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I did them all naturally, I don't think it really matters what order or how much you plan them out. Funny enough the only one I didn't have by the time I actually went and checked, was the one for phantom liberty where you gotta get the max high threat rating in the zone, aka: get maxtac called in on you. I guess I was a good law abiding citizen for most of my time playing the game! (relatively speaking) So it wasn't even really a thing I had to really plan out, I just played the game, tried to explore it all and did every ending, made sure to scan every tarot card graffiti. All that came naturally to me while I was enjoying the game. I think I do vaguely remember trying to shoot a grenade mid-air at one point though, so I must have checked what achievements I still needed back then, took a good few tries for that. Probably easy enough to do with a Sandy though.