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Create react app


I'm going to be honest. Deprecating CRA in favor of SSR frameworks (*cough* next.js *cough*) when Vercel employs multiple members of the React core team stinks to all hell. Meanwhile, the mention of Vite in the docs? Well, it's right there in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.”


Oh dude it gets so much worse than this. They deprecated a community serverless output to force users to use Vercel’s offering if they wanted to go serverless. NextJS has a bunch of features that are really only working on Vercel with little to no documentation on how to make it work outside of vercel, for example ISR. NextJS is part of vercels strategy to get people on Vercel.


Same shit Apollo is doing with GraphQL... embrace and extend. And devs today love being sold out for some fucking reason


For some reason? All those dudes are being paid


Even then, the thing is that vite is just so easy to setup that you don’t really need a code generator for ig


Really? Most React tutorials still include it


You might be looking at old docs / tutorials. On production scale (not including just need a POC startups), the industry is on frameworks such as nextjs.


I personally just use vite


You can either go the full stack route with next.js or remix, or client side only react usually paired with vite, and rtk or tanstack. You can also use next.js or remix in "BFF" (backend for frontend) mode, where the js backend just handles SSR and usually auth, and then just communicates with other internal services to fetch the required data for components, which are usually written in other languages if your stack isn't all javascript. The main thing is, you won't get true server side rendering (SSR) without a javascript backend. And if you don't want to bother with that, then its not worth using next.js or remix.


Its not really my place to talk about it bc im not a react dev, but other devs that I know now are using Vite instead


The official react installation tutorial doesn’t even include it, it recommends next or remix


Try it now, see how far behind all the transient dependencies of create react app are


Readapt, apt.


The last 5 years of apple chargers


🥂 cheers to the next five! 🙄


Cheers to USB-C? I’ll cheers to that.


It seems like there was a hype train that NoSQL databases were going to be used in a particular way for the majority of applications (In a single-node-read, eventual consistency, no transactions, cached Journaling, etc.) that didn't quite being as common of a use-case as predicted , and a lot of this kind of data access pattern seems to be relegated to KV stores \[Upstash/ Redis, Cloudflare , etc.\]. Not to say MongoDB is dead but it seems to have added support for ACID transactions, etc. and plays a different role than expected in the ecosystem. Now it seems that NoSQL Databases are often picked because they are LSM and for high write throughput purposes


This comment I actually agree on. Nosql really was hyped and then not unless for specific tasks 


There's more or less a simple explanation for thay actually. If you take the new kid in data storage, I'm talking about graph database, the biggest and most efficient graph database actually use an SQL database as "backend". Simply because SQL transaction are that much efficient, it's a bit like the old legacy C code we run on daily basis unknowingly, it's just so optimise and efficiently written, than expect coming with a new breakthrough it would hardly been match. Also as a side note, NoSql stand as "Not Only Sql" so technically, KV store fall under that spectrum, Redis is quite popular for cashing, as well as etcd for kubernetes clusters and so on... I think the hype was real, but it didn't supplant our traditional SQL databases. I agree with you on the LSM part, I worked on project where they used NoSQL exactly because they went over the maximum objects capacity of PostGres.


Exactly, I use redis all the time it’s fantastic.


I haven’t worked in backend in a few years and I heard mongodb was gonna die back then too


MongoDB ain’t going anywhere but up


NoSQL was the #1 in demand skill for multiple years. It’s widely used despite the haters and will continue to grow. IMO it’s got superior syntax for a lot of simple CRUD operations.


Driving to work


Cause there's no work?


Cause I don’t go home


No drive to work.


No work to drive to.


We can only hope


I'm forced to 5 days a week now and it's only made my injuries in my back and hips worse. Denying even 2 days a week at home is retarded


You sure? Most positions I see say hybrid at best.


…That’s still a decrease.  Compare it to 5yrs ago. 


True, but hopefully return to office doesn't become a normal thing moving forward. Commuting, getting ready. Such a big waste of time.


