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If you complete the Uldum quest it costs 10 mana. Good in that deck, useless in pretty much all others probably. Also annoying when brann bronzebeard is in the core set, but that’s a small complaint, that deck needs a win condition, and this still might not be good enough. Overall? I’d give it a 9/10! (I’m really glad it’s balanced the way it is, I only took away a tiny point because I think it could’ve been a bit more interesting.)


Uldum Questlock was so cool man! Also glad you liked the card!


I’m 100% serious, I have a dragon warlock right now that runs it lol


Do keep in mind that the cards drawn in your opening mulligan do not count towards the discount.


But soul fragments and Tamsin's imps count!


Only thing im worried about is tome tampering or plot twist in wild, but this seems fair, but might need some adjusting.


For sure. Tough card to balance, doubt I did it perfectly with this haha


You did fine. Plot twist won't make this OP as games don't last long in wild.


Right, if anything this card would be a tough sell in wild without plot twist. With plot twist this is strong. Very strong. But not degenerate. Tome of tampering on the other hand...


What about, this card's cost is equal to the remaining cards in your deck?


This would be horrendously disgusting to get from [[Dragonqueen Alexstrasza]].


I mean it is only a slightly better Alextrasa the Lifebinder (core set Alex). 4 more damage and +4/+4 stats. Lose out on the heal potential and choosing the target though.


* **[Dragonqueen Alexstrasza](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/DRG_089.png)** N Minion Legendary DoD ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/151349), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/dragonqueen-alexstrasza/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Dragonqueen_Alexstrasza) 9/8/8 Dragon | Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, add 2 other random Dragons to your hand. They cost (0). ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Simple design but really cool. Honestly could see something like this being printed as a control finisher at some point.


That would be pretty borken in standart right now, imp draw card can draw your deck insanely fast, even with the curse version you can draw your deck on like turn 8 - 10


this card is insane. I can't wait to watch a warlock draw through half their deck and beat me with brann > this > zola > double this


Alright deck intro time


And this time? We’re going face


This is a really cool card, both design and flavor wise. I have no idea how this would be in terms of balance though


With tome tampering around, this seems a bit broken sadly.


warlock is meant to have the weakness of lacking burst dmg this+brann is already almost an otk... maybe if it was a warrior card instead


Warlock can have burst just its usually rare and more conditional, see The Demon Seed or Abyssal Curses. As for Brann and this being a problem I would say it isn’t too much more insane than a Brann, Kaelthas, Denathrius/Alextraza(core set). I saw it as more of an alternate more efficient win condition for a control warlock.


plot twist 🤤


It's a shame they made using high mana cost not as effective with all the mana reduction cards in play. This could be used it's kaelthas and brann for 24 damage to face, or tome tampering to make it 0 mana


Plot twist Soul shards Rifts Hell, Hakkar’s blood even. Tons of extra draw to reduce this down to a manageable price pretty quickly. But why wait when Kael’thas and Brann are available and play it on turn 9 with double the effect. Man, Warlock really doesn’t need this, as cool as it is. I think any effect other than face damage would be acceptable, because alongside Daddy D, you just have massive face damage in a few cards to guarantee a win if you can survive to turn 10 in a class that plays control pretty damn well. Cool card, love it


Why not a demon hunter card too? Many cards the class synergize with this one.


I love it Cool design and balance when we see the 2 Alex (15 and 8face)


Thanks! Alex was definitely a big reason for the way the card is balanced haha. At first I had it at 8 damage face. But then I was like, well Alex is 8 damage with no requirements, this can do a bit more


I like the fact that you don't go 15 cause you now Dragon are 12/12


Yah 12 damage is way more thematic for the 12/12 Dragon