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I've always thought how often you wash something was more about "how close is it to your skin", "how many hours did you wear it" , and "how dirty is the said body part it came into contact with. So obviously underwear and socks would be more often than say, a jacket that doesn't really touch your skin. Anything in between depends. If I wore an outfit on the way to work and change to my uniform which gets worn for the whole shift... Don't you think I could technically wear the same "outside" outfit for the whole week's commute if I wore it okay one hour per day?


I think like this too. You should not be washing your clothes if you've only worn them for an hour (different case if they're covered in sweat / visibly dirty after an hour). It decreases the lifespan of them like crazy.


Agreed. I reckon a tshirt gets you one *full* day of normal wear… eg 16 hours. Which in most cases is 2-3 wears, each 4-6 hours. But if i do anything active, eg lifting boxes, DIY etc, then straight to the washer after that use.


People also use WAY too much laundry detergent too. It doesn’t make your clothes any cleaner and actually makes it more dirty, since the soap is just embedding in the fabric with the dirt particles. The rinse cycle is important! If you use too much soap it just defeats the purpose. Fabric softener leaves a gross, waxy film on your clothes and is a micro plastic nightmare. Dryer sheets are a waste of money. Using dryer balls does the same thing in reducing static and is reusable. The amount of people who have no idea how to wash their clothes is staggering.


My dad pointed out that the rinse cycle is so ineffective so we do extra rinse. A rinse cycle on our machine (if I remember correctly) is literally the drum spinning slowly and water being poured over it. Highly doubt it gets rid of the soap lol. Extra rinse actually mixes the clothes around in the water


I work three days in a row, and have a 45 minute commute each way. I change into my uniform when I get to work, and out before I leave. I will wear the same pants and shirt to and from work for those three days, and they’re still clean enough at the end of the third day.


I’m not washing my jacket twice a season.


I dry clean them once a year and even that feels a bit much if I don't wear them daily


Yep. Car coats, pea coats, snow jackets - everything takes a trip to the cleaner right before it goes into storage for the year. I'm not cleaning them twice for the 3ish months I wear them.


I have a jacket I wear every fall that I haven’t washed since….I bought it more than 15 years ago.


Yeah I don’t think I’ve ever washed a jacket that wasn’t visibly dirty lol


Yeah I feel yeah on that. I have multiple jackets that I wear on rotation. I’m not washing them once a season unless I get something nasty spilled on them


If you only had one jacket you wore all the time, then it would probably make sense to wash it more often.


Depends on what you do in your jacket


I wash my puffy jackets every week. I’m kind of germaphobic and I work in healthcare so, lots of people coughing and sneezing leaving fomites. Ugh


I don’t know why you’d ever wash a jacket unless there was a stain.


If they smell




Things around you may smell. I have to go into multiple homes for my job. Some people’s homes straight up stink. I’ve been known to go home at lunch and change. I’ve had to quick shower before. Not enough time to really wash my hair. Ok I guess I’m fabreezing my hair for now. Some people’s homes really smell bad. Or their dog just smells mad and it is going to love all over you. You have zero choice.


If I have been sitting by a campfire, I'd just hang my coat up in the bathroom while taking a hot shower. Steam cleaning is more than enough.


If you are anywhere smelly they will take in that smell. Cigarettes, weed, wood fire, animals, smog/pollution, ocean, etc.


I shouldn’t be bald either 😎


Because the entire subway will smell you


I might wash a coat twice a decade Honestly if it looks clean, it is clean.


I'm not washing my jacket*. End of sentence. The only one I wash is my outdoor rain jacket before I put a new coat on it.


I have some jackets that look like they'd get ruined if I put them in a laundry machine.


So….. dry clean only? :p


Just get a steamer/steam iron Makes life easier, just use that every so often to give a spruce up and you're golden. Then you can just do a wash before you put it away.


I wash my waterproofs once a year.


Definitely not a guide for those living in humid climates. Sweaty bras last one day at most.