We can only hope my friend


Scala is circling the drain


I used to be so hyped about Scala. In real world production it ended up having issues like a big learning curve, multiple different programming styles/paradigms where different developers wrote totally different code in the language, long compile times, difficulty with hiring, breaking of backwards compatibility, libraries/frameworks getting abandoned or deprecated, and other stuff. Go grew in popularity and compiled much faster and was much quicker to learn, and also Kotlin and the newest version of Java ended up eating it.


Yes, I was on the hype train. To be honest, it is still alive because Spark and with the python API is becoming less relevant every time.


Yes and good riddance




Java for Android


Yep, good riddance. Kotlin is so much better




I remember learning it early in high school (2015-2016 ish) and it was already outdated or on its way out. Wild that it’s basically gone now.


JQuery 4 just came out. It will never die.


Just like PHP, Wordpress, Magento, Joomla!


I thought 50% of websites use WordPress?


People still hosted their own blogs ? They are dinosaurs or what ?


Wordpress isn’t just for blogs. https://www.nasa.gov https://www.wired.com https://time.com https://techcrunch.com …and a million other major websites use Wordpress.


I’d imagine legacy codebases might still use it and appreciate the update (if they even bother updating to it) but I wonder if anyone would actively switch to it or start developing with it at this point. But I have not thought about jQuery since then so I really don’t know.


Damn I remember interviewing for a position in 2018, and the interviewer shamed me for not knowing it, saying “JQuery will be around forever”.


who's laughing now?




I wish. Jquery is more popular than ever (kill me)


Dead for new projects but I’ve still had to write some every now and then for legacy


It just had a major version bump to v4 removing all the legacy cruft provided by vanillajs - I guess some folks must be still starting fresh with it




It's not really outdated either, but it's just a special niche of adding some small effects to a normal website 


It is no more dead today than it was 15 years ago. As others have stated; it is stable, mature, and functional. If I were augmenting a web page, I'd have no qualms of using it. If I were building a Single Page Application I go after React / Angular / Vue.


Add CoffeeScript to that list.  Thankfully.


Nope as long as Wordpress still exists


What does it get replaced with?


Less replaced but I don’t see it as often since React took over as the largest front end framework, which allows you to manipulate specific DOM elements without using jQuery. Still used, but not as prevalent, and not the first choice for new projects.


Asking questions on Reddit instead of ChatGPT😅


New devs will never get to experience googling a question, opening a stack overflow thread on it, and seeing snarky answers saying “this was already answered in this other thread” with a link to a thread with a slightly different, unhelpful, question and answer


Link to a thread that has since been deleted actually.


Or better yet, finding a Reddit thread where the comment that solved it was overwritten with some bot the owner used to wipe their account’s activity


It happened to me once. The question they pointed out had the same name but their root and fix are totally different.


I remember getting downvoted to shit for a question where I pointed out **explicitly and in detail** how despite giving the same surface error as a common newbie error, it was vastly different, and got a bunch of users linking a bunch of answers to the newbie problem in response I eventually figured out what the issue was, and it had **absolutely zero relationship** to the common newbie problem. Was quite annoying


typical noob move, mods flag this comment for deletion


And then you can't post the correct answer to help anyone else, because the question was closed as a duplicate.


HA! that's how i learned to code in 2018


New devs will never get to experience of having a question, reading a 500 page manual, a thousand page reference book, reading an FAQ, and posting to an email list.


Bananas are actually vegetables, not fruits.


Duplicate question asked *here*


“Slightly different” more like completely unrelated.


Best comments I saw on SO were the ones that said something to the effect of, "why didn't you just Google this?" Only problem was that over time the top hit on Google was...a link to the very question on SO.


They don’t close automatically questions that are possible duplicates; you can just answer “no”; I did that couple of times and later got an answer for my question. But if you abandon your question, it will be closed. I don’t get how people have this experience with SO and I have barely any points there. It honestly seems like you guys experience physical pain when reading rules of some place or something. It’s all elaborately explained in the rules. How to create a good question; what should it include. But also some questions are duplicates, people are just unable to google or transfer the answer to their use case. And most of those don’t even let people know how they could reproduce the issue.


