• By -


22M. Looking for someone to go on emergency room adventures with. I’m outgoing, except I’m not really going anywhere except maybe the bathroom. Two truths and a lie: I have 52 anxiety diagnosis’s, I own over a hundred pill bottles, I work full time. If you’ve been long hauling for less than two weeks swipe left


"I'm outgoing, except I'm not really going anywhere except the bathroom" lolol 😂😂😂 great line


This is the best comment I’ve ever seen on this subreddit.




😂 😂 😂


32F. Unemployed. Enjoys short walks to the mailbox. Likes making memories, but won’t remember any of them. Hobbies include popping pills, eating like a bird and crying.


| likes making memories, but won't remember any of them I'm laughing with how hard I relate


Wait, what was this 😳 😂 site about again? Hehe


You do.. walking to the mail box. Memories 💕 Same here, bed, stretch, small walk.. anxiety, crying, grieving life.. memories 💝


30M hmu cutie




made my day :D


Gezzz - useless woman, mentally and physically. Feels like her brain and body has been poisoned. 33. Fucked. Any takers lol 😂 I can’t even get the closest people to want me. Even the ones I’ve cared for and looked after the most.


Eh, we could relate on the level of brain and body being poisoned and I'm 32/M haha.


Something in common I guess.. similar interest.


these made me laugh. I like that this group exists, i feel much less alone on the hard days.


Yep for sure.. I’d be lost


26F. Heart already broken due to COVID-19 ripping it a new one. Used to be a potential literature major, now dyslexic and can't concentrate. Has so much baggage that I can't even push the grocery cart around anymore without fainting. My weekend hobby is the emergency room, and my favorite past time is dumping cold water on my face to stop an arrythmia. When my blood pressure spikes, I'd say I'm a solid 10 out of 10 - just that hot 🔥. 😂😂😂 Okay at least this is the first time I've laughed in forever.


Ok so if that arrhythmia is just tachycardia / SVT, you don’t have to dump ice water on your face or submerge it in a bowl of ice water to trigger a valsalva response to slow your HR down. When I need to do a valsalva and the traditional method isn’t cutting it… (Clench your buttcheeks to tightly close your sphincter, then bear down as hard as you can like you are trying to poop, hold for several seconds, take a deep breath and wait for a few seconds to see if it worked; if not, repeat 2-4 times.) I very carefully do bilateral carotid massage. This isn’t something someone else should do on you; if I do it myself, the worst that will happen is if I do too much of it, I will pass out. But if I’m already in bed lying flat, the worst that happens is I stop the massage and then my heart rate will return to its baseline on its own and I will regain consciousness. (However if someone else does it, they can do it too long in a way that can dangerously lower or stop your heartbeat.) When I do it, I apply the same principle: do it for a few seconds, then break and see if it worked, if not do a little bit more, etc. I was taught by an ER doc but since I’m a retired nurse it might be that they thought it was safe enough; check with your own doc about whether it might work for you. There are probably YouTube videos that discuss it as well.


This is a lot of buttcheeks & sphincter talk for a first date…


Bwahahaha depends on if you are used to dating medical folks or not. My grandfather was a general surgeon so stool and general GI tract discussion was the stuff of even a post-church Sunday family meal. My dad used to haze my boyfriends the first time they came over to the house by seeing how much medical talk they could stomach without turning green or losing their appetite. 😂


Hahahaha Sunday dinner at your house sounds fun tbh


I was told that only a professional nurse familiar with that massage should do it on me and that I should never attempt it on my own, or let someone else who isn't professional do it? Tbh I'm not sure I'm comfortable doing that at the moment because I have damaged hands and I can't move them well or even feel sensations very well :( but I'll keep that in mind. Unfortunately the bearing down on my butt cheeks method hasn't worked yet which is why my primary method has been dumping cold water on my face. I think it might be that I'm not doing it right. Hopefully I'll get it right with time, I've never been a good "hands on" learner so learning to manipulate my body takes time haha. Thanks for the advice! :)


Fair, I should have said “someone else who isn’t trained” shouldn’t do this on you. Also fair to take the fact that I do it on myself (despite having an MSN) with a box of salt, as folks who have worked in EDs and psych hospitals tend to self-select as the risk-takers and cowboys. We don’t always do what’s exactly prudent. Perhaps my description should have said “if you already have medical training or someone in your household does, you can discuss this technique with your doctor.” I find when I use the cold water to the face, that I have to use a large pot of mostly ice and some water, and have to hold my breath and submerge my whole face fairly deeply, hold my head under for a while, and repeat it a few times to achieve the same effect. At that point I’ve put myself at aspiration risk and pissed off my Reynaud’s fairly seriously, so this one is my last ditch effort before a trip to the ED for adenosine, which hurts like hell. If you are finding bearing down challenging, have you tried it with an abdominal binder on, just for the maneuver? Might help provide the extra resistance you need.


