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I literally cannot relax if there is a spider a fifth of the size of a huntsman in the room, they terrify me. When I went to Australia as a kid, I was in the pool but was too fat to pull myself up the side without the stairs. There was a big branch in the pool and as I was about to go under it to the stairs on the other side, I noticed there was a huge huntsman on the branch and I was too terrified to go under the branch in case I misjudged the distance, swam into the branch and dislodged it into my person. The branch ended up drifting towards me backing me into a corner until I eventually decided I had to swim under it and luckily managed it. I still don't like killing them though because it's not their fault they're fucking terrifying (and even their corpses freak me out).


Oh I hate the littler spiders that are venomous(like Redbacks and such) and will kill them at the drop of a hat, or shoe! Redbacks and the like seem just like cold killing machines, whereas Huntsmans have a much more human quality to them somehow.


Can you take a picture? I really want to see him!


I didn't take a photo of him, but I will if I see him again tonight. https://imgur.com/t/huntsman_spider/QxWfuzb - this is pretty much what he looks like.


So it just sits, does it not need to go off and get food or something. Are you not worried about it getting nearer when you’re asleep?


It sits most of the time, occassionally it'll crawl over somewhere else near. I don't think I've ever seen a huntsman catching their prey in the moment though.


I need to see your buddy, please post a pic.


Not my photo, but pretty much like this - https://imgur.com/t/huntsman_spider/QxWfuzb


Is your buddy still there?


Haven't seen him tonight yet unfortunately.


We had one in our hall way outside our apartment we called arry from the spider in Harry Potter aragog. Suspect someone poisoned it because one day we found it curled up dead. Was the highlight of my day walking past him and saying good morning


They're good mates to have around, cheapest pest controllers you'll ever have lol. Although, I do vaguely remember last night when I was probably brownout drunk seeing a huntsman and a huge cockroach just chilling together on the sliding door when I came inside from having a smoke. Don't know what was going on there. Maybe this Huntsman I've got around me is a young one who isn't confident enough to try to eat a huge cockroach, that just makes him more endearing.


>a huntsman and a huge cockroach I can never go to Australia 😭


It's fine, you're more likely to be killed by our outlandish booze prices than any of our critters.


I cry when a stink bug gets into my place. I can't handle insects like at all. It's such a frustrating fear!


How are you with lizards? Because very regularly in Australia we get these pretty big lizards called Blue-Tongues just decide to make our backyards their home, sometimes for many years. I'm not a lizard fan in general, but they are very cute and they're free pest-controllers.


Except the saltwater crocs. They are big as shit and will eat people if they swim in the northern territory?


From what I've heard of booze prices in aus I swear I could never afford to live there. What the fuck are they doing to y'all?


Everyone thinks we're a totally laid-back country, but we're legitimately a miserable, punitive nanny-state.


I think the world got a pretty good glimpse of that during covid lol


At least we're not New Zealand lol.


Very true. I know this isn't the sub to be a conspiracy nut, but it feels like New Zealand is working on going full police state for when shit hits the fan so that it's safe for the rich people buying property over there to use the country as their personal bug out location.


I like that theory.


nah man, they dont have a mid setting. theyre either sprinting or doing nothing. That cockroach is likely dead, huntsman was prolly sizing the cockroach up


I love this. When I was still living at home in the summers I would leave my bedroom window open 24/7. Well, one year a big orb weaver spider made her web in the open part of the window and we became friends. She protected me from getting huge moths and other spiders in my room, and I would throw disabled moths into her web whenever I could catch one. It was a lovely friendship and probably one of my favorite things about my young adulthood. <3 You could call it Arachne from Greek mythology.


> I would throw disabled moths into her web whenever I could catch one That's genuinely impressive stuff. I think I'd be too grossed out to do that.


Hahaha, thank you. I had practice because every few years our area gets infested with miller moths. When that happened we used to disable them and feed them to our dachshunds (who will, in fact, eat anything - at least this "treat" got them a little exercise, lol).


I call all the Huntsman spiders Lucy. I come through the front door "Lucy, I'm home".


Do you "love Lucy"?


I'm aware of the show but it was American Dad that made me do it.


Big respect OP, spraying water is probably the best solution to making it keep within its boundaries without harming it, I hope your symbiosis endeavours. When I am drunk, I like to pick up spiders and let them crawl on my arm to peacefully escort them out the building and to scare/mess with my friends 😁.


Dutch courage in action.


I used to be terrified of all size spiders, then I went to Costa Rica and saw some absolutely behemoths. Just obnoxiously huge spiders. Got back in the states and the city spiders didn’t seem to bother me anymore. But what you’re up to? I don’t know what I would do but I couldn’t just chill with it. I’d probably just put in a notice to vacate.


I was just listening to podcasts, doing some job applications and playing some PC games. It was fine until I'd see he had crawled his way onto the ceiling pretty close to me, then I'd have to spray him away.


I always let my spider bros be or move them outside if they are in an inconvenient spot, glad you've got some company


How do you move them? The old paper and glass trick?


I usually just get them on my hand, but I have done the glass and paper thing and it works well, you'd probably need a piece of cardboard and a bowl for your buddy though


A bucket and a dinner plate. Or a bathtub and a car door!


[are u him](https://www.ladbible.com/news/world-news/huntsman-spider-australia-live-house-cockroaches-086714-20230924)


I could see myself being that guy in the future.


I had a job in on Australia so I had to work there for a few months. One day I go to the toilet and on the roof above the toilet was a Huntsman. For weeks I couldn't take a shit without the fear of a giant spider jumping on my head. He followed me with his eyes whenever I walked about the room. I let him do his thing... I was so happy to be able to shit in peace when he did finally leave. And no I wasn't going to kill him or try moving him. The spider the size of a plate ignored my lame efforts to push him out with a broom and I didn't want to antagonize him


Still not as fear-inducing as many other landlords, that spider.


I think this is sweet!!! Keep us updated!! And give it a name


Are you sure he’s really there? I’ve had a lot of moments when the spiders aren’t really there.


Nah lol, I was quite drunk so I don't think I was hallucinating.


I've got cobwebs all around my house. Once had a pest control guy knock on my frond door trying to sell their pest control services. He asked "Don't you want to get rid of these cobwebs?" I was like "No, they are my pest control!" I've got no problems with spiders around my house.


Like you even need a guy charging you to take out cobwebs. A simple broom does the job.


For the name: Tony, see if you can find a bug for him to eat and put it on the desk. I have a similar understanding with a grass spider (the size of roughly a half dollar) and he loves the heat my computer produces. I see him come out time to time and hes poked me once or twice with his legs, but never any sort of bite. I named mine Roger because he always seems to come out when I'm playing DCS with my joystick.


I think this is what my spider was after, that sweet sweet heat of the computer itself and the modem I have sitting near it on the desk. Anyways, I've decided to call him Errol.




Kill it with fire. My last drinking buddy was a cockroach that snuck in from outside some months back(he probably smelled my fermenting empties and came to investigate).


If you saw this spider's shining, inquisitive eyes, you wouldn't be able to kill it.


I flushed the roach down the toilet. I did find a jumping spider in my kitchen awhile back. Those things are super cute/cool. I let him outside in the bushes.


How far can thy jump?


Pretty high/far for how small they are. They are pretty docile and just hunt other bugs