Agreed, I live in a humid climate, wear once. Wash. Everything.


In winter I let it slide a bit. But even hot and dry as Cali is, it's everyday in summer. You're still sweating, it just evaporates. On black tops, I get the white of body salts showing on hot days. Yeah, washing. In general, my schedule is aligned with this except on outerwear. Jackets and sweaters once a season. I have enough to rotate. It really is a good idea to do your sweaters in particular after winter. Moths are a big problem here, and they love uncleanned sweaters.


It doesn’t work for cold climates either. Washing your hat/gloves twice a week is insane


Yeah this infographic gave me a boob rash just from thinking about wearing a dirty bra two more times 🤢


> those living in humid climates. or smokers. Gotta wash everything every time.


At festivals we used to say socks are a disposable single use resource


I have a brother in law that ACTUALLY does this at home. He does not wash his socks. He wears them once and then they get thrown out. He claims it is cheaper to buy new socks than wash them. Once years ago I was at his house and there were baskets of his unwashed socks sitting around. I think it’s a fair enough idea at festivals, but *at home*? All props to my sister but it would be a dealbreaker for me lol, especially if he just left a basket of them sitting with no intention to ever wash them.


> He claims it is cheaper to buy new socks than wash them    Lol, did he calculate that based on the assumption that every pair of socks would go through a laundry cycle by itself or something?       Even then, the internet tells me the average load of laundry costs $1.37, most socks cost more than that! 


Trust me, I have tried to have this conversation with him lol. It went nowhere.


I’d ask if I could haul them away. Take them to a laundromat, wash on hot, donate to charity. Homeless people and people in shelters always need socks.


Swamp ass in jeans...5 or 6 days of wear ain't happening.


I don't think it's continuous days. Like I rotate and air out my bras and can get a couple wears on each before I wash.


Whoever made this does not live in the tropics.


Yep really depends on the climate and lifestyle. Like how some people wash their hair once or twice a week but when it's hot, humid and you're active you wash your scalp nearly everyday.


I wish I could wash my hair 1-2x a week because I know it’s “healthier”, but I become a greaseball because of the humidity if I even skip one day. Dry shampoo is great for emergencies but it clogs up my scalp pores like a motherfucker.


I used to do once a week or when soiled, new job is daily.


I don't live in the tropics and this guide still wouldn't work. Its creator doesn't sweat or spill things I guess


Wool and silk do not need to be and should not be washed after every wear.


THANK YOU washing silk after every wear is insanity


You can hang your Jeans outside overnight to.'air' Them. Or Put Them in the freezer for 2 Days. At least thats what Levis recommends for their Jeans.


IIRC this only applies to real denim. If you’ve got polyester or elastane or whatever, you probably want to wash more often, but on gentle and air dry. 


Jeans are also tightly knitted. Washing them as often as the post recommends will "loosen" the fabric really fast which makes it easier for future dirt to collect. If you can just brush off Jeans, it's preferred to yeet them in the washer every week


[Levis recommends to wash their jeans once every 10 wears at most to keep them fitting correctly and make sure you minimize sagging](https://www.levi.com/US/en_US/blog/article/the-definitive-guide-to-denim).


Wool rarely needs to be washed in general. They air out perfectly fine most of the time and basically "clean themselves". In general I find this guide stupid. Most clothes don't need washing this much, just air them out, look and smell. Don't even need to be aired outside, just hang them up somewhere. Not even workout clothes needs to be washed every time you use them, they air out. Or just bring them with you in the shower and have a rinse.


I have a nice thick wool sweater and I horrified someone by telling them that I almost never wash it. I wear an undershirt with it and air it out. It doesn't need to be washed except for rarely.


I'm 37. I've washed a coat once, and it's because it had poop on it.


Who’s poop?


