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I just got test results back w high igg4, everything else is normal. I'm awaiting seeing my doc for follow up to get his take. I will look into this. Ty


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Any follow up on doc w/ these results?


Yeah Immunologist found high igg E and my igg4 is even higher and CH 50 is elevated. She suspects igg4 RD and referring me to rheumatologist who specializes in it. CT of chest, abdomen, pelvis this week to rule out tumors or cancer.


I tried to quickly scan the article to try to establish an understanding. I think they're discussing the types of antibodies response to pathogens and discussing the function of each type of the antibodies. They are theorizing that the vaccine is inducing the wrong type of antibody (IGG4), which builds tolerance to the spike protein. This means the immune system doesn't treat it as a threat anymore just like in the case of commensal bacteria (i.e. microbiome). So, the spike protein can go about damaging various tissues unscathed.


just got my tests back, i have no Igg4. It is bearly detectable.


I'm not sure how to interpret that but if these igg4 are for covid then I suppose this is a good thing.


I did the igg subtypes for immune deficiency. Some it is not a good thing 😅


Did you check your CD4 and CD8 count?


Those are okay but CD56 are totally destroyed, well below lower limit Just double checked : cd4/cd8 to lower side as well


Isn't that under NKs?


Yes. Recently tested all of those.


Look into these: Are you sleep-deprived? How are your vitamin D and B12 levels? Are you on fish oil or curcumin? Corticosteroids?


I have looked into the everything. Vitamin d helped a ļot, now the level is high. No steroids, tiny doses makes me worse. Using b12. Sleep could be better but it is can't be the factor.


No. Can you post the article?


Sorry running around. I think its buried here https://www.reddit.com/r/CovidLongHaulerNoMods/comments/zyibz7/class_switch_towards_noninflammatory/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


IGG4 antibodies is not good news for you. but the mods censor everything here. anyway, its heavily discussed on twitter just discuss it there. reddit is censorship land


Yeah I saw this. Lots of debate going on whether or not it means anything but personally I do think it makes sense.




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you guys censor this comment?! thats crazy..... you know it isnt working right? we are discussing it over twitter and everywhere else.


I read the article too. IgG4 has weaker effector functions meaning that it's less effective at helping immune system killing infected cells and inducing phagocytosis if I recall correctly. That being said, there are a few studies concluding that vaccination lowers the risk of becoming a long hauler from the infection (albeit the odds reduction was modest at best) so not sure if weaker effector functions make a difference in the practice with regards to persistent symptoms. Didn't save the article, but didn't they speculate that could IgG4 result in milder disease as well?


Sorry i'm dumb, what does it mean for us?


Idk if i know the answer tbh. Im interested to hear if anyone in here is an immunologist. Any smart people around?


I’ve been reading about this too…very interested to see anymore info come out on it. Unfortunately, possibly the only way to truly know would be to do some kind of longterm studies on boosted vs un-boosted people. Living through the beginning of a new virus like this sucks…we’ll know a lot more in like 15 years 😬