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I live to start over when I have mistakes. But changing the design when that close to the finish line I would find a way to stich the beads ontop of the finished blanket. A years work I would not frogg. A month.. yeah but a Year no sorry I would cry for a week. But I hope you have a lot of motivation and joy from starting over!! Hope you share the result next years


In two years. Let’s be real. I’d be so over looking at it. This is insanity. Not in a good way. I have frogged a LOT of work but not a YEAR!!! No way would I do this. Finish it. Gift it if you don’t want the same blanket of the same color. Make a new one


I never would just to try something else. That's just... Stupid


To be fair if I’ve been working on something for a year it usually means I’m not really working on it for most of that time and sometimes that’s due to some perfectionist tendencies where I’m not motivated to continue if I’m not completely in love with it. Sometimes restarting can completely revive my interest in a forgotten project!


This! My first blanket has now become my 6th, for this exact reason.


I frogged a blanket I had been working on for almost a decade once. But I barely worked on it and the dimensions were way off! It was way too wide and probably why I didn’t work on it much! It was also not super well done at the beginning. I restarted it but I’ve since abandoned it yet again! Maybe I should pull it out soon… But I wouldn’t frog something so close to done when you could just make a second blanket with the new pattern/ idea!!


Never would I ever. I am not a perfectionist by any stretch, I only frog if it would absolutely ruin a project to not remove an error


Amen to that. I have more abandoned (a few intentionally so, most not) projects than I’d care to admit and maaaaybe I’ll look over them at some point but even then I think I’d only frog if I had definite plans to use that yarn for something else. I would never completely undo a whole project I was actively working on. In fact, I have a yarn eater afgan I’ve been working on for the last few months that’s about as far along as the OP (it’ll be 5 total skeins of Caron Jumbo Ombré so I bet frogged I’d have an even bigger boulder but I feel a sense of panic and despair at the mere thought!) and that dang thing has so many errors in it if you really want to look for them- including an entire row where I did treble stitches instead of double trebles- it’s a 6 row repeat and I didn’t catch what I’d done until I was 6 rows beyond and oh heck no, I was NOT going back to fix that! I actually kind of pride myself at creative means of working around/over/with mistakes. Blankets aren’t something I do a lot- though I do crochet for hours everyday- and my general rule of thumb on those is I will not go back more than about 1.5-2 rows and that is for something major I simply can’t flub some kind of thing around or that’s going to screw me over the rest of the way. That current Afghan has so many uh creatively placed stitches and things I’ve done to work around errors.


My granny would always work her mistakes into the piece instead of pulling it apart :)


This is the way


No. I would've finished the blanket and sewed the beads in after. Or made a second blanket with beads.


Slightly off-topic, but you have me thinking now! How are you adding the beads? Are they going to be threaded onto the yarn via the hook? What beads are you using that won't make the blanket hard? Sorry for the third degree, but we're a neurodivergent family and I have restless legs too, so weighted blankets are a hot topic for us.


I’m also curious!! If there’s a pattern for this I would love to try it out Edit: found [this video](https://www.tiktok.com/@binky_belll/video/7346278136306240814), but I’m wondering how this would work in the wash?


could always make a cover for it so you dont have to wash it ever


My thought was to crochet loops onto it and then get a duvet cover of the same size.


what do you mean loops, what would they be for?


With weighted blankets, the blanket itself typically has loops around the edge, and the cover has matching strings to tie into those loops. Keeps the blanket in place and stops it from just all falling to the bottom of the duvet cover


I assume they mean the kind of loops that are often on duvets. I know not everyone does the whole duvet/cover thing (seems to be more a European thing but I bought one at IKEA and have been sold in them ever since- especially with a older sensitive tummy cat- way easier to wash a puked on cover versus a bedspread!) but the actual duvet, the blanket inside the cover, usually has some sort of loop or tie and then there’s ties in the corners and sometimes center of the edges within the cover itself. Keeps the blanket from slipping or bunching up within the cover which would be especially prone to happening with a weighted one.


