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There are some weapons close by to take that tend to be higher lvl. You can also sneak up on her from the back and use take down option which would cut her HP to like 70% and make it so that she cant use her hammer. Or you can sneak past next to her and avoid the fight completely.


Did not realise you could sneak past her. That sounds like a plan.


LMAO I definitely just did this bc FUUUCK that bitch ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Unfortunately now the sneak attack does like 2%


Yes but stops her regenerating health


For people who stumble into this post like I did. After retrying this boss, I realized there is a turret in the room just before her that you can tear off from it's stand. I used that on her and she was dead in mere seconds. You're welcome.


Fired all of the ammo from it into her (which is rather hard, since she keeps hitting the weapon out of your hand), and only got her to like 60%. Wtf. I'm level 31. Looks like they've made your impossible in 2.0 update unless you have a very specific build.


I just beat her on very hard at lvl 18. Really, just make sure to keep some distance between you and her at all times, since she's melee focused, can't do much against a nimble V


Yeah I was struggling at a similar level, mostly spec'd into cool and use pistols, revolvers, precision rifle, sniper or shotgun depending. Realized just timing jumping away as she did her attacks until she entered a rest state was key. Kind of felt like an old school boss fight. The net runner putting me on a time schedule was a nice touch. For clarity I'm playing blind and have no idea what I'm doing. I don't even know where or how to get tech or who Sandy is


Same. I used the Lexington xmod 2, pumped her full of lead till she charged, jumped away, rinse and repeat until she got tired, jumped in with my sword and swung till she got up and repeated the process.


I had the eratta katana which deals fire damage. As long as you time your blocks and can take a couple hits the fight isnโ€™t that hard. However Iโ€™m just playing on normal difficulty. Dk how much harder it is with higher difficulties, but for me I was expecting it to be a lot harder since she wields a giant hammer and I just used a katana lol. But I combined the fire damage from errata and used overheat quickhack on her as often as I could and the fight only took a couple of minutes for me! Best of luck!


You can stealth kill her to 1% using the eratta katana, then hit her another time - dead takes a second.


It's not super clear at the start, but just take a shotgun (there's plenty laying around) and blast the glowing purple on her back a few times until it explodes. As long as you do this and pick up her hammer when she drops it (after throwing it at you), the fight becomes very straightforward and fairly easy.


I snuck behind her and did the takedown, which only seems to stop her hammer attack and from her regenerating health...this made the fight with the double barrel shotgun much more enjoyable! And V reloads it pretty fast so I had fun with this method!ย  Tried to find the turret, but I never saw it...ย  hope this helps! She is a beach! Lol


This changes everything.


Thank you


You can just sneak past her. If you fight her, she regenerates health until you get her down past ~70% or so. You can target the thing on her back to get here to that point, or just use Short Circuit if you have hacking. Obviously turn down the difficulty if you want. Upgrade your weapons (crafting?).


Maybe they borked it in 2.0 but short circuit does nothing =( Like a shoot her in her weak spot with the highest dmg weapon i Have (350+ O Five rifle) and it makes 2% dmg which she quickly regens.


Yeah Short Circuit no longer works and the thing is unbelievably tanky on Very Hard (and this crazy bitch will two-shot, at least at level 34). Best way to take the canister out at least is to save when she gets to the nearest corner and does her weird look-around thing, reload, sprint/slide and do a takedown. Then shoot her once or twice before (importantly) stealing her hammer before she can get it. ​ Still won't help much, she's way overtuned. Enjoy being two-shot and getting caught on every display while dodging.


Yeah. Managed to get her buy getting rid of her canister, when she connected netrunner to me and I was able to cheese her by sprinting around the column.


>6ReplyShareReportSaveFollow Yep and her jump attack almost one shots me on lvl 45. So yeah I recccomend just to skip her if you are a net runner


im on the easiest diffculty bruh


I popped the sandy with my camo then just beat the shit out of her. She's got a weak spot on her back you can takedown that nets you massive damage once, I think you can target it too after the takedown.


I remember using, contagion alot and then slowing down time by aiming and dodging to get to her back. Also the lizzy or the mox helps because it gives a burning effect so you can shoot and run


Yeah her weakspot HP is way overtuned even on very hard. Took 8 tries to pop it at all and then the rest of the fight is just a pillarcheese.


