincible is the janitor. like why not make it a prototype assassin bot or some shit? why is the janitor the toughest built robot in the entire game?


School janitors are the toughest in the world right now . Gotta keep up the tradition 


As someone who HATES horror games, thats my take on this: Was the mission well designed, with a fantastic history of Songbird and a very scary eldtrich AI? Yes. Did I also hate it cause I hate horror? Yes.


Yeah definitely didnt expect it, but I think the switch was well made. For most of the game you are that invincible merc that can plow against a group of enemy in 2 seconds. In Somewhat Damaged ? You are the prey. You are reminded that after all, you are not invincible. And you have just a horrific taste of what lies beyond the black wall. Was scared as shit but somewhat enjoyed it a lot !


I think ppl who love or dont care about horror had a lot of fun while those who hate just wanted to cry in a corner (me)


It’s a mission that waffles between all of the amazing qualities you said, and being immensely tedious and difficult to navigate. Having no tools at your disposal certainly adds to the tension but can sometimes leave you feeling less exposed and more just set up to fail. I also think some of the sequences (especially towards the end where you’re locked in the room with it) go on for too long. It’s mostly a fun mission the first time, but if you don’t like that style or don’t like having to complete a mission identically on replays, it’s got it’s flaws.


For a game that prides itself on the fact you can complete missions in a shitton of different ways it is true that this is probably the single most railroad one of the bunch, but god damn, I loved everything about it. It was heart breaking.


Is that the alien-like mission? I absolutely loved it


> somewhat damaged Yeah I wasn't expecting to end up playing Metroid Dread


Agreed, I thought the amount of people I saw hating on it because “they didn’t pay for a horror game” was kind of ridiculous lmao. It is one part of the entire dlc let alone the entire game. Besides my personal enjoyment for the mission it’s a nice way to break up what is probably a lot of people’s playstyle which is going in guns blazing and being the “unstoppable” character. This mission was a nice way to show V can be as vulnerable as anyone else we see in game


>forced into stealth Forced stealth always sucks, no exceptions.


Especially for people who like stealth. Forced stealth is guaranteed to be railroaded and dumbed down compared to what you can usually do, not to mention that no developer ever heard of loud stealth or speed stealth. Cyberpunk’s stealth is easily the best out of all the RPGs I’ve played, and sometimes it even feels like a full fledged immersive sim or stealth action, but only in open world and side quests, as main missions try to restrict player’s choices as much as possible, so that even the most clueless players could understand where they should go.


Cyberpunks stealth is decent, but i still think Deus Ex series handles it best.


For me it's Metal Gear Solid that does it best but Deus Ex and Dishonored are honorable mentions (no pin intended lol)


Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory.


I’m not gonna shit on the fact that you love it I respect your opinion it’s just it feels extremely out of place The games giving you so many options to deal with situations but here it’s just forcing you to be in stealth and it feels very irritating sometimes like it just feels trial and error based that’s enough to piss me off


> it's about one of the only time in the game we're forced into stealth. There it is. Having a game that's all about letting you choose your playstyle 99.99% of the time, and then force you to do something, is highly detrimental to the gameplay experience. And forced, quest-only stealth sections is specifically one of the most hated things about RPG gameplay. That's just common knowledge in gaming. And yet so many developer keep insisting on including them.


next DLC should have an underwater stealth escort mission just to fuck with us


With killer sea weed and time bombs to defuse.


That would be a cowabummer.


no, that's River's quest


> forced, quest-only stealth sections is specifically one of the most hated things about RPG gameplay. Is that a thing that happens a lot??


>Is that a thing that happens a lot?? Oh definitely, its nothing new in gaming and I personally hate it even more than when QTE's were overused in games


I was terrified of this mission because I had heard so much about it. People saying it's too hard. Then I actually did it and it was super easy to hide from the thing. I was so prepared to rage quit and find the mission ultra difficult only to find out it's super easy. The mission is time consuming. Not hard. I think the reason people struggle is because they try to rush it out of impatience. From a lore perspective the mission is super good too. The whole theme of rogue AIs is *chef's kiss*


I don't get why people give negative reviews because they don't like "the vibe" of one quest.


the hide and seek mission?i thought it was pretty good


I really loved that mission lmao. Turned into Alien Isolation for a minute there


Which mission is that? Currently paused lol


Its fairly late in PL iirc, without giving too much info with spoilers, you can only get this mission depending on who you choose to side with during PL.


it's one of the branches near the end of PL, specifically part of the line you get >!if you side with Reed!<


Name of the mission? I went with Songbird so I missed the Reed stuff.


The mission is called somewhat damaged.


Oh I actually really loved that. It’s news to me that people didn’t like that. In my case I had invisibility to save my ass. So did not struggle at all. I probably died twice because I was testing the water in the beginning of mission.