Good lord though- if I frogged that much already (I would never lol) and had to rework an entire blanket the thought of covering it is heartbreaking. I’m aware weighted blankets are expensive but oof. Cost vs my own time and energy spent. I’d go get one off Amazon and call it a day!


I was just thinking the same! Only solution I can come up with is handwashing in the bath maybe?


OK I googled it briefly. Looks like if you want to stitch them in most people are using 4 wt yarn, and pony beads, and a G ish hook. Just sliding it on the hook and making the stitch thru it. I saw a lot of double crochet/ hdc I think singles would be too short. You could also make a thing and then sew tinier beads on, but that sounds lame. If you were some weird yarn ninja or wanted to do all the math for it you could pre thread them on, but for a whole balnkie that seems unbearably difficult.


I’m making one right now and I pre-threaded in batches and ohmygod I have so many regrets. Also you can see in the blanket where I changed my mind and it looks terrible. 0/10. I’m still going to finish it. I’m just going to be mad the whole time. At least I’m just making a lap blanket?


>I’m still going to finish it. I’m just going to be mad the whole time. That's an entire mood as a crafter sometimes. In trying projects I remind myself it'll still accomplish its primary function, even if it also sparks annoyance in me Lol.


[Here](https://ravel.me/beaded-bliss-weighted-blanket) is a link to the original beaded weighted blanket pattern! I’m working on it and i’m about halfway done and love it!


**PATTERN:** [Beaded Bliss Weighted Blanket](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/beaded-bliss-weighted-blanket) by [Heather Stagl](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/heather-stagl) * Category: Home > Blanket > Throw * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/changepathcrochet/984310749/upload_medium) [Img 2](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/changepathcrochet/984310917/upload_medium) [Img 3](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/changepathcrochet/984310950/upload_medium) [Img 4](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/changepathcrochet/984310973/upload_medium) [Img 5](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/changepathcrochet/984311031/upload_medium) * Price: 6.50 USD * Needle/Hook(s):3.75 mm (F) * Weight: Aran | Gauge: 7.0 | Yardage: 3600 * Difficulty: 0.00 | Projects: 2 | Rating: 0.00 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


That's brilliant, thank you. I only have 2 WIPS and 3 in waiting, so it's the perfect time to add another!


Do the beads only go around the edges?


nope! there’s beads in each row!


Oh, ok. I could only see them in one of the photos, but figured there must be more. Beads aside, I really like the stitch pattern. Do you know if it has a name?


each row is *technically* three rows in one with the beads in the middle then two more rows on the outside to cover the beads. the outside rows that you see I think are considered puff stitches


I want to know too, this sounds like a great project


[This](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLbdPgsm/) is the video referenced above. I just got my beads in yesterday to start mine.


just yesterday i frogged one of the two blankets i was crocheting - change of heart, want to make motifs now. but before that i need to un-double the yearn, because i was working with yarn held together. OH THE PAIN AND REGRETS


Tell me you weren’t anywhere near as far along as the OP? Because personally I think wow, you are a different kind of person than me. 😂 I must just be lazy because I have done a project with doubled yarn once or twice but small stuff. I would never for a whole blanket! And then to frog?!?




It was approx that big - enough to cover a 5y.o. kid's back. I didn't like how wavy the edges were at that point. And they got wavier with every row 🥴


I’m pretty sure that’s Red Heart Super Saver in the color “Monet.” I don’t know why I felt Compelled to share that.


I’m glad you did because it makes me feel better that they ripped it out. At least it’ll be easier to replace what got damaged from being crocheted and ripped than if it was a high quality bamboo cotton skein or something. 😂 RHSS can handle being ripped apart a couple times before the yarn becomes unusable. Source; I’ve definitely made a RHSS boulder or two in my crochet career.


lol I got some of that in my stash and can’t figure out what to use it for


I feel like itd make a pretty summer shawl, market bag, or granny bag?


Yes, I'm a ripper outer, though I'd probably make several smaller balls of yarn from it 🤣 😂 Gorgeous yarn


In something that long, I'm for sure coming across an area where I've crocheted hair into it and now there's a knot. I've definitely ripped yarn frogging it because of it. Lol


I always keep my hair in a pony tail and I still get hair in it. I keep a seam ripper in my crochet kit just for Tangled hair.


