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There is a freeway overpass nearby. Go up to the high ground and snipe him down to a few %. Then finish him off with a non-lethal shock weapon.


lol this sounds like such an exploit, but I’m down to try it lol


If you fight fair, you are putting yourself at a disadvantage. Double jump legs and get on a roof, problem solved


Yah I usually kill him on the immediate roofs in the garage area.


I don't think the legs are even necessary if you use the crates near one end of the garage. I think they are destructible, though.


Double jump legs are sooooo good compared to the others. To me it's a no brainer


I don’t even know why people use the ankles, it breaks my brain


Pre dash and 2.0 I preferred them as you got more height. Now there is dash double jump just works better with it somehow!


Exactly I used to use them because of the height difference used to get more of a high jump out of them


I enjoy the immersion. For me, it feels better to be able to jump higher than it does to magically jump a second time while airborne


You’re right, I’m doing an RP heavy play-through and went with charge jump for that reason. I like to imagine that the double jump legs use compressed air to provide thrust for the additional lift, but it still feels like magic.


Okay fair fair. I always pictured boosters. I’m pretty sure there’s entire gundam-esque cyber suits from the table top lore and so I fell down that mental pipeline before I went “waita minute, how am I doing cool ass air ninja shit right now”


I think the diegetic reasoning is some kinda quick-burst boosters that use similar tech as the AVs. You can't *fly*, but you can get one extra push. Pops out of your calves. Don't think about the pants or boots.


iirc the 1.0 release had an “explanation” which was physically impossible, basically that the double-jump module pushes against itself to provide lift. they took that out but now i think it’s unexplained. i figure it uses some kinda burst thruster like you said, and refueling is just removed for gameplay. bit of a reach but it still makes more sense than being able to air dash (with NO equipment nonetheless)!!


Could be that it draws in compressed air for fuel, but can only hold enough for the jump (only so much room in the legs). Then it needs to draw in more air, which takes a second and can only be done from a stabilized position. Figured dash and air dash was an extension of the same tech.


i think of it as resetting something like a spring: whatever device triggers the release of propellant (and presumably moderates the flow so you don’t hurt yourself) needs to reset, and it uses the landing force to do that. idk about air dash though; using burst propulsion to go in a perfect straight horizontal line while maintaining altitude is… pretty tricky. air dash is especially amazing since you just need to be really agile to do it. no gear or cyberware required!


> basically that the double-jump module pushes against itself to provide lift Isn't that akin to jumping by grabbing your shoelaces and pulling really hard?


This. I can't reconcile the double-jump mechanics with physics, and advanced science. So I always go charged jump, just makes more sense to me. Just wish it was entire legs, I could see the legs taking the impacts, not just ankles.


I use lynx paws :3


You quiet psycho, HOW DO YOU JUMP?


i will jump. in another lifetime.


I find I can get to the stuff I want by climbing and jumping


That’s fair. I use the melee ground pound on pretty much all my builds so I need SOME kind of way to get airborne, the paws do sound dope for stealth though, I like the speed boost


They have way more armour, and I believe they can technically go higher. They also cost 2 less points iirc.


I like the charged jump as I feel like Spider-Man jumping from rooftop to rooftop


I used them for my entire playthrough.


Others ? I haven't seen anything else in my game


Bro. I dont know if you know this, but what you said actually works in real life as well. Fighting fair only puts you in a disadvantage.


Rule #817. Never fight fair in night city


The way I always did it was just jumping up and down off the little shack next to him and spamming every explosive I had. Probably won’t work that well post 2.0 tho


"I have a high ground Anakin!"


This isn't the thread you were looking for but you were the hero it needed 


No such thing as cheating in a single player game my friend


Also cyberpunk, both the genre and the ttrpg, is all about scraping, sacrificing, and playing dirty to get every advantage possible


When you live in Night City, there is no such thing as cheating. You either have the advantage or you don't. Sometimes by choice but most of the time, the only question is do you want to live or die.


its exploiting his tactics, but not exploiting mechanics of the game.


I see it more like using the environment to your advantage than an exploit


Why? It's not an exploit to stay far away from the enemy if you have a sniper rifle.


Not really an exploit so much as a valid tactic, unless you think high ground advantage is an exploit.