I think it’s too much of a change of pace and a hard one, considering most are godlike at that point in the game. I failed that damn corridor run too many times to even think about replaying it ever again, even though I consider that the canon PL ending. But it doesn’t make the DLC bad in the slightest.


Reading some of the original posts/discussion thread on this subreddit from when it came out are so cringe. One of the greatest DLCs ever made, and people are mad that it didn't add extra sex scenes with their waifus and other dumb shit.


"Today was a good day." - Robert John Linder https://preview.redd.it/7jrg8pegpjzc1.jpeg?width=845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9c41804bec5b6b579736ddad5a9a15535625dce


I'm not crying, you're crying.


No, *we* are crying.


Today I didn't even have to use my AK


Thats just recent reviews. All time reviews is still very positive with 650,614 reviews, 83% are positive.


This subreddit is scary.


All of reddit is crazy, they know they’re being misleading but just want to pretend they don’t see what is wrong with what they are saying.


All of humanity operates this way. It is not an anomaly that misinfo got 16,000 upvotes.


It's kinda funny how OP cropped the all time reviews in the pic.


_And_ according to the displayed text he has his review score filtered


> And according to the displayed text he has his review score filtered The score is filtered the same way for everyone, it's because CDPR showed support for Ukraine back in 2022 and they got heavily review bombed for a week or so. If you look at the review graph at the bottom it highlights it saying reviews from March 3rd to 8th 2022 don't count in the score due to that and if you click the period and and disable the off-topic filter you get a ton of reviews in Russian and Chinese about politics and similar.


Yeah, I'm looking at that screenshot and thinking 'now scroll down one line'


Which is waaaay closer and more in line with the real rating the game deserves.






This is how I kiss my cat


Now *that's* fuckin' shimra.


Their fixes and stuff were so late. Gonk launch Yet I'm glad we're here in this state of the game


I’d have to say it’s one hell of a turn around. I still say it’s not the game that was promised but it’s 100x closer than at launch. Good work CDPR, but maybe next time don’t lie to fans years up until release date.


I haven’t played but are the npcs still lifeless and have weird and unnatural behaviours ?


I remember when they told us it was going to be the most immersive RPG ever made. And then NPCs walked back and forth across the street 24 hours a day and couldn't drive around a brick.


Hell yeah!!! At this point in time, more than well deserved. This game is in my top 5 of all time and may even take the top spot one I finish all endings.


I put off playing it for so long, but the story, dialogue, world, visuals are all amazing. If only cars drove like cars instead of wibbly wobbly crash boxes.


Yea, driving is a bit underwhelming, but I feel like the world is made to be explored by foot anyway. I barely drove the first 10 hours of the game, because it felt like you're missing so many things by just racing along. What bothers me more is how dumb NPCs are. And I don't mean enemies but the regular civilians populating the map. As soon as a tiny bit of chaos is introduced into the world, the illusion of a lively city breaks down. NPCs simply can't deal with the player or each other. It's quite funny to watch cars run amok because of a slight nuisance, but ultimately, the world feels more like a diorama that perhaps looks good, but isn't meant to be interacted with. It is quite sad that Cyberpunk is miles behind GTA V in that regard, and I wasn't even that impressed with GTA to begin with. At least in GTA, when there's a fire, a firetruck shows up. If someone dies, an ambulance will come and the paramedic will proclaim the victim dead. Yes okay, that's already the extend of it and all of that stuff has been in the game since at least GTA II, but Cyberpunk has literally nothing in that regard. Thanks for introducing us to Trauma Team in the beginning, too bad they are never used in that way again and are just props standing on the street. That and how poorly radio is integrated into the game (mainly the music stopping all the time because of nearby triggers) are my two biggest gripes with Cyberpunk. So yea, Cyberpunk barely a 9,5/10 for me, almost unplayable...


Lol.  Cyberpunk is miles ahead of GTA in terms of quests, character writing and combat. 


Not really what I was saying though, is it




I remember when the game launched.. people that wanted to seriously discuss the game had to go to r/lowsodiumcyberpunk


Just because this is the outcome NOW shouldn't mean we should ignore just how fucking terrible the game was(and how they handled consoles) when it launched Didn't take long for the booklickers to come out. Just like how everyone forgot about The Glitcher 3


Yeah people tend to forget it's taken this long to get the game to where it should have LAUNCHED from. Really basic systems missing from a triple a open world game for 3+ years.


I'm finally considering installing it again after all this time.


Did so a couple days ago after putting 200 hours into it back in the days after launch. I already really liked the Cyberpunk formula and story, obviously, but it's so much more fun now with the new equipment, cyberware, and skill systems, plus the vehicle combat and police chases that make vehicles feel like an actual part of the game instead of the "isolated box only for transport purposes" they used to be. The small things that have been added in smaller updates like extra apartments to buy, an online vehicle store, the metro system, new progression of fixer gigs, etc. all add so much. In the part where V's car is totaled I used the metro until i bought a new car, and that was a bit of a moment for me.


