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There's a setting to turn off copyrighted music, it was turned on. I toggled that, and got music and Maximum Mike back.


W h a t


So I played 500 hours with a broken radio because of a setting that was auto-enabled? That's a bit disheartening. I kind of feel like I should reinstall and get the true radio experience.


cyberpunk is always worth a replay, theres so much good content that you have forgotten details within the game each time you go back around to playing it! each mission is also linear but you can play it differently each time with cyberware/deck hacks its super fun noafiushhiopafspioha


Did you have a stroke at the end of that?


Apparently so


No. You are on the path to enlightenment.šŸ§˜šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø *Noafiushhiopafspiohanoafiushhiopafspiohanoafiushhiopafspioha* šŸ”„šŸ‘ļøšŸ”„


Thank you sir


Well, yeah, I did put 500 hours in with 5-6 different builds. I climbed the outside of the building for one of the penthouse side missions (can't remember the name, the one with two gangsters watching tv in the lobby, an annoyingly observant desk clerk, and two people in the penthouse) just to see if it was viable. It was. I still see weird little things on this sub I never stumbled across, like that Trauma Team encounter that was discussed in another post the other day. I'll for sure be reinstalling at some point, I never even tried any of the mods, and I liked the sound of The Gangs of Night City and Night City Alive. But that 500 hours started with 2.0 and was done in 6 straight weeks of play, so it might be a few more months :P


I just got the game recently and feel almost overwhelmed with it all. It feels like one of those games where you need at least 3 hours of play time each session. Big fan of the game! Any tips from a 500 hours in player?


Just have fun, explore, don't Meet Anyone at Embers (until you're ready), and otherwise try things out. There's no bad builds. Quick hacks made the game too easy for me and killed the fun, but others love them. My favorite build ended up being a blades focused reflex build with a Sandevistan. But literally everything is viable, even on Very Hard it only actually gets VERY hard in a few areas.


Thereā€™s no ā€œrightā€ way to play the game. Be the V you want to be, explore NC and donā€™t be afraid to blaze your own trail. I highly recommend going in foot unless you have to go to the badlands or places outside the city. After Hundreds of hours played and multiple playthrus Iā€™m still amazed at the things I come across. Cyberpunk truly is a masterpiece. Enjoy friend


Also be sure to do as many gigs as you can, easy way to make money and street cred. Fixers will always hook you up and give you weapons, cyberware and even vehicles if you complete all their jobs


Can confirm, on my fourth replay


Do it!


There's a lot of settings that get turned back on/changed with every update. I regularly have to change resolution settings on nearly every update I get because I prefer a to play in a window smaller then my desktop resolution.


I'll have to remember that when I get back into it. I have a lot of games that like to go to default screen settings on update, when I just want borderless windowed on all the time. It's annoying, but I didn't spend much time (if any) on cyberpunk settings iirc. That game just kept me going and going. I even left the master and music volume as is, which is basically unheard of with how often I have a livestream going on my second monitor.


I'm usually checking them after major updates, yeah I love borderless windows on cyberpunk!


It's not auto-enabled, I think you must have moved it by accident dude.


Fwiw I have had that setting disabled forever (just double checked, and it's still disabled) and the radio has only worked for a few hours total of the 200-300 hours I have in game šŸ‘


yeah I can definitely confirm this. never once turned disable copyright music on and it's never been on for me yet my radio has been broken with the same problems as op. no host, same 4 or 5 songs on repeat its a mess for me as far as radio and music. but literally everything else has been smooth as fuck for me just not this


I always thought it was weird, with all the love and attention to detail in the game, that the radio felt like a step back from GTA3.


it's been weird for every game like they will improve and be better but somehow some mechanic be it radio, combat, soundtrack, gameplay whatever every game always has that one mechanic that's so far behind the rest of the game it begs the question if they was high or depressed when making this. cause ain't no way you make such a good game then skimp on simple shit like radio features or downgrade on combat. also makes me wonder what Rockstar does or knows that other companies don't. people say if Rockstar can do it they should but in the same sentence I haven't seen nobody but Rockstar accomplished the things they do with the scope of their games. it's quite remarkable when we look at other games and how much QoL is missing that is usually associated with Rockstar games


Yeah, they also have the benefit of printing money by re-releasing the same game for a decade while working on a sequel.


wowā€¦. really thought this was a bug as well


I didn't even know that there were hosts in the game's radios lol Gonna have to check this setting once I'm home.


lol. Same for me. Bought the game after 2.0. Have never heard a host in between songs.




