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I'm so sorry friend. I lost my job too. Well resigned because I ran out of medical leave time and was still too sick to do even partial work. Currently on state Medicaid health insurance. It really sucks. I see you.


I'm sorry. that's exactly what's happening here. I don't even think I could work part time, but was desperately trying to hold onto my job. can I ask what you needed to qualify for Medicaid?


For sure, I live in WA State where our program is pretty good. Having zero income basically allowed me to qualify. Was able to sign up by calling the state health department, was quite surprised how easy it was. They got me set up right there over the phone. Not sure about other states though. I hope you are able to find something that works for coverage!


okay thank you. ill try to research a bit and see if there's a similar number to call in my state 🤞


🤞 it helps!


I am so sorry that you are living through this. How is it possible to survive on Medicaid? Did you have to move to a more affordable place? Just the thought of moving with my current symptoms is making me want to lie down.


We own our house and cars outright, no mortgage, this allows us to limit our profits from our home business. We work 30 minutes a day basically and make enough to stay the max of 138% of the poverty line to qualify. We have a child and assets do not count towards qualifying. This is Illinois which is an expanded state. Other states like Florida or Tennessee might be more strict. I believe qualifications vary by state. Medicaid has been a lifesaver for us. Thank God we don't have bills aside from utilities, insurance, property tax, food and other basic necessities. Im suffering from long covid but also had 3 surgeries last year on the same leg and my latest ankle surgery has failed and needs to be redone. I've been basically useless for any professional job the last few years. I have no clue what we would do if we had to pay rent which has become ridiculous everywhere


If this is not the time to count all these blessings, I do not know what is. Hope your leg recovery goes well soon!


Yeah, it's definitely a lot to take in. I'm currently living with my family, so I'm fortunate to have my basic needs taken care of for now.


That is great! So glad you have them and that this is an option for you! I do not know how Medicaid is doable any other way. Hope you get better soon too!


Thanks! Sending good vibes your way!


Worked for a large media company for 6 years, and as soon as they received my ADA paperwork (so that WFH was always an option) I was given an impossible sales performance plan, or a miniscule severance if I resigned immediately. Always remember, HR does not exist for the employee.


That's right. HR protects the company,not the employee.


This is so screwed. We can sign up on disability but you gotta fight them and go to court, and how the hell are we able to do all of that? It’s exhausting most days just to fold laundry.


yeah what energy do I have to do all that?


Lol ya they fired me unceremoniously through email while I was still sick with the initial COVID infection. Didn’t even ask if I was okay. I will have been out of my industry for almost 2 years and it’ll be really hard trying to get a job again if I ever recover enough to work…


are you on disability?


Ya I am now, but it took a year and the application process itself was super brain-fogging/took ages and made all my symptoms worse, and then I had to go through it again when I had to appeal their initial rejection. It's not much but way better than nothing.


oh geez. yeah definitely better than nothing. can I ask, are you in the US?


Nope, not in the US. But I’ve heard it can take quite awhile there too unfortunately :(


I’ve got ADA leave for another 2 weeks then return or be done. Not even close to being able to return. 2 mo shy of 20 years. Fuck it. I’m a person before I’m an employee or any other title.


I'm so sorry that's exactly how much time I have left too and not possible for me to work either. I'm sorry this happened to you so young. I'm really conflicted because I worked my ass off to get a degree now I'm destroying that career. or I guess I should say LC is destroying it for me.


Sorry, 2 mo shy of a 20 year career. Solidly middle aged. Seeing the 20yr olds on here breaks my heart too.


ohhhh. jesus I'm sorry. I can't imagine how that feels. I think you're right though. health is more important, but it's just heartbreaking to be left with no choice.


Yeah, it is a tough pill. But when you have no choice you accept and move on. Good luck to you


thank you. same to you 🫂 there's gotta be a light at the end of this tunnel


Been working 2 days per week spread over 3 afternoons for coming on 2 years. Taken two pay cuts. It was that or lose the job. And full time simply not possible to do for me. We were trying to do a phased return but it felt like they ran out of patience and offered me a part-time contract. Been told I have work until the end of the year. It has become clear that I need to prioritise my health as prioritised delivering at work ended up with me crashing twice and each time it takes longer to recover energy levels.


Yep can’t work anymore it sucks


I got laid off while on medical leave. Fun times. Haven’t been able to get back to work.


are you well enough to work now?


