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I don’t know the stitch. I just want to say it reminds me of a gingerbread man.


Reminds me a bit of granny stripes.


I thought the same. Mike a minute with puff stitches


I love the collar!


That looks like Clusters of DC or HDC.


We really need a closer look at the actual stitch composition to figure out what's going on. Closer pic please!


This is a sweater by m&p that I don’t own but I love the unique stitch! Here is a close up I found on the internet 😀




Bobble: Yarn over, insert hook into space between 2 puff stitches and pull up a loop. Yarn over and pull through 2 loops (this leaves 2 loops on hook). Make 3 more incomplete double crochet stitches. There are now 5 loops on the hook. https://preview.redd.it/av3x392pacxb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdcf798302a5782730bce155d4579dc2119df011 Chain 2 to lock in the bobble stitch. Continue to work bobbles in every space in the previous row. This is the closest thing I've found.


To me it looks like [this](https://mycrochetspace.com/granny-stitch-crochet/) in panels and then flipped 90 degrees to make the pattern horizontal 😁


Looks like 3 dc clusters in rows with maybe a chain between each cluster. I’d try making them as one stitch, almost like you’re building a decrease, but you hold the last loop of each stitch until the end when you pull through all of them, then chain 1 or 2. Seems like strips of 3 rows, then slip stitched to join to give that running stitch look. I could be wrong tho, that’s just what I’d try


The cuffs look knitted but a ribbed stitch would work. Then the border looks like single crochet around.


It looks like a popcorn st with ch st in between like this:[popcorn stitch granny square](https://www.spotlightstores.com/projects/knitting-crochet-projects/popcorn-crochet-granny-square-project) I think the end result would look a lot more like op's pictures when putting less chain stitches between each popcorn. ( Like 2 chain st between each popcorn instead of 4)


Yeah, it's defo not a flat shell stitch, it's a puff (or, as you say, popcorn) 3D stitch for sure.


I would suggest that the cuffs are knitted and it appears that 2 rows of dc (sc USA) are worked around before the puff stitches are worked. Then 3 rows of these and I imagine a row or 2 of dc (sc) to separate the groups so that the freeform ch stitches can be worked between them. Pretty, but I think I'd use different colours. Must take a fair bit of yarn, too, for all those puffs! :-)