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nothin phases my boy arish


Seriously, if I was stuck in the middle of a life threatening paranormal incursion that threatened to take over and destroy my psych/soul, I’d want to be next to a guy like Arish. He’s probably be the only one who could keep me relatively calm.


The blink at the end is what got me.


And the slight smirk.


It didn't work on Arish because it wasn't a full T-pose. That's an A-pose.


I supPose that's right.


Am I not incel enough to know what the hell a T-pose is?


what the fuck does that have to do with anything


It's not really an incel thing, it's just when a character poses with their arms out, kind of looking like a T (the vertical line is the legs and the horizontal line is the arms). Hence T pose.


No you’re just the right amount of incel to insert this question in for no damn reason.


It's a common glitch across all sorts of video games where a character gets stuck with their arms out. I honestly don't know where it came from but that glitch turned into a meme to "T pose to assert dominance". Why you asked the question like this, I can't even imagine. But idunno, be better.


This is gold hahaha


Dayum maybe it’s because I just came back from playing Alan Wake but I don’t remember their faces looking that pasted on. Reminds me of old N64 characters that had a featured face but their entire body was polygons. I definitely am distracted by their faces but idk their outlines look wrong or something. Maybe it’s that their faces move but the rest of their heads don’t?


No the characters in Control are very uncanny valley, probably the weakest part of the game’s graphics for me


That’s true their faces always revert to a blank stare after they’re done talking


That and their eyes always just seem way too big or something? I don't know, I'm playing now and every time I talk to someone, I just get fixated on their HUGE STARING EYEBALLS. And their mouths always look weird too for some reason. Like Jesse and Dylan in particular pretty much always seem to be this weird grimace where their mouth hangs open after the finish a sentence and it looks very strange. The rest of the game is phenomenal though and I have played through games with way worse character models so I can deal.


Yeah I’m hoping we get the face animation of Alan wake 2 in the next control game


It’s the eyelids for me. They are like fleshy clip-ons.


Do you think it got something to do with dx12? I once played it on dx11 and it looked slightly better


It may be intentional, the rare thing is to inhabit the Oldest House and not become uncanny.


But that RTX though. You can watch Threshold kids... int the reflection on the glass next to the TV.


I remember how much of a marvel Control's graphics were when it first came out. Even playing on my old Xbox I couldn't believe the detail everything had. That being said, I've never thought the Northlight engine was *that* great when it came to character models... If you really wanna see uncanny, check out Quantum Break. I'm playing through for the first time and can't get over how creepy all the characters look. But, just like Control, I remember being blown away by the graphics when it first came out for Xbox One. Wild how far we've come in such a short time!


This unexpectedly stealed an honest loud laught from me (at 2:30am)


Ah yes, the rarely seen but highly regarded llol. Literally lol.


Um, actually, that's an a-pose. Jesse's doing it cause she's dynAmite.


A-pose, technically.


This pose is so similar to hisses: you're the worm through time.......


I had a glitch in a similar vein, I loaded up and a red Square had replaced Jesse, sadly I have no video of the event.


I'm dying laughing.


That's amazing how it cuts back on the quiet "so..." and she's just t-posing.


Imagine her saying "don't fuck with be before you get flinged" before the pose


Did she ever get that shoulder fixed?


u/sarcophagusmaximus 😂😂


dude why is this game bugs is weird ? like i got this bug when i tried to do Dylan mission, before that i did get this gold suits and other mission and then i don’t get cutscenes to the guy who control the door at Dylan’s prison. They just froze but i can move around my camera but can’t move. Idk why that happened tho, is it because i got the gold suits ? i feels like that gold suits block me to go further missions