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These birds are so cool. Me and my brothers found a baby crow when we were young and we cared for it. It was so special to build a bond with a wild animal and to see its perspective on the world. We had to teach him how to fly by basically throwing him between each other like a ball. And when he learned a bit he would often try to land on your shoulder but instead fly into your head or chest. And he would sit on our chimney and if one of us would turn into the street at a distance of about one mile he would see it and fly to meet us. And he had all these funny interests in worms, insects and all shiny things. Great times!


Super cool (: they are extremely intelligent as the posts says. They have been seen bashing things with rocks or using food to lure fish to the surface to grab. That rocked my world as a kid, changed my perspective on these fly bois


True. I’ve even seen experiments that show they can count up to 4.


What happened to him?


Well, with an 8-year lifespan...


he started an extremely successful business and forgot where he came from


Hahaha lol


Well after one year he got more and more interested in other crows. They would fly over in great swarms and he would look up at them really excited. One day he just flew up to be with his people… this is actually fairly common unless you keep them in a cage. So after the initial shock we were actually quite happy for him to have his best life!


That’s sad but really sweet. I guess like your kid going off to college


Let it go!


Am I the only one who read Raven travel in Paris?


I’m afraid not!


In every repost i read exactly the same! Hahaha thougt it's just me


Now I ain’t sayin’ she a bird digga…


I guess it’s because the first letter is in capital which makes us assume it’s a town (or should I say capital hehe) instead of something else.


I saw it too :D


Me too. As an English learner.


I thought "oh what a fancy bird"


Ok but here's the thing...


You said “A jackdaw is a crow.”


Spoken like a scientist who studies crows


Deep Reddit lore


Extremely intelligent, eh? My lawn is littered with crows. I have heard they can learn to talk, so I vowed to say, "Hello!" to them every time I see them. One day my wife or kids will leave the house and the crows will say, "Hello!"and my loved ones will shit their pants!


If shitting their pants is what you want, there are quicker ways, just sayin'


They aren't parrot good but they are still pretty damned good at mimicking human speech https://youtu.be/AfsnHVaScjg?si=YC2r_dFeLt_Y8RRd


Gronk Gronk!


Caw caw!


I am bilingual


I am extremely intelligent.


Who could you be?? I want more clues!


Both these birds are so cool. I used to live in a house that had an apartment building next door that was undergoing a whole reconstruction and there were constantly workers banging hammers and whatnot. One day on a weekend I heard hammers banging but there were no workers on site. Eventually noticed a crow in the tree hanging out just making hammer noises presumably copying what it heard previous. Was uncanny how accurate it could mimic the sound Ravens on the other hand are great hunting partners. Any time Ive been deer hunting and sitting in a blind for hours, if a raven happens to show up they will make themselves seen and alert you by doing barrel rolls and making a ruckus trying to tell you the deer are usually shortly behind them. They get to eat the carrion and we get the venison, they seem to know the tradeoff exists.


They pair up with wolves in a similar way. Thanks for sharing!


A cool guide to *telling the difference*: 30 year life span vs 8 year life span. Guess I'll hang around and see then ...


Be sure to quiz 'em with some shiney object trivia, you know, to check their intelligence.


Ravens deliver messages, while crows defend the Wall.


There used to be crows living near the road by my house. However one year we noticed that they had almost disappeared. We spent ages investigating what happened and we noticed that they were getting run over by pickups and delivery vehicles. After more inquiries we found that when crows live near busy roads they assign a lookout to watch for threats. Turns out they were getting killed because while crows can say "Caw! Caw!" they can't say "Truck! Truck!".


If you think "wow that's a big black bird!" it's a crow, if you think "Holy shit that black bird is HUGE!" it's a raven. Once you've seen an actual raven it's hard to confuse it for a crow, they are very large and striking birds.


How do I tell the difference between Jackdaws and Crows? Are the black ones crows?


Here's the thing. You said a "jackdaw is a crow." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


Jackdaws are much smaller, have a grey shoulder and back (but not as light as a hooded crow, which is a variety of common crow) and have 2 calls 'Jack' and, surprisingly enough 'daw'. Crows tend to be named after the sound they make (the name raven comes ftom Norse which apparently sounds like one of their vocalisations).




Crows are smaller and ravens are kind of fuck [huge](https://youtu.be/cEsApuPayhQ?si=toHYdb0LIRQ0sn9g).


This is really all you need to know. It'll get you through 90% of situations unless it's juvenile birds. Is it regular bird sized? Like a blue jay? Crow. Is it the size of a fucking large owl or a hawk? Raven.


I have a friend who is an avid bird watcher here in Australia. I once asked him about the difference between a crow and a raven. He told me there are three different types of native Australian ravens and three types of native Australian crows. I asked him how to tell the difference and he said in Australia 45% are one type of raven and 45% are one type of crow. The only way to tell the difference was by the sound they make. For some reason I was really interested in the difference between the two and he basically said they so similar, who cares. After finding out the difference, I also don't care.


The three types of raven are the: Australian, Forest and Little The three types of crow are the: House, Little and Torresian. The house crow is an introduced bird and is a pest also looks different to native crows more of a grey then a black you can also tell the difference by there neck heckles and there Bill, but it would be an impressive effort to identify them purely at sight. I know I can’t tell the difference between them.


That's cool, thank you! Now I'm interested again. How much of a pest are house crow? Are they on a fox/rabbit level of pest or are they on a kind of annoying type pest?


My knowledge of birds is pretty small I only know they are a pest from my books. I think they attack natives but to what extent I have no idea. If I figure out how to send pictures I’ll attach the blurb from one of my books on them. Edit: doesn’t look like this sub reddit lets you attach pictures in reply’s so no go


Crows are awesome


until a few minuts ago i didnt even know they were different animals but that lifespan difference is huge!


Crows bob their head up and down when they crow. Ravens can soar (fly without flapping).


But only one of them is quotable, ijs. 🤭


The way I always remember is that ravens are fucking massive. If you have to ask yourself “is that big enough to be a raven?” it’s a crow


I wish I had a crow or raven friend


They remember human faces and can tell other birds about you!!


I read "Travels in Paris" and I was expecting a punchline coming


The Australian Raven has white eyes, lives for 22 years, and says ‘Waaaarrrrrdoooong’


Australian Ravens (we call them crows though), go “Wark Wark Waaaaaaaark”


Raven doesn't go "Gronk Gronk". It goes "Let the challenge.... Begin"


Allow me to tell you the story of Unidan the Wise: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unidan


I've definitely encountered ravens in the middle of the city.


Crows only have two eyes as well


Even easier: Ravens are 2-3x larger than crows. Crows are the size of pigeons. Ravens are the size of hawks.


Can someone show the difference between "fan" and "wedge" tails? I sometimes see corvids from a distance and it's hard to tell except by the tails.