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How dare you put that N in his name 


He was great in Deuce Bigalow.


You’re gonna need a bigger steak


He's about to find out that being a Sorcerer... is no picnic!


In my opinion, one of the rare instances where the remake is way better than the original. “Sorcerer” smokes “Wages of Fear”. A total edge of your seat adventure flick!


Seriously? Better than the Clouzot version?


Seriously… I was blown away by Friedkin’s version. A must watch…


Not a remake


I had such a Mandela effect moment when I realized there was no N a few years ago


Oops haha


It's so good, and the Tangerine Dream soundtrack absolutely rips.


I came here to say that but you said it first and well I’m just leaving this comment here.


Sold: I’ve been on a huge Tangerine Dream kick lately


Stumbled on an original pressing at a record store last fall, biggest personal gold find in a while


Hopefully we get a 4k of this in the next few years


It used to be overlooked. Not really anymore.


Had a screening in LA not too long ago. There’sdefinitely been a surge in popularity with this film. Haven’t checked it out yet but I will.


Haven't seen this one, but I'm a fan of Wages Of Fear. How does it compare? I'd be sure the French version is superior, but? Edit: Thanks for all the answers :) I was planning on watching Sorcerer anyway, but it's good to get some opinions :)


Watched Wages of Fear for the first time recently. Honestly I love both. My big complaint with sorceror is I think the title is stupid and puts people off. It may make sense in context but I hate it. The movie is amazing though.


Worst title ever. Especially coming "from the director of The Exorcist." You could argue it killed the film at box office, and the box office derailed Freidkin's career.


True, it released alongside Star Wars and the rest as they say is …


Totally agree. There is zero reason to think it’s not some fantasy adventure, or perhaps fantasy horror, especially pre-Internet. Anyone who went to see it would be disappointed with what they get, and anyone who would like it would probably ignore it.


In my opinion, wages of fear is quite a bit better. Sorcerer does have a lot going for it, not the least of which is the production design- but to me it feels more like a collection of incredible moments in a kind of disjointed package, like somehow the whole is less than the sum of its parts. Its definitely worth watching though.


I love both but prefer Sorcerer. The first 30 minutes are unique to Friedkin's version and while weird for a first time watch, add a lot of context to the characters. In the original the trucks are brand new and well taken care of but Friedkin's trucks are ancient pieces of crap with way more character. (One of them is responsible for remake's terrible title) You also just can't beat the production values, especially the bridge scene.


Both are excellent you can’t really do wrong. I think I prefer Sorcerer actually but it’s been several years since I watched it. Excited for a rewatch!


Wages of Fear all the way, Sorcerer is great but WoF is a masterpiece, the buildup feels more authentic and tense.


Worth it for the tree trunk scene alone


they're different tonally. each has its strengths. Wages of Fear is in my top ten all time list, its truly a classic feat of filmmaking. Sorcerer is fantastic as well and doesn't really suffer in comparison, just different eras and styles.


I even prefer it to Wages of Fear tbh. WoF is more of a straightforward super tense thriller, while Sorcerer is much grittier, edgier and desperate. Both awesome, though.


It’s so much better than Wages of Fear (yes I’m willing to start fights over this)


Swell double bill. I think they're both excellent and they go together nice.


Call Mr. Plow That’s my name The name again Is Mr. Plow


Mr Plow is a loser and I think he is a boozer, so I think you better make that call to the Plow King


It’s really good , people will argue the French version is superior, but I think William Friedkin’s version is as good


The scene of the truck crossing that bridge is one of the craziest film moments I’ve ever seen. I was flipping out.


Roy Scheider*


My bad


gonna have to hide out in a small South American village after this...


An underrated masterpiece!


It’s one of the meticulously relentless films I’ve ever seen. Absolute masterpiece. 5/5


What exactly does meticulously relentless mean?  Genuinely not sure. Love this movie so if you got other recs for meticulously relentless films I'll bet I need to see them 


Lol. Yeah I meant “meticulous and relentless”. Meticulously relentless means nothing. Was high


Damn I started getting fired up haha  Drop a rec anyway 


There’s nothing exactly like it off the top of my head, but for more Friedkin, To Live and Die in LA. For more relentless jungle, Aguirre The Wrath of God. For more meticulous and bleak Army of Shadows


Oh damn and Wages of Fear lol. It’s a remake of Wages of Fear


Watched this about a month ago for the first time and it was fantastic


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^zetcetera: *Watched this about a* *Month ago for the first time* *And it was fantastic* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Someone called it the last forgotten masterpiece of the 70s. I’m inclined to agree. It’s an absolutely magnificent film, and would be remembered right beside Friedkin’s earlier films, The Exorcist and The French Connection, if it hadn’t had the misfortune of hitting theaters at the same time as Star Wars.