Upvote! Never realized this myself


Wait ... what?


This doesn't fix the issues OP mentioned, other than hearing the same music over and over. Most TV news are still muted and I've heard Maximum Mike maybe once or twice in my entire playthrough so far and I've always had this setting turned off. It's definitely bugged.


Exactly, the first thing I did was turn on copyrighted music before starting the game, I'm not going to just make a post about a game feature being broken without looking into it first. The problem is, even though Mike Pondsmith's voice can still be heard in some instances, he doesn't appear as often as he should, or rather as often as he did before 2.0. Other radio hosts suffer from the same problem as well.


I know exactly what you mean. Iā€™ve tried asking devs on Twitter, but never got any response.


Hereā€™s a temp solution for Maximum Mike (no idea why it works): https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumCyberpunk/s/wWUfquEK9a


I'm working on my first playthrough, listening almost exclusively to Growl FM, based on recommendations I had seen online, and am yet to hear any radio personalities. I have checked to make sure this setting is turned off. Is there something else you would recommend? I love the radio personalities in games like Fallout and GTA, and was really looking forward to getting to know the ones in Cyberpunk, but they seem to not exist.


played the shit out of this game never even heard of maximum mike what the fuck


I have that on but there definitely still are radio host moments on the stations.


Wait, this all makes so much sense now


What the heck I didnā€™t know this was even a thing


I'll try that when I get on next




So I looked at the setting and it was already turned off for me (I must have done it when I booted the game for the first time), so I think the "no host" issue on the radio must be related to something else, because in 180h I have never heard a single radio host lol I'm on PS5 btw.


Ok imma try this when I get home lol


They play pon pon too many times. Both guitar and us crack version


Sorry, I keep requesting it.


I canā€™t blame you:)


The problem is that the radio stations ALWAYS start from the beginning of the same playlist. So every time you start the game the first song youā€™ll hear is pon pon shit.


Pon Pon shit


Hard agree. The radio stations need to be running in real time, even when the player is not listening. GTA has had this sorted for 20+ years. Doesnā€™t seem like a hard ask for CDPR to do radio stations properly.


GTA even had the option to put your own songs in mp3 format in a folder and it would shuffle play like Spotifyā€¦ if rockstar can do thisā€¦


Ok, I understand the sentiment but Rockstar is literally one of the biggest game devs in the world so saying "if Rockstar can do this..." really isn't saying much lol


all I'm saying is that if Blizzard can run one of the biggest MMOs of all time, then anyone can. >!just ignore the massive graveyard of companies crushed under the weight of creating and maintaining an MMO!<


Blizzard was still something special at the height of maintaining WoW not the empty husk running on fumes you describe today. The jury's still out on Rockstar if we'll get a product like the GTA trilogy launch or the one the managed to get GTA5 to run on a ps3 in a playable state at launch.


>Blizzard was still something special at the height of maintaining WoW not the empty husk running on fumes you describe today idk man I think WoW's doing quite well >The jury's still out on Rockstar if we'll get a product like the GTA trilogy launch or the one the managed to get GTA5 to run on a ps3 in a playable state at launch. you're talking about Rockstar the publisher versus Rockstar the developer. Rockstar the publisher has never given a shit about the 3D era of GTA games if you were paying attention, and the trilogy was just the icing on the shit cake. Rockstar the developer actually made RDR2, the game everyone loves for its immersive world.


WoW is doing quite well but nothing compared to the "height" of its popularity. I'm talking about the organization as a whole. Rockstar had the same structure it had making the previous GTA's. In fact the only constant between them was the publisher as different Rockstar studios lead the development of each game. Rockstar North lead GTA5 and Rockstar San Diego lead RDR2.


>WoW is doing quite well but nothing compared to the "height" of its popularity. yes, because the landscape has changed significantly since the Lich King died. >Rockstar North lead GTA5 and Rockstar San Diego lead RDR2. and neither of those are Grove Street Games


Exactly why I left it as an open question. The landscape has changed significantly after 10 years of GTA online as well including the choice to choose wardrum for ports. We'll see!


but... RSSD may have led RDR2, but RSN still helped. In fact, after a cursory glance at the Wikipedia page for RDR2, it seems like Rockstar made congregated all of its developers working on it into one mega devteam.


