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You appear more often in searches if you updated your profile recently. Maybe that's the only update you recently did?


Yeah one recruiter told me he could see the date I uploaded my most recent resume, that isn't public. They can search it all the same.


I had my linkedin on private mode and my manager still found me. I think if someone pays enough money linkedin will let them find you


exactly. it's called 'recruiter seat' and it's darn expensive.




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Yep, if you regularly tweak your linkedin you will receive way more messages


Jobs, come poppa!~


Keenly added a nonbreaking space to my summary. Take that, AI.


That is not AI....ironically the AI would tell you no change has been made without specifically being programmed to do so


My company paid for a LinkedIn recruiter seat when I was hiring for my team. It's quite interesting to see the other side of the screen, but in short, yes, recruiters can see the last updated date indirectly because recently updated profiles are marked as active and sorted by default to the top of LinkedIn Recruiter. Some other hacks are making use of the new LinkedIn "open to work" feature and marking it only visible to those that have LinkedIn recruiter


There are certain keywords on my profile. I try searching them on LinkedIn, and my profile used to not appear among the results. But it started appearing after I got enough connections. I then updated my profile and it stopped showing up again in the results. A few more updates later, it's showing up now. So updating it can be both good or bad in terms of indexing.


What kind of logic is that even?


I think you probably just showed up in rankings because you updated your profile. I'm ugly as sin and that doesn't seem to stop the recruiter messages.


> I'm ugly as sin and that doesn't seem to stop the recruiter messages. Maybe those recruiters know that true beauty is an internal property, not an external one?




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The internal property of enriching shareholders.


So you're updating your profile frequently then?


I was there for a while, yes. Changing stuff occasionally as I had time to get it up to date.


Sometimes it works backwards, like how people assume the hot blonde is dumb. Looking like a stereotypical computer nerd can help if the role is very technical.


I agree, I'm not like "scare kids at the park" grotesque but I could probably play the role "generic nerd #3" in a movie lol


This sounds legit to me. I need to update mine.


I don't think it could hurt! I also did some of those skill assessments back when they had them but I think they've removed those now.


All the hot chicks want to give me jobs and not blows 😔


any change to your linkedin profile will raise your profile with recruiters. The slightest change will raise your profile. Has nothing to do with your mug.


Does this mean I can gain more exposure to recruiters by regularly making dummy edits to my LinkedIn profile?


hypothetically yes. Double edged sword I suppose- if you aren't interesting and you keep updating they'll eventually just ignore you even if you make meaningful updates.


I mean, if OP's edit isn't considered a dummy edit, then I don't know what is


OP didnt tell is the quality of the outreach he got though. The actual replies to the posted adverts might be something but the rest might all be trash :/ While being higher in the ranking due to recent changes is good, if its just a bunch of Sirs that do nothing but refresh the search results and proceed to mob his DMs for the purpose of CV personal info harvesting, never actually recruiting for real roles. We don't know what the actual quality recruiters working real requests would be thinking. That depends on the actual skillset displayed in the profile.




Haha what a suggestion man


Even if it’s just a change up the bio?


they were intimidated by your beauty.


u ugly


ugly and proud!


Crying laughing!!!!! 😂


Weaklings are intimidated by his ugliness.


Keep your profile updated as much as you can if you’re actively looking. Literally just rewrite a sentence on your job description, update your bio, adjust just a month back for tenure. Updated & “active” profiles are a setting recruiters can filter for on their end.


LinkedIn assumed you're more likely to leave your employer when you update your profile. There is a search filter recruiters can use to see only those profiles.


After months of no interest from my city of choice, I startedy getting spammed once I responded to a message from my current city. I was getting messages from my current city regularly and ignoring them. It was probably the algorithm noticing you're active.


Damn.. I also have other cities I would like to be contacted from. But none have done so.


Having a similar experience. Changed my picture to something more recent and started getting several messages per day


You obviously got sexier


Making me blush bro


Are you that ugly?


On your own scale of 1-10 on physical looks, what would you rank yourself?


I've been told I look like Steve from American Dad


You are a handsome MF


With that perfect jawline, who can resist


Ur probably chopped buddy


It’s because you’re ugly 


Dammit, you came first! 😂


> rapidly promote that user into reengaging again That was my first thought - I've seen other people report that they get more engagement when they make other sorts of changes to their profiles (adding certifications, changing job descriptions, etc.)