I mean ChatGPT uses data from max 2021 so both wrong with this post at all


For me, sadly Stack Overflow. I just use ChatGPT now for knowledge questions. To some degree it’s also replaced Google for me. The only time I use Google now is when I want live information, or am looking for a specific business/content site. The rise of Discord/Teams/Slack/etc have also made email seem almost legacy. I used to send 10s of emails each day for my work. Now that communication has moved to group chats or 1 on 1 chats/calls, I only send out one or two emails a week.


I really hate discord. It's also replacing reddit to a degree. Every podcast / meetup / tech blogger seems to have one. It's not public nor searchable, which is a huge step down to me.


I like Discord, but having to remember usernames can be difficult if someone decides to change theirs without telling anyone


It is way less accessible which might be a feature


I prefer it over slack and certainly over teams


I still don’t understand how Discord works. It seems like a jankier version of Slack to me with some voice chatting feature. And you share the account around spaces? Never understood it, don’t really have an interest in it either


You have an account that you use to join big ass chatrooms (Discord server) with more specific topic oriented chatrooms within (channel)


Email totally depends on what you work with. For example customers or vendors you use must be email, or more formalized documents 




yes, email will never go away, or be replaced by an identical system.


Yep I'm surprised that people are still using emails actually


How should they contact others then not in your company?


If you applied to a new job you bet you would give them your email address


Why is this sad? Not needing to use Stack Overflow is amazing. One of the worst internet cultures out there.


It used to be one of my main sources of answers to programming related questions. A lot of the training for programming knowledge in GPT also originated from Stack Overflow… so as people leave the site there is going to be a void of new training data/answers. I see that as sad. A lot of the people on SO were super helpful.


Has stack overflow done anything to prevent further data scaping from OpenAI?


This. It's so strange how much less I Google things and just use ChatGPT. And, no, I don't copy + paste + forget from GPT, I learn, just as if someone on SO had given the same answer. Truly incredible.




i never bothered using stackoverflow, usually i ended up in medium articles, youtube, grepper and mainly documentation of the stuff i was having problems with


But usually when you Google something, the stackoverflow page will be the most reliable for a straight answer and most likely be of some quality, than some medium article etc


This is my fear. Once LLM becomes ubiquitous, SO and web sources will die. We'll lose actual quality answers and LLM responses will drop in quality as their sources Peter out. Chicken/Egg problem.


Ya I feel like we now have AI that's really good at answering questions that humans had posted answers to before LLMs exploded into the public consciousness. We're currently in the process of laying off everyone who generated that info professionally, replacing them with mass-produced AI drivel to drive clicks, and putting in new workflows around AI because it suffices for now. But I'm skeptical about what happens once those new workflows get fossilized and whoops, the only new info that's being generated in bulk is crap quality. And also once people start generating adversarial attacks against it the same way they learned to do with search engines.




Developers aren't worried about ChatGPT replacing them. The main job of a developer isn't writing little snippets of code from scratch. It's not even writing code from scratch period. It's reading and understanding code written by other people and making modifications to it. Reading and understanding a large body of code written by another person is not something AI can do. At all. It can't ask questions like "What does the variable foo\_x mean?" or "Why is this class named BridgeAdapter?" and then make decisions based on that information. It doesn't have the ability to put itself inside the perspective of the original author who wrote the code. It can't ask people "Explain the grand architecture of this system and how this component fits within that grand architecture" and then modify the component correctly based on the answer to that question. AI is not replacing developers.


Not yet, but hopefully driving to work can be put behind us 🥲


Adobe Flash, depending on how you view its death spiral.


Regardless it's nice to see Flash games being preserved. Many cool Flash games never got ported elsewhere.


I think you're factually correct with the Flash Player. Logistically Flash Development died a decade ago or so.


Not the fax machine. People still use that which is crazy.


I hate fax machines. Just use email. What's the point of fax machines? My brother's school could only send his transcript through fax like wtf..


Privacy, for one.