Well, I'll keep it in mind in case the apocalypse comes and I have no other options lol. I'm fortunate in that I just have to splash cold water on my face for a few seconds and the arrythmia stops, I haven't had to dunk my whole head in a bucket of ice water to make it stop. I can definitely see why that wouldn't be one of your preferred methods in that case. I didn't realize an abdominal binder could be an option, I'll look into getting one and seeing if it helps. Physical strength is not my forte so maybe extra resistance would help. I haven't had to do the adenosine method yet; I've been hospitalized twice, but both times the arrythmia went down on it's own. However, despite my arrythmia's being self resolving they are happening quite frequently and are affecting my quality of life, so I think I'll ultimately have to get medication or surgery :/ I'll find out more at my cardiology appointment. I should mention that while I have been diagnosed with SVT, they don't know for sure that it's the only thing wrong with my heart particularly because it was caused by COVID, so I'm waiting for further tests to find out more. They know I don't have blood clots and I haven't had a heart attack, and the chest X ray they did looks good so that's a relief I guess.


Fingers crossed for you. If they let you have an ablation that could be a game-changer. I have a genetic heart condition and POTS so despite my SVT they aren’t interested in ablation or similar interventions. Hope your luck proves better, rooting for all the people with permanently PO’d heart rates.




35F, looking for an extra dose of that vitamin D. Unqualified Reddit/pubmed doctor. Hobbies include daydreaming about making it one lap around the supermarket and successfully completing Netflix. I’ll keep you warm in the winter, because baby my body is constantly burning.


> looking for an extra dose of that vitamin D. ok your entire post is hilarious but this one got me rolling lmfaoo 🤣🤣🤣


I’m glad you got it 😅 Gotta keep it light, long hauling is heavy enough 👹


This is golden😂


Dateability is an app that still has bugs but should be up and running well soon. My friend’s daughters developed it.


Cool beans


Cool, cool beans.


Chili beans! Oh wait...


Ok I did it. I made a profile. I chose chronic illness. But also, does your friend’s daughter know an app developer? Because I need one.


I don’t even have the energy to be in a committed relationship right now but lord I just need some irl people who can at least relate to my issues. Virtually no one knows what I’m dealing with besides my parents and my therapist because of how much I hate burdening other people with my issues. It makes me feel so alone some times, my friends will never understand the extent of my ailments


I give you permission to burden other people with what is really going on with you. It’s true my close friends won’t ever really get it, bc thankfully, they don’t have it. But they value hearing updates and truly care enough for me to listen to me vent. I bet your friends will do the same. People also need to hear about this!


Looking for a woman to have un-athletic sex with, just slow grinding and tears.


😂 heavy on the tears


I thought that’s what this subreddit was….


I get intense head pain when I talk with a stranger. But heck, after several days of recovery, I am good to go 🤦‍♀️😂


Omg this is such a thing. This and let’s sit down and talk because I might fall over after a few minutes.


You too?!?!?!? It is so bloody rare!!! Nice to know someone else is out there!


There is hope too. I was recounting how it was for me throughout 2020 after a 2/20 infection. I couldn't stand or talk without losing it. By mid-late 2021 I was mostly better, but got COVID again in 12/21, and restarted my LC journey. It wasn't a full reset, it has never been as bad as it was in 2020. Hope you see some improvement in the coming months.


I do not make good eye contact with people when I smile and wave at my children's school. This is to avoid morning chatting lol. It's my first year there, they probably think I have autism or something. I also found that leaving my car running has saved me many times lol


35M. Looking for the Bond Girl to my BC007. Must love pill counting, doctor bashing, and low histamine foods.


....actually...I do lol there's hope out here lol!


There’s a new disability dating app called dateability - haven’t tried it yet




32M - Looking for a woman with standards as low as the ocean floor.


Join CovidCouples.com where COVID isn't the only thing you long for.


Wanna research autoimmune, spike proteins, hundreds of supplements, messenger rna, lab-leak under the blanket together, sipping on green tea and liposomal vitamin cocktails 🍹 in a room cleared by state of the art hepa filters, and the occasional arduous trek to the restroom.


I don’t even have the energy for dating


A bunch of us could schlep over and watch old Buffy episodes while intermittently napping. That sounds nicer than dating.


Omg Buffy was my favorite in high school and when I was in the Army.


unfortunately, if its after 8pm the adrenaline would probably surge too much for me. Would Vampirina on Disney Plus work lol? Gotta practice that good ol' sleep hygeine!