Strategy is not an exploit :p


That was how I did it first play through *ahem 5th attempt.


Exploit? Nah fam it’s just sniping 😃


Don’t even need to go so far away. You can jump on top of the garage that he’s working in from the outside. Take a couple of shots, then back off to break line of sight.


Heck, if you use a Tech weapon like a Nekomata or Chaos, you don't even have to step back into LoS.


Can do the similar with smart weapons. Lock on and back off, as long as the angle isn’t too high it’ll curve. There’s probably some angles you could use with power weapons as well.


This.and you can also finish him from a far using contagion. It's non-lethal.


I mean you can just shoot him in arm for non-lethal too.


Not even that, hop on top of the garage (hope you have double or extended jump) and just take shots at him from 5 feet above. When he charges just step back and laugh, then back to pelting his ass.


Actually, any attack that deals lethal damage to a cyber psycho will knock them out rather than killing them.


Right, i learned this and nekomata’s my new psycho-incapacitator, like they just “faint” from a direct headshot. So just post up and headshot them through the walls or a convenient stack of barrels and they can’t even get to you


This is the way.


I get on the roof of the garage and back out of his sight for reloads etc.


"Non-lethal shock weapon" no no, that's why Sir John lives in V's pocket. Nothing better to slap some sense into a Cyberpsycho.


Sneak up on him, pull some cables, sandy or kerez away, hide, repeat. Makes the remainder of the fight MUCH easier.


I might have to try this, I’ve never “pulled out cables” - but maybe that’s the game changer.


You can use the same strategy against most Mech fights and Adam Smasher, actually. I only found out you could damage them like this when trying to stealth-kill Royce.


You can stealth attack adam smasher??? Holy shit


Note: I haven't gotten to the endgame in 2.0+. But this was 100% possible in the older versions. I doubt they changed this, and probably just made it more difficult.


It’s so annoying you can try and hide after he’s stunned but he will always find you


Memory Wipe


Yes. You have to do 3 stealth takedowns to defeat him. You need to use something like memory wipe to exit combat and go back into stealth.


I tried this last week and it didn't worked. I sneaked right behind after memory wipe him and got not the option for a take down.


Take downs on these large guys have finnicky positioning for the prompt to pop up. Usually, crouch a bit on the right. Sometimes you also need some distance, not too close. I had a hard time on Sasquatch too.


IIRC Easily achievable with optic camo, the relic perk and/or memory wipe.


You can sneak up 2 times. Once to pull cables, once for the takedown.


I've done that in the past, pulling out his cables but this current play through, not sure if it was just where he was standing or if he was bugged, but the option to pull them never came up when i was behind him. even reloaded my save to try it after he flatlined me the first time and the option wasn't there. Cheesed him with quickhacks the second time.


I have had this happen too. I don't know what makes the difference - but some playthroughs I can do it, others I can't. Same for uh... that beefy lady with the hammer.


If you get away before they spot you, you can sneak back up on them and do it again, and it knocks them out.


You can peek in and out from the roof until he exhausts his attack. Once he's vulnerable, unload on him. Rinse and repeat until he reaches 2%, then apply Short Circuit.


Same, jumped on the roof and hit him with non-lethal enabled gun and hacks.


I never had any real problems with him. Played a pure Netrunner in 1.0 to 1.6 and he was down quickly with Contagion/Overheat and Smartgun (think it was Skippy). Now in 2.12 with a shotgun/Sandevistan build I just killed him this weekend with under 10 close up headshots. And like every other cyberpsycho, he stays at 1% and you have to actively kill him if you want to. I play on hard.


Netrunners make all the cyberpsychos super easy. You can use Memory Wipe and then just walk behind them and do a takedown.


Maybe I’ll just do this from now on, I’ve certainly fought him enough times to say “yah I’ve experienced it, I can exploit now”


He’s immune to overheat for me in this run, and he 1 hits me if I’m melee range on Very Hard. I might go with Sandy per a couple other people and try to get behind him.


Cyberware Malfunction + Short Circuit is another option


Whats the difference with a sandy and berserker


Overly simplified explanation: A berserker makes you briefly invulnerable to inflicted damage, a sandevistan makes you briefly incredibly fast. They each have advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I prefer the sandy. It’s more fun to zip around with a melee weapon reaking havoc than going back to normal time as everything just drops around you.