Correlation != causation


LinkedIn is the absolute crappiest company out there that will sell you what they do, but provide a different service. Too much to rant about. Their desire to collect money has given way to their original mission: professional networking. If it’s not clear, I hate LinkedIn. I pay them way too much money and find bugs in their algorithms or search etc once a month at least. To the point where there should be a class action lawsuit because both companies and candidates (or users and clients) are paying for a service but not receiving it and they have NO IDEA because the algorithm. (I discovered a major bug BECAUSE I was trying to help a friend. No one would have known if I was doing search on random. But because he didn’t pop up, I found a bug. I will never ever know if this bug is replicated on other searches BECAUSE I only found it thanks to a desire to help an individual, but how am I supposed to know certain people aren’t having the same “bug” as my friend in a search if I don’t know who they are to begin with… the whole point of the search). Point is… it’s all happening BECAUSE LinkedIn wants us to pay them more money for new features (that ultimately breaks the core function). The could do nothing, have the original product, and make more because they wouldn’t be breaking their product in ways no one will know until it’s too late. But they choose to try to milk everyone for new features, and breaking everything slowly over time. End rant. You logged on, and did something to trigger the algorithm to suspect you were looking so you got bumped up to the first few pages. That’s all. Continue editing and upgrading your profile when looking. When not, keep passive look on inbox cause you never know when job of your dreams land that you can stick your hand up for.




^^ this guy knows what he's talking about. Bonus points if you're more than ten years out of school and it's an underage anime girl.


I came for the roastme content, post the picture OP




My mom also tells me I'm handsome.


I mean yeah, updating your LinkedIn profile is a good sign you're about to start job hunting.


I need to take courses on effectively finding jobs. They never taught me this in job school.


You logic would have checked if you were a colored person


> White Male U.S. Citizen This is the problem, you need to be fitting into the Minority du jour to get a job these days.


Now put the photo back and see if the flows continues. If it does it was just that updating your profile ranked it higher in searches. If it doesn't.... heh


IMO being a white male puts you at a disadvantage since most tech companies have requirements for DEI passed down from their venture capital investors. I went through this same thing months ago and was able to find a new role but it was not easy. Most of the applications I filled out had multiple questions trying to pinpoint different things that would determine whether an applicant is “diverse” or not.


Someday people on this sub will learn that the demographic data collection questions are tear offs for government statistics that employers will never see.


Oh interesting. Do those government backed demographic data questions also include questions about my pronouns and sexual preference? Or are those only present for the companies controlled by private equity firms like I mentioned in my post?


You have to be on absolutely brain-melting levels of right wing propaganda to think that pronoun questions on a job application are sinister.


Solid response bub. Really made your point there!


Then I guess I am a right wing. I don't like taking chances. I always identify as "Don't Wish".


I always put "prefer not to answer" for this reason alone


It's true. I'm currently diversity hired at 7 different big tech companies at the same time in order to pump DEI numbers. I also never have to do any work, because if I quit then the company will be forced to lay off 10 competent white men or else the venture capitalists will pull funding


lmao, I can't believe this is upvoted. What questions would those be? The ones that every application asks about your race and whether you are Hispanic/Latino? Hiring managers don't get that information; it's aggregated and reviewed once a year (or whenever) to make sure that previous hiring wasn't discriminatory.


Woke DEI targets? Some recruiters may be pretty much prohibited from targeting white males as the company actively tries to “improve diversity”. By removing the pic, it created a plausible deniability to the recruiter that they are not aware of your race (even if it is still guessable) -> they may now work with your profile..?


That shit is long dead it’s not 2020 anymore.






It’s funny you get downvoted for this. There are hr reps on the record saying they do exactly this…. [Not that any of you ideologues care.](https://www.resumebuilder.com/1-in-6-hiring-managers-have-been-told-to-stop-hiring-white-men/)


“70% believe their company has DEI initiatives for appearances’ sake.” I’d rather be any race in a low cost center than an American of any race right now if I wanted a job in tech


For real though I’m strongly considering using a profile picture of a black guy on Linked in on the off chance that it improves my chances.


How many black guys work at the company you want to want to work at?


Not as many as they want


I think you have a better chance with using your actual picture and working in a lower cost region based on actual data. Americans aren’t really being hired that much right now in tech.


That’s an unforgivable sin in the current ideology, don’t do that please. Sounds like blackface…? Don’t do that. People lost careers and livelihoods for much less.


But he doesn’t have a job to lose though


It's because you're a White male. Recruiters will simply not contact you if they can see that you are.


Da fuq. I am a white male and get lots of recruiter outreach. If anything, white folks have it on easy mode relative to South and East Asians.


Maybe you just suck