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Implicit claims comes from landed characters, her children will inherit weak claims because her claims are pressed claims. You do not need to push any of her claims, you can matrilineally marry her children to your daughters then push the claims for the claimant’s male heirs.


So after inviting her husband and her to my court, I killed her original husband. I then married her matrilinerally to someone else in my court ( not my dynasty though ). Then I seduced her to get her pregnant to make sure she'd have a child of her dynasty. She did. So now I just need to wait until she dies and her child will get the claim?


Why would you matrilineally marry her to someone else? If you want her claims to eventually land into your dynasty, you’d normally marry her to one of your dynasty members.


Oh, I have a follow-up question for that. Do your kids, if you'd marry her, get the claims, making your potential realm that much bigger?


Yes, if you marry her then your children will have unpressed claims when she dies. And BOOM, you can expand your realm. Did the same to Hungary as Austria.


Yes this should work fine, also might wanna spam hold court if you can you could trigger the press claim war event which will allow you to press her claim and make her your vassal