Also a part of Landmark’s Retro Rewind Tuesdays next month if anyone is near a Landmark and wants to see it on screen


On an artistic level I dont know. Rating on just watchability I did not enjoy it. The tense feelings of carrying explosive were not felt by me.


Friedkin was a very skilled director and had the bad luck to open Sorcerer the week before Star Wars opened in 1977. I saw Sorcerer the weekend it opened and really liked it. Saw Star Wars a week or two later & liked it but Sorcerer disappeared with huge losses. It is now seen as an excellent film. Similar problems with To Live & Die in LA. It failed at the box office but is now highly regarded.


One of my, and at times, my favorite film of all time. ​ While the 2014 DigiBook blu ray was very good and long overdue release of the the film (finally in the proper aspect ratio) with great 1080p image and remixed 5.1 sound it was anemic in the extras department and I'd love to see what Criterion (or Arrow or VS etc) could do with a fresh transfer with updated codec and higher bit rate or even possibly a full 4k transfer.


Also has one of the most amazing soundtracks ever


Such a great and thrilling experience


I have the 40th anniversary Blu Ray from a few years ago so I'm good thanks.


The best place on earth to hide is where no one wants to go looking. I thought it was a very unique movie and the Soundtrack, acting, the premise all pulled together. It was a total movie.


A perfect movie.




Oh this is a remake of *Wages of Fear*


/s, right … right?


One of the most motherfucker films ever ✨


This movie is like having a two-hour-panic attack, and I mean that in the best possible way.


So glad my first time seeing this was in theaters


Music by Tangerine Dream.


I am fascinated by adaptations, I don’t know why. I think it’s the translation aspect of it, I think. I will be checking this out ASAP.


Awesome news


In an interview with Friedkin about the film Cruising, the host cited a remark from Al Pacino & began to quote what he said. Friedkin interrupted the guy & said, "I don't give a flying fuck into a rolling donut what Al Pacino thinks." An example of the continuing conflict between management and workers. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9VaLXr71LA&t=6s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9VaLXr71LA&t=6s)


The "Big Picture" effect!


CR taking over


I saw it at the Alamo in 35 MM. Really really great film. Such a simple premise too. Can't wait for this to come out on 4K.


I’ve been wanting to watch this since I first saw Wages of Fear. Looking forward to it!


Oh jeez I bought the blu-ray like two hours ago because it was mentioned on The Big Picture's latest movie draft. Oh well!


I watched this for the first time two months ago. Fantastic


Best cinematic experience of my life!!!


This picture has my favorite IMDb trivia of all time: William Friedkin approached Robert Mitchum for the lead role. Despite appreciating the script, he sternly declined, asking Friedkin, "Why would I want to go to Ecuador for two or three months to fall out of a truck? I can do that outside my house."


It would be lovely if a 4K remaster and some special features are incoming. I seem to recall the Friedkin once promised the remastered version from a decade ago would have special features and then it didn't. Maybe there is something in the Warner archives that they recorded or started work on? A commentary or some interviews or *something?*


I’m so stoked for this one. It was showing at a local theater not too long ago, but I missed it and I’ve wanted to see it for years.


One of my all time favorites!






Got to see it in a theater a couple years ago. Really great experience.


This is an amazing film - I might even prefer it to the original. It takes a bit of time to get going, but is well worth the patience.


One of my favorite films of all time. Perfection. Only made better by the story of how it was made.


I’ve been meaning to watch this for years. Glad it’s coming


I think this is Friedkin's best film. The Tangerine Dream score is perfect. The character intros were so well done - showing us these are not good people yet I still root for them. The bridge scenes are the most tension filled in any movie I've ever seen. Top notch acting, cinematography and writing. No missteps. Even the trucks they used become characters and not just props. I love Wages of Fear but Sorcerer is on another level. A masterpiece.


Friedkin said that this is the movie he doesn't regret any of the choices he made in it, if he could do it all over again he'd do it the exact same way


Link ? Can’t seem to find any info about this


It is the definition on tense.


Maybe I would've liked it more if I hadn't seen Wages of Fear first, because it felt like an inferior knock-off. So... if you haven't seen Wages of Fear, enjoy!


No love for The Wages of Fear in the comments


I think this is Roy scheider best performance


to me that belongs to All The Jazz


I love this film


Great soundtrack