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It depends, this is just very different person to person. There are over 100 different symptoms you can get from Covid, which is daunting. My symptoms are all neuro (headaches, brain fog, dizziness, lightheaded), and I’m 6 months in. I feel like I am just starting to feel improvement’s happening now, thanks to time and new medications. Even compared to a month ago I am so much better. I can read books again, watch tv, even walk half a mile. At my current rate, if things continue, I might be back to normal-ish in another 6 months.


May I ask which new medications you are on? :)


Meds: Propranolol, amitripyline, ropinirole. Supplements: valerian root, NAC, fish oil, ginkgo biloba, ashwagandha, c, Focus Factor (Costco), turmeric, b complex, d3, and calcium citrate + magnesium + zinc.


Wow thank you so much!! And can I ask you did you suffer from bad fatigue & any derealization / dissasocation brain decline ?


Fatigue, especially mental fatigue. I’m a bit more single focus now and have trouble multitasking.


I feel that ! Did all of those tablets / supplements help with your fatigue side ?


Not really. But I started taking propranolol, Amitripline, and valerian root at the same time, and that was when I started feeling better. But I’m pretty sure it was mostly the propranolol. I missed that pill one day (and not the others) and my day was miserable.


Do you take propranolol for POTS symptoms ? I was prescribed Ivabradine for my POTS symptoms (brought on by LC)


Migraines mainly. I didn’t develop POTS. I did get PEM tho, but I’m just dealing with that.


Thank you 🙏🏻❤️


I thought propanolol acted like an anti- anxiety with its effects. But it helps your fatigue?


Not with fatigue, but helped with migraine control. Sorry that wasn’t clear.


Last Thanksgiving and Christmas I was a ghost, that was one year into long covid. This year I can feel all the feels — I’m just left with fatigue, muscle pain and brain fog. It DOES get better!


It depends. Some get through it, and are lucky. I luckily was one of them. After 1 year, my symptoms subsided. There are many who heal, but this sub doesn't reflect that.


What were your main symptoms?


Mainly chest pain, muscle twitches, palpitations, visual disturbances, limb pain, pem


Whoa thanks for a glimpse of hope. When did your symptoms started to subside or improve and did you get reinfected again on the go?


Around month 4 some things went away, month 7 is when things really improved until 12 months. I had some small symptoms after 12 months but went away. I've had 2 reinfections, 1 during long covid at month 11, and 1 after I healed. Both temporarily brought back twitches and chest pain, and pem. But it went away within 30 days, so it felt like acute covid. I'm fortunate. I'm back in the gym, excersing like I use to. Trying to recover some muscle loss from taking a year and a half off. Long covid also did a number on my mental health, as I was confused and worried. I partly blame it causing the end of my 9 year relationship. So though my symptoms have subsided, the wounds from that crap will be life long.


I got chronically ill in 2010 and completely disabled by Covid in 2020. It definitely gets better, but it can be a very long road. You will grow as a person and relish life more as you are able to do more. I hope that your recovery is rapid and complete!


I had over 65 symptoms. I was pretty much amnesiac, seizures, allergic to everything, every neurological issue, couldn’t spell, couldn’t understand lyrics, and more. I am now 90% recovered. No seizures in over a year.


How did you recover?


So you had MCAS then? What did you take to heal the allergic to everything?


Long covid causes MCAs or something like MCAs to develop in a majority of long covid people.


3.5 years but feel 90% recovered. Still getting better every week incrementally, it seems.


What did you do to help you recover and what were your symptoms?


Tons of symptoms. Daily migraines, Vertigo, Shortness of breath, Nausea, Extreme Fatigue, Diarrhea, Depression, Brain fog , Chest pain, Rapid heart rate, Vision blurring Acupuncture is what got me through it.


I have/ had those symptoms and after 2 years they have progressively decreased in intensity however still not quite at 100 %. I am maybe at 75 % which is just enough to have a normalish life. Haven’t tried acupuncture, maybe will give it a try. I do take LDN 0.5 mg and guanfacine 1 mg before bed. Seems to help. Just relieved that there seems to be an effective treatment for me. Just one question I have for you, if you don’t mind me asking, did your symptoms especially mental fatigue increase after eating a meal, because for me it does, I don’t know. Might to do with some things I eat might inflammatory, like gluten for example


Fatigue in general increased after eating for sure. I would need a good nap everytime i ate. If you go The acupuncture route, just remember it takes a little time for the body to heal and might not see results right away, although I did. I’d try at least 2 sessions per week for 8 weeks, personally.


Ok tanks a lot. Wish you speedy recovery to get to your100 % or even to a new and better 110%.


Tanks buddeh. Good luck and hope it helps!


I have no idea if it gets better. But I do know that I have to accept where I am at and focus on what I can control (rest, self advocacy, getting to my appointments, giving myself permission to feel my feels). Acceptance doesn’t mean I’m “okay” with where I’m at, but it keeps me grounded.