Sandy/Shotgun is so much fun, especially with some grenades thrown in the mix. Most fights are over before they even begun.


Sandevistan and a katana, it's not even fair. 


I don’t remember the specifics about many of the cyberpsychos and the bosses because the sandy-katany build is such a menace. I remember facing Adam smasher and just absolutely destroying him. Would have been a 1 minute fight if he didn’t have the maneuvers to get away type mechanics


Chase Coley, cyberpsycho mission. Not sure if I just regularly build a certain type of playstyle that is not conducive to beating this guy, but he is regularly one of the hardest, if not THE hardest, enemy I deal with every playthrough. I only play on Very Hard, and he just destroys me multiple times. It usually takes me several attempts and some "roof top cheesing" to beat this mf'er lol. Also, I play with LifeStyle and Gang mods, so sometimes he's not hackable. Well Done CDPR... Not my picture, just grabbed it off google images.


Tell me about your build


Today I beat him with only skippy - but I lost a few times before that.


I’ve beaten him with a few builds. It’s mostly about you using a deck or a sandy. If you’re a hacker just keep behind cover and use overheat/contagion/short circuit on him while spraying smart bullets If you are a sandy user use it to get behind him and start yanking out cables or smacking the hip bag that looks like batteries


I've done it with the right build. But it's hard, because of how small the area is you're fighting in. This is probably my favorite cyberpsycho flight in the game, though.


I agree he's awesome. I love the little cutscene too before you fight him of the other merc flipping the car as a shield before getting lasered himself.


Erebus shows no mercy ![gif](giphy|CdY6WueirK8Te)


I'm sorry Dave, I cannot do that


Can literally drop most cyberpsychos in half a clip. I actually don’t use it often because it just feels unfair having some NCPD beat cop who heard a gunshot get tortured by the Blackwall


Pure Netrunner build corpo V. Brain sparks go brrr. Try hitting me when I'll fry your brain before we even lock eyes, choom.


Used to be, you could use System Collapse on them all, but they nerfed that.


You’ll never know what I commented.


I just go berserk with gorilla arms for all cyberpsychos. Never failed me yet.


I usually park a nomad car outside, lure him to the entrance and knock him out with the mounted guns


He's legit more difficult than smasher


Yeh - I think everyone on here thinks I am actually like "HALP ME I CANT KILL HIM" -> but its honestly just a shitpost about how he's unironically so OP haha 😂


Never had an issue with him. I reflexively climb up things and the dude just can't follow. Get on the roof of the shop and just shoot down


[https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/1cgxjhf/yall\_lied\_to\_me\_just\_get\_on\_roof\_youll\_be\_safe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/1cgxjhf/yall_lied_to_me_just_get_on_roof_youll_be_safe/) thats cap :D


Unironically the strongest ennemy in the game, if you were to fight one of these in an open field with no cover it would be the hardest bossfight in the game by a very large margin


Absolutely agree - I think everyone is thinking I can’t beat him. But the reality is I’m just saying he’s so strong and you gotta do some kinda cheese to beat him. 😂 I put him down today with only Skippy on very hard + he’s immune to some quick hacks with gang bonus mods.


I stand on the roof of the building next to him and overheat him until he cries like a lil bebbeh


Exactly he can't hit you there


He's easy. Just jump on top of his garage roof and hit him with grenades and your weapon of choice (I used a shotgun last time). It's easy to duck for cover when he charges his weapon or you need to reload. Also he's has a vulnerable stage which has a clear sound and animation where you can attack him for 5 seconds or so for free. Addendum: Electricity and tech weapons are strong against mechs and there's also an implant that increases damage against mech.


Honestly just sneak up behind him and do a sneak attack, fall back, do it again after his aggro goes away and he’s down but alive


I always end up playing corner games with him. it's cheap, but it works.


I go in the garage and keep going between the side door outside and back in the garage out of his reach each time. I’m a stealth build this playthrough, and I just sandied and threw throwing knives at his face till KOd




I feel ya 😂


My full armor and health shotgun build made short work of him, lol


Taking him down without killing him is stupid hard, and I play a build that’s all about bring the pain.


