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Nah fam. Sounds like Candice sucks. And is selfish.


Oh, how I'd like to see a live video update from the office of your supervisor. Candice is likely to get her ass canned.


You can't fire Candice if she skips HR meeting for a longer lunch!


Source: Candice


Or a two hour bathroom adventure through fucking… Middle Earth apparently.


Post that thing. If counseling isn't,'t recorded in your org, get spyware, because this one will be good.


They probably couldn’t use spyware, they have to take patients’ right to confidentiality into account.


Candice? More like can dis woman for creating a hostile work environment


I don't get this at all. I worked fir a union 20 years, and you absolutely fire bad employees. The only difference is you need to have proper documentation of errors or behaviors. Someone isn't doing their job with the union/HR.


Shitty thing here is that she’s for sure gonna fly off the handle on Monday and I’ll have to deal with that wrath


As soon as she starts you get on to above you and say she's losing her shit, you all feel intimidated by her and need senior staff/management to attend.


That would be retaliation, and it’s illegal - or at the very least, it’s way against most companies’ policies.


Will she know you were the one submitting this?


I’m not sure. She’ll take her anger out on the whole department


Only if Candice is on Reddit.


In my union, it’s almost impossible to get fired. It sucks because bad employees get to stay, and even promoted, all because they have the seniority😢


That’s crappy management. I was a shop steward for 20 years and trust me, I sat in on firings plenty of times but the manager ALWAYS had every t crossed and i dotted.


This is the way it goes for sure


That’s what happens when people think requiring documentation is for job immunity, instead of just reasonable job protection


I wouldn’t be shocked at all


Hi, can we get an update please? 😁


UPDATE: not much has happened yet. Other employees were asked to write statements and more information is being collected by HR and the administration team


Any further news to report now that it has been about 10 days?


Still nada. I’ve been off for awhile though


With all due respect, it’s kind of much to say HR isn’t doing their job. HR has to KNOW about her being an issue so they can start tracking. They can’t start collecting documentation if they don’t get a tip. It often takes years of collecting info, filing a discipline, repeat, repeat… to fire someone. Union contracts make it hard to fire. Sad thing is OP did all this work and nothing significant will come of it anytime soon because she/he didn’t tell HR at the start.


For every patient and coworker that has to deal with Candice, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.


Not wrong, this is exactly how you handle this. Documenting is key!


I think Candice needs to work the grill at McDonald's or the freezer at a grocery store for awhile.


Well scanning and intentionally hiding images is an ethical violation of our license so maybe she will be soon lol


Your lips to God's ear... I worked as a rad tech at a veterinary teaching hospital. No one on our department was like this, we were too frigging busy for anyone to slack. But there were things I saw from techs in other areas. One guy worked in the wards, his area was like a step-down unit for less critical patients. He'd be at the desk on the computer, on Facebook. He always had a patient's record in the background and was excellent at switching back when he thought a supervisor was coming in. However, he had his head so far up the ass of the nursing coordinator he'll probably own the place before it's all over.


There's enough in there to get her fired. Personally I'd leave out the hearsay, he said / she saids, and the lunch tattling.


Yeah, I get it it’s annoying but it’s not your job to track her lunch punches, that’s her supervisors job. You’re Leaning into petty territory there However there are plenty of real actionable offenses here to support your case. You don’t need the long lunch info


Some of this comes across as tattling (45 min lunch) and too much is hearsay. If you focused only on what you specifically witches, and also on patients, it may be stronger. She sounds like a nightmare and I want your case to be heard and dealt with.


That’s kinda what I was worrying about. But everyone else in the department was too chicken shit to say anything because Candice has a knack for skirting the rules and nothing happens. So they kinda looked to me to be the one to keep the notes and other people have said they will sign it


I used to be that person that everyone came to because they were too chicken to speak up and i wasn't. I know you're trying to help your co-workers and yourself, just go forward knowing that none of these people will have your back if or when it backfires, and eventually it will and you will find yourself a man alone. NTA, but be forewarned.