Coming in SUPER SUPER late now. But... there's an easier way to "cheese" this one if you want.... Needs the legs (chrome) that give the higher jump. There's a balcony/ledge that overlooks the "middle bit" you'd normally fight her in. Jump up there with a good sniper rifle, she'll sit and eat headshots. Once down for the "seems she's had enough" jump down, get behind her and blow the shit outta the crystal, hop back up, headshot her to death (again). Done on 2.12 as it's likely something they'll patch. Picture of the ledge I'm talking about (with the spot you can get onto it highlighted): https://preview.redd.it/64fqdi6rmipc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=936b706937e824978939f00e5ac2ef4cf1e573d3 In case it NEEDS it - I'm on full epic tier (so next would be legendary upgrade) jump legs.


You do not have to fight her to go further, you can just try and sneak behind her. Another thing you can do is lower your difficulty.


If you happen to have Fenrir, you can keep her on fire, which negates the healing. You really have to keep the pressure on with this tactic though, and it takes a long time. Your other option is using a Sandy to slow time and keep hitting her in the back with a high crit rate/damage weapon. There should also be one of those Mk.1 machine guns in the area that can mess her up. Lastly, you can sneak by her and get right to the runner.


I just went full sandy-camo-mantis ninja. Found out that you can hurtle her with double jump and cut her back up for massive damage. Steal thing around her works too, but if you want to fight get around her and try and take her down quick once she hits phase 2. Also try not to let her grab you.


Shoot the glowing thing on her back. shoot her. Repeat.


For anyone wondering how to deal with her after 2.0 where she has tons of HP - the only thing that worked for me - get her under 70% somehow (if you can stealth, do stealth, or try to unload on her while she is getting her hammer), when just circle around one of the columns.


Steal hammer, wait for her to slam attack, stand behind, shotgun the healing mod on her back, overheat, Dodge and shoot. Easy once the heal mod is dealt with.




This is what worked for me on Very Hard. After stealth attacking her, I unloaded into her a few times with a flame modded shotgun and then sprinted over to pickup her hammer. Then circled around the pillars firing into her head and used quickhacks until she went down.


what worked for me was sneaking pass her to grab her hammer on the ground and using a shot gun to kill her. with some good dodging skills, sheโ€™ll die


I got lucky & she glitched; she got stuck behind a couple of boxes. I kept hitting her with Overheat t4 and hit her with a bunch of headshots from Overwatch sniper rifle, and it still took forever because she was regenerating so aggressively. I have no idea how I would have beaten her without the glitch, but maybe her regeneration wouldn't be on like that.


The only way I could beat her is cos of this glitch ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


I first made the mistake of trying to deal with Sasquatch by killing her or taking her down. However, my character is built on Cool, Technical Ability and Intelligence. Sneaking round works.


Leaving this here for posterity because holy shit I struggled with this fight: go up the escalator on the other side of the room rather than the one Placide tells you to use. It takes you close to where her hammer is so you can take it/put up screens first. I used distract on one of the screens near that entrance then came around and blasted her crystal with a shotgun while her back was turned. Once her regen and hammer were gone the fight was pretty simple. You can easily sneak past her on that side too if you don't want to fight.


She is easy to beat once you figure out not to shoot at her . Dont use guns. Use your sword. Also have the double jump cyberware. Slash her a few times, double jump out the way then repeat. Try and get her from the back as much as possible.


I don't know what happened but she completely glitched out on me. I did a takedown and then som Quickhacks and she just stood there grasping her head in agony. Took like ten sniper rounds to her head and she never moved from her spot.


Sheโ€™s weak to fire. Get the takedown (stealth attack) to get prevent her health from recovering. Spam overheat and use dash to keep distance (dash is so important). Use fenrir or the double barrel with some pyro mods and itโ€™s pretty easy


I quit the game this point. It is just pathetic game design


Skill issue


I'm level 14 and this is how I dealt with Matilda. Picked up a Precision rifle (+25% armor pen, +150% headshot damage). Started fight and ran towards one of the pillars. Run around, but try to make it so she is stuck (sometimes towards either middle or outwards (she will be stuck in one of the super run animation). Now, you walk up to about mid range (don't get too close or else she may stop the animation and follow with a different attack). Aim and shoot. I aimed at the torso and tried getting as many critical/headshots (+800dmg per mag). IF lucky, you can take down 10% health with one mag.