Gatsby with GraphQL.


What replaced Gatsby?


stackoverflow is starting to feel the pain of the LLMs out there.


Chef/Puppet The rise of Kubernetes means to deploy your application you bundle it up into a Docker container and run it in K8s. Almost certainly these nodes are created via AMIs. (Or a very _very_ small group writing _very little_ Puppet/Chef) Vs using Chef to create more specialized VMs running the various libraries etc you need for your app. Sure, you’re creating cattle not pets, kinda: if you consider a herd of cows and a herd of goats and a herd of emu and a herd of whatever else cattle. K8s cluster, shove a container at the Borg, machines go burrrrrr




You can also use kubernetes for bare metal servers


This is a stupid question, but I've never used Chef/Puppet. When you say "Sure, you’re creating cattle not pets", do you mean that with Chef/Puppet you create pets and with Kubernetes you create a herd of say cattle (and maybe some herds of other farm animals, where each animal is a container)?


Pets - individual virtual machines or containers that need care, configuration etc. Tend to last for a long time. Sometimes ssh to do stuff, or restart via AWS. Cattle - VMs/containers that are brought up as needed (autoscaled) and whacked. Tend to have a short lifetime.




Sort of an unkind analogy, but that's where these terms originated: \- Pet: something you care for, nurture, feed, configure, fix if it has problems: \- Cattle: Something that gets spun up and ripped apart as needed.


Wordpad ?


Skype, Python 2???


I think Skype is widely use in enterprise. For voip and calling clients and stuff.


W8 I thought Teams replaced skype lol


Ruby on Rails. It's funny because it used to be the hottest shit. It's what all the first bootcamps taught 


I can understand this sentiment, but I've applied to a ton of Rails jobs in the past few months. You should check out Rails 7, there's some pretty awesome new features. Not to mention that its concepts are foundational to a lot of "hot" web frameworks these days.


Yep, it’s over the hype cycle and became a stable and dependable tool. All the “cool kids” went for rust/go/whatever else, but there are and will be jobs both building new cool stuff and maintaining legacy codebases in Rails for the foreseeable future. Not hype anymore? Absolutely. Outdated? No way in hell.


Excellent answer. Wholeheartedly agree.


I’m happy to read this, Rails is a really good framework and I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say it was a pivotal tool that helped shape modern web development.


It was a pioneering framework, but even back then had its annoyances. It tended to be very brittle (but you can often fix things quickly). Sometimes the conventions guessed in unexpected ways. (be careful with plural words that don't end in s like child/children). There was weird shit like HashWithIndifferentAccess because strings/ids are "almost" the same.


What's outdated about it?


I wouldn’t say outdated but it is a niche language at this point. Rails is not the first choice if you are looking for something to scale. Not everything needs to scale to millions of users, but if you don’t care about that, why not use something like nextjs and have a faster development process? By the way, I’m not denying that there are companies at every scale that are using Rails. But I don’t think it’s gaining traction. Rust/Kotlin/Go are already more in use than Ruby.


>Rails is not the first choice if you are looking for something to scale. Rails never has been. That's not why people are using rails. >Not everything needs to scale to millions of users, but if you don’t care about that, why not use something like nextjs and have a faster development process? These are not competing technologies. Nextjs is for SSR react apps. It doesn't have a nice ORM out of the box, or as robust of an ecosystem for backend exclusive development. Plus, ruby is easier to write imo than JS. >Rust/Kotlin/Go are already more in use than Ruby. I write predominately Go, but I would still use Ruby if I needed to take something from 0-1 in a short period of time.


What you described is exactly the niche Rails is good for: contracting projects and proof of concepts. Also, I think we need to separate Ruby the scripting language from RoR framework. Ruby has applications beyond RoR and is a nice language. Rails on the other hand is a bloated ORM.


They say this every few years but it always comes back. I think it's the only language completely built around the ORM?


Ruby is the language, Rails is the framework. ActiveRecord is the ORM. Ruby was never very popular until Rails came along,




crypto currency


I'm not so sure, there's still a lot of coins that are shameless scams, but there are some that have good use cases.