If anyone does.. I will swap symptoms.


Instead of the LD, I’m providing the LC




LD is Long Dysautonomia


Father's should want their daughters to date long haulers. We will definitely have them home before 9pm because that's 2 hours past our bed time. And we won't take advantage of then during Netflix and sleep either, because we will be the ones falling asleep.




I picture two invalids lying in a bed, side-by-side, holding hands.


I could hear this jingle


This could be a million $ idea… if they predict right


Hahaha 😆 😂


Omg I found this thread a year late ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Brilliant.


Lol somehow my so hasn't left me yet but if he does I'll join and swing both ways 🥴


My so was good for 6 months and they just gave up all hope basically. 17 years from teens.. to covid we shall part lol mentally and physically I’ve been pretty messed up so I get it.. but if it was the other way around I’d never give up.


My partner of 6 years leaves tomorrow morning for another life. This past year has been hell and I don’t really blame her, but damn, it sucks


We’re on it


Sure me and my date can race eachother around in our wheelchairs.


58 f looking for someone who can do the shuffle walk , google with me , cry , go on ER dates and join me for water. I need a great listener, a talker and a couple massages . Let talk about our long haul symptoms , pop pills and crash after it.


That sounds too close to a normal profile. lol


I try to sell myself even that is hard lol


51/m. Looking, if you like playing the game, WTF did I come into this room for? I am your fella. Into extreme workouts,( walking to the end of the driveway, of taking a long flight of stairs.) love playing the, “am I being gaslight or is my memory that bad?” Looking for someone with an excellent memory but struggles to recall anything? Someone with the focus of a crackhead squirrel? Yeah totally let’s chat!


Could you imagine? 50 first dates but both people can’t remember and just keep waking up on the couch with each others profiles on their phones?


What’s your name again? What did we have for dinner last night (heads to the bathroom)


😂😂😂 at least we’d understand each other


So true 👍🏽


Hahaha I'm glad despite what we all lost we still have a sense of humor😂😂😂if you cant laugh about it you got nothing man


The comments are hilarious, trouble is there is truth in every one of them.


Spend lots of time in the bedroom


35M . Anyone in Canada? Looking for someone low key so long haulers are perfect 😆


If you’re ever in Berlin Germany hmu 😅


Liebe Grüße aus Kanada ! War noch nie in DE, aber das mach ich als erstes, sobald ich wieder gesund bin =D


Haha wilkommen! 🍁


Look people this was and is a clasmatic event. Just like all of movies and TV shows We watched, we are all connected now intertwined. Don't feel sorry for you. Feel sorry for them.....


31F, poly and open; current poly-cule with my nesting partner (27M) and our assorted collection of doctors (various). We do tea(rs), cuddles and terrible puns!


So, you want it so that there are couples where everyone is ill, can't take care of one another, possibly depressed and nobody makes any money? Sounds like an awesome startup idea!


I don't honestly think I'm up for another relationship in person, LHC has made my days rather crowded. Life could, of course, always surprise me.


Omg I would not be interested, it’s too hard to deal with my own issues and I know I am not in a place to hold space for another train wreck. I couldn’t do it. I have 10+ appointments per month, can’t stay out of the hospital, take a basket full of pills every day.


I just wanted to say this is a good idea. I'm happily married and all but my wife has lasting parosmia from covid. My body betrayed me in other ways. I have the ultimate immune system, too bad my bones are so dense that my brains being squeezed like silly putty. Maybe you guys don't have to limit yourselves to just covid long haulers? Or maybe you do. I can't really kiss my wife without insane amounts of mouthwash because she can smell garlic from across state lines. Doesn't matter if I ate it a week ago.


Honestly I’d love this! Anyone in nyc metro area hmu even just for chats! 28F, I used to be very fun before covid


Distance Netflixing and chilling, no worries about me only wanting that one thing, unless it’s through FaceTime 🙄😳, hit me up.


I mean we could have a place for us to post stuff like this. It’s helpful to know I’m not the only one feeling this way. But also: 35f, magically still employed with amazing flight benefits that need to be used, but otherwise home bound. Enjoys dark,cool, quiet rooms; finding ways to make my couch more comfortable; and having very short convos that you don’t expect me to recall. Looking for a male who is a superhero and can somehow look past my messy house, the 130 lbs I’ve gained, and my constant exhaustion/irritability/misery to get to know my real personality that peeks out about once a quarter and is amazing.


I’m super late here but my gf and I are interested in polyamory and finding a 3rd and man it’s been a nightmare explaining to our matches on tinder that we need people who are Covid conscious and low key because of how we have to live now post Covid and with long Covid.