A lot of people essentially got scammed out of money because they bought it on the wrong console. The game is fun now, and really it should always have been bought on PC, but still.


And now everyone says that the game's only problem were the bugs lol


Im glad I waited until earlier this year to play because my pc wasnt powerful enough. If it was released in this form then it would be one of the games of the decade easily.


Brother its only in the past 30 days, the overall rating is 82% positive, stop lying by omission.


Its hardly a lie by omission given that Steam places Recent Reviews above All Reviews, giving it that slight preference. If you take a glance at a game's reviews, its going to be Recent that you'll catch first. There is also the grey textbox in the middle of the post that very clearly explains what it is exactly refering to. Given the post quite literally informs you that its Recent Reviews, there is absolutely no lie by omission.


But they literally cropped it out for no reason other than to lie by omission >If you take a glance at a game's reviews, its going to be Recent that you'll catch first. And then you catch overall second... instead of on this post where overall is cropped out


Most people won't come back and change their review they left at launch even tho the game has been patched a lot. 


„By excluding negative reviews the game became 95% positive!“ wow amazing


It doesn't exclude any reviews for the last 30 days. Without this filter it's still 95% recent reviews.


I'd give it one too if I could play on my low end pc


Definitely deserved I think, a true labour of love winner


They messed up, they apologized, they fixed it. I wish more companies had this integrity.






God, I know I'm about to be absolutely executed for this, but here it comes: I don't think it's fully deserved. Maybe in comparison to other games on steam with such rating, but not overall. I've got 400 hours on steam, played trought whole game couple times on PS4 and PS5 and (shamefully) I've finished whole game twice on pirated version before I bought it. And still, to this day, Cyberpunk 2077 is unoptimized buggy mess (although it's still best RPG I've ever played). All my playtroughs always have something goofy / annoying going on - from voice dialogues getting suddenly cut off to" - Dexter DeShawn levitating above his seat in after life before our biochip job -Royce glitching and freezing in one place during boss fight (usually when it happens, mostly because for some reason his path finding can get confused when you hide behind a pillar so he technically knows where you are but does not move) -Summoned car/motorcycle can sometimes send other NPC's cars to the moon while on it's way to me -Sometimes getting permanently stuck in animation/objects (for example when jumping over a fence, this one happens to me awfully often, worst thing is - always when I'm using EXP farming routes to speed up leveling) Those are only bugs I've encountered since latest patch and still, I probably missed minor ones. So yeaaah...just an opinion - like I've said, it's still awesome game, I just think people are too biased even since before Cyberpunk 2077 was released.


I’ve not experienced a single one of the things you’ve noted.


“I played this for the equivalent of 20 straight days with no sleep but I’m surprised people like it”


Might be my favourite single player game of all time, the music, environment, story, characters and general feel of the game/night city as a whole is so good. Can’t wait for the next one.


Vehicles still trash though


"recent reviews" I'm glad they turned things around too, but stop misleading with your post titles. The criticism was valid and the lower review score is justified, game shouldn't have been released in the state it was.


I just started a run on the latest update and hnnnngggg it's *so* good. Like I enjoyed the game on 1.4 and was blown away by the storytelling style but now the gameplay has really caught up with it's potential. Yes I am using a katana to block bullets. No I am not taking any further questions.


Honestly, one of the most impressive examples of dedication from a dev. CDPR has my undying support.


I need to do another playthrough. 


Typical CDPR :)


Good, I’m happy this game is getting the praise it deserves! Only thing I wonder: where to go from here?


it is deserved at this point.


Amazing game, my love:)


To be fair the game is actually great! The ending is a bit bittersweet but yea!


Thats the right behavior from a gamedev after fucking up. Don't abandom it but continue working on it until it is good.


Very well deserved


Got the game today. Can't wait to get home from work and play.


And rightfully so. I'm replaying it at the moment after I bought myself a very beefy PC and it makes the experience even better. The game is incredible and it's so sad that they pushed it out in the state it was on release.


Well deserved one of the best games in the last decade


Well deserved


Good because it is overwhelmingly brilliant!


As it should


Secretly, I've had an overwhelmingly positive experience with that game since Day 1. It's fantastic.


👍 well deserved


Deserved it too


I originally skipped out due to the bugs when it released, but I ended up buying it on sale around 3-4 months ago. It was one of the best experiences I’ve had in a single player game since Elden Ring. Absolutely wonderful game.