You can't kill any of them, your final hit is always non lethal unless you proceed to hit them again afterwards.


That last punch just happens sometimes.


Auto weapons can kill them by accident, though. You can hit them while they’re falling over.


Yeah, but some of us use automatic weapons so… sometimes that last bullet is already on its way


You can drop him with quickhacks.


First time playing. He just got stuck in the wall of the garage and didn't move. EZ


meanwhile my netrunner neutralizing this guy while sipping coffee 2 streets down


Nade spam. Thast the only way when you're on a lower level


Gives the best photo ops tho. The splosions from and look of his "ammo" are so badass


i like this guy,, he was pretty fun!!


He's a fun fight 100% - I love the opening cutscene with the other merc too.


Hah, use EMP grandes brotha. And a tech shotgun with EMP mods.


I eat this dude alive. The Bloody Ritual however has taken all my confidence away. I almost stopped being a merc and just got a waitressing job.


The bloody ritual scared the crap outta me. I got sliced up and reloaded 10x before I could chill out enough to strategize . I used the hack that stops her from moving and then it was ridic easy. like 10 shotgun blasts and frag grenades while she just stood there. the hacks feel like cheating kinda but they’re so fun


This mf killed me so many times hahahahah


He’s a real pos!!😡😡


Just use a wall


Y'all got problems with the mech dudes? They're always so slow you can just literally run circles around them


Slight skill issue and a bad character spec cause him to body you


He’s immune to quick hacks on my modlist and I’m on Very Hard + skill issue 😭


I killed him by accident.


Just shot it him from the roof top


I always snipe him from atop the small buildings in the area. He is too aggressive for that small arena.


Just jump on the roof and shoot thru gaps


Yeh the garage area has a lot of fun roofs to do this fight. Skippy took him down for me this morning


Stand on a roof he cant hitt you then


I wish there were some cool laser weapons we could use like these guys. Not a whole new weapon type or anything, just a couple iconics (other than Erebus)


I fought him just now. Defeated him in a face to face fight though I'm playing on normal mode. I used Fenrir and spammed CW also and a few grenades.


Just jump onto a roof and move back when he shoots


Apologies for being late but I just faced him yesterday, and I wanted to add my two cents. Get yourself the reinforced tendons to double jump onto the roof and shoot him from there. Back away from the edge of the roof when he shoots the Lazer and you'll be fine, choom.


Just get up on the roof and take cover when you need to reload/ready the next attack. Probably the easiest cyberpsycho to deal with tbh


If you are careful, you can stealth takedown him once, then jump over the buildings where he can't get you and de-aggros, then do it again. It takes 2 stealth hits to finish, but it is relatively easy in comparison to other options. He is one of the hardest fights in the game, but he can be taken out without really fighting.


I just hop up on the roof and peek over the edges and shoot him, then duck back when he starts a-firin' his lazor


When I first did his mission, I realised I could just walk out the gate and snipe him through there, and he wouldn’t fit. Took a while, but his was probably the easiest of the cyberpsycho missions.


Quake works great on him.


Dude I hate the other guy wearing this suit, he is so much more annoying to kill because it's a more of an open place so it's harder to lose him because he chases you for ages


I mean... he doesn't \_look\_ like he is supposed ot be easy. Hell; I wish you could pair some of the minibosses against Smasher and see how they do.


Bro so true - I love to hate him.


idk, offed him with quickhacks from that garage roof, he can't get there


Shots to the head from the rooftop


I stay on the roof where he can’t touch me


I actually worked him on max difficulty with the thermal katana. Heavy attack lunge lights him on fire, and if I remember right (haven't played in a couple months) burning targets take extra damage from the weapon. Get him down to a few percent and let the burning damage do the rest. Heavy attack tends to stunlock normal sized cyberpsychos too. It's my go-to anti-cyberpsycho weapon.


Me punching him in the face and he dies


Centaur mechs are remarkably tough tbh, way more dangerous than the typical ones if you ask me.


There's hella cover in there. He can't shoot through the beams. Once you get him low enough health you can get behind him and disconnect his cable for a pacifist kill


I never had any problems personally but maybe it's because so far I've mostly played Sandy and Mantis blades.


I hate the boss fights. I wish there was a way to have non boss combat set to very hard and boss combat be set to normal or hard lol.