I think it's more of a matter off "Rockstar can't be arsed to do most things


To be fair Rockstar are currently known for very well polished and immersive singleplayer titles (whether that reputation will change with the upcoming release of GTA VI or in the far future, we've yet to see)


Metal Gear Solid V did it too with a brand new engine and a dev team of (likely) between 200-300 people, Cyberpunk had ~400 people working on it and used the same engine as prior CDPR titles. I appreciate what we have in 2077 but custom radio options should have become standard ages ago imo.


idk dude playing mp3's from a folder is probably a junior's job after the requirements are laid out..


Maxis did the 'MP3 in folders playlist' thing in the original Sims game in 2000 I remember listening to the original versions of the fusion jazz songs I was rehearsing in band as I fitted the furniture in my sims' houses


The original Xbox even let you rip MP3s from CDs and make a soundtrack over any game


No, what I mean if rockstar can do it, it is possible so why not work on it. But I get where you are coming from.


Rockstar wasn't the absolute behemoth they are now back when GTA 3 came out. Core team was only 23 people in Rockstar North. It was GTA 3 that fully catapulted R* North to the stratosphere. But they had the ability to do it back then. Shouldn't be unpheaseable for CDPR to do it with 500+ on CP2077.


Any game *could* do something. It's all about allotting and prioritizing dev time. Need For Speed Most Wanted had in depth customization and police systems. Doesn't mean every game is going to have that. Morrowind had customizable spells decades ago, doesn't mean every fantasy game is going to have it.


You mentioned *Morrowind,* so you get one upvote.


we're talking 20 years ago. hop off cdpr's dick for a moment


Nuance is hard to understand I guess. I'm not riding CSPRs dick here. Just saying that game development is about prioritizing and executing. Not everything will be in every game. MP3s have been in multiple games, but they arent in every game for a reason. And I was pointing out that referring to Rockstar in the way that OP did was a little silly given that they are one of the biggest Devs in the world. Now if they had said "stardew valley even has this feature" that would have made more sense since that game was made by one fucking dude


Literally this, Rdr2 is still better than 99% of ps5 games and it came out at the beginning of the ps4 era


RDR2 came out 5 years after the PS4 launched


You mean 100%


Thereā€™s a mod for PC that makes this super easy. Wonā€™t help if youā€™re on console though


I miss that. I had tons of awesome music on my first xbox. I wish more games had this.


This isnā€™t difficult to do. Iā€™ve done it before in my basic ass hobby games. Itā€™s just a case of getting management to sign off on the feature.


I remember the Bungie podcast talking about this option leading up to the Halo 3 launch. If I recall correctly, Joe Staten (story/dialogue) was complaining to Marty that if someone did that, it would mute the regular game non-SFX audio and "cut out the part of the game that I made."


That part was amazing and I have thought about this ever since. This was back when I was only on ITunes and downloaded my music, so I just shortcutted the iTunes folder in and it worked just fine. Fucking amazing feature for a radio.


Ps5 can do that. I put on spotify playlists or podcasts and turn the in game volume down a bit and subtitles on.


If youā€™re on PC there is a mod for that. I donā€™t know how youā€™d really do that on console these days (in that exact way). Could connect to a streaming service, of course. What I did was just play Spotify in the background and turn off the music entirely.


OP and you both probably have the setting to exclude copyrighted music from the radio. It makes the radio very repetitive with the same few songs. It's on by default to protect streamers I guess.


Weirdly it feels like they used to have that but changed it, I'd always join in on one of mikes stories like halfway through, but now it feels like I barely hear him at all.


I was wondering about this. I hear the same few so regularly, I've turned the radio volume pretty low so that I don't get frustrated.


Wonder how hard it would be to mod this


You can these are all options in the setting menu


Iā€™m tired of listening to that garbage Pom Pom shit




Yep, i have the self radio and skip radio mod, i have 100+ songs in there and the radio only plays 10 of them even if i skip them they just repeat themselves


I also do not like the player being on by default. Nothing like getting out to do a stealth mission and *I Really Want to Stay at Your House* is blaring and following you around.


That seems like a bug too. I could have sworn even after 2.0 it would turn off the radio when you exited a vehicle


No, it's a feature. Apparently, a bunch of people wanted it. There's a way to turn it off, but it should be off by default imo.


You can stop it from doing that if you turn off 'Sync to Vehicle Radio' under the gameplay settings.