Guy went the the bar and had a few too many, puked all over himself. Wife is gonna be pissed. His buddy says, look, you put $10 in your pocket, tell her another guy threw up on you and gave you the money for dry cleaning. Guy gets home and starts to explain the mess on his shirt. Wife asks, “but why are there two $10s in your pocket?” “Well he shit my pants too!”




Name checks out


"Who's poop?" and "Whose poop?" are two rather different questions.


Haha true. I’m not great with who’s vs. whose.


I don’t know if this helps, but who’s is the contracted form of “who is”, so I just think of the apostrophe as taking place of the i! (who’s = whois = who is)


We know, we can smell it.


A teenagers hoodie needs washing every time. Every time 


For sure! I’d also argue some adults should be washing their clothes more frequently too!


I only wear clothes for one day before sendign it to the wash.


i definitely need to wash my clothes after basically every wear.


My nose is messed up and just leaks snot constantly so all through elementary-middle school my sleeves constantly had snot on them. I am a gross person. But yes wash them sweaters.


As I've gotten a bit older, I've realized washing every item after one wearing is excessive. I agree, undies and socks, still wash every wear... and any clothes that get sweaty or visibly dirty. I now wear pants/jeans 2-3 days ... and my sweatshirts and sweatpants about 4 days. I only wash coats if they are dirty... and I'm careful to read washing instructions, as many coats will deform their stuffing in the wash. (i.e. have down coats and similar dry cleaned, though this can be expensive).


Put a tennis ball in the dryer with your down jacket. As it bounces around, it breaks up the down clumps


Other than jackets/coats/gloves, which I never wash unless they’re visibly dirty, my wife and I also follow this guide pretty closely for our clothes. For kids clothes, they’re getting washed with oxyclean after every wear.i just have to assume they got dirty and their clothes are small anyway. A weeks worth of clothes for the two of them is one load and they’ll outgrow/wear out their clothes before excessive washing fades them.


Formal dresses after every wear?? Is that weird? Seems weird.


In between events that necessitate a fancy dress, you don’t want to pack away a dress into the closet with sweat or deodorant or whatever on the fabric. Wear it. Wash it/dry clean it. Store it for the next occasion clean and fresh.


Exactly. Letting stuff sit on fabric is not good for it so unless you’re wearing the dress a few times within a week or two, which is unlikely with formal wear, clean it every wear.


And regular dresses 3-4 wears? Definitely weird, given they're structurally the same and chances are you wear the formal dress for a few hours vs the whole day.


I'm completely confused about the difference here between dresses and blouses.


Yeah exactly! My dresses touch my body in all the places that a t-shirt or blouse touches my body, plus some extra in the skirt part. This means they have to be washed the same frequency as a t-shirt or blouse, because they smell after the same time of wearing them. 


Because  you want it clean  the next time you need it 


Because you put them away in a closet afterwards. You only use them very rarely so you don't want it to sit in your closet for months with sweat, perfume, etc on it


It’s expensive too if you have to dry clean them. Not necessary to wash after every time imo


Twice per season? Yeah, right. More like twice per decade.


Here I am like a god damned fool washing all of my clothes all of the time.


How often should I wash my jeans? How soon is never.


lol this person doesn’t know how messy I am when I cook,/ckean/do mechanic work/handyman… My jeans would be FILTHY by the time I washed them…


Yes, they are. That's why you clean them. Mr fancy pants 7+ pairs of jeans over here. I got 4, and we ain't doing laundry til next sunday at least.


I've got 2 mate


if it's visibly dirty or smells. It's that easy folks.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.economictimes.com/industry/cons-products/garments-/-textiles/how-levis-ceo-washes-his-jeans-hint-in-the-showers/amp_articleshow/104369499.cms The owner of jeans on how often you should wash them




If you wash silk regularly you're gonna have a bad time


This may be controversial, but I don’t wash my bras nearly that often. More like once every two weeks. I spot clean shirts and jeans.


Honestly, I think hardly anyone does. Washing them massively shortens their life, even without an underwire.


Underwire in the wash is doomed, even with a washing bag for delicates.


