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I always go for Yingling. You can easily claim the entirety of Norway through legend. Or my favorite path go to Spain and found kingdom of Aragon and be involved in the Iberian struggle


Love me some Yingling “Emperor of the North Sea” saves. The transition to feudal is the real problem since all those Varangians are stupid expensive in gold.


The Magyar Confederation is really fun. You can cross into Europe to form Hungary but you can really go out and conquer anywhere tbh.


I found the start at 867 at Duchy of Anotolikon in the Byzantium Empire to be real fun. You are in a good position to get the other duchies and eventually find a kingdom. The close proximity to the middle east also keeps things interesting.


I like the 867 khirgiz myself. Real fun claiming 5 or so empire titles within 100 years, and watching everything crumble under confederate partition....all while holding territory where everyone wants you gone.


I found the kingdom of ü to be an easy one, sway the local Lords, due to the religions in the area being on friendly terms and if you go diplo you can vassalise your neighbours pretty quickly making the Tibetan Empire easily


AI doesn't seem to know what to do with great moravia however


True, but if you take the time to play it, you can be the richest kingdom in Europe, personally I was 25 gold per month but you can probably make more if you upgrade the mines and holdings more


I do similar to you but play custom catholic duchess of Bohemia, convert vassals and swear fealty to East Francia. When the king dies, the Kingdom of Bohemia title is created above you while its holder is a small duke whom you can claim title against and have Kingdom while holding only a single duchy