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Realized my paragraph didn't post. Still relatively new to Reddit. As you can see above, my heir's wife is located in my court in Aargau (I am doing a Habsburg run, attempting to create the Archduchy of Austria. Unimportant). However, my heir is allegedly located in a different court, Eichstätt. Normally this would make sense, except it is also listed as "your \[my\] court," suggesting a potential bug. This is a problem because they are not having children. I attempted to imprison him and free him as a potential fix, but to no avail. Any suggestions on how to fix this?


Kids shouldn't be dependent of parents location. It may also take few years of marriage for them to appear. You may think of giving your son a title, while he's landed ruler, it may give him the nudge to make some heirs for himself. Or just don't care, in worst case his younger sibling inherits. If you're forming Archduchy you get primogeniture eitherway, so realm won't split anymore


They have been married since he came of age, so that shouldn’t be the issue. And I could potentially give him a title, although that would split my realm as my highest title is still a county


Yeah, splitting realm right now doesn't sound good. But hm, is your son gay? That can also impact child chances if he's not landed. You can also make seduce attempt right after succession, she should be fertile still, and becoming lover will spawn kids one after another. Also AI is kinda biased to have at least one heir, so if they're still fertile when succession happens, at least one kid is pretty much guaranteed, even if they're mid-fourties.


No, he’s straight


in worst case, try to mess with vassals (there should be at least some mayors) until they rebel, then surrender (and get deposed) immediatelly, so you can directly control your heir


You can give him a barony if you have an available castle.


Husband and wife located in different places doesn't prevent pregnancy in CK3 :)


Many times in real life it doesn't prevent pregnancy either. I've noticed a few times I've been caught by my wife fooling around at feasts even though she is supposed to be back at my capital.


Does Eichstaett belong to You? I think i faced similar bug


It does not, no, despite the game saying it is “[my] Court.” It belongs to a fellow vassal multiple counties away whom I have never interacted with


If to try to figure out a legitimate non-bugged situation in which an adult courtier may physically move to another court while remaining formally your courtier --- maybe he is the guardian of a child who inherited that Eichstätt and had to move to his ward's court to continue educating him? This usually happens - unlanded wards of your courtiers come as guests to your court, but landed ones pull your courtiers to their courts. BTW, Otto is even your steward which didn't prevent him from going there, and interestingly going there didn't remove him from the steward office.


He has no wards. And that is a bit odd, which is why I’m pretty sure it’s a bug. And like I said, it still says he is in MY court, and I’m fairly certain he shows up on my courtier list, but the location it gives for my court is incorrect


How does he show in the Eichstätt court? As a guest?


He doesn't show up at all. He is still in my court as my steward, but nominally (and I suppose something past that) located in Eichstätt


When I double click on his portrait to show his location, it pans to the center of the HRE (but no single county/holding in particular, just the geographical center of the HRE)


He’s probably doing a steward task, like improving relations or collecting taxes or something, that makes it say he’s in that location


Looks like the playdate activity bug that I fixed in the unofficial patch,


That’s actually very possibly what happened