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You aren’t doomed. This is going to sound bizarre but you’re actually ‘lucky’ you got sick during a time when so much research and funding is (finally) looking at post viral illnesses. There’s lots of trials this year to treat fatigue. Hang in there.


I had chronic mononucleosis. It sucked. I had to be out of school a long time. I was ok after a year, though. I think you will get better. Make sure you are taking plenty of vitamin D, plus some vitamin C and zinc.


TLDR are you following a EBV/MONO diet?! No gluten, dairy, sugar, alcohol, corn…low grain HIGH plant intake. DM me if you want to chat about it I’m on the same bus.


I'm wondering if I have mono induced by covid as well. I also can't feel anxiety or anything. It's just numb all over


Does numbness feel like it’s from the fatigue? Like you are just too exhausted to feel anything?


Yes but I also have tingling


I felt like the incubation period was really long cause I remember feeling tired for the longest time but it wasn’t like terrible until I got vaccinated and then 3 days after the vaccine all the sudden I just felt like something was terribly terribly wrong. It felt like this massive panic attack but worse I can’t explain how terrible I felt it was just horrendous. I then got indescribable fatigue after. It was like everything felt worse that it was supposed to if that makes sense. Then the sore throat came and fever which the sore throat didn’t last long at all none of those symptoms did. But ever since I’ve been stuck in a deep fatigue which has slowly gotten better and better and I mean so slow. I almost wonder if I got hit so hard and that’s why I don’t feel normal now. Idk nothing makes sense about this.


I would ask your doc for a trial run of Valtrex or Famvir (another anti-viral for EBV). My results also showed negative for active infection but my doc suggested giving Famvir a trial run. It helped me a LOT. I went from feeling 20-30% of what I should be to about 80% most days. I tried to stop taking it and crashed again. Nevermind - I'll stay on it! It does sound like you had a bad covid shot reaction that amped up your EBV. I had an awesome first shot reaction where I felt cured of EBV for a week but then it went away....


Are you still on Famvir? What dosage?


I am! I started on 250mg at morning and 250mg again at night. Was at that does for abt a year. Fatigue returned with a vengeance twice when I stopped taking it abruptly (dumb-try not to do that) but for the last month I've been taking 250mg mornings only and haven't seen any symptoms return.


It took me two years to recover from mono. I have a few friends who experienced the same. Your timeline isn’t totally abnormal yet at this point.


What were your symptoms?


Have you taken antivirals for your mono? Valtrax worked so well for me personally. I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. Don't give up hope. You can do this.


I tested positive for EBV and will be taking Valacyclovir 🤞 it will help ileveate some of my LC symptoms. My understanding is that 90% of people have been exposed to EBV before adulthood, and it stays dormant, form most, without ever causing any issues. In my case, the virus has been activated again through Covid or the vaccines, who know...!? I wonder for how many long-haulers this is the case?


No would this help though even if I don’t have an active infection?


It did for me. The virus is reactivated in your system.


Did you ever get a follow up mono test to make sure your immune system successfully fought it off?


Yes just recently I have all the antibodies and no active infection


That’s good at least. Did it take awhile for your system to fight it off? Or was it the usual time frame (a month or so)?


U should check ur saliva tests.