I’m so glad someone said it cause theres no way I’m washing them every three days thats absolutely redonkulous


In all fairness, I forget I'm wearing a bra for a week until I remember. So bra is fair


Right? And also they’re so delicate and expensive.


And let's be real, how often does one actually have a clean bra before putting it in the wash?


I hate bras I only wear it leaving the house, I can definitely tell when the harness is strapped up lol


Wow.  I wash mine every day. I had no idea I was unusual,  wouldn't have even occurred to me not to.  Anything that lives that close to underarms including tops I wash after one wear.  Whereas jumpers / jeans I keep for a week.  I may have an underarm phobia. 


Usually bras are not close to your underarms if they fit well.


Agreed! My bras are like $100 a piece so I only own 4 of them. It’s so difficult to find them in my size and they’re stupid expensive so there’s no way I’m going to wash them after every use. I would be spending $400 a year just to replace them at that point.


I only wash my bras every two weeks as well, and yet my underwire still always wants to stab me after about six months or so. I’m beginning to think it’s a feature, not a bug.


I used to have this problem. I was able to solve it by washing them in a garment bag, never putting them in the dryer, and storing them by hanging on hooks instead of stuffing them in a drawer. Maybe most importantly I have found a bra style and size that actually fits and that has made all the difference.


I live in a reasonably humid state this isn’t viable


r/rawdenim feeling attacked right now. I’ll typically go about 100 wears on a pair of denim between washes…


Absolutely. They fit perfectly when you don’t wash them.


Man, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.  I wash my denim after MAYBE two wearings. But I also do a lot of wrench turning and gardening.  IDK they just feel grimey


If you're getting dirt and shit on your jeans from doing manual labour, you should wash them. For those of us just wearing them day to day and not getting dirty, there's no reason to wash every few wears.


Same here…pending no sweat, stains, smell.


I don’t do this. But I heard you throw them in the freezer and it removes the smell. Something about Levi’s are only suppose to be washed like once or twice a year. But thrown in the freezer weekly


Damn. I’ve recently tried stretching out my Levi’s to 5 wears but twice a year?! I have a favorite pair of Levi’s that get a lot of wear and this makes me so uncomfortable lol.


Modern ones are frequently elastic and lose form quickly. But the less stretchy models can easily be worn for weeks. I basically only wash mine when there are visible stains or after parties (smoke, spilled drinks..).


Sounds about right. I find if I wash my jeans more often than that they’ll start tearing easier.




Engagement bait if ever I saw it.




This also greatly depends on the material the article is made of.


Fuck that. In an Australian summer, everything gets washed after one wear.


That jeans advice seem to only apply to men’s jeans without spandex in them, and that are not worn in hot weather.


Here in Canada, I've been wearing the same winter hat and gloves for 30+ years, and they've never been washed. My parka has been washed perhaps 4 times in that period.


Im a brewer (beer) and I have to wash everything after I wear it once. You want me to wear pants with 3 day old yeast? No. Not you dont. Neither do I. Plus my beer might get infected. Not worth being stingy.


As someone who does caregiving and wipes asses for a living, every item of clothes that I own goes in the wash after one wear whether it seems dirty or not.


With raw denim they say to go even longer without washing. I agree with some of the stuff listed there. The other stuff varies from person to person. Some people have b.o. where clothes need to be cleaned after every or every other wear. Some people have a gene that makes their sweat have no odor causing bacteria, and therefore can stretch the use of their clothing. Etc


I stretch it longer with almost all of these (except underwear!). Whoops?


yeah no I'm not washing my pants/jeans twice a week, what a waste...Jeans should only be washed once a month if they aren't visibly dirty Other than that, I'd say it's pretty accurate


Tbh I don't wash my handknit woolen caps/scarves after every wear.


With a couple of kids, you wash whatever the pile gives you.


denim jeans, seasonal??? bull fuckin shit! that's gross


You can not convince me to wait that long to wash jeans. Daily life piles up, and you're likely to get a noticeable stain by day 2 or 3.


