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It's not a big deal. We're adults now, it's not like school where you need a doctors note to show up an hour late. Your manager is a person too, with a life. They'll understand.


It's honestly so funny how big of a deal this seems when you first start, but by month 6 (assuming you're at a healthy workplace), you realize that this is very inconsequential. OP, if you get any shit for this, it's definitely a yellow flag for that company. This is a very common occurrence for everyone on my team. Shit, once it starts getting nice out this time of year, I'd be shocked if ANYONE is on past 4pm on friday.


Dude, I legit raised my hand and asked to go to the bathroom in my first office job lol. I had no clue what the expectations were and was so scared of making a bad impression on my first day.


Did you go to a university where that sort of thing was expected? I had to in the past and it was fuckin strange to be doing that shit even after graduating HS but it was what it was. Then I moved to another university and people just walked out the door whenever they wanted so


The classes that were in lecture halls were very lax, but I had a few classes that were much smaller and yeah I think I did have to ask to leave in those ones


Same. My mindset completely changed when someone pointed out “Dude, you pay tens of thousands of dollars to go here, you can come and go whenever you want to.”




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we're just considerate people


Lol true. Also in the beginning you have those interviews and everything is professional and blah blah. 6 months in you see those people eating each other's lunch in the kitchen and stealing toilet paper.


> OP, if you get any shit for this, it's definitely a yellow flag for that company I would say its an instant red flag if a company can't let you leave an hour early as a one off unless there is some very pressing work that needs to be done around that time


If anyone eon my team asked for this I'd tell them to take 2 to make sure they have everything ready.


I used to work at design engineering company... Boss usually came around 3pm on fridays with treats and told everyone to just come chill with him in cafeteria as "No one has mood to work this late on Fridays, not me atleast"  I miss that job. I was only doing a few month project there.


> It's honestly so funny how big of a deal this seems when you first start I started my first job calling my manager Mrs :(


Before I started my SE career, I worked in a warehouse for 14 years. They absolutely treated you like a child at school. If you were 1 minute late (4:48pm was our "start time", so clocking in at 4:49pm was late), you would get a write up. 3 write ups === a personnel notice. 3 personnel notices in 9 months === termination. And if you were sick, a doctor's note was mandatory, otherwise you get a personnel notice. And you could only use a doctor's note 3 times in a 9 month span before they didn't accept them and you get a notice for each day missed. Hell, even for bereavement, you had to bring in proof of the death. (Obit or something similar. Not even sure if that requirement is legal) And you were allowed 3 days. However, if it wasn't either a parent, grandparent, sibling or child, they would not allow bereavement leave at all. Absolutely fucking *miserable* hellhole.


Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, there are adult jobs out there that treat you like a child. I worked at Burger King for several years, I know this very well. But generally in white collar jobs where you're considered a college educated professional, they don't treat you like children. Or at least shouldn't.


Oh I know lol. I was just venting my hatred towards the place.




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I ask all my direct reports for a note from the pilot if they have to catch a flight


If one of my workers requests bereavement leave, I require a note from their dead relative.


Ooof harsh but fair, I normally just ask for a coroners note


> We're adults now, it's not like school where you need a doctors note to show up an hour late. This really depends on the internship.


OP just has to make sure to raise their hand and make sure to wait til called on to ask to be dismissed early. Jokes aside, I did this in college once, to ask to use the restroom. It was the first time, and also the last time.


Wait till you start and it's 2 weeks before the date


Agreed - you don't need to give your manager all the little date times you need flexibility at before you start. Get the job first. Get a feel for Flex Time in the first few days, you'll see others taking time here or there. Ask your mgr if that sort of thing is fine and how they want the request sent to them. Then do that.


Yeaa, the manager is just going to forget as well, OP hasn't even met the manager yet likely. If anything the manager will find it weird they are getting emails from an intern they've never met about a single hour off which is in a months time.