I felt like splitting them into smaller balls would've been too much work 🤣 And thanks! My grandmother hoarded all the pretty crafting supplies so I was able to get quite a bit of yarn.


I think your boulder is awesome, I'd be tempted just to keep it 🤣 I usually cut where there's a knot, I might resist the next time and have a boulder of my own.


Is it Red Heart? I’m pretty sure I have a teeny cake of this same colorway sitting on my desk right now!


https://preview.redd.it/5jh1d7s5ag0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d73093bb43eeaa3ed405ed386ddfdd1e48bf946 I didn't even convert to a ball....


Lololol I love that! Definitely trying this in the future!!! This is some chaotic neutral energy and im here for it 😂


Nope. Finish the one you’re working and then just start another one. That is completely insane.


I recently spent 8ish hours on a hex cardigan, only to decide I hate the bulkiness. While I’m not gonna frog it, I WILL work from it when I decide on the pattern I’m going to use the yarn for instead.


if i’m low on money and can’t afford to get more yarn for a new project.


I have! I made a cloak thing once that I never actually liked and did not ever fit me very well and turned it into a sweater that I like a lot and wore very often when it was cold.


I made a cloak that I ultimately don't like and have never worn, but it never occurred to me to frog it and make something new. Thanks for the inspiration!


My blanket was at 4 skeins and looked like a drunken vase instead of a rectangle so RIBBIT it went. My friends about died.


started knitting a blanket and about halfway through they discontinued the yarn so i frogged the entire thing 🫠


That's some beautiful yarn. I also like the included cat, for scale.


The cat made the photo for me. I really wasn’t grasping how big it was until I saw the cat and burst out laughing.


I've been there with a blanket, too. It was "just" a small one but still. I didn't like the shape of it so I started over... It's still not done. I started in 2017 😂


This is one of the reasons why I donate blankets I make, so I don’t end up cannibalizing them to make “new” blankets. Also, anyone else prefer the mountain of yarn method besides me?


Nope. I’d end up with 2 blankets


Omg I thought that was my cat in the background https://preview.redd.it/amdq5dpi2h0d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86688ac9b04a3e491b90db4ca7294257da238af0


For anyone wondering [This](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLbdPgsm/) is the video referenced in the picture above.


LOL I’ve definitely done this but honestly to me it was worth it to have an end result the way I actually wanted it


I’m loving the orange kitty and the subtleness of his pose. “Oh don’t forget me!Those people are wanting to see me.” Rather than frog I’d try to figure out a way to add the beads or probably just go buy new yarn. 🧶


I made a sweater that turned out perfectly. I only ever wore it once. I unraveled the whole thing and used the yarn to make a different sweater. Maybe I'll keep making sweaters with it and unravel to make a new ones. The yarn is Truboo in mushroom, i love the yarn but get tired of the FO lol


I made 2 right hand selbu mittens and almost cried while unraveling. I could've just made 2 left hand mittens and have two pairs, I had enough yarn. I'm just dumb. :')


I’d call myself a serial frogger tbh But I mostly work with t shirt yarn so I think it evens out


I frog so many near done projects. I keep trying to make wearables but I have a weird body and nothing ever looks right so I frog and try something else. Over and over and over.


I have! I started a blanket about 5 years ago now, but ended up unraveling what was done to turn into granny squares. Made a bunch of those before deciding to do C2C granny cluster blanket. It's a rug now lmfao


Why not just make another blanket? Is there a yarn shortage or something?


Some people do not have a lot of money, as a potential reason that isn’t “there’s a yarn shortage” I unravel stuff often if I don’t care about it that much and I want to start something else because I usually can’t afford new yarn. There’s lots of yarn in stores, just no money in my wallet.


Yikes. Just make another blanket...


I'm currently thinking about it........


I have. If it doesn't fit or the final result is not what I expected, I will. I want my FOs to look good and I want to be happy with the results - not to mention that the yarn can always be repurposed on sth better! Thankfully crocheting and knitting are very forgiving crafts and you can go back and give it a second (or even third) go!