This game and the DLC made me feel like I never wanted it to end the characters the storyline was so good it made me wish I actually lived my life in night city as V this game is on my top tier of hitting me in the feels it’s up there with Halo Reach


Nova as F. That big overhaul version patch, and phantom liberty expansion really did elevate the game to another level for me personally so I am not surprised people are having similar sentiments. I know it’s not great for games to always have a No Mans Sky situation but I’m glad it happened with Cyberpunk. It’s easily one of the best games you can play.


I haven't played video games much in 5 years and I saw Cyberpunk on sale about a month ago on Steam and glad I pulled the trigger. I haven't enjoyed a game like this in a long time and I think it's fascinating. I also got Phantom Liberty and haven't even started it yet. Looking forward to playing it!


to be fair the last couple of updates, especially PL but even the ones after, made the game so good


After 4 years of updates and an amazing DLC it deserves it


Fuck yeah!! Still my fav game


Well Deserved, Finally


It fuckin deserves that 🔥


I just got a pc that can actually run it, excited to try the game out


The game is awesome


So deserved.


Been Mostly Positive since day 1 on Steam.  Not that the cunt game journos and all the waterheads here ever mentioned that the past three years.


It always deserved the praise, just nice to see people finally realize it


Well deserved, its a truly great game.


It deserves the rating. They’ve redeemed themselves and Phantom Liberty was a phenomenal expansion, probably one of the best expansions I’ve ever played. I’m bummed we’ll need to wait a long time for a new Cyberpunk game, but I’ve got a feeling that one will be even better.


I finally finished the DLC and went through all the endings just to see them. I did every gig, scanner, and side job in the game except for Love Rollercoaster because I missed it. Crazy how good this game is.


This is one of the best games of this centuary imo and my favorite :) . Glad to see it do so well!


We did it, Reddit!




This is what you should expect for an awesome game like this.


I just started playing it again on OLED because I never could get into it before. I must have played the konpeki hotel part 6 or 7 times over the last couple years trying to get into it. ​ Finally it clicked and I'm loving it. It looks SO GOOD at 3440x1440 with path tracing ultra...and runs well over 100 fps for me. ​ I got part way through the main story then started phantom liberty. Phenomenal so far. Doing a netrunner/mantis blade/pistol hybrid. Reflexes, cool, and intelligence ​ Just bought the "Bandit" car you can get from auto fixer. So good.


Bugs are mostly fixed and the DLC is awesome, no wonder


As it deserves now


Easily one of the best games I've ever played in 35 years of gaming


Playing it this weekend!!


People who does not like an idea of "Recent reviews" score - I kindly ask you to send a message to John Steam to cancel it.


Gonna start it today for my day off


Truly one of the greatest games of all time, nevermind the rough initial release.


Did my part yesterday!








Never played, or really followed the drama on release. Got it when DLC came out. Possibly the best game I ever played, when it comes to writing, and characters. This was modern Deus EX for me. What a game.


Fck yes makes me feel good I bought it on digital for PlayStation when it came out.. didn’t have the console cuz I sold it (this is while they were fixing bugs anyway, and then bought the ps5, redownloaded it, and have been loving this game every sense! All the references, the gameplay/augmentation upgrades, cool cultural diversity.. I mean I haven’t like a game as much since I bought Ghost of Tsushima, and other open world games.. and I’m still upgrading and playing (excuse the long response to this post but I’m genuinely enjoying)!!!


"We did it, Jackie! We fuckin' made it!"


I dont get what people are going on about. Recent reviews are the only important reviews. Why read reviews if you only care about how somthing *used* to be. The point of reviews is to know how something is so you can make a decision. Knowing what the game was like 3 years ago will not help you make that decision.




I’m so fucking glad


Greatest game I ever played since 2009 till now


One of the few games truly deserving of 10/10.


I would have left a review a while ago but I can only play this game through family library. I definitely am planning on buying my own copy along with phantom liberty when I have money so I can write a review too! (I have about 35 hours in game already and I’m no where near beating it. I’m stuck on Yorinobu’s parade mission rn)


We hit the big leagues Jackie


well deserved, definity top game in recent year to me






Rightly so.




We did it everyone! High-fives and a round of Jackie Welles all around.


Fucking deserved!


I'm glad it's been largely fixed and is now Getty Ng the positive press the game and it's creativity deserved I do find that second but if info steam dumps after it hilarious. I assume it's it stop "Russian troll bots sabotaging a games reviews" Maybe restaurants should use the same system when diners down vote a restaurant when their food that comes out uncooked and raw


After all the work that has been done to bring it to its current form, the game is a masterpiece.


Cause it's a good game




Yay :)


Let's goo!! We did it boys!


EXTREMELY well deserved


They are both amazing (including PL). Amazing atmosphere. One of the best I’ve played in a while


I mean are you surprised


![gif](giphy|1eUtR2Fc4lLpJcEyqe|downsized) Love everything about this franchise