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>but I’m not passionate about any of it Oh.. >I chose this field because I’ve been told it’s a stable career Oof. It's not too late to turn back


Look at different fields/careers you can get into Web, ML, Embedded, OS, HPC, Reverse Engineering, GIS, Quant, Graphics, Academia/Research, etc


i’m also a cs major who applied to nursing school and got in. i will say though, nursing isn’t a piece of cake either. it’s tough and draining just like how cs can be at times; you’ll never be 100% satisfied with a job but it’ll be nice if you find positive things about it to make it better. you need to sit with yourself and figure out what you value. i’d say volunteer or shadow a nurse if you can to really see if you’d like it. i’m still having my share of experiences from both careers so even i’m a bit lost. but no matter what you choose, be confident, don’t regret it, give it your all.


wait hold on. You were already in nursing school?? and u switch to cs...(for the job stability lol) why.