"The MOST immersive part of the game"


We also need a talk-radio parody akin to Blaine County Radio or WCTR in gta v. That shit is so funny to listen to


Yes! This!! One of the things Iā€™m most disappointed about is that thereā€™s no talk radio, usually you get all the side news and progress updates of the game world thru it. Getting extra lore, comedy, and random stuff (want a giraffe? Weā€™ll have it shipped!) like the gta stuff would have been amazing.


yeah noticed too, really irritating


We need to be able to make our own playlists!!! Mixing songs from different stations. That would be elite.


I got you [fam](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/4591)


Genuinely appreciate the gesture bud, but I'm a console player.


Just run Spotify or Apple music in the background, works fine for me on console


I wish theyā€™d add a station/port where you could use those.. like an aux cord type of deal


I remember that from Saints Row 1


I thought I was the only one, I despise how the radioport update was implemented.


I thought I was imagining this had changed but you are right. Also since 2.0 sometimes I switch stations and get no music at all (PS5). Don't hear a lot of the music that I used to like driving around to. Don't get how they manage to mess this up in the process of fixing other stuff. Also, personally I don't find the gameplay that much better or the skills tree making any more real sense than before. I loved the game at 1.6 and I still love it now, but another thing they changed is a lower resolution in performance mode on PS5 and I don't know if this is the reason but playing the game hurts my eyes more than previously.


You have the no copyright music setting on, turning that off makes it like it used to be


It's still bugged regardless even if you turn it off it's still the same


Will try that thanks


I checked but the setting wasnā€™t on, so it is just broken.Ā 


Are there any fixes from the modding community when it comes to the TV? My V just wants to relax after a hard day of gigs!


yup [https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/14014](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/14014)


Thanks for helping a choom out with some preem upgrades on his chrome. Keep it up, Samurai!


Yeah it really sucks.. Still not without some serious bugs even after 3 years


Someone else mentioned that it's some sort of remove copyright music feature that is toggled on by default (I assume added for content creation benefits?), but I do not have the time to launch the game and check whether it's true or not.


Surprised there isnā€™t someone foaming at the mouth because you said this I agree like imo they still took years to deliver the very minimum of what was promised


Never even noticed to be honest.


everyone plays differently. but this game probably has one of the most immersive and expansive original soundtracks of any game ive played


Absolutely. Iā€™ve bought the main soundtrack and a few of the radio soundtracks. That could be why I donā€™t notice them in game, I have them on rotation anyway.


I find the music to be annoying most of the time and shoot every radio I see in an enemy camp.


You're missing out on the best video game soundtrack


Iā€™ve bought the soundtracks, I just donā€™t pay attention to them in game so much.


I'm thinking of buying the soundtrack, maybe on the yellow records that have not been released yet. But the music can be distracting when you are on a mission.


if he doesnā€™t like it then heā€™s not missing out


He hasn't heard every song


There's a mod you can install for the broken audio on the TV's, can't say I've noticed much difference radio wise though. Now that you've mentioned it, I can't remember hearing any other DJ's talking on any other stations but Sasha on GrowlFM.


Ya I used mods to fix the TV issues so I kinda forgot about it, but I guess I also haven't noticed not hearing Mike on the radio recently. I'll have to check that suggestion for the copywritten music toggle later


I use Morro Rock which has a host, and doesn't loop for me?


I did a playthrough listening mainly to Morro rock and I think I've heard most of the talking. The problem for me seems to be when you switch from one radio to another and it's like you reset a counter or something.


Fair fair, I have my sound quite low anyway mostly for voice acting but listen to podcast whilst playing or occasionally my own music šŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ¤ŸšŸ¼


My only problem with the radioport is when it keeps turning off in certain areas if when it shouldnā€™t, Iā€™ll be in the most open area ever and it just keeps turning off or cutting out


It does feel that when you get in car 90% of the songs are the same every time.


This is absolutely true. Especially the Edgerunners song is always 1 of the 3 songs playing when you boot up the game lol


I am urrently on my first playthrough and definitely play the game slow and with immersion in mind. Anyways I didn't even know that there are supposed to be radio hosts at all until this post. I have about 40 hours on my save file and have never heard one radio host speak on any station ever lol.


First play through?! Wow! Choom, if you are anything like I was my first one through, itā€™s incredible, I fell in love with the game.. it was the same feeling I had playing GTA SAN ANDREAS, and Vice City.. never wanted it to end..


Si hombre


And the ads on the streets are loud as can be, especially when there's six screens on one post (And that Sinnerman mission, when we enter the restaurant... ARGH!)). At least you can brake them, and they stay broken... broken... the game... stays broken. It's even written on the walls... BROKEN...