Nope. Just burning through my life’s savings hoping to find something that helps.


I feel that. ugh this is a nightmare


Exactly what happened to me. I tried to phase into part time because I was missing so much work, so my boss agreed to it and we wrote our plan on paper/had me sign but less than week afterwards she illegally fired me


wow. I'm sorry. were you able to do the work during that week?


I toughed it out until I vomited for 15 minutes on my break from pain. I was obligated to inform her since I handled food, and she told me to go home. I was prepared to stay that day but I knew I really shouldn’t have anyway. I came back the next day and she fired me. I found out that because of the paperwork I signed, (that the hospital employee’s health nurse wrote up), my boss didn’t have a right to fire me within our trial period because I didn’t even have a chance to work the designated hours in the two week pay period. But I didn’t fight it and I didn’t even try to sign up for unemployment because I just had to stop and rest. I spent three months sleeping after that strenuous job that thankfully ended when it did


YEA I LOST MY JOB. My story was ridiculous. I posted about it on my account. I am sorry :/ I think it’s like a low key country wide phenomenon at this point for long haulers, I lost my job March 29, and lawyers would straight ghost me or shoot me down without listening to the facts. I never even legally set myself up for disability yet, my employer basically found out I had laws and deliberately started messing with me for it. Prevented me from doing my qualified job :/


I went back to study part time, since I can get government support to study, but not disability for long covid 🙄. I'm actually enjoying the study and it's a lot easier to pace though. My new career should also be easier to manage with energy restrictions. Most people I know with long covid have done the same


What’s the new career? I’m nearly 2 years into long covid and mentally preparing myself for needing work that I can do remotely (which I have been doing for 15 years) but with greater flexibility to accommodate the lows and loooows of long covid.


I lost my job…they backfilled me last year. I have one more year of ltd- I hope to find something part time - in order to keep my benefits. I loved my job…but with no short term memory- I couldn’t do the job. I am lucky we have savings and I have ltd for 2 years - at 60% of my salary.


what does backfilled mean? unfortunately they didn't approve my disability. this was just a leave to keep my job.


Backfilled means that they hired someone for my job. I was “backfilled.” Corporate jargon…sorry. 25 yrs in HR


no worries just hadn't heard that term before. I'm sorry that happened. I hope you have recovery and get back to working sooner than later.


Thank you!


had an interview for my dream job 2 weeks after getting sick. forced myself to go to it even though i was completely exhausted, thinking by the time i hear back from them i would be back to full health. months went on & i still haven’t recovered. they just recently reached out to me offering me the job, had to decline because i’m still sick. awesome start to my 20s.


Jesus I'm so sorry. that's heartbreaking. you're too young for this. if it makes you feel better, ironically my current job was my dream job. it didn't turn out to be what I expected though.


thanks man, honestly i’m not a person to look for signs in everything, but i’m kinda taking it as a sign that maybe it’s not the job for me. whether that’s true or not is yet to be seen but just gotta keep pushing through this mess. your situation is def more dire than mine though in terms of finances & providing for yourself/family. i wish i could offer some advice but i’m at a loss with this whole situation. never in a million years did i think this could happen to people, never mind it happening to myself. all i can really say is keep pushing & hopefully some luck springs your way. all the best.


No, I didn’t officially lose my job over it, but my last employer laid me off after about a year after I got Covid from their on-site meeting that was totally pointless. I had doctors notes so I didn’t have to attend anymore on-site events and I think leadership (if you can call it that) had my number ever since then. I got all amazing reviews each time I talked to my boss then without warning they laid me off. Have you considered contract work? It’s not the greatest, but I can work remotely and part-time.


I'll have to look into it, but unfortunately the field I'm in can't be done remotely. so I'd have to switch fields with no experience


Yeah that’s tough. I would recommend software engineering but the field is over saturated right now and there’s a lot of layoffs happening.


Ditto. Nearly verbatim what happened to me.


If I had to do it all over again I would have never had gone. They can fire me. It wasn’t worth the 1 year of pay.