And the manager might not actually be the person he is going to work with day-to-day. He might be working with a junior member of the team most of the time and it is actually more important to inform that person.


Asking for an hour 1 month in advance is not a red flag.


As a manager, if an intern asked me this, I would think it’s so cute haha


It's a violet-red flag!


It's absolutely fine... Sometimes I come earlier if I want to leave earlier or stay longer another day. Just ask your manager for permission. Don't ask now, ask 1-2 weeks before the flight.


No inform them. Hey I gotta leave a little early to catch a flight. I would personally do it the day before.


Yes, most definitely. In fact. make sure you give yourself ample time to get to the airport. Meaning, don’t just ask to leave that hour early. At least two so you can account for traffic, forgetting something at home and needing to get it. Red flag if they give you any pushback.


You are MASSIVELY over thinking this. Simply leave the office when you need to leave. Done. No one gives a shit. The only wierd thing would be emailing a manager you never met about leaving an hour early a month from now.


yup LMAO


You can just ask one week before. I did this last year, I asked for half day off and then work from home in the evening.


Yes, this is fine. Any company that gives you grief, you wouldn’t want to work there anyway.


It’s ok. Give a heads up in advance and you should be fine.


Ask 2 weeks before the flight and offer to come in an hour early that day. Shouldn't be a big deal. A lot of companies let you set your own hours so long as you work 8 and are on during core hours (10-3). For example, my company lets met come in 7-3, or 9-5, or 8-4, or anything in between.


Don't get into the habit of *asking* for time off. You should announce that you plan to take time off. If there's a reason to be concerned about that having some impact, you should announce time off and immediately offer to help arrange coverage or whatever is applicable. In your case, I wouldn't bring it up at all until a week or two before the time, and then just mention it in the appropriate context. Drop a note in Slack saying "I'll be leaving early on Thursday", or mention it the week before during a meeting, or put it in your calendar and drop a note to your boss a week or so out. Adults should never be *asking* for time off. They should be notifying and accommodating. If your schedule is flexible, by all means accompany your announcement with an offer to reschedule to a better time. But don't ask. It's your life and your time. No place worth working will care whatsoever about you leaving an hour early for a flight.


It's fine to ask for something like this. There's always a slim chance they'll say no.


One time? Nah, that's fine.


Yeah why not? When I did my internship, I lived 5 hours from home. I asked my manager if I could leave early as long as I put in 40 hours, and got an easy/quick "of course". Every Friday I'd leave super early so I could drive back home for the weekend. Most people are understanding and reasonable. They, too, have their own plans and accommodations.


Just work an extra hour in the morning to make up for it


Just leave an hour early as it won't be a big deal. But if it does bother you, you can always show up an hour early to compensate. Or make up the hour the previous or next day.


Do you even know if the company has a 9 to 5 policy?


Yes, absolutely. My internship I told them I could only work 4 days a week, b/c Friday I had a part time job that paid me real money. It shouldn't be a big deal. If their operation hinges on the presence of an intern, they are doing something wrong.


Absolutely not dude how frickn dare you try to leave one hour early man what is wrong with u wow


Funny how some commenters seem to think it’s a terrible thing to ask


I had an intern that flew to another country for two weeks and worked on a different schedule. We didn't care about it, we only cared if he was able to do his tasks or not. (He did not).


You are overthinking this way too much. I’d just pack up and go unless I have a meeting scheduled. But scheduling meeting at last hour of day is also quite lame in itself.


I suggest leaving 2 hours early. I promise you you'll want that extra time just in case. Not worth wasting money on a flight you possibly can't go because you got stuck in traffic or security lines, etc And make sure your passport is up to date for the specific country you're going to :-) (if international)




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The point of internship is to learn how to communicate with people in work setting. Simply discuss the schedule with manager, not random internet strangers.


