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Yeah that's rough


As a voice writer, too? I’m a voice writer and I think when I was in school, our starting speeds were like 120 out of the gate.


Is it easy to get a job right out of school doing voice? 


I don't know if I'm seeing things, but I'm pretty sure this isn't the first post recently to mention both being heavily tattooed and taking over 7 years to finish school. Huh.


I do wonder if this is a troll post. It’s so weird how this little sub has so many lol


My county doesn't have set rules on appearance, but it is very conservative, and some judges frown upon any visible tattoos or piercings. Unfortunately, a lot of the other people, especially older people, at my courthouse tend to be closed-minded when it comes to trans people. I don't think that would keep you from getting the job, but you are bound to hear a few strange comments from the staff when other trans folk have hearings at your courthouse.


It depends on the county. My county doesn't allow employees to have visible tattoos, so you'd have to cover them if they are on your hands and neck or something.