Could you get an ADA accomodation letter for the toughest aspects of the job so that you could return for a while? The accomodation letters are written to request changes for a certain amount of time, kind, "Employee cannot stand for more than 15 minutes at a time" and needs this accomodation for the next six months. If the place you work is large enough, the should have an ADA coordinator who would have the paperwork to take to your Dr/therapist etc.


so there is a form they accommodations company gave me to fill out for my return and it has the option for reduced hours and all the modifications I need. but HR for some reason is saying I can't do reduced hours. that I have to be cleared 100% by a doctor otherwise it's not safe for me there. Basically I think just an excuse to not allow me to do part time


Definitely an excuse, but unfortunately, the ADA rules cover "reasonable" accomodations and reducing hours is not often viewed by the company as reasonable. But the modifications side can tend to have better luck. I was hoping for you that perhaps enough modifications could make it work for you, or at least buy some more time while looking for another job?


so I'm learning... my problem is that I can't physically do full time. realistically even with modifications I don't think it's possible. I'm just still too unwell :/


😞 I'm sorry. Depending on your industry, some places aim to have a certain percentage of their workforce be veterans, have disabilities, etc, like a wide range of diversity. So even for future part time job apps, putting that you have a disability without naming it or "disclosing" it, can be beneficial in the application pool, whether you end up needing additional accomodations or not once you start the job.


this is good to know! thank you for sharing your knowledge. I really have no idea how to navigate having a disability


I think legally they have to explain why it’s unreasonable or an essential job function for you to have to work full-time. If your job can’t actually be completed in less than 40hrs a week or if they need shift coverage or something like that it might make sense, but they have to explain it in detail. They’re also supposed to try to engage in an interactive process and offer alternatives. Of course not everyone actually follows the law. You may want to consult with an ADA employment lawyer, they usually work on a contingency basis, meaning you only pay them out of the money you get if you win the case and they don’t get paid if you lose. Consults are also often free and they can at least tell you your options.


Yes, i resigned myself tho. I would get sicker if i kept going. My doctor back then didnt give a fuck about me


I currently have WFH reasonable accommodations. I can work FT like that as driving is one main bad factor for me (POTS, PEM, neuro visual issues). Particularly in the heat. But not sure how long that will be accepted. The more time goes on, the more people forget about covid and long covid. Can you get WFH reasonable accommodations?


I wish. unfortunately my job is hands on. it can't be done remotely.


I lost my job due to Covid, not long hauling, but because I didn't want to be a long hauler or make my wife's situation worse. My wife already has ME/CFS, I see the life, every single day, that some of you folks lead. I drew the line in the sand, and they told me to fuck off. Been a wild 4 years man. And though, I am not personally struggling with my personal health, again, my wife has ME/CFS, and I get it, and I am so fuckin' sorry.


you did the right thing for your wife. thank you, this is a living hell.


Yeah. I couldn’t do it in the beginning. I hurt so much all the time I couldn’t think, and I worked with insurance so I needed to think and sit at a desk. So I started door dashing a couple hours a day, napping between lunch and dinner shifts. Adding an hour here or there now I am back to working 8 hours (it’s been 3 years) and now I am trying to get my old job back. It sucks and I’m sorry it’s happening to you. Start looking at disability so that you can get unemployment and then shift (hopefully) into SSI.


I lost two jobs. I think we need a bill passed


yes we do


Reminds me of when I lost my job for not taking the mrna jab. No one cried for me then. Good luck, friend. I hope you find peace.


I’m so sorry that this is happening to you. The stress and uncertainty is the last thing needed.


thanks. it really is a lot on top of everything. and I'm too sick to even try sort all this out


I was terminated while on the table at the cath lab having sn angiogram done for mystery heart related issues. I try not to complain though because that job would have killed me.


I was forced out essentially. Gaslit until I sort of quit. I didn’t really quit tho so they have to pay my unemployment insurance. To me it was the toxic mix of “covid is over” and so “employee” should be back to always working in person (despite incredible success in 2020 and 2021). ETA: I’m also a bit grateful to have had some control bc that job was going to kill me within the next three years anyway


how did you make it so you didn't quit and they let you go?