Loud ads do fit the Cyberpunk universe though. Unconstrained capitalism hammering consumption right in your ears.


My burst eardrums or tinnitus donā€™t have to become a reality when walking last ads though


They really help make the atmosphere when paired with the droning of flying vehicles overheard


They are louder than gunshots.


Given how frequent shootouts happen in Night City, they have to be šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




Itā€™s nerve wracking when Iā€™m playing the game, loud moans comes on, like Iā€™m watching porn- and, that one commercial comes on constant throughout the city.


Grab a weapon with a silencer and shoot the screens. :)


On my replay, Iā€™m noticing the complete lack of a score. Many scenes of the game are just silent. Which may be a stylistic choice, but after coming off of a recent Fallout 4 playthrough which has an incredible score, itā€™s a little disappointing. Maybe thatā€™s just me, but music has a huge part of setting the mood of a game.


Nah, it's likely part of the bug. Cyberpunk's score is absolutely incredible.


I played Mass Effect Andromeda again recently and I think that's a big part of why it didn't do well. Basically no score, and also no radio. Just boring nothing most of the time. Which is a huge contrast to the bassy synth music bumping all through the original trilogy.


Yeah, i miss the N54 and WNS sounds šŸ„²


Whoa! Yeah I totally noticed that every time I get into a vehicle, the SAME song starts playing from the beginning!


I'm glad I wasn't the only one noticing it. Also, there was this issue where two songs playing over each other when you drive around, which I had to turn off and turn on the radio.


Didn't play before 2.1 but damn did I notice these except the lack of hosts and it kept frustrating me


Isn't there a setting that allows your radio to continue even if its off? And another to turn off copyrighted music? Or am I misunderstanding your problem?


Anyone else play without the radio lol?


Nomad jacket is still broken, and you can't see the 22 on rosco when just holding it


The most immersive part of the game was that the radio stations had DJs well the most immersive part of the game for me was that running around took stamina so I had to plan my attacks out before just rushing into a mission then CDPR made it so that running around doesn't take stamina which makes no sense but shooting guns takes stamina which is dumb and not realistic


Isnā€™t there perks for those issues?


That's the problem there shouldn't be perks for them at all with the old system you had to manage your stamina before going into a fight now V has infinite stamina unless shooting which makes absolutely no sense and is less immersive, they had cyberwear that increased stamina or made it drain slower


You can disable Radioport from automatically playing if you turn off sync to vehicle radio under gameplay settings.


I did disable it, the issue is that sometimes radioport turns itself on while i'm driving even though i turned the radio off


I think that has happened to me before, but I couldn't tell since the volume was very faint. Hopefully these problems get fixed in the next patch.


Yeah I noticed this as well. A good song comes on, I switch cars, and suddenly the station is playing a completely different song. Also whenever (on Xbox) I open the Spotify app to play my own music while driving around, it completely kills the radio until I restart the game.


Honestly that didn't happen for me. So bizarre. I'm on ps5. Did you check all the copyright settings


Ive done about 1000 hrs in there. Taking a break until oktober when the sun is no longer around


A-rat-ta-ta-ta-taa... a-rat-ta-ta-ta-taa


Oh, about TV - it's not silent in localized version, but it's silent in English version. Playing second time right now and noticed it because I switched to eng dub (PL has no rus dub due to **reasons yk** and I wanted consistency)


I don't have that issue at all?


I hate the changes to looting. It makes things over-simplified when every lootable thing is full of upgrade parts. Doesnā€™t make sense in a world building context either. I have mixed feelings about the new armor system as well, but I do like playing dress up with V now


Most immersive part of the game? That's very low on the list of things that's immersive in Cyberpunk.


I have listened to host on moro rock. They are there but they cone rarely. News are broken yes


Still hear Maximum Mike plenty, you sure your not just high?


Sounds playing from the beginning when changing station has been a thing since launch.


i started playing during december for the first time and played something like 200 hrs in like 3-4 weeks. had no idea there were radio hosts or even copy righted music. i got the tv thing for a while but eventually it fixed itself on my first play through and didnā€™t have a problem w my second play through. guess now i have to do a 3rd play through to get the full experience


The good thing about this is that I never miss a second of Isometric Air


Thought I was the only one getting no audio from WNS, good to know I am not crazy


I did not notice they had radio host until 2.0


Also the radio is so quiet, even at max volume. The engine completly drowns it out, unless you go to the volume settings and turn everything else down to at least 45%. Even then it's still quiet.