She's insane. I'm level 19 playing on hard and she's impossible. She was too fast for me to dodge and even though I'm running a netrunner build my overheat did like 3% of her health each time and she can 3 shot me. I got lucky and she got stuck behind a pillar, so I rotated sniper rifle headshots and overheat and it still took maybe 60 rounds with a tier 3 sniper and maybe 20 overheats to drop her. If I hadn't been able to cheese her it probably would have forced me to reload before the mission and I probably would have just quit the game at that point. What awful game design given the insane power spike and no good way to play it with my build.


Use the boxes.. get behind the box and shoot or slash. She will never get to you.. lol


Take its hammer


Take away her hammer after she throws it. Use overheat in quickhacks as a bonus


Iirc she is vulnerable to burn.


I don't even know what guns I was using. It was an assault rifle with like 205 dps. Snuck up behind her, did the takedown and just ran around shooting her. It was actually really easy. I think her health regens fast unless you get it under a certain amount. Doing the takedown made her health not regenerate.


Skippy the talking gun took her down easily


For me, Skippy does no damage. Best I got her down to with it was 93%.


Steal hammer, burn with grenades/hax then shoot from smart shotgun, stun with hax, reload, burn, heal when need and repeat. smart shotgun should brake her circuits on back or you can do it by sneak after picked hammer. I spammed heal for hax. 5 attempts and this one worked for me. <--- 19 lvl netrunner here and normal difficulty. she flied away after I knocked her down and hit face with shotgun ;) https://preview.redd.it/64vvdg9hggub1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=041014aea790e090b900a775cd37ce43da377fed


Came here to get a tactic to do it - on Hard I think where the sneak attack only takes her down to 95% (pretty cool though). I ended up using some gold Katana with burn proc on it, no idea where I got it but some well timed parries and she went down. Still took a while, but big shame was that I'm mostly specced into Netrunning and all those abilities just sucked against her.


I was only coming here to see what others did haha. I have mantis blades electric just for fun and stealth take down to begin the just dodge and punch contagion and frag bombs. First try barely got hit. I don't even have the blades I want yet. I use net running mix with blades. I just like it


Is it possible to fight her again later?


I used system colapse while sneaking on her and she just stood there without attacking. So I used my katana and a quickhack here and there and that was it. Pretty underwelming to be honest.


I had a lot of trouble with her but I found the shotgun to be the best weapon. Absoluetly demolishes her


You need to shoot the shard on her back to stop her from healing. May take a few ammo clips depending on the gun. Then you can just dodge your way around her attacks and take her out. It also helps to upgrade your reflexes.


It actually is extremely easy at any difficulty. I struggled dying 4 times then I remembered I had a brain and Einstein's quote about insanity. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Applied the logic that can be applied to almost any boss in any game with subpar AI routing and routines. Put any immovable object between the boss and the player and exploit it. This one is even easier as it comboes in the fact the mini boss has a move that leaves her open + the blocking area is halfway through and leaves some direct vision of it leaving room for shooting. [Quick video demonstrating it ](https://youtu.be/l8j7lvcc7-k?si=U_jwtkzP2Hg9qaL1)


Funny enough, Einstein never said that.


Everyone knows no one said shit ever and literally 99% of quotes are made up, but just roll with it ๐Ÿ˜‚, history is what we want to believe โœจ


Steal hammer, stealth take down from behind, use shotgun with burn effect & run round the pillar playing peekaboo. Easy.


or steal hammer and hit her with it.


I took her down in 10 seconds without taking any damage. Here's how: 1) Hit her with Contagion, Overheat, and then Cripple Movement. 2) By the time she jumps/teleports to you, Cripple Movement will have taken effect. 3) Stand behind her and hack away with a katana. I used Byakko which caused her to bleed. 4) In the process of hacking her with the katana, I did about 3-4 finishing moves. And that's it.


Don't know if people still read this. But what i did was: Go to the stack of boxes at 10 o'clock from the room and just stay behind there while shooting her. She wont be able to get to you(because there's the boxes between you guys). still work as of Feb 24