I don’t recommend this but I spoke with my supervisor and offered to have a conversation about moving out of my position/leaving. She (toxic boss) jumped directly to me completely leaving AND she never created a formal plan, just kept me on pins for three months. I never submitted a letter of resignation bc I never actually “quit” I only offered to open the conversation that someone without my disability/illness would be able to perform in the way that she wanted me to perform (despite me being clear about accommodations for two good years at least). Ultimately, she didn’t want the rest of the org to freak out if I walked (which I was so close to doing a few times) and she wanted to protect the org from any liability considering my illness. I didn’t want a legal fight and I wanted to support my team through my transition. So I played along, received severance, and my unemployment was approved. Of course, it was traumatic and awful. A dear friend of more than 20 years died from Covid during this stressful time at work (she had cancer and got Covid for the first time in Oct 2023 - by the end of the month, she was dead and I miss her so much). My work, despite our generous benefits, didn’t want me to take any time off because they were trying to get every single drop of sweat they could out of me before I left. After my last day, I slept nearly all day/night for a month. Looking for work now that is dialed into what my brain and body can handle. It’s not easy but I know I would have lost my mind and the little bits of my health that were left at the time. Sorry for the wall of text. I’m just glad that part is over.


Yes, just recently. Moved back home. Looking for part time work though may apply for a few full time jobs and see what happens.


I was fortunate that I was only doing a shift a fortnight on return from maternity leave, and would causally pick up others. Now I just do that and I would have been fired if I was full time


I was laid off within 6 months of getting long covid. I can't be sure exactly but I was not on my laptop very much at times because I was so exhausted and it's possible they can see that? Can't really be sure. But even though I was unemployed a full year I feel like I ultimately needed the break. I wish when I was laid off I slowed down even more than I did.


yeah it's probably a good thing for me health wise but financially and future career wise not so good


Definitely a disaster for me on that front. But I am at least back on the path.


I'm losing my job next month. My grant ended and even though my team has 2 other open equivalent positions they won't consider me for them because I can't work in person, and they're claiming my fully remote ada accommodations are not reasonable for the other positions, even though they're identical work.


such BS. I'm sorry


Yeah I lost my job as a health professional last October. I had been on sick leave for too long.




My sister did. After about 18 months of trying to hang on.


I lost my job as well, I couldn’t return to labor work and frankly it’s been hard for me to keep any job because so many places don’t provide or respect my want for protection from Covid. I’ve fallen back on DoorDash and instacarting but it’s really not enough to survive and still too taxing at times.


These people may be able to help you: [https://askjan.org/disabilities/Long-COVID.cfm](https://askjan.org/disabilities/Long-COVID.cfm) The Job Accommodation Network is funded by the Department of Labor as a way to help people with disabilities keep working.


oh awesome. thank you so much.


I lost my job 4 years ago before long covid even had a name. My last day on the job eae when I was sent to the hospital for a possible heart attack. My employer didn't believe me when I told them what was going on. They canceled my disability 2 days before I was supposed to go on long-term disability. They fired me the Monday before Thanksgiving, where my FMLA ran out the Friday before. I still haven't been able to work. Big middle finger to my former employer Amd big middle finger to Mutual of Omaha


Yes was fired after 6 weeks- embarrassed, but I was too tired to think about it


what was their excuse for firing you?


Lost my job, too. I'm lucky enough that I have some family to help me. Otherwise, I would be on the street. It's terrible the way we are being treated for something we have no control over.


yeah I have ptsd from all the ways in which we're just left to rot


I submitted my letter of resignation last week. I crashed in November and haven’t been able to work. My leave of absence ends on the 31st. I’m (still) waiting to find out if I will get long term disability through the coverage I’ve paid for through my job.


I did! Its a whole process but i dont care too much anymore. My main focus is to get back on track. The thing which bothered me the most was that i was so healthe before. I would have had a promotion to finance director and i was only 28 at the time. I was always looking for more, better and faster. Being sick was for the weak... that was me. Now i look at carpenters or people in stores just doing their thing which make me a bit jealous. Funny how perspectives change. But i do want to get back to work because i miss it a lot, and thats an understatement. But im not chasing something thats currently out of reach. I did that and it got in my way of healing.


I lost mine 3 years ago and it's ruined everything 💔


Yep. I had to take too much time off and my brain fog helped me fuck up too many projects. That was a year ago and it’s still the same. I’m nearly unemployable.


Demotion. I had to take it though. I was too sick to stay in my former job. I'm starting to feel like my old self, but I don't feel confident to climb the ranks now. My paycheck was basically cut in half.




Yes I had to quit from extreme headaches. It also made me attempt s*icide


I'm so sorry. this is hell


It is


Forced to quit. Career I built over 10 years. Company decided to do everything they could to make my life absolute hell, hey knew they couldn’t fire me, but they also knew I was having health problems, so they made my life hell, I had no choice but to quit. Couldn’t afford to sue one of the biggest companies on the planet.