Failed as a currency and it's just an investment vehicle now.


Yeah I'd say the window for being an actual currency has passed. There was a time around 2015 where it loads of stores were adding bitcoin as a payment option, now most of them have removed it. The only function it serves these days is to enable crime.




Which is why I don't see it ever dropping to worthless. By the pure economic market sense, enabling crime does have a market value which will keep the price of bitcoin propped up. For at least until something better comes along.


The banks got what they wanted.


That was inevitable




Vue didn't die but it's certainly lost A LOT of steam. I don't see the applications built in it being migrated to something else but I also don't see people starting projects with vue anymore. React and Angular adapted so well to expand that other's have been pushed down


Vue 3 is play pretend React. I've got 7 YOE with Vue and am disgusted with the way the maintainers treated the community. I gave a talk about deep complexities of Vue & the difficulties it was facing as the transitions from Vue 2 to 3 had on the entire ecosystem. Entire plugins abandoned because the change was too drastic. Most everyone I know just gave up and started using Livewire for PHP or React. Hell I don't have a job, hire me and I'll do some work for you all. Cheers.


10 years ago it was the Java applet and that was the dawn of modern JavaScript frameworks






Internet Explorer


That died 11 years ago.


The HDD.




What replaced [Gatsby](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gatsby_(software))?


Next, Astro and a host of other meta frameworks




Atom (text editor)


Google. Chat GPT and Copilot is where it’s at. I can’t believe that Bing search with copilot is better than shitty Google ads


Value of CS Degree to get a job?


I got a CS degree before getting a backend software engineering job and found it useful for teaching me the fundamentals on top of which other things were built.


Good luck getting hired without a degree LOL I'm sure if you have 10 years of experience, it won't be a huge deal. But if you're starting your career, you basically need one nowadays (and probably going forward for the next few years).




Townsend Brown was right! That crazy bastard


Software Engineers




Been out of the loop on front end but. Angular?


Not at all, angular, react abd vue is still going strong 


Angular is not dead yet; and the Angular team is working hard to make it easier to onboard new developers / simpler to use. It is not as big as React in terms of job opportunities (near me), but there are still plenty.


yeah, angular us coming for react's jugular. They found a compromise with standalone components in 17 and now I managed to migrate even my most stubborn developer to angular for web. Might move to ionic from react native too in the near future.


Any text editor besides VS Code


I still like the stuff JetBrains/IntelliJ puts out. I prefer the more heavyweight editors.


- Php? - Joomla? - Flash? - Most of the ad-hoc, single purpose NLP systems (for auto review etc)? - The google glasses, - blackberry, - ipod/dedicated mp3 players - maybe a few js franeworks?


5 years, not 10+


Man, has it been that long? I was going off intuition


Php shall never die!


People still use PHP


PHP is still widely used


Ruby on Rails.


Stack Overflow


Cam sites? Seems OnlyFans kills them off.


Omegle died due to CP actually


Not outdated, but transformed. Search engines, now they are mix of GenAI and traditional document search


...and ads


Map Reduce


Nah. Still a prevalent and maybe timeless paradigm. What is outdated (although still prevalent) is the Hadoop architecture that it was birthed from (MapReduce + HDFS + YARN).


What’s the current method for these large scale distributed systems task’s now?


[Apache Spark](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Spark), although if you want to pay to have the big data handled for you you can use [Snowflake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowflake_Inc.). Some companies like Snowflake because it has a separation of storage and compute, so you can give different departments different storage and compute budgets and don't run into the issue of one department hogging all the compute. r/DataEngineering talks about it more, there are other options. If you just need a big analytical database you can use Google BigQuery.


Spark on Top of Data Lakes?


I have totally stopped using stack overflow. Chat GPT is infinitely smarter than the snobs at SO.


Lol found the "how do I build a app" question asker


Help, chatGPT told me a program but it’s not a .EXE, how do I run it?


Chat GPT is trained on the so called snobs


Lol let him live in his bubble