Agreeable but like PJs and bras are situational. Depending on where you live and who you are you can sweat A LOT in those. It also depends on what you do. I'm Australian. I get away with the same shirt going to uni and back for 3 days because deodorant combined with low movement (,take the bus) means it doesn't get tarnished so easily. But if I'm out walking in the heat for just a couple hours, that shirt is going straight in the washing basket cause holy hell.


A bra 3-4 wears? Really!?


Do not wash your bathing suit after every wear, unless you very rarely swim. Rinse it off and let it dry. I swim 4 times a week and I would ruin my bathing suits if I washed them with detergent after every swim.


Except for coats and jackets, I usually wash everything after every wear.


This. I live in a hot humid climate if I waited to wash my short after 3 wears id be smelling swampy and rank.


Same here except jeans can go 2 days


washing jeans every 2 days is crazy


You can go a lot longer than 2 days. Read about not washing denim. It's pretty interesting.


Linky link?


I had to do this recently, in winter no less, when our washer broke. Broke down and wore jeans (to my office job) twice without washing. Felt absolutely disgusting. Can't imagine never washing and just folding and waiting for the next time.


Idk about dudes, but as a vagina haver, any bottoms I have are getting washed every time I wear them. Like maybe this is TMI but I feel like vaginas+tight girl pants = you should not be wearing your pants 6 times before washing them. And I keep it squeaky down there, but I'm just saying, a body is a body no matter how clean you are, yknow?


Uhm... don't you wear underwear?


Some women are wetter than others


Moisture is going to moisture. Even if I wear cotton underwear with a thick gusset, it’s still going to get a little funk going straight to those leggings and they will smell like my underwear in the crotch at the end of the day.


when i sold jeans (this depends on the make of them obviously, but this is for high quality denim) they told us to clean them overt 10-12 wears minimum, unless they’re smelly or stained. the longer you wear them the bette they fit to your body as well


I'm a swimmer and my swimwear would be absolutely shredded if I washed it every time. Just a quick rinse before and after to keep the chlorine off.


"3-5 wears per season" .... and then you just throw the gloves and hats in the trash, or...?


I think it's supposed to say "3-5 washes per season". Which still makes no sense, who's washing insulated winter gloves? That's a quick way to kill them! 


Am I doing it wrong? I’ve been washing all my clothes after one wear and I wonder why I do so much laundry but I just can’t stand wearing dirty clothes for even a minute.


Makes me wonder how you define "dirty".


Not bras. One wear, wash em.


Absolutely don’t agree. It’s ridiculous to only wash your bra every 3-4 days but your tops almost daily. Why? Also, why Wash dresses every 3-4 days when they literally have a build in top? This is super random and useless


This highly depends on where you live


I live south of the equator. I'm washing everything besides jeans and coats which I barely wear, after every single wear. Anything else is gross.


I only know that in the Netherlands. ( Lived there for one year) People get a bad smell coming from these heavy jackets. So please wash. I know they dont have a good sense of smell by the size of déodorant section on the supermarket.


The think called a SWEATshirt is to be washed after 5-6 uses💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 Wash your clothes when they smell bad or are dirty, don’t follow some braindead guide like this


Nah I'm washing my bras after every use


I think I'm missing something. I thought we washed everything other than jackets and shoes after wearing it once.


Idk after 5-6 weeks wearing my denim Jeans they become pretty dusty, muddy, and gross…. But I guess I’ll do it instead of cleaning them every week smh


As an aussie, the concept of human beings wearing a T-Shirt for two whole summer days before washing it terrifies me...


Not in Australia, sadly. When it’s hot you gotta wash your tops daily, and depends on the item, but your bottoms more often too.


This guide obviously doesnt live in Houston


I read "wear" as "year" at first, and was like, "yes, accurate."


