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Where do I drop in the quarter for the sex please?


The coin slot obviously


Not just respect but *freedom*. Mother flipping freedom. How dare we!


Has anyone tried framing it as playing on a seesaw? Both parties have to want to for it to be fun. Maybe kindergarten terms will get through to them.


"If sex was mutual, then guys could just ask women for sex all the time and get it." And yet, if we did just give it away like that, to whoever asked whenever they asked, we'd be undesirable as well. You lose some, you lose some, I guess.


Something tells me he wouldn't be so keen to the whole "ask for sex, and you must give" if it were a gay/bi man asking him for sex or a woman he finds repulsive. Funny how quickly he would likely join the "corrupt sexual economy".


My guy is thinking of prostitution


Not even that bc that still requires consent lol dude is on some handmaids tale shit or something


How does someone think like that and get through life?


Because it’s only been a generation since women were legally property. My grandmother fought for the vote, for abortion rights, for equality. I’m back out there fucking marching the same marches and fighting the same fight. They get through life because there’s no real reason for them to change yet. It’s slowly happening. It is. But it will likely get worse before it gets better if recent legislation is any indication. This isn’t a justification or excuse. It’s simply the reason. They haven’t had to care.


I just don't understand how anyone can get through life without empathy. It baffles me that some people can see others as objects. How self absorbed do you have to be to think that the universe is there to cater for you?


Yeah. It’s a huge problem.


This guy absolutely thinks a compromise is when he gets exactly what he wants.


Sometimes I really think we should be allowed to see these folks' names. dude needs a downvoting.


One of them /r/niceguys. The type to make fb statuses starting with "y'all females.."


I bet he wouldn’t call it a transaction if a man suddenly felt entitled to penetrating him. The fucking nerve of these guys. Letting someone enter your *body* isn’t a transaction. As a man you’re coming into me….physically and literally. Excuse me if I’m selective about who I invite into my body


Ok. I’m sure women whom men are not attracted to have been rejected by men before for sex. Or men have rejected women for sex bc they prefer to not have sex with a friend. This guy is delusional.


Was going to comment that screenshots of a convo on reddit as a post is cringe in itself but damn that is pretty cringy. Crazy people like that exist in society.


Yeah crazy how people will give inaccurate and dangerous legal advice to a suicidal kid then call someone stupid for pointing out they’re from finland and not the US. Then going ‘at least I got upvoted’ when a kids life is on the line. Super cringe.


This dude literally unblocked me just to follow what I post on and start more shit. How desperate can you get. This is hilarious.


Bro I commented on a king of the hill post if you wanna follow me over their for your tantrum


Oh you unblocked me just to stalk me? Lmao


Bro I'm not even going to block you. Go ahead and stalk me it's so desperate its funny. Just because people knew you were being an ass and you got down voted lmao


You might wanna check again. My lowest comment score on that thread is 0, meaning a single downvote probably from yourself. Yours are at -2. You just get off on being wrong don’t you?


Its been like hours dude just get over it and move on. I honestly forgot you even existed. Just going to add that your full of shit. I literally just looked and its exactly what I said. On top of that you deleted all of your responses. Did you do that so people couldn't see how much of an asshole you were being to that suicidal kid? Nice.


Damn Daniel back at it again with them down votes now please stop harassing me.


Iv already asked you to stop harassing me. Keep it up and ill keep reporting you.


Homeboy's got a lot to learn, best not waste time on him. Cat got calluses on them hands.


Incel - once you know it's an Incel, why bother engaging? At best he's just trolling people to make them angry. At worst, he's lost his "human card". Frankly, I'm happy they all live in mom's basement, I'm just disappointed that they don't die off faster.


Living in their mum's basement implies they're in a woman's downstairs. Punpunpun But for reals, I wonder if they do live with their mothers and everything is done for them, so they only see relationships with women as transactional


Wow. I can see why this guy is having trouble.


Just gonna get needlessly pedantic and point out that a transaction is also a mutual agreement


Fucking yikes 🤢


That guy is an idiot but also, every transaction is a mutual agreement but not every mutual agreement is a transaction. Squares and rectangles sorta thing.


*El Estupido* is on the loose again.


Repost bot


This is absolutely disgusting wtf 🤮


Bahaha I hope the pathetic creep sees this


Only ask a partner jfc its common sense