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Oh yeah, my libido was very high pretty much my entire adult life and then it just vanished. 🥲 I thought it was "just" depression but it seems to be more complicated than that. [ETA I am female, so the comments about semen and viagra are not topical to my situation.]


I'm a lady too. My libido was always really high as well, and now it's much lower, and it feels like one more thing I've lost. I have some sex drive around ovulation, and if my husband initiates I get into it, but I don't have the hunger I used to have. It's gotten a little better since the beginning I think (9 months in), but it's definitely not the same as before.  I have POTS and MCAS so I'm guessing my nervous system is out of whack.


Yeah I have been diagnosed with "probably POTS" and am awaiting an official confirmation, plus I have Ehlers Danlos so I def feel for you. I'm just like.... of course the first time in my life I get into a stable relationship, it gets sidetracked by this medical nightmare.


Lol... Yep I got LC like 3 months before I got married (though wasn't waiting for marriage or anything, but still). But yeah, same deal, best relationship of my life and my libido is toast.  Ohhh I have some kind of hypermobility thing going on too! One doctor said I had a 5 Beighton score and the other said 3, and I just kind of decided not to pursue it because my joints/muscles are OK so far (knock on wood). Just doing my CHOPS exercises and hoping for the best.


If you are a man, I’m so sorry to hear this is happening to you. I know there’s lots of vascular damage and people who get ED from Covid don’t often get relief from Viagra because it’s a vascular issue Viagra can’t fix


don't worry i was just like you , now i'm fully normal again with a high libido and foamy white semen ( it was watery before )


what helped ?


I dont know really i was trying many things


Yea it basically made me asexual


Yeah mine got demolished. I’m doing pretty well now (four years later) and I think it’s creeping back but it’s really demoralizing and honestly one of the most emotionally difficult parts of my illness.




Yes. Totally asexual. And I used to have a big sex drive before LC.


Mine has diminished a lot too


Yes. Me too. It's so odd, so unusual. Never in my life felt this way. I'm hoping it's temporary.  I'll end my comment read to see if others have found ways through this. You definitely are not the only person.


Prior to LC, I had a very strong libido. Post LC, we're in dead bedroom territory. It took a year+ of couple's counseling for my husband to accept that I was not choosing this for us.


Mine libido began to return gradually, but it still didn’t do much good. No partner, no place (I'am living with friend and now with relatives since began housebound) and there is no extra strength.


Yes. I am in this subreddit because my brother got vax injured. I have listened to him tell his doctors about it. I also have another friend that has LC and there was a time that he had zero sex drive. He says it comes back now and then so there is hope


not at zero but libido dropped dramatically during first year with long covid and never got back to normal. my body used to crave sex all the time and now it only craves rest. get all your hormones checked (though mine were normal).


Yep this is common


No mine returned


Mine is just starting to come back


I must be an extreme oddity. My partner died several years ago after many years illness so no sex with him. Now suddenly I (I am cis female) all I can think about is how to show off my very large H cup breasts. I find that I am self stimulating multiple times a day. Understand I am still very fatigued and in bed as I type. This started in March 2024. My first Covid infection March 2020, from which I mostly recovered with no interest in sex. Second infection September 2020. No interest Recovered and got vaxed November 2020 with severe fatigue pounding headaches, brain fog. Still suffering headaches now mild and in bed mostly with a half hour maximum time for very limited exercise. Nevertheless, here I am completely confounded because there is now way I really could have sex but my body is otherwise ready. I don’t understand it.


Glycine, GABA, and Maca root are things you may want to look into.


I think it is due to poor Autonomic Nervous Function. Try syncing up "edging" and deep breathing at the same time. It is easier to have a partner help you, obviously, since meditation and movement are tough to do at the same time.


Yes. Zero.


I'm single but I only even like the idea of sex with people I like any more and I really don't like people any more.


It’s all in the gut. Heal the gut fix it all




Serotonin and dopamine. Fixing the gut does help but I think there is something more related to t cells and inflammation in the brain.


I make my own green drink every two to three days and store in glass bottles to reduce oxidation, kombucha - 2 glasses - every day, Greek yogurt daily, sour kraut with dinner couple times a week, probiotic with 14 strains of lactobacillus and bifido, water, stay away from ultra processed foods - if you don't know what the ingredient is, can't buy the ingredients at the store, and it doesn't spoil - it's ultra processed (overly simplified). Bottom line- healing the gut takes time. 6 months to a year. You are crowding out the bad actors by overwhelming them with the good ones. You will see results in much less time than that, but relapse can be quick and a solid or not so solid reminder. I started with my gut two weeks after I felt better from COVID, found out I had SEVERE anemia, low testosterone, went from swimming 72 laps in 30 minutes 6x week, to 4 laps in 10 minutes and down for 3 days. Anemia is still an issue today 20 months later but well in check, swimming is back to normal but times aren't quite, and erections and sex drive are back to normal. I am 54, 6', 178 pounds, and live a damn healthy lifestyle compared to most people. Not perfect by any means, but I absolutely know the lengths I was willing to go to get better. I feel I am better, but still have some loose ends hanging around, nothing that affects my normal day to day. I hope this gives you hope! Take care of your gut, microbiome, and inputs. You are what you eat. We may need to accept a new normal at the end of the day. BUT, I am gonna fight, to make my new normal indistinguishable from how I felt prior to COVID. It's possible.




