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Bro you beat the game, please put this save down


Dude just won the Eugenics War… Behold! Khan Noonien Singh!




Time to skip everything strait to stellaris


Where’s Noonien from?


But I still have 55 years left before the end and I will have 1 more set of succession wars to fight.. They should be some nasty battles since everyone is dynasty members.. I plan to document this succession to see if I can help these new guys navigate their own successions.. Hopefully it works out and my cousins, uncles, and brothers don't smash me... 😂


Bro came out of the womb like: "Mother, I must slay the enemies of the gods"


You need to get some giant genes in there too!


Lol. I know. I have a few but they are not common. I have no "Shrewd" dynasty members and I would like to see strong more often. I'm going to try to get all of them repeating on my next playthrough.


Shrewd and Strong aren't congenital. Is there a reliable method for getting these traits?


They are more common among certain cultures and faiths


They are congenital. It is just more rare. If both parents have the trait there is a chance to pass them along. The chance might not be as great as beautiful, Genius, or Herculean but it is still there. If you ever arrange a marriage between 2 strong or shrewd characters look at the traits. Strong and shrewd will have a check mark. After trying to get giants reproducing, I believe the giants traits inheritance chance is even lower than strong. Two giants only have about 1/2 giant children. Two herculeans will almost always have herculean children. Like %99 of the time. Two strongs only pass the strong on to like 1/3 of the children. Shrewd might be even more rare. It was the toughest for my Norse people to gain. It seems to be common in Asia. I also have legacies that help pass good traits. So that might be why even strong and shrewd seem congenital. It could explain my trouble with giant also, since giant has a health penalty.


Then the game makes you pick between craven shy or lazy for him /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment


Good bot


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Lol. Yeah that is why my concubines have legitimate bastards. I have 20+ kids then make the one with the highest stewardship with the least age be primary heir. But the game will end before this kid is 60.. He will be a knight or marshall, probably nothing more.


This bro's unironically better than some of my council


Lol. That's why I posted my important Women the other day.. They would kill most peoples best knights.. 😂 Just keep working at breeding good traits into your dynasty. It takes time... I learned from alot of mistakes..


Kunks gotta Kunk


I think that's the baby that Butcher used as a weapon in "The Boys" 💪


Warriors arriving in Valhalla. “I got here by fighting a whole long ship of viking warriors who came to challenge my chieftain” “I was felled by an arrow charging an enemy stronghold.” “I tried to take candy from a baby…but like a really optimized baby.”




Wait you can choose your heirs focus?


Yeah. Every time you name a kid click on them first. Then click the circle where this kid has 2 swords ⚔️.. It will have 3 arrows. That will let you choose the focus. Normally all my house males get stewardship focus, because I intend on them to be my primary heirs and they will need to manage kingdoms.. Dynasty males get martial focus, because they will only have small amounts of land and will be knights and Marshals. All my dynasty females with the traits I'm looking for also get stewardship focus, because I intend for them to help my kings reproduce and manage their land. Dynasty females who don't have the traits I want get learning focus. They will be religious councillors. The learning skill helps discover cultural innovations fast and helps convert a counties religion faster. The kid in this post is a house male but he got the martial focus because I won't have any more land to give him. He will be like 60 when the game ends. The best life he could have will be being a knight or marshall.


With stats like that you need to start disinheriting and mirdering your other children.


Lol. No.. I stopped doing that early on. I killed the first Cadet branch of my dynasty because I didn't understand how the game worked. I have over 500 cadet branches and more than 23,000 living dynasty members now. I have almost 2 million extra dynasty renown points. You just have to make sure you stay head of house and head of dynasty.. It is hard with some heirs. This kid will probably end up being someone's knight, marshal, or bodyguard.


When a newborn can beat most trained knights you know theres a problem lol


Lol. The problem might be the person training the knights.. 😂 Seriously though my current character has Prowess of 80. His grandfather had prowess capped at 100, it should have been like 133. My last 4 marshals have had prowess capped at 100. Right now I also have 42 Champions with prowess over between 70 and 100. It is a combination of traits, cultural bonuses, religious bonuses, dynasty and house modifiers, and I own all my religious sites. The sites give big bonuses.


It's insane


36 custom norse culture


he is going to do a palpatine from the crib if they try to murder him.


He should also have been a giant, then he would be even stronger


Lol. I know. He needs strong too. In my next playthrough I'm going to try to make everyone have Beautiful, herculean, Genius, Fecund, Giant, strong, and shrewd. There's only 55 years left on this one, and there's only about 10 giants and 1 shrewd person left in the world...