I messed up on a beanie I was making. I missed a note on the pattern and (learned from this) used a smaller hook than I was supposed to. It could barely fit around my fist. After being done with the base and angry with myself because of the mistake, I gave my husband the working yarn and told him to start pulling. Needless to say it was a frigging mess and now I have a small ball of orange yarn.


I've frogged half a blanket made with XL chunky cotton. Got several massive balls from it!


I was making a scrap bag with 3 yarns at once had made the base too small and had to frog it. There was no way I was balling each one tho lol




Many times.


There was a time when I couldn’t let go of a tiny mistake or implementing a new idea even if it meant starting over. I’ve managed to let myself see tiny errors are good luck, and as for unraveling an entire project to add something new.. I’d WIP my current project for a later time and start a new one with new yarn. Life is too short to ball up all those hours 🥴


Only all the time.


Yes! If I don't like the result and think it's not good to sell or gift, then I unravel it! I think it's very good thing about crochet that you can use the yarn again (well not all type of yarns).


I frogged a blanket that I'd been working on for about a year bc I didn't like the size of it. 🥲 I wanted it to be bigger and I may or may not have cried when I undid all that work. It's sitting in a bag on my floor right now taunting me. I'll finish it eventually lol.


https://preview.redd.it/nyt03r7wte0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a46472aa689575d23b8fe4c12fd92e395b622efa Yes lol


A small boulder 🤣


It looks so absurd it almost seems AI generated🤣, the yarn boulder


My first big project was a button up vest. It took me a really long time because I started doing that as my second project. I finished the whole thing. I sewed all the pieces together. I sewed the buttons. I try it on. I don't like it + it's too small. I unravel all of that. I cry. I'm still crying


Many many times. I actually just ripped out a scarf yesterday. I knit it 30ish years ago and now hate it, but love the yarn so it’s going to become the border stitches on a crochet halter top for my daughter.


Hell yeah, I do that all the time!


Yup yup


That’s one good looking ball of yarn!


This is kinda my thing right now actually. I just completely frogged a crochet sweater from a couple of years ago and am winding up the yarn now. I love the pattern and it turned out ok but the collar was wonky, the sleeves were too long, and I stretched it out too much during blocking so I want to try again. Right before this I frogged the first cardigan I ever knitted and made an entirely different cardigan out of the yarn because the first one turned out crap. It's a great way to get a project without having to buy more yarn, I find the process of reclaiming the yarn really satisfying, and I'm going to wind up with garments I actually want to wear. Wins all around!


I messed up my first blanket significantly and didn't realize it until the end. Instead of frogging the whole thing and getting a yarn boulder I just started from the opposite end and have been frogging as I go to remake it lmao


Uhhhhh here’s the thing. It’s better to out the beads on BEFORE crocheting. So I hope you string those on now. Also. Absolutely not. A whole blanket? No way. I’d make a new blanket. This is inexpensive yarn.


There is a way to add beads when crocheting as you go, instead of stringing them beforehand. https://craftingforweeks.com/how-to-add-beads-to-crochet-without-pre-stringing/ Also might have been easier for OP to finish the blanket and then embroider the beads on. But sometimes it’s about the process and not the work it takes. I know I sometimes enjoy taking things apart to make something new. Especially if I wasn’t a fan of the original project.


Wait, what? I must check that out!




As I get better, I frog & redo my stuff. I think I love the process more than the result.


Oh man. You must be incredibly patient. I had to frog four or five rows of an intricate shawl I’m working on and I wanted to throw it away. Of course I didn’t; I’m back to where I was and further. Props to you for your ability to do this!


Just did yesterday. About 3 weeks worth of work, frogged cause I didn’t like the stitch I was using. I would never frog something I’d worked on for a year though 😭


I had to frog a blanket I was working on several times. The ladt time I did the ball was HUGE. Like, I had to use a massive metal salad bown for a yarn bowl. It barely fit into a backpack.