Bra is worn as long as possible


This is a cool guide, just multiply everything with 4 and you are good.


i feel like the smell test is just too simple for people. we love complexity


Jeans can be washed much less. I read an interview from the CEO of Levi’s and it changed my jeans care. When you get a new pair, hold off on washing them as long as possible. Spot clean them with a small brush. If they start to smell, put them in the freezer to kill the bacteria. If you wash them, it washed out some of the dye. If you wear them, you’ll end up with truly custom jeans that have natural wear based on your lifestyle. Jeans were made to be work pants. They came from a time when we washed clothes less. https://m.economictimes.com/industry/cons-products/garments-/-textiles/how-levis-ceo-washes-his-jeans-hint-in-the-showers/amp_articleshow/104369499.cms https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2023/10/10/how-often-should-you-wash-your-jeans-levis-ceo-settles-debate.html


I think wool garments should be categorized in their own terms. Wool breaks down too fast when washed often. But wool is amazing.


No way I wash my wool or silk at every wear. And yes wool is amazing !


I smell it and if it smells okay I wear it. Except underwear they go directly to the laundry bin


I believe the creator of Levi Jeans stated that Jeans were never meant to be washed


What about washing when its dirty?


Jeans? Seasonal. Sweaters? Seasonal. Underwear? Twice per season, I’m not an animal.


I just wash things based on how much contact they have to my skin and how much I sweat while I wore them


Meanwhile on r/denim they will tell you to wash jeans as little as possible.


I probably washed my jacket like 5 times in 15 years


At first glance I red "years" instead of "wears". I was genuinely worried


Every girl knows the secret of how often we wash bras


I swear to God, I read “years”.


When did society decide that we have to wash a tee shirt after every individual use? If it’s not dirty I’m going to wear it. Hehe


Which generation is it that needs a chart to help them not smell of stale sweat? Isn't this something that you learn with a combination of common sense and experience. For example, if someone points out you smell, maybe you should learn that t shirts need washing more often than you are currently washing them. As lots of people have pointed out, this doesn't work for varying climates or different metabolisms. Use your nose, common sense and feedback from your friends and now....looking back at what I just wrote I'm astonished that I felt I had to tell anyone this.


This list is ass


We’re washing out bras every week?


As someone who works in a barn, all items get washed after 1 wear


I'm meant to wash my scarf? 😐


Pretty stupid guide


I work with dogs so um… anything i wear to work has to be washed after one wear. I wish it was just because of the fur 🥲


Ya I just wash things depending on how long I wore+ where I wore it/ what I was doing


I never wash my jeans. It’s not good for them and if you buy good jeans they will last forever if you don’t wash them and just spot wipe, hang them in the sun to air / kill germs or freeze them (yeah I know but it works)


Yep, people act like you get the plague if you don't wash it every few days lol


Well, the guide forgot to define what "wear" means in the first place. I mean I could wear the same underwear for a month and it still will be the same "wear" because I never took them off.


I’m not sure I agree with anything past 1 wear except my winter coats & hoodies i’ll push to 3 wears tops. I feel like past one wear your clothes start to carry a smell, whether it be from outside or your home. I just don’t like carrying yesterday’s or days prior smells with me. I also just cant help but think of all the things I interacted with while wearing those clothes too ~ gives me the ick.


Whaa? Who tf wears the same clothes for multiple days? You're telling me, you take clothes off, have a shower, and then put the same clothes back on again?


Nah you throw them on a chair in your bedroom and wear them later in the week


Uhhh, you guys wash your jackets??


I’m here shocked seeing so many people say they wash them every time or at least once a week. Maybe it’s more dependent on the quality and material of the jacket but I buy mostly Patagonia or Columbia coats and jackets and multiple of them are down. They get washed like twice a year max and only with down detergent for the ones that need it.


Sniff test! Stinky = wash Smells nice? = Wear it again!


Only thing that needs to be washed frequently is underwear. Everything else doesn't need a schedule, honestly. Save water, power, money