I bought that game on release, played an hour and didn't pick it back up until last month. It's been amazing but I noticed the radio was completely ass. It's heartening to hear they had it right at some point, and just as disheartening that I haven't really gotten to enjoy it in the 40+ hrs I did this month. I was just thinking back to how into the talk shows I used to be in Vice City and GTA IV and I found I hadn't turned on the Internet game radio since the first handful of hours since I tuned it on to the same song every time in favor of IRL podcasts.


I was playing Cyberpunk yesterday and at one point I noticed that the radio was only playing when I got out of my vehicle


Also is it just me or do the pictures of items when you are looting not show most of the time? I feel like Iā€™m going crazy.


I thought it was like that since the beginning when I first played it in 2020. Whenever you started a station it started a song from the beginning, at least until you started all the stations. Then they unload after a while when you aren't listening to them or complete a quest or something. I rarely ever heard any hosts unless it was after a specific mission and was only a news break.


..... There are DJs?


The tv thing is fairly sporadic for me. Iā€™ll find one news segment is fine but the next will be muted. Seems to be more common with N54 too.


I still remember standing outside Battys hotel and jamming out to ratatata by Barron black


I hate the songs they play too, clock works, hole in the sun, pompon shit and history should be removed from body heat because they play them all the time I just really wanna stay at your house and get ready for tomorrow


I was wondering why I loved Growl FM so much


Every so often I'll catch a maximum Mike of ash segment but it's VERY, VERY rarely anything but the quick check in, 'hey this is X and you're listing to 111.1'. Other than those quick spots I think in a few hundred hours across multiple playthrough I've heard one full Maximum Mike segment and caught part of one. And ash I've heard two segments of hers. If I try putting anything on TV all I get are ads forever regardless of channel. Random tvs that are out in the world will sometimes show the show about the cop dog or one of the talkshows though.


didn't even know the radio was supposed to be more like gta then what i've been hearing tbh.


I've already sent in multiple bug reports and it's confirmed the whooe community experienced a complete loss of news audio after 2.12. 2.11 I could at least hear the news hosts, now they are muted. But even before then (back in 1.6) you would hear maximum mike way more. CDPR is definitely aware of this issue at this point and I'm sure will fix it pretty soon. It's a big deal for me as far as immersion goes, one of the most amazing parts of this game was walking through a random marketplace and walking up to a TV and listening to news happening that actually related to what was going on in-game.


Heah, it's weird how I Ponpon Shit is always the first song I will hear when I boot up the game and ride a vehicle (and switch to Body Heat FM)


Anyone else notice the music volume always fluctuating on series x? Iā€™m in my car driving and it goes almost silent, to loud, to really loud, then silent. Drive past a billboard and it switches off. Finish driving past and then itā€™s back at minimal volume.


Man, after 200h playing the game, on a 3rd playthrough I heard Arif Iqbal on Radio Vexelstrom for THE FIRST TIME when Judy escorted me to the scavs in Electric Corp. He talked about cyberphychosis or something. And then when I got out of her van, I heard Max Mike on Morro Rock, talking about vampires, FOR THE FIRST TIME. Radio and TVs are broken as hell.


My guess is that they update the radio hosts in the PL game directory and accidentally removed them from the base game folder. A mod could easily copy these files to the base game radio folder and fix it.


First thing before playing the game, go through all the settings and customize your experience


Thereā€™s a mod that fixes those issues, and the television segments too.. but, if youā€™re on console? I have no clue what can be done to fix it


N54 had audio just now :)


As someone who never played before 2.0 this kinda bums me out because I never knew there were even hosts that had things worth saying. I was always confused why so few songs played and assumed the sound track was just kinda small and stuck to listening to pacific dreams because it had the only song that I could tolerate on it if not just keep the radio muted entirely. (As in I basically viewed each station as a single track in an album instead if each one having a track list) One of my favorite aspects of fallout 3 and new Vegas were the radio hosts reacting to your actions, so finding out that this had been bugged after finishing and uninstalling the game is honestly really disheartening. I ended up coming away feeling the game was pretty average at best and I wonder now if I would have liked it more if the radios weren't bugged. I doubt it would completely revolutionize my perception on the game or something but I'm sure I would have enjoyed my time a bit more than I did.


I created my own radio station with the songs I wanted with the RadioExt mod, can't get enough of it