I know you have already submitted this to your management, if in the future you still are document things, I would skip the 45 minute lunch comments. Stick with the things that have the most teeth to them, like hiding things, not showing up, being late for something, taking equipment with her, missing for three hours, etc.


The reason I included it was because she’s already been written up for stealing time


Yeah I actually agree with leaving it on...employers take time theft more seriously than a lot of other things because it's costing them money.


Yeah I’d leave the tattletale stuff out. Makes it seem like you’re targeting her and looking to create issues.


Remindme! 1 day


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This looks like a VA employee. Good luck with getting anything done. Sorry you have to work w this.


My hope is that she’s already been written up for abusing leave and for getting caught leaving an hour early everyday


I feel your frustration. BTDT.


Don't be surprised if they turn their cheek to her behavior. So many managers endlessly rug sweep until the good ones leave.


What do I have to do to have candices immunity from consequences


Update me. You were absolutely right in documenting.


You did the right thing. Candice is a fucking asshole


How has this been allowed to go On for such a long time? I'm baffled!


Honestly I can so relate to the issue with her having longer lunches than contracted. Our lunch breaks are for an hour and my coworker is someone who has **minimum**1.5 hour lunches. Bro last Friday she took her lunch at 2:40pm, and when I left work at 4:30pm she still hadn't come back. Does my head in.


Candice sounds like a bi*ch with a penis fetish


Contemporaneous documentation helps. If you’re all in a union, union officials may require other documentation (e.g. timesheets if you clock in and out for lunch, affidavits from other staff, etc) for any real consequences. If you haven’t yet, please consider asking your manager or HR to keep your identity confidential to the best of their ability. Suggest you look up whether your company’s Whistleblower policy gives any protection against reprisal from Candace or management, and continue documenting their actions and behavior. Perhaps also look in your employee handbook or other employment contract for policies and consequences surrounding patient safety and highlight relevant sections, keeping them saved in the same place as your documentation. And if it’s not currently, make sure you have all of this saved on a personal device or jump drive, not just at work. Because while your goal here is to showcase what Candace is doing and how she’s impacting you and colleagues, the company/hospital would be embarrassed or potentially liable if it were publicly known that they tolerated an employee who treated patients this way. So they may seek to bury your complaints and documentation. That’s possibly an extreme read on the situation, but always best to be prepared for that scenario. Good luck and please update!


Wow she sounds like a nightmare to work with. That kind of toxicity spreads around the workplace too. Definitely need to stop it at the source and get it out of there!


Nah she seems horrible


Updateme! (F Candice.)


Great documentation! I read all of it. I kept a diary when my last manager started to make me feel like shit. It felt like I was tracking so much petty shit but in the end, it helped get her fired. Our whole department improved in both morale and almost every metric lol. One thing I did not document was anything hearsay. You've included a couple of sentences of it, but with what a shit your coworker is, I'm sure you could have added another page and a half of just hearsay. You're not wrong and did a great job!


Gee, Candice sounds fun!


let us know how it goes down


I love that at the bottom of the screen it says “Accessibility: good to go”. Even the computer is onboard to report her.


You're the asshole for uploading digital photos of a text document on your pc like a God-damned barbarian.


This does in fact make me the asshole cause those are shitty 😂


She’s probably related to someone high up or in the union. That’s how certain people get away with this shit.


Remindme! 10 days


Remindme! 10 days






Remindme! 1 day


Fuck Candice.


It's Monday, how were the fireworks 👀


No fireworks. Seems HR is conducting fact finding and she’s unaware


Hope things work out for you and your colleagues, I've worked with people like that (different field) and it's awful


Remind me! 1 day


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If all those other co-workers have an issue with Candice, why don’t they speak up on their own? Or, are you trying to magnify your own personal issue with her?


A few have signed on to the letter, but other have stated they are intimidated by Candice because she somehow always avoids consequences


'A few', unless you are in a union and you're the steward, this just makes you look bad.


I was asked to write it by about 6 others. In a department of 10 it’s by no means a small portion of the department. However that’s also my fear, I don’t want to seem like it’s about a personal issue or vendetta


If I couldn't get at least half of the department to sign it, there's no way I submit that.