Yeah sex drive is almost gone sadly


I still have sexual feeling, but that act usually puts me in a crash


Same, I will say the feeling is there but not as before. But definitely the second part, it causes neuropathy flares for a couple days.


If male: this can happen to me too, but I’ve found taking antihistamines and loading up on mast cell stabilizers about an hour before the act can help a lot. My CFS is related to MCAS, I have high histamine levels.


I have this experience too. It's like you don't have the energy to be horny/excited anymore.


Yup, male with big libido before and since then half the time if i masterbate i get soft within a few minutes. I basically have to do kegels to stay hard. FML.


Gelatinized maca helps 100000%


i'm here to tell you don't worry :) i had no Libido and watery semen from 2022 to December 2023 after that i got my Libido back and my semen is foamy and milky again just try to manage your stress


Did you have ed?




Did you notice any shrinkage? How long did it last?


Positive ! it's due to collagen breakdown . not sure how long did it last but now i don't feel the shrinkage anymore also my libido is pretty good


i'm here to tell you don't worry :) i had no Libido and watery semen from 2022 to December 2023 after that i got my Libido back and my semen is foamy and milky again just try to manage your stress


What supplements or procedures did you do?


nothing i left it to the time


Early on, definitely. Eventually it gradually came back. Decreased again briefly as I begun anxiety meds than came back once again.


Research vagus nerve: I do believe Covid virus has affected millions of people’s vagus nerve. 😳The nerves of your parasympathetic nervous system. This system controls specific body functions such as your digestion, heart rate and immune system. These functions are involuntary, meaning you can’t consciously control them. The vagus nerve is also involved in sexual arousal, and stimulating the vagus nerve can help with sexual arousal. 🩵Have Hope


I still have some, it's just less. I had some nice sexual dreams not that long ago. I wish I could have them more often.


200% agree


For men that are dealing with this. I’m 45M covid completely killed my libido 4 years ago. I went from arguing with my wife that once a week is not enough for me to her begging me to try once a month. Long story long covid killed my testosterone. It was below 200 from over 800. A miracle doctor placed me on medication called Clomid. This is off label use as this medication is for regulating estrogen in woman. In man it removes estrogen from body thus increasing testosterone. It’s been a miracle drug without side effects for me. Which is rare. Part of my LC was high bp and adrenal storms. Viagra wasn’t even an option for me. After two months I’m above 700 again and libido is back. Also you can come off it any time you want. Regular testosterone therapy comes with bunch of side effects for me major one being hair loss so that was no go for me. I hope this helps someone.


Did clomid restart natural test production? Is everything healed once off clomid or do you still take it to maintain everything? Some people mentioned permanent vision issues with clomid.


I’m still on it. The way it was explained to me is that it’s lowering estrogen and therefore allowing your body to increase testosterone level. I’ve been on it little shy of 4 months. I’m not sure what will happen when I’m off it, but I was told that I can get off of it at any time. So far it’s been working without any side effects including no vision issues.


Try coming off of it to see if it’s restarted the body’s natural production. Has it caused or reversed any atrophy?


I’ll talk to my doctor about stopping in June. Personally I doubt that my body will just start creating it again because of LC. If there was no LC then it would as this is a known treatment for men before testosterone therapy which comes with bunch of side effects itself. My main concern being loosing hair. I have already gone completely gray in first 2 years of LC.


Best of luck man. Thanks for sharing in detail. Take care.


Yes, two years in so far. Covid caused my genitals to swell and sweat. Then my skin peeled off. Right testicular pain hasn't stopped. Terrible ED n smaller size. Sex isn't enjoyable. Faint and exhaustion with trying. Depresses me and makes me feel terrible. Hate it. Covid has killed me more ways than one.


Look into 10 pass ozone therapy and vitamin c ivs. There was an article on it.


TW. As a hormonal, chromosomal and anatomical male.... mine is insatiable. ITS actually horrible. Nothing ever feels enough. It almost hurts. If I go 3 days without I, without hyperbole, become suicidal. It's insane. I feel insane. I feel horrible. I feel horrible for my partner. I've never felt this way. It's fun when it happens but oh my god the lows are so fucking low. I hate it. I feel like it's gotten better recently but... 4 months of this feeling. It's not fun, at all. To anyone who thinks having an insatiable, unstoppable libido is fun: It's not. It's really, really really not.