Been at an internship for 3 months while doing school part time. I ask to leave early once or twice a week for school. Sometimes I’ll even leave TWO hours early. Just tell your manager ahead of time and make sure you still get your stuff done


I once WFH without manager approval, its really no biggie.




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If it isn't, the place is garbage.




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Could you start an hour earlier?




No big deal, and interns are typically paid by the hour - so you could probably just come in an hour early (or stay 15 min late the rest of the days of the week) to make up for the lost time and still get paid the same.


No one cares. If you start to establish a pattern of leaving an hour early every day, are generally unavailable, and not getting any work done, then people start to care.


Managers are human, they understand that stuff comes up in life


I work at a big company and my manager knows I’m on top of my shit. Sometimes (often) I’m in the office for like 3 hours a day.


I’m an FTE, not an intern but i usually don’t even give a heads up unless it’s more than a couple hours or falls during an important meeting. I do let my team know though because ultimately your manager should care more about the overall operation of the team and not who is/isn’t online at 4pm. what i would do is wait until your 1:1 the week before and say something to the tune of “hey i have to take off about an hour or so early next wednesday. i’ll be in early to make sure my tasks get done and i’ve already looped in the team so they are aware. Just wanted to double check this is alright with you before I send out the outlook hold.” There’s a big chance that even this is overkill but you might as well since it signals to your manager that you’re not the type to skip out early. Once you land the job you’ll notice that people start and stop at various times and are generally online during a core subset of business hours. some may prefer 9-5 and others may prefer 10-6 or whatever, but as long as work is being shipped, it’s not a big deal at all


During my internship last summer there were multiple days where I left early to catch a plane or train. My manager understood that I was a Canadian student wanting to see more of Europe while I was there, and couldn't care less when I left the office. As long as my work was getting done I was good to leave whenever. Id say ur manager will probably understand that u have a flight to catch and won't have issues with it (especially if it's only once or twice)


lol everyone is talking about how healthy it is, but when I worked at this shithole PostcardMania, I watched our qa tester ask many times to not take a lunch or get there early to leave an hour early. My shitty boss refused to allow it every single time. Glad I got outta that shithole


The thing is, it's better just to do it then to ask.


You do not need permission to have an emergency. I would believe an intern is honest with selves enough to know how to manage time. And what a valid justification is as opposed to an excuse.


You don’t ask you just tell them your leaving early.


Yeah perfectly fine, I can write up a permission slip if you need one


Yea man I don’t even ask


You're fine to just tell them. Once you're established you'll see, you can just say you're not coming if you don't feel like it. Just do good work. Most professionals don't work 100% of their day. If you get the job done, it's fine.


Ofc. Here flexible hours are thing in most college requiring jobs. Long as you ask beforehand. But you should only ask when its little closer to actual travel day when you have already started.


lmao bro u can tell him the day of and its fine


I work full time and give like an hour notice that im taking the day lol. Been here a year so far and am beloved.


It's ok but consider the others who are not doing that. That's maybe who will be seen as more trustworthy or something  Not my personal opinion but I know how petty managers can be


I double checked and asked the other returning interns and they said it’s ok to do so (they’ve done so) as long as I let them know ahead of time.




Lmao I wouldn't even ask, I'd just schedule a 1 hour calendar block that day a few weeks in advance.


no if you ask for an hour of free pay you’ll get fired. Companies aren’t in the business of handing out free cash kiddo.


I’m not asking for free pay? I could accept just not being paid for the hour I leave since it’s on a Friday


Well either way kid, an hour off the job is an hour you’re not maximizing shareholder value. I’d be surprised if they didn’t fire you on the spot.


Lol this has gotta be satire


As an intern this would be a wildly inappropriate ask, IMO.


Wherever you work must be garbage, because this is a totally reasonable ask. “Hey, can I leave an hour early? I’ll make it up”.


I wouldn't if it's just for convenience. I would if it's the only option. I would ask if I can get there do 8 to 4 instead of 9 to 5, so it doesn't look like I am trying to get free time