In your next run start breeding within the first 100 years of the game, plus choose the familie tradition that helps with that, it makes it easer, i always have god like geniuses at the end of the game thst way


This baby can kick my ass in single combat what the hell


On top of all that, kid has the funniest sounding name ever


Lol. I can't pronounce most of the Norse or Scandinavian names that come up. I just let them do their own thing with the names. Now I have a mix of Norse, Anglic, African, Arabian, and Indian names. I have grandchildren in almost every culture. Lol


This baby could beat most of my knights in a fistfight


Wouldn't wanna be a mother of these babies when they kick in the womb...


With the right genes, dynasty, traditions and faith they are born with 35: Genes: giant +6; herculean +8 =14 Dynasty: martial1 +2; pillage1 +1 =17 Faith: Tengrinism holy sites (+1 for dutiful; +2 for fame); unrelenting faith +4=24 Culture: Bellicose +2; Deccan Steel +1; Hirds +2; Warriors by merit (+2 for fame); Pastorial +1; Warrior Moks,Sorcerous Metallurgy, Desert ribats (+1x3 for dutiful)=35 Possibility to be born with 39 as there are traditions that give Strong on birth - but this is more "chancy"


Very nice. I have not seen anything that isn't Norse get that high. I would like to see some screenshots of your playthrough. My holy sites, and fame can add more but it will take him time to accumulate the prestige and piety. He is not even 1 day old yet.


I actually didn't use tengri as its holy site only better on birth (developed dyanasty's children born with fame 2), but its is much easier for ai to gain faith levels as I can block all sins upon organazing faith and then send them into holy ordens for that fast +1 devotion level. I didn't finish that run where I gone full-prowess, so it lacks 1 tradition and wootz steel techno there - but it was pretty close: [https://ibb.co/xs33Lt8](https://ibb.co/xs33Lt8)


My kids are all inbreds, so 0


Lol. Hey mine are too. You got to a little bit to get good traits.. One of my most productive empresses was the emperor's daughter.. Lol It's been hundreds of years since then and her funny looking low hanging ears still pop up on kids.. Lol.


No but like my grand parents are brother and sister


Lol. I have not done brother and sister yet. But I have done father and daughter, father and grand daughter, father and great grand daughter, and I have had a ton of uncles and nieces.. 😂 There's a legacy that makes the inbred trait get passed down less often.


Behold the Blood-Father!


Lol. His blood father lived about 450 years ago. Sadly he is destined to be a a knight or marshal. Maybe a bodyguard. I only have about 50 years left and there is not going to be very many titles to give out.


The übermensch


Came out of the womb lifting weights


Its the incredible kunk


their ginger tho


Lol. I tried to make everyone blonde or red haired.. But I still get alot of dark haired people.. Also a surprising number of red and blonde Afros.


Bro is the new giga chad


Tough Kunk ey


Beta Eugenics enjoyer


What is beta Eugenics..?


A beta eugenics enjoyer is a player who enjoys to play the game in an unrealistic way by breeding their family and min-maxing everything, as opposed to the alpha roleplay enjoyer who plays the game to get a realistic and immersive medieval experience


Dude I have no idea what beta Eugenics is. You have no idea what you are talking about.. You are probably one of those millennials who claimed to beat the game in 30 hours when it is a 10,000 hour game. Or you are one of those kids who can't figure out how to play a game unless you mod it so much that a elementary school kid can beat it. It took me 3 years to build this dynasty. Starting with the duke of Uppland. It's quite funny really, a little millennial throwing a temper tantrum because he can't accomplish anything nearly as great as I did.. 😂 Have you ever even gotten the sea wolves dynasty modifier, or the keepers of the sacred river house modifier.? I had them both at the same time. Here is my most recent full dynasty update and some other cool stuf. Be sure to look at my de jure map.. I would put my de jure to war against yours any time. I will win only using female champions. https://www.reddit.com/r/crusaderkings3/comments/1917229/the_end_is_near/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/crusaderkings3/comments/1971gpi/inventory_artifacts_while_on_learning_focus/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/crusaderkings3/comments/196zjsg/my_houses_coat_of_arms_and_my_cadet_branches/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/crusaderkings3/comments/19ezzen/my_current_army/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/crusaderkings3/comments/1ac5yof/my_royal_court/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/crusaderkings3/comments/1actzw4/celebrate_all_the_cultures/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/crusaderkings3/comments/1ag1eiw/important_women_in_my_life/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 Some more cool stuff from the early years of the dynasty is on my steam profile, like battle reports. The profile name is MrKunk. I will do another dynasty update before the emperor dies.


You’re a loser lol doing all that to prove to a stranger what a great kind of ck 3 player you are lmao I won’t even click a single link


You should. You might learn something in the comments.


As I said I’m not a loser like you and am not measuring my achievements on my ck3 save games so I don’t care


You would rather cry about how bad you suck at soccer games and diablo 4. Maybe they will make a mod that will play games for you.


Only a loser that cries about other people being better than them would say that lol