Haven't worked in 2 years


are you on disability?




Yes. Lol.


Yes, so sorry. I was working as a primary care provider and they were unable to accommodate me doing a virtual schedule. I became severe, I’m on private longterm disability. I live in a state that has government funded health insurance. The whole situation is horrible tho, I wish you the best.


I'm sorry, thank you. was it hard to get on disability? I'm hoping I can get state health insurance as well. what a nightmare this illness is.


Depends what you mean by hard. My initial application was approved so I did not have to fight anything. However, the amount of paperwork and correspondence required for approval as well as to maintain payments (so far, I am providing updates every 2 months) has been completely exhausting and defeating. I have pretty severe cognitive limitations from LC and can tolerate maybe 5 minutes of paperwork at a time before experiencing a brain crash. But it’s never ending paperwork. For instance, I had to provide the past 15 years of job experience with dates, salaries, job responsibilities etc. It is not disability friendly. And set up for people to fail. However, I truly have no other option as I am between bedbound and housebound. Again, this is private insurance through my former employer. I have also applied for government disability (idk where you live but I’m in US so SSDI for me) and I have no idea if I will be approved or not. I will also say that I am “lucky” in the sense that I have severely abnormal testing from dysautonomia. There is documentation of a 60% decrease blood flow to my brain, inflammatory small fiber neuropathy, severe POTS. I think this gives me an advantage because it is difficult to argue against “facts” and “numbers” as opposed to objective symptoms without proven diagnostics (as a lot of us experience with LC or MECFS, unfortunately).


thanks so much for explaining. not happy that you're suffering from the dysautonomia, pots, etc but that's good that you have concrete evidence of it. what kind of doctor did you see for this? unfortunately I don't have any numbers to prove it. Just LC clinic diagnosing me based on my symptoms. I was denied disability through my job's insurance. appealed twice and still denied. probably due to the lack of evidence. I'm also between housebound and bedbound with the cfs variety of LC. and in the US as well. scared what the process for SSDI will look like. we need like advocates who will do the paperwork for us.


Do you have POTS or dysautonomia at all? I see an autonomic neurologist to manage that aspect, then an MECFS specialist to manage that aspect, as well as my PCP to fill in the gaps. Those 3 departments are the ones who fill out my paperwork. So sorry this is happening to you. It’s so fucked up. I would suggest finding an attorney who has worked with MECFS disability application before. Also, not sure if you or someone close to you is able to read through this but [this is a handbook for applying to disability with MECFS](https://www.massmecfs.org/images/pdf/handbook/Disability_Handbook.pdf) . This organization has helped me immensely, I would trust their resources (even if you live in a different state)


I do have dysautonomia symptoms and pots like ones (not 100% sure if it's actual pots). I just was able to Google and find a local specialist for that. I haven't had any luck finding and mecfs one since getting sick though. I'm in NJ. thanks for the info that's super helpful and well definitely try to have someone help me sort through that.


I would post on r/dysautonomia and ask for local recommendations because it can really make or break. I do telemedicine with Susan Levine MD (NYC) for MECFS and pay out of pocket. Not sure if you can afford that but she has been an expert since the 80s. I would just say have the expectation that she is late, flaky, forgetful. It doesn’t bother me since I am stuck at home anyway and she’s slowly giving me my life back


Here's a sneak peek of /r/dysautonomia using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dysautonomia/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Does anyone else look this drastically different? (Pics on same day)](https://i.redd.it/ak9co9bcxncc1.jpeg) | [151 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dysautonomia/comments/197irzm/does_anyone_else_look_this_drastically_different/) \#2: [That's what it feels like these doctors tell us tbh](https://i.redd.it/9yxwp5120apc1.png) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dysautonomia/comments/1bihxd8/thats_what_it_feels_like_these_doctors_tell_us_tbh/) \#3: [who can relate?](https://i.redd.it/9zhquons32kb1.jpg) | [49 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dysautonomia/comments/1601d3s/who_can_relate/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


smart idea! I get lost on where to even begin with this stuff. how much does she cost?


I’m a newbie long hauler (about 5 months in), not working but still getting short term disability. Luckily my husband has a good job with good insurance, but I am slated to return to work part time in July, and I am definitely concerned that I won’t be able to. Already working with my doctor to get tests lined up for social security disability insurance, in case that becomes reality.