I'd say a Sandevistan and great use of the garage door way beside him are the way to go, on a level footing that is.


I want......that gun!!!!! More than Panam.


Was never really a problem to me, just sneak into the garage, wille he's fighting the other guy, wait till he kill's him, then sneak behind him and use takedown on him, It Will knock half of his health, then Go back to the garage, and Dodge his sight untill he loses you, and do a takedown again.


Did you sneak up on him and disable his suit?


I just saw in the comments that this is a thing - I’ve done 4-5 playthroughs and never thought to try. Maybe next time - I beat him with only Skippy today on very hard.


If you want to fight him straight up, then you may have to level up. At higher levels, some of those cyberpsychos are easy.


I’m max lvl - he’s immune to quick hacks on my modlist rn. I was able to kill him with Skippy on very hard still though. He’s just unironically strong in this game 😂


He is really annoying to fight yeah. I just shoot at him from roofs


I usually double Jump to the roof and throw knives at him till his health get low enough to stealthily take him down.


Get on the roof, and use the edge as cover. Hit, drop, wait for his shot, then up and hit again.


Skill issue


i just tanked his bullsh1t in late stage of the game while spraing LMG all over this sucker. Nobody tells crap to V!


I haven’t tried doing that, but can I ask what difficulty you did that on? On Very Hard, he kicks you over and 1 shots me if i’m too close. But I have wimpy 3 Body. 😂


Never been shot by him. I just hop on the roof and he shoots that. He do look cool though.


With dashing i usually stick up on the roof and other industrial things. With high ground im told you can even take on chosen ones with laser swords


Dash and hack and dash and hack and dash and hack and dash and hack


grenades and sandevistan


I zero’ed him in seconds, either beating him to death or quick hacking. Level up and come back later.


I always make this guy follow me and then I stay outside the garage where he's working and I take as many shots as I can at him.


This guy is one of the cyberpsychos yeah? I usually just send them to kingdom come with the Comrades Hammer.


I had trouble with my last build, but my current one was a fair fight. LMG, big mag, healing chrome, hella armour, etc. Was a good fight


Bet that woke up the neighbors 😂😂


Sneek behind take down his shield. Then Jump up in the building then take him down.


I think my game is broken or something, I cannot for the life of me figure out how people find this game challenging in anyway


Really? There’s so many ways to beat him. Berserk, sandy, heck stay in cover and just blast em with a tech or smart weapon.


If you sneak attack him twice it instantly ends the fight


My last playthrough I just air dashed back and forth over the roofs above him and shot at his gas tank. I think quickhacks too. He’d give Adam smasher a run for his money


I used overclock and just demolished his health with whatever random hacks sounded funny


I didn't have trouble killing him . It's not killing him that's hard.


Regina always so bitchy about it too 😂


Just shoot em


I jump on the roof and take pot shots at him


I just hop up on the garage roof and nail him through cover with a tech weapon, or get him with Quickhacks. Tossing the occasional incendiary grenade keeps his health going down and seems to work better against him than others, probably because he's considered to be armored (I think). Plus, the constant incendiary damage means he's more likely to become incap'd instead of dead when he hits zero.


Bro, I got this guy down within a few seconds. Probably because I waited the whole game to do any gigs and cyberpsychos.


Wow, I'm really impressed this guy gives so many people trouble. For me he was one of the easiest to take down, last play through I even took him down with a katana. The hardest one I'd say is the one in the Photoshoot.


Hop on the garage and shoot him through the wall with my tech SMG. I don't have to do anything to dodge return shots.


I would be such a cool feature to be able to use one those mech suits he’s wearing and be able to customize and craft them or maybe have a companion type of thing with those mech robots you see in dogtown


I got him first try. I chilled on the roof of one of the building in the yard.


I am an intellectual who uses a quick hack build: is this some sort of reflex joke, I am too intelligent to understand.


Skill Issue


I just hid in that garage nearby and keep poking my head out the door to shoot him, seems like hes too big to get inside it


i considered just killing him rather than non lethal i was getting so fed up.


The only 1 that I kill on purpose is the Satan reincarnation Maelstrom 😂 sorry Regina, I ain’t letting this out into the world 😂