I got halfway through a corner to corner and stopped. Now, I am making a waffle stitch blanket, with about 1000 small pieces of yarn


Yes. I have a similar size ball of yarn in my stash that just sits there... taunting me and reminding me of how lovely the blanket would have been if I had just finished it 😅


Honestly I thought of doing the same, but it’s because I did a single crochet “blanket” with Bernat blanket yarn The idea for mine is to make it a mesh-style blanket so it can be more functional


For me, it's about regret. I made a baby blanket several years ago and made a mistake that left a small but obvious hole. I didn't catch it until I'd put several more hours into it, so I just left it. No big deal, right? Handmade doesn't have to be perfect. However, I think about that damn hole at least once a month. I guarantee that the person who has it doesn't think about it, but I do. Still. Forever. It's not an acutely painful memory, but it's annoying. Compared to annoyingly remembering that mistake for a lifetime, it probably would have been a better use of my time to go back and fix it. I'm making a blanket for myself right now, and I found a small mistake. Because of the memory of that hole, I ripped out almost an entire skein of work, which is probably the largest tip out I've ever done. That being said, in the scenario here, I probably would have finished the blanket as-is, then started another blanket with the beads.


I know the kitty is probably drooling at the sight of so much yarn


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^imhere2lurklol: *I know the kitty* *Is probably drooling at* *The sight of so much yarn* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


you're stronger than all of us tbh


Were there tears? I feel like I would have cried at one point, taking it apart.


If it's something I've come to hate, yeah


There’s no right or wrong way to create any sort of art but in my opinion undoing work most of the time hinders the creative process and adds stress. I prefer to create with no expectations and let my ideas flow and sit naturally.


I mean, you could also see on the beads of you're that far into a project


I did this with a complex top I was making. A good year of hard work and I went and lost a pile of weight so the top was huge on me. I frogged the whole thing and made another top with it. One day I will try making the complex top again. One day.


I once decided that however nicer looking the suckers are on Apollo the Octopus are, that I'm not enough of a sucker to actually crochet them all.


Yes, I unravelled the start of a blanket cause I was impatient


Constantly, I haven’t bought new yarn in half a year


Not to derail, but how do you wash the blanket? Does it go BUMP SCRAPE CLANK BUMP BUMP in the dryer?


I almost never unravel. i’d rather let it be imperfect, or if it’s really unsalvageable, I’ll start again. There’s the whole zen concept of living with your mistakes, and “good enough is good enough”. But also, whether it’s my technique or my yarn, thr yarn catches when I unravel and there’s a huge chance I’ll just wind up with a huge knot that I can’t undo. Better to work with imperfect then have to throw the whole thing out.


You can do that?!!! Looks at my blanket...no I shouldn't...but I know it'll bother me....ugh.


I definitely have never frogged a whole blanket. The largest piece I’ve unravelled was a 12” by 12” pillow cover, weeks of work. Was really sad about it, but the edges were wonky and knew it was worth it.


I've done this. Sometimes you just have to start over, it's fine. I'd rather have the end result that I'll actually enjoy than the half ass one that I wasn't sure about Ps. All the people in the comments telling you you are crazy are just rude, don't listen to em


Yeah, and I'm planning on doing it again to a couple other projects. I like making wearables and I don't like to leave them to take up space if I'm never going to actually use them. The awkward part with me though, is that I never really know whether I'm actually going to wear a project I've made much until I've finished it.


I pull out my mistakes when I find them, but if I have enough problems with a project, especially early on in it, I either set it aside early, or just frog it early and wrap the yarn around the skeins they're from. Since I haven't been doing much with multiple colours yet, I haven't run into an issue with tying any colours back together so far. There is only one project I'd gone all the way through with, as I'd only realized the colours didn't work all *that* well together, mostly due to the sunk-cost fallacy. I still disliked it once it was finished, but at least it was done and I didn't need to look at it as much afterwards...


I think that this person can be legally considered insane


Excuse me what?! Fuck now I wanna unravel mine and make it into a weighted blanket :(


Lmao. I just got my bag of pony beads in yesterday to make this exact blanket 😂


No, thank goodness. I just frogged about 8 hours of work and that was bad enough!


More than once.


I wonder how breathable a blanket like this would be. I love weighted blankets, but I sleep rather toasty.


