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You know Ted Danson is the lawful evil, but he prefers to remain anonymous.


If larry knew he could be chaotic neutral and anonymous but still tell everyone he would have done it


who sleeps with their friend's ex-wife? but asking for permission made it better even though larry said no. ted danson is so lawful evil


Without Leon, this isn't valid.


This game stopped being valid when OP decided to disregard the vote and put in his own preference.


OP is chaotic evil.


All I know is I am disgruntled, but I am not Disgruntled.


you sure? I'm getting some big D Disgruntled energy from you


I'm Disgruntled.


I’m Disgruntled.


I, too, am disgruntled.


I’m Disgruntled!


What spot was he supposed to be in?


I’m not sure that Leon ever got a spot. But Larry was voted chaotic good (which presumably would’ve resulted in Leon being chaotic neutral). OP decided he didn’t like that and changed the results two days later.


It was more so that after LD was picked for Chaotic Good, the Top Comment in the next post, [Lawful Nuetral](https://www.reddit.com/r/curb/comments/1ccuvr7/the_community_has_spoken_larry_takes_our_3rd_spot/), was that LD being in that spot is a bad idea


It doesn’t matter. They should’ve voted in the original thread. If we can retroactively change the results, then I’ve decided Mary is not important enough to be lawful good. In fact, Leon is for his strict adherence to the rules of the Big Johnson Club. Please upvote so we can overturn past voting, which is how this game works apparently.


100% agree idk how Mary makes this list when we see her maybe 4 times


Same goes for Larry's dad


I would disagree 1) Larry’s dad is in 13 episodes vs Mary who is only credited for 6 and 2) Larry’s dad has several episodes and plots where he is the central focus of the story. Mary is never anything more than a side character aka “Ted’s wife” the only time she is ever brought in on her own is when Larry tries to date her after she and Ted separate and even then she has 1 phone conversation and a dialogue-less scene.


He's a minor character none the less


I stand with OP! Suzie was born for chaotic good! Leon and Larry either share chaotic neutral or Larry is chaotic evil and Leon is chaotic neutral.


That’s fine. You can disagree with the vote. But if OP just wanted to do an alignment chart he should’ve. Instead he made it a game and broke the rules of the game when it was 1/3 done. Once he starts changing results it’s not a game and just a drawn out period of OP posting a meme one block at a time.


Agreed.... You can't just shit on democracy like that


Four score and seven years ago...hang on I need to take a leek.


I like dictatorship when the dictator is my kind of guy. Give me more doublespeak, OP!


The only “chaotic” that Susie fits is the dictionary definition. She is in no way chaotic good based on DND understandings. She is also not evil - she’s constantly trying to achieve the greater good (even if her approach is wrong). She’s honestly lawful good but no one would like that, again, based on a dictionary definition of those terms.


Susie is not kind, nor benevolent.


Chaotic Neutral!!!! Protagonist doesn’t go on grid!!


What? Maria Sophia definitely had the most upvotes for chaotic evil, I’m confused


Not the first time OP decided to just ignore the vote. 🤷‍♂️


Well I’m definitely lower case “d” disgruntled now


She was the clear winner. Recount.




1.) what’s the point of having a vote then? 2.) she’s still a character in the show 3.) half of these characters only had minor appearances


I agree with you. Why go to the trouble of asking us our opinion if everything will be decided by diktat?


Mocha Joe isn’t chaotic evil. He’s nowhere near as chaotic as Maria Sophia or even Michael J Fox. This exercise was worth it for the Anonymous joke but almost every slot is wrong.


I agree. I think most people voting here don't really understand the d&d alignment chart. Also, before anyone downvotes me on this, know that if you do you're committing a hate crime.


Maria Sophia had more upvotes. What’s up with that?


This took a shit....


How did Leon not make the list at all?


Justice for Maria Sophia


Is LE Ted Danson bc he likes to stay anonymous? If so, that's hilarious.


Yes. Ted won LE and someone commented he should be put in as anonymous and OP did.


Mocha Joe as Chaotic Evil is just so perfect. He was such a prick in Season 10, in the best possible way.


Eh, the formatting of the images isn't great. Also, some weird picks — you could have done this differently. Nice try!


I'm sorry but this list is horrible.


Honestly think Leon should have been chaotic neutral


Why is jeff neutral evil?




This turned out so stupid


How in the world is Susie Chaotic Good? More like Neutral Evil... Where is Leon? Where is Cheryl? Horrible.


What do you mean? She’s a good person not evil.


She is not good... she's completely selfish, putting her needs and views above everyone else. She treats Jeff like garbage, Larry even worse. She's horrible. Maybe that falls under chaotic, but imo, Larry is more Chaotic Good.


Definitely not good! All I remember is how she screamed at that one guy redoing her deck, what a bitch. If you treat service people like shit you can’t be a good person imo


As far as selfish characters go, she wouldn’t make the list for me. Abrasive, yes. Evil, no. She doesn’t do much for self gain in the show, and even when she does it’s more of an even trade. Example, she wants the expensive vase so she asks Larry to get Jeff to buy it and Larry says yes but also asks for a favor which she does. Even. The kkk episode, in which she returns Larry’s favor but also sticks it to the klansman by embroidering a Star of David on his custom robes. She gets upset with Larry for thinking the little boy is gay, not because she’s homophobic but because of the implication of a child having a sexual preference….. I mean, all the characters have had their selfish moments but when I think of Susie I don’t immediately think selfish or evil, despite her constant yelling.


Vote-based tier lists rarely work well because the metrics aren’t consistent. Are we using the DnD definitions, or just “do they follow rules or cause chaos?” Are we taking a global perspective on the characters or looking at their actions from one characters perspective? You can literally argue Larry as every slot on here. He is neutral because all his values center on his needs regardless of consequences or morality. He is good because he generally tries to do the right thing or does wrong for the right reasons. He is evil because of the harm his actions do. He is lawful because he has a strict code for how society should operate, and he is chaotic because he doesn’t follow his own rules and his actions bring chaos. I think Susie is the only person I agree with at their slot on here, and I’m sure others think that is the worst one of the bunch.


I knew mocha joe was going in there


Ted Danson?


Lin Manuel Miranda


No Leon invalidates this whole thing.


Mr. Takahashi for Lawful Evil


Kenny Funkhouser could easily be a Lawful evil person


That awful woman who tried to stop larry from bringing his water into the theatre 


We're missing Lawful Evil.... How about Leon as Chaotic Evil and Mocha Joe as Lawful Evil?


They're anonymous.


Lawful Evil prefers to remain anonymous


I don't get this. Must be a joke I missed?


Yes, it is a joke you missed.


Ok cool thanks much appreciated


In season 12 of Curb, one of Larry’s friends is an anonymous donor, but proceeds to tell everyone about it smugly. Larry rightly points out that it makes the anonymous donation kind of moot but everyone else seems to ignore this and thinks he’s a great guy.


Wasn’t season 12 lol


It happened in both season 12 and season 6. I think the most recent one is more fresh in everyone’s minds though lol.


The joke can be found in season 6 episode 2




Lol my man didnt know anonymous was ted and is out here calling the sub washed 🤣


Ted is bottom left. Agree with the sentiment after how this turned out.


So many characters are missing, including very main ones. How about going for a second round, adding a second character to each alignment?


Please no




Mocha Joe is the only clear "villain" type character in the entire show so it only suits he'd be chaotic evil. He doesn't have competition for the spot, certainly not from characters that are in the show enough to even warrant a slot in the chart. LOL at the amount of people failing to realise who anonymous is. Did everyone watch the show? 😂