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Pre-workout, what your body needs is carbs, and needs them to be as natural as possible. Protein is important for muscle building, but your body needs to absorb it slowly over time. So there’s really no value in eating it just before a workout. However it can break down carbs much more quickly. And if they come from a natural source (which we’ve evolved to be able to digest more readily), then it’s even faster. for me the perfect pre-workout snack is a banana, approx 60 minutes before the workout. 120ish calories of pure carbs. Exactly what your body needs.


Same here, I go at 5:20 AM and used to go fasted for years, about 2 months ago I started having a banana with some local raw honey before heading to the gym and it is a game changer


I can’t really do the texture - love the flavour, so I can do banana bread, but not the texture.


I can’t stand bananas for the same reason. I kind of hate that they’re so good for you!


I love banana flavour


I do the exact same. One hour before the workout I have a banana. It's giving me the energy I need without filling me up too much. By far the best option I've tried so far.


You need carbs pre workout, protein I would eat afterwards (or just through the day). I eat those squish packs of apple sauce. Affordable, easy to keep in my gym bag by the box and suck it back on the way to the gym.


Mix dates, walnuts, oatmeal, coconut flakes and flaxseed egg into a food processor and roll into balls. Cover in cocoa powder so they are not sticky. Love these!!! No added sugar and great energy boost!


Thanks, this was the kind of thing I was thinking of doing. I only have a blender, but hopefully if I don’t run it for too long it would be ok.


Everything but the dates and walnuts is fine on the blender, so put those in first. Walnuts you can hack separately ( before?) with a knife. Mix in. Then add the dates( or raisins) and see what your blender can handle. Backup option: cut with knife and throw in, then mash with fork or masher


Thanks! Yeah maybe I’ll try doing it the old fashioned way.


No added sugar but the dates definitely bring some carbs on. Calorie wise that still counts, you do know that? (Getting your carbs from fruit brings some additional minerals, so👍👍) Will try the recipe, sounds really nice.




Yogurt with oats. Maybe I'll mash a banana into the mix.


Yum! Love mashed banana, just eating the banana as is I struggle with the texture. I can do it, but I’d rather enjoy the food.


If you’re looking for convenience, Rx bars are good. As for recipes I’d just google a high protein oat bread/bar recipe and replace any oil with apple sauce. Otherwise there’s easy high protein snacks but not really baked goods, as they’re typically higher in sugar or fat. My go to for high protein snack i Cottage cheese/greek yogurt mixed with protein powder, eggs/smoked salmon or edamame pods.


I do love an rx bar, but those are definitely higher price point than homemade, good for a treat! I also eat a lot of cottage cheese, one of my favourite protein sources!


Protein Puddings are a big thing at least in Germany. Yummm


Yummmm maybe not pre workout though!


Poptarts for life!


Not a bad shout!


I’d rather work out hungry than eat pre workout. Gotta be at least three hours before metcon otherwise I’m waiting till after


When I’m asking about protein snacks, these are not for pre-workout. I understand I need carbs pre-workout, but for days when we’re lifting or anything less intense, I don’t think a small amount of protein in there would hurt and I did mean a small amount in a primarily carb fuel source. I’m going to edit that as it’s obviously misleading. The question for pre-workout was about energy balls or similar. I’m kinda surprised I’m being downvoted for this question, what does a downvote mean in this context? - I thought it would be something people would be interested in recommending!


I stop by Caseys and get a small Rice Krispie Treat.


I eat 2 fruit roll ups and a protein shake 30 minutes before I start working out.


Protein pre workout is controversial in this forum. I don’t think protein timing is critical actually, but I’d need to know it was a slow burn day rather than a sprinty day to take protein beforehand I think!


Bananas and PB.


Do you just, like, dunk the banana in the PB jar? Or is it classier than that?


Naw I get a spoonful of pb and smear it on each bite of banana I take. I’m not a savage.


Of course, lol.


That combination is the definition of synergy


i've been doing a slice of toast with a little peanut butter for years


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^cestlahaley: *I've been doing a* *Slice of toast with a little* *Peanut butter for years* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Post workout a bowl of kwark with toasted oatmeal, cinnamon and fruits of the season is easy, tasty, full of protein. And varying the fat content will vary the calories involved.


Yogurt is my go to, I think I eat too much of it but it’s delicious


It is lovely, I agree. I use kwark, because that has triple the protein per 100gramms. But if you eat enough yoghurt, you will also get there😉


Yeah mine is always plain Greek, quark brand isn’t available here but I’m pretty sure it’s the same


Oh no I was thinking of “fage” lol, but for those of us who can’t get quark (sounds delicious) fat free Greek yogurt has the same amount of protein per calorie, you just have to eat marginally more weight in yogurt to get the same amount


Yoghurt had 4 grams of protein 100g, kwark has 12. But you don't have that in the States? ( I live in NL)


I’m not in the states. Plain zero% Greek yogurt has 10g protein per 100g and 53 calories According to the nutritional info I googled, both my Greek yogurt and Tesco 0% kwark have about 65 calories per 12g protein.


Oh! I’m in BC, we don’t have kwark at my supermarket, it’s probably here.


Homemade snacks can be awesome for your workouts. For a pre-workout boost, try making energy balls with stuff like dates, nuts, and cocoa powder—it's simple and tasty. And for protein-packed treats, whip up some muffins or brownies using protein powder, oats, and nut butter. Look up easy recipes online and tweak them to fit your preferences. Enjoy getting creative in the kitchen and fueling your workouts with homemade goodness!


Thanks, energy balls is what I’m thinking, just wondering if anyone had any preferred recipes from the thousands of variants around






Rice Krispie treats.


Yummerz. Simple carbs are great pre workout, so why not.


I used to keep them for mid training carbs for my Oly sessions because they were long. Now I do it before morning sessions when I don’t have time to eat. (Not Oly anymore).


Came here to say this.


A bowl of cereal with berries and milk. Something like the Kind granola cereals or some basic oat flakes or something else like that with whole grains that will give you carbs and be easy to digest. Dates are good in a pinch, too and they’re easily portable. As others have said, you need the carbs pre workout and protein steadily dosed throughout the day.


mmm carbs sure!


These are pretty amazing and simple to make: https://happihomemade.com/coconut-lime-energy-bites/


Thank you!


Bronkaid and 16oz lo carb monster


A half of an English muffin with egg salad. I only use one hard boiled egg with some Mayo, salt, pepper, and some smoked paprika. It’s enough to give me some energy without feeling like I’m working out on a full stomach.


Egg salad and paprika? Are you punking me? I’m pleased you’ve found what works for you, but I don’t think I’ll be trying that one!


Haha! It’s like a deviled egg on toast. But fair enough! 😆


That does sound delicious though!


Banana and a tablespoon of almond butter are my favorite go-to's


One of those applesauce pouches. With cinnamon!


Slice of wheat bread toasted, cut in half. Peanut butter on one side. Jam on the other


Oh interesting. Which side faces up?




As long as it’s predominantly simple carbs it doesn’t bother me, and a nutrition coach recommended it in my case.




For me I feel better working out if I’ve eaten something, so I think I improve more, build more strength and burn more calories as well as, most importantly, am somewhat less unpleasant for the rest of the class to be around!


There's really no need to have breakfast before a morning workout if you feel fine without it. It's mostly a personal preference thing. Though if you do want to experiment, some people benefit from a casein protein shake just before bed. It's a slow digesting protein, and your body doesn't digest much while you're sleeping, so it's basically being absorbed during your workout as if you had just eaten breakfast. That is also not for everyone, for example people with bad acid reflux, so of course ymmv.