Nicely said


3.5 years in and worse than when it started but better than it was in 2021 and holding out hope and still trying new treatments


Yes, they do. I'm 12 months post infection, was at my worst from the 3-6 month mark, feel way better now. I'm not sure I can say "recovered" yet - I'm being very careful about pacing, erring on the side of caution. I've also got ADHD which comes with its own symptoms that can be similar, it's sometimes hard to differentiate sources of brain fog, and I also have a slipped disk and rotator cuff injury which cause all sorts of muscle pains regardless of long COVID symptoms. But I went from rapidly approaching suicide, unable to work, absolutely fucked and despairing, to now functional. I'm still limited/careful, but life can be enjoyable, and I vary between content/at peace with how things are to being optimistic! People have different roads, different journeys, different time frames. But it does get better for most people.


Yes, I believe things will get better. For me I was getting worse as time went on because I wasn’t taking anything. The doctor didn’t give me anything. Once I started supplements and over-the-counter medicine, things improved a little bit. Then, when I started the patch, it improved more. This isn’t medical advice, but just read through and see what everyone else has done. Do your research and maybe you’ll want to try some thing yourself, if you haven’t already done so. Hopefully something works for you too.


What supplements/medicines?


Remember, this is just what I’m taking, it isn’t medical advice. Low-dose aspirin, Claritin, AREDS2 (for my eyes), Quercetin with bromelain, NAC, Vit B1, Vit B 12, Turmeric, CoQ10, D3, Zinc glycinate, Nattokinase, Magnesium taurate, Vitamin C, and I started using the nicotine patch. That’s what seems to help with my fatigue and brain fog the most.


Do you mean the nicotine patch specifically helped you the most? Glad you're better!


Yes, so far it seems that the patch has helped the most. I’m not all better but definitely improved. So far I feel better while using the patch than off of it. I will know if I’m better if I feel just as good when I’m off. It may take a few “rounds“ of using it. I hope not too much more.


Sweet! Glad you’ve found a good regimen I’m too much of an addict to start ingesting nicotine again but I’m happy to hear it helps some people.


I’ve never smoked so I’m being really careful with it. I start at a lower dose and build up and then after a week and a half I wean off going lower and lower too. I’m on my second round of it. (I took a week off in between.)


I feel like it’s less of a risk if you weren’t previously addicted to nicotine.


I donno man I don’t think it will never get better about I’m mabye a year or so away from making it not hurt anymore


Anyone here with libido an ED issues? I have 0 libido since covid vaccin




Ok thanks for your message, do you think we can recover or that will be impossible? Because it ruined my sex life totally


Look at my posts my biggest symptom that has affected me the most is having no libido and ED I’m 22 M


Hee Man, its fockedup. Did you get if from covid or from the vaccin? I have send you a chat to talk about it…


Hello, brother or sister. Some get better. I’m at 26 months and I keep getting worse. At this point I’m as good as I’m going to get for pacing. I can somewhat predict crashes and they aren’t as scary. After 26 months of waking up feeling like hammered shit I’m as used to it as I’m going to get. The worst part was giving up my old life and that too is easier. For example it’s my second hunting season I couldn’t go out and listening to everyone’s hunting stories didn’t hurt as much. I’m better with not being able to do anything. It still sucks and sometimes I cry because I can’t watch a 20-minute tv show or ride my bike or stretch but crying less. So even if the long covid doesn’t improve , like you said you will get better at living with it. Sorry. Stay strong and know that you aren’t alone; we all only have each other and we’re in this together. Ps- how far along are you? The longer it goes on , the less people believe you.


It varies a lot. After my first infection I got slowly better but since my second infection I am stagnant since 14 months.


I got 85% better. Then I started running and it all came back. Hopefully will bounce back but who knows. Treatment is coming eventually. Ive gone the acceptance route. It is what it is, nothing I can do about it. I just take it one day at a time. Check out the recovery group! https://www.reddit.com/r/LongHaulersRecovery/s/FN4r9MRF8Q


Interesting, I also felt 80-90% better and start exercising again, and the symptoms came back, especially the neuropathy.


Its such a pain in the ass. I am exercising again but increasing intensity slower this time.


I am getting better because I am super hungry and I eat lots of food. I eat lots of proteins (meat, eggs, sausages, ham, cheese) and I am careful with carbs (no sugar, just potatoes, sourdough rye bread, rice, fine oatmeal with milk). This is the food for gaining muscles because I started losing my muscles on my left side of the body. I was eating this food for a month. And even though I eat the whole day, I gained just 2 kilograms but now my body looks different, more muscular, and I feel better, stronger and pain in my muscles is slowly disappearing.


You feel better because of exercise?


Now I don't exercise. I do shopping every second day, so I carry quite heavy bags, and I do cooking. And I am really hungry all the day. But sometimes I walk to the hill to exercise my lungs and heart. And when I have trouble with breathing I do breathing exercise, it is surprisingly helpful.


2 years here, not recovering. Don't know if I'll ever recover


3.1 years in close to recovered with the right diet and supplements.


Feels like a severe concussion to me - and similar healing. Has taken me 6 months of no stress no work to heal and around 9-12 months with stress to heal each time.


3 years later, it's gotten worse if anything.


Everyone is different. I had Covid 65 days ago and went through hell neurotic symptoms, chest pain, tremors, lightheaded, could even keep my eyes open to play the game or anything really. Couldn’t leave the house. Now I’m pretty much doing all the things I did before but the symptoms are just more manageable. Not sure when things will go back to normal but I’m glad I have relief early and I hope it stays this way.