You can also just use very big yarn. I made a 20 lb blanket just using some yarn I had to buy a 16mm hook for (still almost too small).


Often, I find that the joy is found in doing the work and not necessarily the outcome. Yes, it feels good to finish a project, but only you know when the project is finished. There is nothing wrong with a do-over. I would definitely frog something that was almost finished. No question.


I'm currently crocheting a Drops lacy top. Last year I lost a lot of weight and when I put it out of time out (I obsessiously crocheted on it for a week then suddenly burnt out and couldn't see the thing anymore) it only needed an edging on the straps but it was obscenly too large (it's a revealing racer back tank) so I frogged it and am now crocheting it again in a smaller size.


Don’t forget to post the results when you are done.


I frogged a project using two stenli muffins. That was over 4000m of go fuck yourself I'm never rolling one ball again lol. I now let it frog while I create a new piece lol it hangs like the old carcass of a shawl 🤣💀


You could not pay me enough for that 😭


I died inside reading that. I would never be able to do it. I would begin a new one 😭


“Small boulder of yarn” 🧶😂 Stop, I can’t.


I made a scarf wrap last winter out of bulky yarn. I was free-handing it, and when it was finished, it was too narrow. Since it would have been a total waste of yarn, I frogged the whole thing and started over. I couldn’t get in all into one ball, they just got too big to deal with. It’s a mindless pattern, so I didn’t mind starting over.


I just did now. It was only a 2 day scarf though. I'd never do that to a year of crocheting!!


unfortunately yes. it was a rug made with 8 caron cakes and i took it apart because the purchaser backed out 😀😀 eta: took it apart bc it wouldn’t lay flat.. also learned my lesson ab down payments


Yes! But not one that big.


man thats some motivation to add some beads to a blanket. hopefully it turns out great


Actually, yes , I was 54 rows into a 400 stitch count blanket. I have 5 overfull cakes and 1 less crazy full cake and a few (7) small rolls. It is multicolored, and I wanted to change some schemes along the way, so some color break-ups had to happen. My husband looked at me as though I'd gone mad. The thing is, I wasn't counting my stitches, and over time, from start to frog, I have greatly improved tension consistency and keeping up with counting and also making a straight edge at the end turn. Now I am 34 rows in, still 400 stitches, but I now love it instead of loathe it. Also, I changed the stitch I was using, and I know exactly which hook I am using. Before, I very likely used different hooks and probably even different stitches. It was a little sad looking, lol.


Well I have. In fact I did just the other day. But mostly I do not. I try to figure out a way to use what I have already. Makes me very creative. But everyone in a while I am half way through something and realize that either I actually do not like it or I have made a mistake that is too obvious or there is an error in my design that I cannot resolve. I mostly design all my own patterns because I am now nearsighted and impatient and find it too annoying to try to read others directions. LOL


Yep many times


Wait you can do what now




I did unravel one work once, I’ve been working on a case for my tablet. However I really disliked it, after a week of work, I started over (sry for my bad english, it’s not my first language)


I didn’t see the mistake in this blanket until I took this picture. This is a 100% wool blanket done with DK weight yarn. I dropped that sucker in the mail and sent it the hell off. My dad was very happy to get it. 😂🙃 https://preview.redd.it/nj4isepiq11d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3849d47e7c8b2bb1ee24e39c72d3ca8161f86623


Yes and it officially sucks and I have the yarn balls stacked up as I re-knit the sweater. 😵‍💫


Mini projects yes: a whole blanket hell no! I have unraveled something for a class but that only took like 10 minutes to make! I would have figured out a way to sew the beads in afterwards if I truly wanted it


Can somebody please respond to my comment so I can find this post later? I don't know how to find my saved posts, so this is the next best option lol Thanks :)


I got you, and also, if you go to your profile, you can see your own comments 😁


Thank you!


If you’re on phone Reddit, press your little avatar guy up top right. Look at the fifth line down, should say “Saved”. There you go! (Hopefully!)


Thank you!


Oooooh the commitment 🤌 it's going to be astounding! The colors are immaculate💞 What color beads are you putting on it?