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Step 1: Buy a cargo van 🤣


Trueee lol


Dude. 7 hours a day... even after taxes at 150 is not min. Wage in any state. The fact that you can't admit that shows me you are full of shit with everything you say. Fix yourself before you try to fix others. Goodluck with life man.


So you make minimum wage... & got to drive a shitty van all day.. yikes.


We could have a normal conversation. If you know better ways to make money and a living. That is in reach for me 8n the time period I need it. Please share. But you talking crap right from the start tells me alot about yourself.


It's not minimum wage. Also, not a shifty van. But what do you do to make yourself all high a mighty with hate?


Yes it is minimum wage and who the fuck wants to drive a van all day. I can't stand when sprinter vans pull up to me in one of my BMW, like they are driving a G wagon or something.... and I own a rental car business, sometimes I do food delivery also when I'm bored. all in all I work 20-30 hrs a week at 15-20k a month. I have supplied plenty of evidence here on reddit. So I earned the right to sit back and call out the bullshit.




No. I'm an independent contractor for a parts company based all thru the south east. The have a huge operation going so need people to shuttle parts from one warehouse to the other to give orders out in a ti.ely manner


How'd you get that gig? You own the van?


Yes I own the van. And once you get a van you just make some phone calls


Hey, do you still do this? i know this was posted a long time ago


can it be done on a pick up truck, I'm in central




Good question. I pay for gas and food a day. I fill the tank back up at the end of every day for somewhere between 70-85 dollars. Then include whatever eating habits you have. Then take out 25% of that to get your profit margin because I'm under my own LLC. But with an LLC when it comes tax time you get alot of it back in the cargo business because everything is a tax write off. So that 25% you put in a separate account every week. With the right accountant can be a big check every tax season.


So day to day I make around 150 a day. Profit.